87 Infos zu Peter Cafuta
Mehr erfahren über Peter Cafuta
Infos zu
- Bojan Grcar
- Gorazd Stumberger
- Anton Hofer
- Karel Jezernik
- Fakulteta
- Maribor
- Induction
- Martin Terbuc
- Milan Čurkovič
- Torque
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Fritz Friedriger and MariborThe catalogue reveals details about life and work of the architect Fritz Friedriger, who was encouraging the development of construction culture in Maribor.
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Peter CafutaFacebook: Peter CafutaFacebook: Peter Cafuta | FacebookLinkedIn: Peter Cafuta | LinkedInView Peter Cafuta's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Peter has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Kdo smo | Komorni zbor KorOsnovni podatki Žanr a'capella, klasika, ljudske, pop Člani Daniel Tement, Darja Vrtacnik, Kaja Rožanc, Božena Galun, Neža Tement, Slavica Lajh, Polona Strelec...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Peter Cafuta - IMDbContribute to IMDb. Add a bio, trivia, and more. Update information for Peter Cafuta ». Quick Links. Biography · Awards · Photo Gallery · Filmography (by Job) ...
22 Bücher zum Namen
Cutting Edge Research in New Technologies | IntechOpenThe book focuses on various aspects of producing and testing difficult current technology products, recent technology trends and service automation. |Intechopen
Mehatronika - Google BooksFront Cover. Miran Rodič, Peter Cafuta, Ivan Zagradišnik, Bojan Ačko, Zoran Ren, Igor Drstvenšek, Franc Zupanič, Darko Lovrec. Pasadena, pages.
Regulacija robustnih sistemov - Amor Chowdhury, Peter Cafuta, Bojan...Regulacija robustnih sistemov. Front Cover. Amor Chowdhury, Peter Cafuta, Bojan Grčar, Rajko Svečko. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko ...
Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems -...Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems collects 32 contributions presented at the International Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and...
4 Dokumente
Cafuta, Peter [WorldCat Identities]Sinteza električnih osnih modulov by Peter Cafuta( Book ) 10 editions published between and in Slovenian and English and held by 16 WorldCat ...
Nonlinear Control of Synchronous Servo Drive - StartNonlinear Control of Synchronous Servo Drive Bojan GrCar, Peter Cafuta, Mitja ZnidariC, and Felix Gausch Abstract-The complete control design for a permanent mag-
IFIP 2013www.math.aau.at › abstractOn-line Tuning of Torque Controllers for Induction Machines. Anton Hofer*, Bojan Grcar, Gorazd Stumberger and Peter Cafuta. In any torque control concept for ...
Projektna nalogaProjektna naloga Študentje: Predlagatelja: Tomi Lendero, Darko Šincek prof. dr. Peter Cafuta Igor Rakuša, Marko Keber doc. dr. Boris Curk Laboratorij: Lab. za...
6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Automatica | Vol 48, Issue 11, Pages (November 2012) |...Bojan Grčar, Anton Hofer, Peter Cafuta, Gorazd Štumberger. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article A control-theoretic approach to ...
dblp: Peter CafutaList of computer science publications by Peter Cafuta
Search results for "Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization" –...Hits ?△, Authors, Title, Venue, Year, Link, Author keywords. Authors Title Seraphin C. Abou, Thien-My Dao Grinding Process Modelling Bojan Grcar, Peter Cafuta, Gorzad Stumberger Modeling, Simulation and ...
dblp: IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and...Bibliographic content of IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization 2003
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Modelling of the robotic Powerball®: a EconPaperseconpapers.repec.org › tafnmcmxxBy Tadej Petrič, Boris Curk, Peter Cafuta and Leon Žlajpah; Abstract: The Powerball® is the commercial name for a gyroscopic device that is ...
Dynamic Programming in Robot Path Planning | SpringerLinkThe paper presents the procedure of the collision free robot paths planning. Mathematical theory of dynamic programming, developed by R. Bellman has been use...
Induction Machine Torque Control with Self-Tuning Capabilities |...Anton Hofer, Gorazd Stumberger, and Peter Cafuta. Abstract In any torque control ...
Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems |...Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems collects 32 contributions presented at the International Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Peter Cafuta - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Cafuta - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedijasl.wikipedia.org › wiki › CafutaZnani nosilci priimka[uredi | uredi kodo]. Franc Cafuta, minorit; Meta Cafuta, prejemnica Bloudkove nagrade; Peter Cafuta (*1951), elektrotehnik ...
Pogrešan Peter Cafuta - Starševski Čvek - Starševski čvekBerem o pogrešanem Petru Cafuti iz Podlehnika pri Ptuju. Smilijo se mi njegovi svojci, kot vsakič, ko berem take prispevke. Vendar pa sem na ...
37 Webfunde aus dem Netz
CNET Poslovne storitve, Peter Cafuta s.p., e-creditreform.si › CNET-POSLO...CNET Poslovne storitve, Peter Cafuta s.p , Sole Proprietorship, HRENIČEVA ULICA 1, Ptuj, Slovenia 2250, - full report on company is available ...
JudoInside - Peter Cafuta JudokaJudoka Peter Cafuta of Austria won gold at the Austrian Junior Championships Steyr in in the category light.
Peter Cafuta, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in ...profesorji.net › profesor › feri › uniProfesor Peter Cafuta, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko. Ocena: (27 ocen). Predmeti: .
Peter Cafuta, predsednik Ptujskega noneta - Grossmannov festival,...Peter Cafuta, predsednik Ptujskega noneta, Grossmannov festival, otvoritev
A contribution to the control of the nonholonomic ...Bojan Grcar, Anton Hofer, Peter Cafuta, Gorazd Stumberger Institut für Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik (4430) Publikation : Beitrag in einer Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › …
Non-Holonomy in Induction Machine Torque Control — Technische...Bojan Grcar, Peter Cafuta, Gorazd Stumberger, Aleksandar M. Stankovic, Anton Hofer Institut für Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik (4430) Publikation : Beitrag in einer Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Begutachtung
Induction Machine Torque Control with Self-Tuning Capabilities |...In any torque control concept for induction machines the capability to produce a desired torque with the minimum stator current (maximum torque per
Peter Cafuta - DKUM - Univerzitetna knjižnica Mariborstrokovnega študijskega programa · Andrej Natlačen, 2002, diplomsko delo. Najdeno ...
Tihomir Babič, vodja prodaje v Dvorcu Jeruzalem in Peter ...www.mediaspeed.net › prikazi › 1...Tihomir Babič, vodja prodaje v Dvorcu Jeruzalem in Peter Cafuta, predsednik Ptujskega noneta, Grossmannov festival, otvoritev.
- ISIE'99 - Session sheduleTPC-2, PE2, Modelling and Control of Induction Motor Drives, Peter Cafuta . Tuesday, July 13, 16:30, 18:50. A. TPC-2, PE3, Power Conditioning and Control for ...
"To je nemogoče, nemogoče je, da ga nihče ne bi videl ...www.zurnal24.si › crna-kronikaPeter Cafuta je visok okoli 177 centimetrov, vitke postave, svetle polti, kratko pristriženih svetlih las, brez tetovaž, brez vidnih poškodb, nosi ...
Kinematično vodenje ob upoštevanju sklepnih zračnosti :: COBISS+Kinematično vodenje ob upoštevanju sklepnih zračnosti
AktivnostiSkupina za kinematiko in robotiko (FERI prof. dr. Peter Cafuta). Laboratorij za procesno sistemsko tehniko in trajnostni razvoj (FKT prof. dr Zdravko Kravanja).
Andrej Vizjak : Vlada bo prisluhnila nekaterim opozorilom glede...Vem pa, kakšne metode so uporabljali pri mučenju Mitja Ribičič, Daki, Dermastja, Ahac, Fric Novak, Peter Cafuta Gad in množica drugih.
A contribution to the control of the nonholonomic integrator...A contribution to the control of the nonholonomic integrator including drift. Bojan Grcar, Anton Hofer, Peter Cafuta, Gorazd Stumberger. Institute of Automation ...
Automatica: A journal of IFAC the International Federation of ...dialnet.unirioja.es › ejemplarBojan Grcar, Anton Hofer, Peter Cafuta, Gorazd Stumberger. págs Artículo. Seleccionado. A control-theoretic approach to disseminating values and ...
Dražgoše – mit in resničnost - Revija NSZnszaveza.github.io › articles › 88-d...... poletje 1942, ko se je znani komandir Peter Cafuta – Gad po neuspelem napadu na Šentjošt s svojim udarnim vodom maščeval nad okolico; ...
Fritz Friedriger v MariboruSvoj delež pa sta prispevala tudi dijaka Srednje gradbene šole v Mariboru: Rok Golob je posnel nekaj fotografij za katalog, med tem ko je Peter Cafuta sestavil ...
IFIP 201316:00– 16:25, Anton Hofer*, Bojan Grcar, Gorazd Stumberger and Peter Cafuta, On-line Tuning of Torque Controllers for Induction Machines.
Informacije MIDEM - Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic...PWM DC MOTOR REGULATOR IC WITH EXCELLENT EMC BEHAVIOR. 10, Žarko Čučej, Peter Cafuta, and Rajko Svečko. PWM LESS CURRENT CONTROL ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Peter
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Peter; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon
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