48 Infos zu Peer Schrapers
Mehr erfahren über Peer Schrapers
Lebt in
- Berlin
Infos zu
- Michael Haumann
- Holger Dau
- Stefan Mebs
- Ramona Kositzki
- Freie Universität
- Hartmann
- Silke Leimkühler
- Universität Berlin
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Peer Schrapers – Projektmanager – DIN Deutsches Institut für ...de.linkedin.com › peer-schrapers-886ab418aSehen Sie sich das Profil von Peer Schrapers im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Peer Schrapers ist 1 Job angegeben.
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Peer SchrapersJunior Project Manager / Berlin / , Freie Universität Berlin
Peer SCHRAPERS | PhD Student | Master of Science - ResearchGatePeer Schrapers Silke Leimkühler The oxidoreductase YdhV in Escherichia coli has been predicted to belong to the family of molybdenum/tungsten cofactor (Moco/Wco) containing enzymes.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
AG Bittl - FU Physik - Freie Universität BerlinFreie Universität BerlinDuffus, Peer Schrapers, Stefan Mebs, Chrisitan Teutloff, Holger Dau, Michael Haumann, Silke Leimkühler. Identification of YdhV as the First Molybdoenzyme ...
3 Bücher zum Namen
Axial Ligation and Redox Changes at the Cobalt Ion in Cobalamin Bound...Peer Schrapers. Affiliation Freie Universität Berlin, Department of PhysicsBerlin, Germany. Stefan Mebs. Affiliation Freie Universität ...
Ligand binding at the A-c…er in full-length or truncated ...PLOS— Ligand binding at the A-c…er in full-length or truncated acetyl-CoA synthase studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Peer Schrapers,. Ligand binding at the A-c…er in full-length or truncated acetyl-CoA synthase studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Peer Schrapers,.
Dimetallzentren in Proteinen: Quanten- und ...google.comMichael Haumann, Frau Ramona Kositzki, Herrn Peer Schrapers und Herrn Dr. Stefan Mebs möchte ich mich für die vielen Diskussionen zu den Modellen, ...
6 Dokumente
Homologous expression of the nrdF gene of Corynebacterium ...John Wileyvon P Stolle · · Zitiert von: 23 — Julia J. Griese, Ramona Kositzki, Peer Schrapers, Rui M. M. Branca, Anders Nordström, Janne Lehtiö, Michael Haumann, Martin Högbom, ...
Characterization of unusual truncated hemoglobins of Chlamydomonas...... of unusual truncated hemoglobins. of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii suggests specialized functions. Dennis Huwald. 1. •. Peer Schrapers. 2.
NIS on iron centers in [FeFe]-hy…ase: redox changes ...European Synchrotron Radiation Facilitywww.esrf.eu › pub › UserReportsvon A Chumakov · — Peer Schrapers, Freie Universität Berlin, FB Physik, Berlin, Germany. *. Dr. Stefan Mebs, Freie Universität Berlin, FB Physik, Berlin, Germany.
Structural Basis for Oxygen Activation at a Heterodinuclear ...The Journal of Biological Chemistryvon JJ Griese · · Zitiert von: 36 — Peer Schrapers. Peer Schrapers. Affiliations. Institut für Experimentalphysik, Freie Universität Berlin, D Berlin, Germany.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Characterization of unusual truncated hemoglobins of Chlamydomonas...Annotated hemoglobin genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii form functional globins, despite unusual architectures. Spectral characteristics show subtle bioche
Peer Schrapers | PubFactsPeer Schrapers
Dennis Huwald | PubFactsDennis Huwald
3 Meinungen & Artikel
24 hours at the X-ray factory | NatureBehind the scenes at Europe’s massive synchrotron — where science never sleeps.
Group members — Structural Biology / BiochemistryDepartment of Biology. Navigation Peer Schrapers (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) Robert Taube (Berlin, Germany) Tzong-Yuan Lin (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Teaching — Department of BiologyDepartment of Biology. Department of Biology. Navigation. Biophysical Chemistry Team; Research; Teaching ... Peer Schrapers: Mascarello et al. (2010) ...
27 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Die DECHEMA auf der ACHEMAPeer Schrapers, Live am Stand, Junior-Projektmanager, DIN-Normenausschuss Laborgeräte und Laboreinrichtungen (FNLa) Der DIN-Normenausschuss Laborgeräte und Laboreinrichtungen (FNLa) erarbeitet Normen für Geräte und Einrichtungen in chemischen, physikalischen, biologischen und medizinischen Laboratorien. Die Arbeit findet auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene in den drei
24 hours at the x-ray factory: life in a synchrotronGalevon R Van Noorden · · Zitiert von: 2 — ... a cheery German chemist from the Free University in Berlin; he and his colleague Peer Schrapers have elected to do night shifts for the ...
Anion Binding and Oxidative Modification at the ...National Institutes of Health (.gov)von BR Duffus · · Zitiert von: 14 — Authors. Benjamin R Duffus , Peer Schrapers , Nils Schuth , Stefan Mebs , Holger Dau , Silke Leimkühler , Michael Haumann ...
DIN Beuth VerlagPeer Schrapers. Am DIN-Platz, Berlin. Tel.: + Fax: + Contact the contact person
Din iso liptakgaborphoto.comCooperation at DIN Peer Schrapers Relationship to other standards This document references: Standard [WITHDRAWN] DIN EN ISO :
Din iso Moate Action Groupmoateactiongroup.comCooperation at DIN Peer Schrapers Relationship to other standards This document references: Standard [WITHDRAWN] DIN EN ISO : ladder ...
Absorption spectroscopy - PLOS ONEjournals.plos.org › plosone › browse › absorption_s...Ligand binding at the A-c…er in full-length or truncated acetyl-CoA synthase studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Peer Schrapers, Julia Ilina, [ .
Characterization of unusual truncated hemoglobins of Chlamydomonas...Dennis Huwald, Peer Schrapers, Ramona Kositzki, Michael Haumann, Anja Hemschemeier. Planta 2015, 242 (1): Annotated hemoglobin ...
Direct observation of structurally encoded metal ...dntb.gov.uaJulia J. Griese, Ramona Kositzki, Peer Schrapers, Rui M.M. Branca, Anders Nordström, Janne Lehtiö, Michael Haumann, Martin Högbom.
Characterization of unusual truncated hemoglobins of INFONAwww.infona.pl › resourceDennis Huwald, Peer Schrapers, Ramona Kositzki, Michael Haumann, Anja Hemschemeier · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations ...
Chemical flexibility of heterobimetallic Mn/Fe cofactors: R2lox and ...read.qxmd.com › readJulia J Griese, Ramona Kositzki, Peer Schrapers, Rui M M Branca, Anders Nordström, Janne Lehtiö, Michael Haumann, Martin Högbom Journal of Biological ...
iron sulfur proteins: Topics by WorldWideScience.orgPeer Schrapers a slurry on a shaker at 25 °C. We measured pH, alkalinity, ferrous iron, ferric iron, sulfide, sulfate, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
Ohne TitelRoyal Society of ChemistryDennis Huwald, Peer Schrapers, Ramona Kositzki, Michael Haumann and Anja Hemschemeier. Planta, 2015, 242, DOI: s
Sample records for scarlet pimpernel cobalaminWorldWideSciencePeer Schrapers. Full Text Available A cobalamin (Cbl cofactor in corrinoid iron-sulfur protein (CoFeSP is the primary methyl group donor and acceptor in ...
EuroBIC th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference....... P 111: Luigi D`Ascenzo, P 167: Daniel Grabarczyk, P 171: Peer Schrapers, P 261: Jeannine Hess 19:00-21:30 Poster Session II (odd numbers) incl. Food and ...
NMP. Jahresbericht DIN-Normenausschuss Materialprüfung (NMP) DIN e....Ing. Helmut Fahrenholz Bearbeiter DIN: Peer Schrapers DIN EN ISO 844 rev Harte Schaumstoffe - Bestimmung der Druckeigenschaften DIN EN ISO pren ISO 844 rev ...
Sulfido and cysteine ligation changes at the molybdenum ...DOCKSCI.COM... Ligation Changes at the Molybdenum Cofactor during Substrate Conversion by Formate Dehy…ase (FDH) from Rhodobacter capsulatus Peer Schrapers,†,∇ ...
Profile for University of Perugia - Linknovatewww.linknovate.com › affiliation › all... a cheery German chemist from the Free University in Berlin; he and his colleague Peer Schrapers have elected to do night shifts for the next two weeks, ...
S1 File -Peer Schrapers · Stefan Mebs · Sebastian Goetzl · Sandra E. Hennig · Holger Dau · Holger Dobbek · Michael Haumann.
cas free Article|Carbon dioxideLookChemduring Substrate Conversion by Formate Dehy…ase (FDH) from. Rhodobacter capsulatus. Peer Schrapers,† Tobias Hartmann, Ramona Kositzki, Holger Dau, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Peer
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Holländisch): Peer; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Anja Hemschemeier
- Holger Dobbek
- Tobias Hartmann
- Stefan Reschke
- Dennis Huwald
- Manfred Nimtz
- Yvonne Rippers
- Christian Teutloff
- Michael Haumann
- Stefan Mebs
Personensuche zu Peer Schrapers & mehr
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