247 Infos zu Peter Kufer

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17 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Krebsforschung: Neue Immuntherapie für Blutkrebskranke

— Der Münchener Immunologe Peter Kufer erforschte ein mögliches Wirkprinzip gegen Krebs, das andere Forscher bereits aufgegeben hatten — Der Münchener Immunologe Peter Kufer erforschte ein mögliches Wirkprinzip gegen Krebs, das andere Forscher bereits aufgegeben hatten.

onkoserv - der aktuellste und unabhängige deutsche Informationsdienst...

Onkoserv ist der aktuellste deutsche Informationsdienst für die klinische Onkologie

Einladung zur Amgen Press Academy: „Ein Blick in den ...

— Peter Kufer, Professor für Immunologie, Amgen Vice President BiTE® Technology, Leiter und Geschäftsführer der Amgen Research (Munich) GmbH — Peter Kufer, Professor für Immunologie, Amgen Vice President BiTE® Technology, Leiter und Geschäftsführer der Amgen Research (Munich) GmbH ...

Amgen's Highest Honor Awarded to Peter Kufer ...

— Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich (ARM), recently became one of the select few in ...

1  Bilder zu Peter Kufer

Peter Kufer, Kramer aus Karlskron Einteilung Wachpersonal und Parkplatz ...

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Peter Kufer | Facebook

Facebook: Los doctores Peter Kufer y David Reese, expertos FacebookFacebook · Amgen México9 Reaktionen · vor 3 Jahren

Facebook: Peter KuferFacebook

LinkedIn: de.linkedin.com

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Peter Kufer auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Peter Kufer dabei, ...

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Peter Kufer - Patents

Recent bibliographic sampling of Peter Kufer patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title):

A revival of bispecific antibodies

Peter Kufer, Ralf Lutterbüse, Patrick A. Baeuerle. Trends in Biotechnology. Volume 22 Issue 5 Pages (May 2004). DOI: j.tibtech Peter Kufer, Ralf Lutterbüse, Patrick A. Baeuerle. Trends in Biotechnology. Volume 22 Issue 5 Pages (May 2004). DOI: j.tibtech

A revival of bispecific antibodies: Trends in Biotechnology

von P Kufer · · Zitiert von: 287 — A revival of bispecific antibodies. Peter Kufer. Peter Kufer. Contact. Affiliations. Micromet AGMunich, Germany. Institute of ... von P Kufer · · Zitiert von: 287 — A revival of bispecific antibodies. Peter Kufer. Peter Kufer. Contact. Affiliations. Micromet AGMunich, Germany. Institute of ...

3 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Peter Kufer


Biography of Peter Kufer - The Official Board

› ...

Patrick Alexander Baeuerle Amgen · Research & ...

Peter Kufer. For treatment of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) ... Peter Kufer. T cell-engaging CD19/CD3-bispecific BiTE Ab ... Peter Kufer. For treatment of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) ... Peter Kufer. T cell-engaging CD19/CD3-bispecific BiTE Ab ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Blinatumomab Breakthrough drug emerges for B-cell ALL

After decades of research, scientists have discovered a drug that engages the immune system to fight B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a rare and...

3 Persönliche Webseiten

Peter Kufer Namen Analyse

DeuNamen.com - Peter Kufer Namen Analyse und statistische für Deutschland und Österreich

About - Peter Kufer

Peter Kufer. Institution: Micromet AG Address: MunichGermany. Content of this page is coming. Email This | Share This. Peter Kufer. Institution: Micromet AG Address: MunichGermany. Content of this page is coming. Email This | Share This.

Novel BiTE antibody mediates contact between T cells and ...

— ... said Peter Kufer, MD, PhD, vice president of immunotherapy at Micromet, who reported the feasibility of this approach (abstracts › ...

3 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Peter Küfer

Actor, Timeless

IMDB Filmographie: Innovation Squared (TV Series 2021– ) - Peter Kufer as SelfIMDb

Peter Kufer: Self. It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. Be the first to contribute! Add a photo or add a quote. See also. Release Dates ... Peter Kufer: Self. It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. Be the first to contribute! Add a photo or add a quote. See also. Release Dates ...

2 Angaben zur Herkunft

Anna Kufer - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritagewww.myheritage.com › names › anna_kufer

Anna married Peter Kufer on month day 1764, at age 14 at marriage place, Pennsylvania. Peter was born in 1740, in Berwangen, Kirchardt, Heidelberg, Baden, ...

Peter Kufer in the Census

View Peter Kufer's US census record to find family members, occupation details & more. Access is free so discover Peter Kufer's story today. View Peter Kufer's US census record to find family members, occupation details & more. Access is free so discover Peter Kufer's story today.

1 Projekte


1, 2002; Ingo Mecklenburg, Dorothea Weckermann, Alfred Zippelius, Alexandra Schoberth, Stephanie Petersen, Nadja Prang, Gert Riethmüller, Peter Kufer A multimarker real-time RT-PCR for MAGE-A gene expression allows sensitive detection and quantification of the minimal systemic tumor load in patients with localized ...

29 Bücher zum Namen

Immunotherapy of lymphoma and leukemia with T-cell ...

von D Nagorsen · · Zitiert von: 134 — Peter Kufer Micromet AGMunich, Germany. ,. Patrick A. Baeuerle Micromet AGMunich, Germany. &. Gerhard ... von D Nagorsen · · Zitiert von: 134 — Peter Kufer Micromet AGMunich, Germany. ,. Patrick A. Baeuerle Micromet AGMunich, Germany. &. Gerhard ...

Bispecific T cell engaging antibody constructs UGent Biblio

von J Pendzialek · · Zitiert von: 20 — Pendzialek, Jochen, Kenny Roose, Anouk Smet, Bert Schepens, Peter Kufer, Tobias Raum, Patrick A Baeuerle, Markus Muenz, Xavier Saelens, and ... von J Pendzialek · · Zitiert von: 20 — Pendzialek, Jochen, Kenny Roose, Anouk Smet, Bert Schepens, Peter Kufer, Tobias Raum, Patrick A Baeuerle, Markus Muenz, Xavier Saelens, and ...

Dr. Peter Kufer, Vice President & Innovator of BITE Technology ...www.onclive.com › authors › dr-peter-kufer-vice-pr...

· Dr. Peter Kufer, Vice President & Innovator of BITE Technology, Amgen Sponsored by Amgen Oncology. home / authors / dr-peter-kufer ...

AACR Proceedings: Abstracts American Association for...

The AACR Annual Meeting highlights the best cancer science and medicine from institutions all over the world. Attendees are invited to stretch their...

12 Dokumente

Recombinant CD4-IgE, a novel hybrid molecule, inducing ...

von S Krauss · · Zitiert von: 13 — Peter Kufer,. Christine Federle,. Pjotr Tabaszewski.,. Elisabeth Weiss,. E. Peter Rieber and. Gert Riethmiiller. Institute for Immunology,. University of Munich ... von S Krauss · · Zitiert von: 13 — Peter Kufer,. Christine Federle,. Pjotr Tabaszewski.,. Elisabeth Weiss,. E. Peter Rieber and. Gert Riethmiiller. Institute for Immunology,. University of Munich ...

Program Guide – ASCO Meeting Program Guide

... Marie-Elisabeth Goebeler, Barbara Ritter, Alexander Quaas, Eva Vieser, Youssef Hijazi, Ingrid Patzak, Matthias Friedrich, Peter Kufer, Stanley Frankel, ... › ab...

The BiTE (bispecific T‐cell engager) platform: Development ...

von H Einsele · · Zitiert von: 180 — Peter Kufer is an employee of Amgen Inc and holds stock in the company; in addition, he issued and licensed patients for Blinatumomab and CD von H Einsele · · Zitiert von: 180 — Peter Kufer is an employee of Amgen Inc and holds stock in the company; in addition, he issued and licensed patients for Blinatumomab and CD

Abstract - ASCO Meeting Program Guide

... Peter Kufer , Stanley Frankel , Ruth Seggewiss-Bernhardt , Sabine Kaubitzsch. Organizations. Medical Clinic II, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Peter Kufer , Stanley Frankel , Ruth Seggewiss-Bernhardt , Sabine Kaubitzsch. Organizations. Medical Clinic II, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf ...

18 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Patents Assigned to Amgen Research (Munich) GmbH

MCCULLOUGH, Hosein KOUROS-MEHR, Peter KUFER, Mark SALVATI, Alexander C. MINELLA, Dirk NAGORSEN, Vijay UPRETI, Mukul MINOCHA, Brett HOUK. Antibody constructs ... MCCULLOUGH, Hosein KOUROS-MEHR, Peter KUFER, Mark SALVATI, Alexander C. MINELLA, Dirk NAGORSEN, Vijay UPRETI, Mukul MINOCHA, Brett HOUK. Antibody constructs ...

Dr. Peter Kufer - GEPRIS - DFGDFG - GEPRIS

Dr. Peter Kufer, Forschungsbereich ImmunologiePlanegg. Dr. Peter Kufer, Forschungsbereich ImmunologiePlanegg.

Bispecific T cell engaging antibody constructs targeting a ...ScienceDirect.com

von J Pendzialek · · Zitiert von: 20 — , Kenny Roose b c 1 , Anouk Smet b c , Bert Schepens b c , Peter Kufer a , Tobias Raum a , Patrick A. Baeuerle a , Markus Muenz a 2 , Xavier Saelens b c 2 von J Pendzialek · · Zitiert von: 20 — , Kenny Roose b c 1 , Anouk Smet b c , Bert Schepens b c , Peter Kufer a , Tobias Raum a , Patrick A. Baeuerle a , Markus Muenz a 2 , Xavier Saelens b c 2

OPUS Würzburg | Generierung humaner Antikörper-Spezifitäten zur...

Tag: Antikörper; GM-CSF; Phage-Display GM-CSF; antibody; phage display. Release Date: Advisor: Peter Kufer. To order the print edition: X

8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Heterogeneous Expression of MAGE-A Genes in Cancer Research

Heterogeneous Expression of MAGE-A Genes in Cancer Research

A bispecific single-chain antibody directed against EpCAM ...

von D Flieger · · Zitiert von: 48 — Peter Kufer,; Imke Beier,; Tilman Sauerbruch & … Ingo G. H. Schmidt-Wolf ... Peter Kufer. Authors. Dimitri Flieger. View author publications. You can ... von D Flieger · · Zitiert von: 48 — Peter Kufer,; Imke Beier,; Tilman Sauerbruch & … Ingo G. H. Schmidt-Wolf ... Peter Kufer. Authors. Dimitri Flieger. View author publications. You can ...

BiTE® Plattform hat solide Tumore im VisierPresseportal

— Peter Kufer, Geschäftsführer der Amgen Research (Munich) GmbH. "Wesentliche Standortfaktoren sind die deutsche Hochschullandschaft und gut — Peter Kufer, Geschäftsführer der Amgen Research (Munich) GmbH. "Wesentliche Standortfaktoren sind die deutsche Hochschullandschaft und gut ...

Anti-self antibodies selected from a human IgD heavy chain...

Human antibodies were isolated by phage display from a naturally expressed human antibody repertoire. Antibody selection was carried out against the epithe

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Innovation Squared: What does it take to be innovative? (Dr Peter...

Innovation Squared is a video series featuring Amgen employees around the world talking to inspiring people from other fields about innovation, science and r...

Innovation Squared: Ep 4 | It Takes Tenacity

... Peter Kufer, Vice President and Innovator of BiTE® Technology at Amgen, and Dr. David Putrino, Director of Rehabilitation Innovation at ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Amgen

Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's history to receive ... Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's history to receive ...

Twitter-Nachrichten: Amgen - X.com

Pioneered by Peter Kufer 30 years ago, Bispecific T-cell Engager (BiTE®) technology has an established record against tough to treat cancers.

Twitter-Nachrichten: Amgen Oncology

What makes innovation happen? For Peter Kufer, @Amgen's VP of BiTE® Technology, it's knowing that “time ⏰ is critical for patients” & should therefore be ... What makes innovation happen? For Peter Kufer, @Amgen's VP of BiTE® Technology, it's knowing that “time ⏰ is critical for patients” & should therefore be ...

Cellular and complement-dependent cytotoxicity of Ep-CAM-specific...

Molecular Diagnostics

115 Webfunde aus dem Netz


Congrats to my Munich-based Amgen R&D colleague Peter Kufer for receipt of Amgen's Rathmann Award — recognizing Peter's pioneering ...


Huge congratulations to my colleague Peter Kufer on receiving the George B. Rathmann Award for Scientific Excellence – the highest honor ...


Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's ...


Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's ...


Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's ...


Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's ...

Amgen's Highest Honor Awarded to Peter Kufer for BiTE® ...linkedin.com

Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's ... Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's ...

Ping-Yang (Ping) Yeh, Ph.D.'s Post

Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's history to receive ... Peter Kufer, vice president of BiTE® technology and site head of Amgen Research Munich, recently became one of the select few in Amgen's history to receive ...

Ray Deshaies, Ph.D.'s Post

Congratulations to my colleague Peter Kufer for his receipt of Amgen's George B. Rathmann Award in recognition of his pioneering role in the development of ... Congratulations to my colleague Peter Kufer for his receipt of Amgen's George B. Rathmann Award in recognition of his pioneering role in the development of ...

US B2 - BCMA and CD3 bispecific T cell engaging ...patents.google.com › patent

... Other versions: US A1 (en; Inventor: Tobias Raum: Markus Münz: Johannes Brozy: Peter Kufer: Patrick Hoffmann: Matthias Friedrich: Benno Rattel ...

US A1 - Binding molecules for bcma and cd3

... Peter Kufer: Tobias Raum: Patrick Hoffmann: Roman Kischel: Ralf Lutterbuese: Doris Rau: Paul Adam: Eric Borges: Barbara Hebeis: Susanne Hipp; Current Assignee ( Peter Kufer: Tobias Raum: Patrick Hoffmann: Roman Kischel: Ralf Lutterbuese: Doris Rau: Paul Adam: Eric Borges: Barbara Hebeis: Susanne Hipp; Current Assignee ( ...

Peter Kufer

Keyword: Peter Kufer. Strategie & Management · Neue Krebstherapien mit BiTE Das in Kalifornien gegründete Biotechunternehmen Amgen ... Keyword: Peter Kufer. Strategie & Management · Neue Krebstherapien mit BiTE Das in Kalifornien gegründete Biotechunternehmen Amgen ...

Handelsregisterauszug von Peter Kufer aus München (HRA 9811)

Handelsregisterauszug der Peter Kufer aus München sofort und ohne Wartezeit als PDF herunterladen

Peter Kufer Erfahrungen - BewertungenGoWork DE

Sehen Sie sich die Bewertungen zu Peter Kufer Deutschland an. Verdienstforum, Informationen zu Gehältern, Vorgesetzten, Umwelt, Stellenangeboten, Adressen,. Sehen Sie sich die Bewertungen zu Peter Kufer Deutschland an. Verdienstforum, Informationen zu Gehältern, Vorgesetzten, Umwelt, Stellenangeboten, Adressen,.

Articles by Peter Kufer's Profile | Future Medicine, PMLiVE, The ...

Articles by Peter Kufer on Muck Rack. Find Peter Kufer's email address, contact information, LinkedIn, Twitter, other social media and more. Articles by Peter Kufer on Muck Rack. Find Peter Kufer's email address, contact information, LinkedIn, Twitter, other social media and more.

Peter Kufer - Party | RPX Insight

Peter Kufer has 0 patent litigation cases (0 cases currently active) - 0 patents asserted - 0 cases as a plaintiff - 0 cases as a defendant. Peter Kufer has 0 patent litigation cases (0 cases currently active) - 0 patents asserted - 0 cases as a plaintiff - 0 cases as a defendant.

Peter Kufer in München | Firma

Hier alle Infos zu Adresse, Inhaber, Branche, Kontakt oder Alter finden: Firma Peter Kufer in , München, Bayern

Peter Kufer: Inventor, BLINCYTO

— Peter Kufer, Executive Director, BiTE® Technology at Amgen, led the academic research group that innovated the BiTE® (i.e., bispecific T cell ...

Search for "Kufer,+Peter,+Moosburg"

Company publications and network for Peter Kufer, Moosburg, Germany: Amgen Research (Munich) GmbH.

Peter Kufer (peterkufer6967) - ProfilePinterest - Deutschland

P. Peter Kufer. peterkufer Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. peterkufer6967 hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt. P. Peter Kufer. peterkufer Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. peterkufer6967 hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Peter

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Peter; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon

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