139 Infos zu Paul Szyszka
Mehr erfahren über Paul Szyszka
Lebt in
- Konstanz
Infos zu
- Giovanni Galizia
- University
- Olfactory
- Thomas Nowotny
- Honeybee
- Neuroscience
- German
- Brain
- Department
- Olfaction
- Oliver Deussen
17 Aktuelle Nachrichten
__ Henry Evrard Katharina Brecht Paul Szyszka ...www.cin.uni-tuebingen.de › fileadmin › content › LecturesPaul Szyszka. Neurobiology, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz. Host: Grewe|Benda __. Claudio Tennie. Department of Early Prehistory ...
Paul Szyszka erhält HFSP Program Grant — Bernstein Netzwerk...Der Konstanzer Bienenforscher erhält die Förderung zur Erforschung der Duftunterscheidung von Insekten (Juni 2015).
Studienautor/Paul Szyszka - Bienen NachrichtenEine aktuelle Studie zeigt Gemeinsamkeiten der Gehirne von Bienen und Menschen. Die Ähnlichkeiten zeigen sich bei den Gehirnaktivitäten. Honigbienen ...
Conference on Frontiers in Olfaction | (smr 3135) ( July 2017)Speaker: Paul Szyszka (Konstanz University). 12:30 Lunch break 2h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Cafeteria ); 15:00 How Flies Find Food and Why Ethology ...
1 Bilder zu Paul Szyszka
![Paul Szyszka Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Biologie - Neurobiologie ...](http://www.neurobiologie.fu-berlin.de/Paul_Szyszka.jpeg)
12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Paul SzyszkaFacebook: Paul Szyszka | FacebookFacebook: Paul Szyszka | FacebookTwitter Profil: Paul Szyszka (anarch1st)1 Persönliche Webseiten
Szyszka Lab - Paul Szyszka - Insect brain researchwww.szyszkalab.comWe study the behavioral and neural mechanisms of foraging in insects. What olfactory cues do insects use to segregate target odors from background?
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
classmates: Paul Szyszka | Class of | Oak Park River Forest High SchoolPaul Szyszka graduate of Oak Park River Forest High School in Oak park, IL is on Memory Lane. Get caught up with Paul and other high school alumni from Oak Park
FU Berlin | NeurobiologyDr. Paul Szyszka. Dr. Ulf Thomas. Dr. Marcel Weidert. Dr. Annette Werner. Dipl.-Biologin Anna Wersing. Dr. Anna Wertlen. Dr. Daniel Wüstenberg
15 Bücher zum Namen
Bioinspired solutions to the challenges of chemical sensing - Google...... by: Vassi/iy Tsytsarev, George Mason University, USA Paul Szyszka, Universitat Konstanz, Germany *Conespondenoe: Kevin C. Daly, Department of Biology, ...
Brunolf Baade und die Luftfahrtindustrie der DDR: die wahre...... Aufgaben bearbeiteten die Zellenkraftstoff— und Triebwerkseinbauverantwortlichen Georg Du Bois und Hans Hoch, der Fahrwerksfachmann Paul Szyszka, ...
Die Intelligenz der Bienen: Wie sie denken, planen, fühlen und was...Faszination Honigbienen - wie sie denken, planen und fühlen Wir lieben die Bienen nicht nur, weil sie süßen Honig produzieren. Sie gehören zu den wichtigsten...
Korporative Gutsherrschaft und Agrarinnovationen in Preussen - der...383 Gollschau: Paul Szyszka, Die Geschichte des Dorfes Gollschau, Kr. Strehlen, III. Teil, in: Gollschauer Chronik, Wustrau: C. Brinkmann, Wustrau, ...
7 Dokumente
Odor-Driven Spike Synchrony Across Olfactory Receptor Neurons Allows...In recent years, it has become evident that olfaction is a fast sense, and millisecond short differences in stimulus onsets are used by animals to analyze their
Szyszka, Paul [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Paul Szyszka. Odor coding and neural plasticity in the mushroom body of the honeybee by Paul Szyszka( ) 4 editions published in ...
File:Brand Schlackehalde Messel.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsAuthor, unbekannt, Album Paul Szyszka ... Harms |Author =unbekannt, Album Paul Szyszka |Date =1950er Jahre |Permission = |other_v ...
Die Intelligenz der Bienen und wie ihr kleines Gehirn das ...Paul Szyszka Gisela Manz Martin Hammer Ryuichi Okada Ina Sella das Radar Team . Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr Interesse und Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.
14 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Dorit Merhof | Lehrstuhl für Bildverarbeitung der RWTH AachenMinmin Shen, Paul Szyszka, Oliver Deussen, C. Giovanni Galizia and Dorit Merhof Automated Tracking and Analysis of Behavior in Restrained Insects
Interactive tracking of insect posture - ScienceDirectPaul Szyszka is a researcher at the University of Konstanz. He uses behavioral assays and electro- and optophysiological recordings to study how insects ...
BMC Bioinformatics | Highlights from the 2nd IEEE symposium on...BMC Bioinformatics is part of the BMC series which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all ...
dblp: Paul SzyszkaList of computer science publications by Paul Szyszka
10 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Advances in Dynamics, Patterns, Cognition | SpringerLinkThis book focuses on recent progress in complexity research based on the fundamental nonlinear dynamical and statistical theory of oscillations, waves, chaos,...
Paul Szyszka : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveThis item represents a case in PACER, the U.S. Government's website for federal case data. If you wish to see the entire case, please consult PACER directly.
Paul Szyszka - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiPaul Szyszka (Q ). From Wikidata. Jump to navigation Jump to search. researcher. edit. In more languages. Configure ...
Paul Szyszka - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekOlfactory coding in the insect brain : molecular receptive ranges, spatial and temporal coding / Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni. - Konstanz : : Bibliothek der Universität ...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
DNA methylation mediates neural processing after odor learning in the...Article
Paul Szyszka – Okruchy z dziejów Dolnego ŚląskaPosts about Paul Szyszka written by Tomasz Szopa.
Neuroforum - Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaftry system. Chair: Paul Szyszka, Konstanz. 14:30–16:30 Symposium Role of glial heterogenity in brain function. Chair: Frank Kirchhoff and.
Honey bees & brain waves | Lab AnimalAs the honey bees took in different scents, Tzvetan Popov of the University of Heidelberg and Paul Szyszka at the University of Otago were ...
52 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Paul Szyszka | LinkedInView Paul Szyszka's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Paul Szyszka discover inside ...
Paul Szyszka - Google Scholar CitationsP Szyszka, M Ditzen, A Galkin, CG Galizia, R Menzel. Journal of neurophysiology 94 (5), Associative and non-associative plasticity ...
Daniel Münch - Google AcadémicoChampalimaud Neuroscience Programme - Citado por 547 - neuronal circuits - decision making - olfaction - taste - drosophila
1 public record of Shawn-paul Szyszka - Find Phone, Email, Address -...Found 1 record for Shawn-paul Szyszka at LocatePeople. Get a complete background report of Shawn-paul Szyszka with phone, address, email, criminal, court and...
Shawn Szyszka Obituary - Lutz, Florida - Tributes.comDeath record and obituary for Shawn Paul Szyszka from Lutz, Florida.
Stream Paul Szyszka music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for...Play Paul Szyszka and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
minmin shen - Google AcadémicoAmazon Alexa - Citado por 380 - Natual Language Understanding - Text generation - Computer vision - Multi-modal learning
Showing 1 results tagged with 'Paul Szyszka' - ICTP Video Portalictp.video › tags › paul-szyszkaShowing 1 results tagged with 'Paul Szyszka'. Show: Latest; Most Popular · Featured. Page 1 of 1. Spike-Timing Precision across Olfactory Receptor Neurons.
Obituary of Shawn Paul Szyszka | Funeral Homes & Cremation ...Obituary of Shawn Paul Szyszka. SZYSZKA, Shawn Paul, 27, of Lutz, Fla., passed away Tuesday, August 16, He is preceded in death by his mother, ...
Neurotree - Paul SzyszkaNeurotree: mentors, trainees, research areas and affiliations for researcher
Paul SzyszkaImaging odor representations and learning induced plasticity in the mushroom body. The mushroom bodies (MB) of insects are higher-order integration centres that ...
Photo of Shawn Paul Szyszka | Funeral Homes & Cremation Servicesloylessfuneralhomes.com › detailsShawn Paul Szyszka Recommend Shawn's obituary to your friends. Share / Subscribe to this tribute. Share Obituary: Send Flowers for Shawn.
11th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society -...... Paul Szyszka, Konstanz : 14: :30: Symposium 28/2, Hall 101 Role of glial heterogenity in brain function. Chair: Frank Kirchhoff and Christine Rose, Homburg ...
NeuroJCNeuroJC Neuro* Journal Club at the Free ... Now the group of Paul Szyszka in Konstanz provides additional information about the role of DNA methylation in the ...
Neurotree - Paul Szyszka Family TreeNeurotree: academic genealogy for researcher
Szyszka, Paul ISNI German National Library. Paul Szyszka Wikidata. VIAF ID: (Personal). Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf
Differential odor processing in two olfactory pathways in the...author = "Nobuhiro Yamagata and Michael Schmuker and Paul Szyszka and Makoto Mizunami and Randolf Menzel",. year = "2009",. month = "12",. day = "4",.
Average group behavior does not represent individual behavior in...Peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing basic neuroscience research in the areas of neuronal plasticity, learning and memory
Bernstein-Fokus LernenDr. Paul Szyszka, Verbundprojekt „Untersuchung der Mechanismen flüchtiger Gedächtnisspuren durch klassische Konditionierung zeitlich disjunkter Stimuli“ ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Paul
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch): Paul; der Kleine, der Jüngere; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); paulus = klein; ursprünglich ein römischer Beiname; verbreitet als Heiligenname, vor allem des hl. Apostels Paulus; bisher trugen 6 Päpste den Namen Paul
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Szyszka
der Name Szyszka stammt aus dem 16 Jahrhundert. Unser Vorfahre hieß ²Jahn Huss von Ziska, war ein blinder erfolgreicher Heeresführer.. Geschichtsbuch der DDR 6. Klasse auf Seite 160 ....
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