56 Infos zu Peter Kutschy

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Peter Kutschys berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Peter Kutschy dabei hilft, ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Action D13 - COST

Slovakia, Dr Peter KUTSCHY. Slovakia, Prof. Ladislav HUDEC. Slovenia, Prof Marijan KOCEVAR. Slovenia, Dr Danijel KIKELJ. Spain, Prof. Julio MARTIN ...

7 Bücher zum Namen

Peter Kutschy | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Peter Kutschy. Results. Camalexin induces apoptosis in T-leukemia Jurkat cells by increased concentration of reactive oxygen species and activation of ...

Chemical Papers

... in the presence of Grignard reagents, 631, –, Peter Očenáš, Lucia Tomášová, Peter Kutschy, Pavel Pazdera, Ján Mojžiš, and Martina Pilátová, Vol. 67, 6.

Chemical Papers

Synthesis of new 5-bromo derivatives of indole and spiroindole phytoalexins, 635, –, Lucia Očenášová, Peter Kutschy, Jozef Gonda, Martina Pilátová, ...

Základy farmaceutickej chémie - Peter Kutschy, Dušan Berkeš, Jarmila...

Základy farmaceutickej chémie. Front Cover. Peter Kutschy, Dušan Berkeš, Jarmila Vinšová, Marcel Török. Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, pages.

4 Dokumente

Spirocyclisation of phytoalexin 1-methoxybrassinin in the presence of...

Peter Kutschy, b. Pavel Pazdera, c. Ján Mojžiš, c. Martina Pilátová. aDepartment of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Science, Faculty of Science, P. J. ...


References. Abbreviations. Indole phytoalexins from brassicaceae: synthesis and anticancer activity Peter Kutschy and Roman Mezencev. 1. Introduction.

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Spirocyclisation of phytoalexin 1-methoxybrassinin in the presence of...

, Faculty of ScienceP. J. Šafárik University. Peter Kutschy, ...

New Synthetic Methods for Preparation of Biological Active...

ZÁLETOVÁ, Jana, Milan DZURILLA, Peter KUTSCHY and Pavel PAZDERA. New Synthetic Methods for Preparation of Biological Active Indolylthiazoles and ...

Camalexin induces apoptosis in T-leukemia Jurkat cells by increased...

Camalexin, a major indole phytoalexin of Arabidopsis thaliana, accumulates in various cruciferous plants in response to environmental stress and reportedly...

Enantioseparation of Novel Amino Analogs of Indole Phytoalexins on...

Direct chiral separation of the enantiomers of spirobrassinin, 1-methoxyspirobrassinin and ten novel cis- and trans-diastereoisomers of 2-amino analogs of

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Peter Kutschy

Synthesis of spiroindoline phytoalexin (S)-(−)-spirobrassinin and its unnatural (R)-(+)-enantiomer · Mariana Budovská, Peter Kutschy, Tibor ...

Business Register of the Slovak Republic on Internet - results of...

Business Register of the Slovak Republic on Internet - results of searching by name of person

2H-benzimidazoles (isobenzimidazoles). Part 7. A new route to...

A new synthesis of the selective anthelmintic agent triclabendazole from the readily available 5,6-dichloro-2-benzimidazole-2-spirocyclohexane by simple...

Amchi Kunga

#9 | :52:45 | Peter Kutschy | Location Canada ... that is merely taking dictation from within. Peter Kutschy ...

Medvik: Indolové fytoalexíny - štruktúrne neobvyklé prírodné látky

farmaceutické chemii", Liblice, Abstrakta. / Peter Kutschy.

Stereoselective separation of spiroindoline phytoalexins on...

Ján Petrovaj, Peter Kutschy, Daniel W Armstrong. Journal of Chromatography.

Enantiodifferentiation of phytoalexin spirobrassinin derivatives...

Peter Kutschy. Institute of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Moyzesova 11Košice, Slovak Republic ...

Deň otvorenych dverí - ÚCHV | UPJŠ

Peter Kutschy, CSc., Biochémia – prof. RNDr. Marian Antalík, CSc. Analytická chémia – doc. Ing. Viera Vojteková, CSc. Fyzikálna chémia – doc.

Medvik: Diastereoselektivita spirocyklizácie 1-metoxybrasinínu na...

Diastereoselektivita spirocyklizácie 1-metoxybrasinínu na 1-metoxyspirobrasinometyléter / Mariana Budovská, Zuzana Čurillová, Peter Kutschy, Marcel Török.

Medvik: Syntéza indolového fytoalexínu 1-metoxybrasenínu B a...

... B a 1-(beta-D-glukopyranozyl)brasenínu B : 54. sjezd chemických společností. Brno, Sborník. / Zuzana Čurillová, Peter Kutschy, Milan Dzurilla.

Hocek Research Team

Pages of Group of Modified Nucleobases, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences

Medvik: Syntéza indolového fytoalexínu rutalexínu

Syntéza indolového fytoalexínu rutalexínu / Zuzana Čurillová, Mariana Budovská, Peter Kutschy, Martina Pilátová, Ján Mojžiš. Author. Čurillová, Zuzana

New Syntheses of Indole Phytoalexins and Related Compounds

Peter Kutschy. Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, P. J. Šafárik University, Moyzesova 11SK KošiceSlovak Republic ...

Osobnosti a inštitúcie ocenené medailou PF UPJŠ - bronzová medaila |...

Peter Kutschy, CSc. – in memoriam - za celoživotnú vedeckú a pedagogickú prácu v prospech Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach RNDr. Pavol Meľuch ...

In vitro toxicity of camalexin derivatives in human cancer and...

Martina Pilatova, Lenka Ivanova, Peter Kutschy, Lenka Varinska, Lydia Saxunova, Maria Repovska, Marek Sarissky, Robert Seliga, Ladislav Mirossay, Jan ...

Medvik: Spirocyclization of isatin with chiral alpha-aminothiols:...

... chiral alpha-aminothiols: diastereoselective synthesis of (-)- and (+)-4'-( methoxycarbonyl)spiro([indoline-3,2'-thiazolidin]-2-one / Peter Kutschy, Mojmír Suchý, ...


Peter Kutschy, Institute of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, UPJS, Kosice, Slovakia: 1-methoxyindole phytoalexins: synthesis and anticancer activity.

Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Zoznam publikačnej...

... D. Klika, Mariana Budovská, Peter Kutschy Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, ISSN , Vol phytoalexins: synthesis and anticancer activity Peter Kutschy, Andrej Sýkora, Ph.D. LinkedIn: Human AFP Natural delivery protein (

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Peter

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Peter; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon

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