187 Infos zu Peter Börkey
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- Policy
- Andrew
- OECD Environment Directorate
- Circular Economy
- Frithjof Laubinger
- Innovative
- Matthieu Glachant
- Organisation
31 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Müll, Artenvielfalt | DO | | 13:55 - oe1.ORF.atÖsterreichs größtes Kultur- und Informationsmedium – Nachrichten, Journale, Reportagen, Radiokunst und Musik.
How can Australia improve its household waste and ...Australian Broadcasting Corporation— Peter Börkey of the OECD Environment Directorate says companies in Germany initially baulked at this system, but have since come around to ...
Circular Slovakia and Holland Circular Hotspot join forces!hollandcircularhotspot.nl— At the same time, setting up circular economy policies was highlighted by Peter Börkey from OECD as a challenging process: “A challenging ...
Alling - Erfahrung aus München - Fürstenfeldbruck - SZ.dewww.sueddeutsche.de › ... › Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck › Alling· Katja Pschierer 11. Erwin Schindler 12. Martina Schwannecke 13. Claudia Ahrend 14. Verena Betz 15. Florian Staudt 16. Peter Börkey.
1 Bilder zu Peter Börkey
8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Peter Börkey aus BrüsselStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Formato Verde - Peter Börkey, from OECD (Organisation for ...www.facebook.com › formatoverdeglobal › photos › pete...Facebook: Peter Börkey | FacebookPeter Börkey - Brüssel (Internationale Deutsche Schule Brüssel)Peter Börkey ist Mitglied bei StayFriends und hat bis diese Schule besucht: Internationale Deutsche Schule Brüssel.
1 Business-Profile
Börkey, Peter - IdRefwww.idref.fr › ...· Les accords volontaires négociés : une analyse de leur efficacité / Peter Börkey, Matthieu Glachant, Information trouvée : CERNA.
1 Projekte
Modulated fees for Extended Producer Responsibility ...The Circulate InitiativeFrithjof Laubinger, Andrew Brown, Maarten Dubois, Peter Börkey. . Geography: Europe, North America, Asia. Type: Strategy. Purpose of Measurement: ...
26 Bücher zum Namen
Börkey Peter catalogue en ligneuniv-saida.dzAuteur Peter Börkey ... AGENCE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ET DE LA MAÎTRISE DE L'ÉNERGIE, Auteur ; Peter Börkey, Auteur ; Matthieu Glachant, Auteur | Angers : ADEME ...
Global Plastics Outlook Economic Drivers, Environmental ...google.nlThis report was edited by Shardul Agrawala, Maarten Dubois, Peter Börkey and Elisa Lanzi. The authorship of the chapters is as follows: Shardul Agrawala and ...
OECD Global Forum on International Investment Foreign Direct ...google.nl... in the OECD Environment Directorate and the Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs by Mehmet Ögütçü, Peter Börkey and Aziza Nasirova.
China in the Global Economy China in the World Economy The Domestic...This book analyses the domestic policy challenges facing China in the context of trade and investment liberalisation. The entry of China into the WTO marks a...
19 Dokumente
ENV GLOBAL FORUM OCT Peter BORKEYSlideShareGOING FOR A RESOURCE EFFICIENT ECONOMY - SOME POLICY GUIDANCE Peter Börkey OECD, Environment Directorate Global Forum on Environment October
EPR Updated OECD GuidanceMay India's Policy Dialogue: International Workshop on Extended Producer Responsibility in India: Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons from Inter…
Börkey, Peter [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Peter Börkey. Innovative financing mechanisms for the water sector by Sophie Trémolet( Book ) 3 editions published in in ...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
RemerciementsCairnIls savent gré à Peter Börkey, Andrew Prag, Matthias Kimmel et Elisabetta Cornago d'avoir concouru à l'élaboration de ce chapitre sur le fond et sur la ...
Further readingissuuPeter Börkey, Circular Economy Lead: . Rob Dellink, Trade and Environment Lead: For more information: ...
EPR and the Impact of Online SalesEucolightIssues around internet sales – Peter Börkey and Mark Hilton ... Panellists: Peter Börkey (OECD), Maria Banti (European Commission), Nigel Harvey.
Ocean pollution - IssuuThe oceans are under increasing stress from multiple urban and rural sources of pollution, notably solid and liquid wastes from cities, …...
18 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: OECDaufDeutschTwitterhat mit OECD-Experte Peter Börkey darüber gesprochen, welche politischen Strategien es jetzt braucht. Translate Tweet.
Verringern der Risiken von Plastik | Aktionsplan für Öko-Innovationenec.europa.eu › ecoap › about-eco-innovation › experts-interviews › verrin...· Peter Börkey, Hauptverwaltungsrat des OECD-Umweltdirektorats, der die Arbeit am Bericht leitete, beantwortete Fragen bezüglich der ...
Peter Börkey - blog.oecd-berlin.dePeter Börkey Circular Economy Lead, Environment and Economy Integration (EEI) Division Environment Directorate, OECD Berlin 6 September First comprehensive mapping of the lifecycle of plastics globally. High-level of granularity: primary and secon ...
IISD RS @ Fourth Regional 3R Forum in Asia, 18 March 2013, Ha ...enb.iisd.org › forum4· L-R: Vijay Joshi, Asian Development Bank (ADB); Peter Börkey, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Kotaro Kawamata ...
70 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Introduction to work of OECD PFC Steering Group Peter BörkeyKey activities PFC Web Portal: with information on: –government activities related to their regulatory and stewardship efforts –updates on scientific...
Peter Börkey's research worksResearchGatePeter Börkey's 5 research works with 10 citations and reads, including: Monitoring trade in plastic waste and scrap. Jan Peter Börkey · Francois Leveque. The use of voluntary approaches has gained significant momentum in the European Union over the last decade.
1 E A P TASK FORCE EAP Task Force Water Programme – Progress and...3 Progress since last meeting
Peter Börkey | www.t2ge.euMr. Peter Börkey has been working on international and local environmental policy issues for more than 20 years. For the past 17 years he has worked for the OECD, primarily on issues relating to water, business and environment, as well as infrastructure finance. He is now leading OECD work on waste management and resource productivity, with a strong focus on resource efficiency and the ...
EAP Task Force Water Programme: Plans for Peter Börkey Head of...Current Organisation EAP TASK FORCE OECD, CEE and EECCA countries International Organisations NGOs and others OECD/EAP TF Secretariat Policy REPIN Water Group...
Peter Börkey - Eco-Business EventsPeter Börkey has been working on international and local environmental policy issues for 25 years. For the past 20 years he has worked for the OECD, primarily on issues relating to water, business and environment, as well as infrastructure finance. He is now leading work on waste management, resource productivity and the circular economy at the OECD Environment Directorate.
Sustainable Chemistry Work at OECD – Results and Perspectives...Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Chemistry Work at OECD – Results and Perspectives Sustainable Chemistry Work at OECD – Results and Perspectives Peter Börkey
Peter BÖRKEY (OCDE) - pollution par les déchets plastiquesLe Conseil économique social et environnemental— Questions à M. Peter BÖRKEY, Responsable Économie Circulaire de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE).
EC workshop on Support to RENs in SE-Africa Session 2 Chair: W. von...OECD GSF Workshop, Sydney 25 – 27 September Result: Sample Bandwidth Costs for African Universities Source: IEEAF
Peter Börkey - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...Peter Börkey has been working on international and local environmental policy issues for more than 20 years…
Water sector financing strategies in EECCA countries Peter Börkey ...www.slideserve.com › virgo › water-sector-financin...· Water sector financing strategies in EECCA countries Peter Börkey EUWI Finance Working Group Stockholm, 20 August
Tag Archive for "Peter Börkey"Global Product Stewardship Council -Annual General Meeting and Call for Office-holders and other Executive Committee Positions. Annual General Meeting The Global Product Stewardship Council is ...
Case Study on Critical Metals in Mobile Phones Final Report - PDF...Several experts provided valuable information and feedback through interviews: Peter Calliafas for his input on EC policy drivers and the related WEEE Directive; ...
Peter Borkey | UNECEPeter Börkey has been working on international and local environmental policy issues for more than 20 years. For the past 17 years he has worked for the OECD, primarily on issues relating to water, business and environment, as well as infrastructure finance. He is now leading OECD work on waste management and resource productivity, with a strong focus on resource efficiency and the circular ...
Online sellers should be legally required to take on the duties of...The introductory speaker Peter Börkey of the OECD presented initial findings suggesting ... Online sellers should be legally required to take on the duties of
Advisory BoardDYNAMIX projectPeter Börkey, Environment Directorate at OECD, has been working on international and local environmental policy issues for nearly 20 years.
Ausgabe Müll und AbfallEditorial. Nachhaltiges Materialmanagement und Politik · Peter Börkey. Inhalt. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Internationale Abfallwirtschaft / Handlungsfelder.
BRK Kreisverband Starnberg HaushaltshilfeBRK StarnbergFür Gauting und Umgebung: Peter Boerkey und Christoph Büchele | | , Christoph.
Circular economy as an opportunity for economic changeDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt... sharing, higher raw material prices: "Innovative business models play an important role in the transition to a circular economy," Peter Börkey from the ...
Alternative Ways of Providing Water. Emerging Options and Their ...docplayer.net › Alternative-ways-of-providing-water-emerging-op...... under the supervision of Brendan Gillespie, in particular Peter Börkey, ... Siemens anticipates that desalination and reuse markets will grow together ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Peter
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Peter; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon
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