55 Infos zu Peter Schlomka

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Physics in Medicine & Biology Citations Prize - IOP Publishing

Jens Peter Schlomka, Ewald Roessl, Ralf Dorscheid, Stefan Dill, Gerhard Martens, Thomas Istel, Christian Bäumer, Christoph Herrmann, Roger Steadman, Günter Zeitler, Amir Livne and Roland Proksa for their paper 'Experimental feasibility of multi-energy photon-counting K-edge imaging in pre-clinical ...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Jens-Peter Schlomka

Security and Investigations

LinkedIn: Jens-Peter Schlomka - Deutschland | LinkedIn

Jens-Peter Schlomka. Manager Systems Engineering at Morpho Detection Germany GmbH Location Hamburg Area, Germany Industry

LinkedIn: Jens-Peter Schlomka | LinkedIn

Jens-Peter Schlomkas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Jens-Peter ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Jens-Peter Schlomka - Patents

Recent bibliographic sampling of Jens-Peter Schlomka patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title): ...

3 Business-Profile

Xing: Jens-Peter Schlomka - R&D Manager - Smiths Detection | XING

Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie Jens-Peter Schlomka direkt bei XING.

patentbuddy: Jens Peter Schlomka


patentbuddy: Jens-Peter Schlomka


7 Bücher zum Namen

Untersuchung der strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von dünnen NiMnSb-Schichtsystemen

von Jens-Peter Schlomka, Verlag für Wissenschaft und ForschungTaschenbuch

Introduction to Surveillance Studiesgoogle.com

5Jens‐Peter Schlomka, et al., “Experimental feasibility of multi‐energy photon‐counting K‐edge imaging in pre‐clinical computed tomography,” Physics in ...

: Modern Diagnostic X-Ray Sources: Technology,...

Modern Diagnostic X-Ray Sources: Technology, Manufacturing, Reliability von Behling, Rolf beim ZVAB.com - ISBN 10: ISBN 13: CRC...

Electronics for Radiation Detection - Google Books

AcknoWledGMents We thank our colleagues Klaus Jürgen Engel, Michael Overdick, Jens-Peter Schlomka, and Gereon Vogtmeier (Philips Research Europe) and Randy Luhta (Philips Healthcare) for providing some of the material shown in this chapter. The close collaboration with our colleagues at Philips Healthcare ...

3 Dokumente

Citations Prize NASA/ADS

Jens-Peter Schlomka (with medal, MorphoDetection), Ewald Roessl (Philips), ...


... Briarcliff Manor, NY; Axel Thran, Philips Res Europe - Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; Jens-Peter Schlomka, Philips Res Aachen, Aachen, Germany; Shelton D ...

[IEEE IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging...

A Novel CT Perfusion Protocol for Quantitative Contrast Material Mapping Bernhard Brendel, Ewald Roessl, Jens-Peter Schlomka, Axel Thran, Roland Proksa...

8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Bernhard Brendel

List of computer science publications by Bernhard Brendel

dblp: Jens-Peter Schlomka

List of computer science publications by Jens-Peter Schlomka

dblp: Johannes Delfs

List of computer science publications by Johannes Delfs

Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Physik an der Universität Hamburg...

Dr. Jens-Peter Schlomka : Philips Research Hamburg - Digital Imaging Group : Zerstörungsfreie Strukturanalyse mit "Coherent Scatter X-ray Computer Tomography" ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Jens-Peter Schlomka | PubFacts

Jens-Peter Schlomka

Anomaly Detection and Imaging with X-Rays (ADIX) | (2016) |...

Author(s): Sondre Skatter; Sebastian Fritsch; Jens-Peter Schlomka. Show Abstract. The performance limits were explored for an X-ray ...

Axel Thran | PubFacts

Axel Thran

Multienergy photon-counting K-edge imaging: potential for improved...

PubFacts seeks to make the world's scientific research easy to locate, access, and collaborate on.

23 Webfunde aus dem Netz

WO A2 - Acquisition parameter optimization for csct...

Other languages: English: French; Inventor: Jens-Peter Schlomka: Udo Van Stevendaal: Axel Thran: Rüdiger computed tomography Claims,Description

WO A3 - Advanced csct detector shapes Google...

The application of CSCT to baggage inspection necessitates a large field of view, resulting in a large gantry that has to sustain large centrifugal...

Deutsche 505er Klassenvereinigung -

Die offizielle Webseite der Segel Klassenvereinigung der 505er in Deutschland

Jens-Peter Schlomka, Hamburg DE - Patent applications

Scatter Computer Tomography Material Identification - In a CSCT material ...

Energy-Sensitive, Photon-Counting Computed Tomography: Opportunities...

1 Energy-Sensitive, Photon-Counting Computed Tomography: Opportunities and Technological Challenges Ewald Roessl, Bernhard Brendel, Gerhard Martens, Roland Proksa, Friedericke Schmidt, Axel Thran, Jens-Peter Schlomka Philips Research Europe - Hamburg, Aachen AAPM 51 st Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California July 27, …

US B2 - Computed tomography device and method with...

The invention relates to a computed tomography method in which an examination zone is irradiated along a circular trajectory by a fan-shaped radiation...

WO A2 - Coherent scatter imaging Google Patents

Inventors, Michael Grass, Jens-Peter Schlomka, Stevendaal Udo Van. Applicant, Koninkl Philips Electronics Nv, Michael Grass, Jens-Peter Schlomka, ...

Internet Scientific Publications

... the water bottle voxels in Figure 5 is zero and has a standard deviation of 27 H units group at MorphoDetection, Hamburg, led by Dr Jens-Peter Schlomka.


Draft programme: pdf : Sunday, 28th : 17: :00: Registration : ... Jens-Peter Schlomka (Morpho Systems) Oral session 11: Industrial and other applications:


Inventors: Jens-Peter Schlomka (Hamburg, DE) Assignees: Patent applications by Koninklijke Philips Electronic N.V

Coherent scatter computed tomography: a novel medical imaging...

SPIE Digital Library Proceedings


Anrecht 2005: Jens-Peter Schlomka, TSVS Urs Wihlfahrt, ENSFR 1. Anrecht 2006: Malte Christophersen Sebastian Salein 1. Anrecht 2007: Claas Lehmann, ...

Computed tomography in color: Nanok-enhanced spectral CT molecular...

Dipanjan Pan ; Ewald Roessl ; Jens Peter Schlomka ; Shelton D. Caruthers ; Angana Senpan ; Mike J. Scott ; John S. Allen ; Huiying Zhang ...

Nové nanočástice zviditelní krevní sraženiny - Gate2Biotech.cz

Po téměř dvě desetiletí kardiologové hledají způsob, jak zviditelnit nebezpečné krevní sraženiny ještě před tím, než způsobí infarkt. Nyní vědci z Washington...

Focal cystic high-attenuation lesions: Characterization in renal...

... Elmar M. Merkle ; Rendon C. Nelson ; Sebastian T. Schindera ; Ewald Roessl ; Gerhard Martens ; Roland Proksa ; Thorsten R. Fleiter ; Jens Peter Schlomka.

2013 Detecting Illicit Substances: Explosives and Drugs Conference GRC

The Gordon Research Conference on Detecting Illicit Substances: Explosives and Drugs will be held in Les Diablerets, VD Switzerland. Apply today to...

Session: Frontiers in Nanoparticle and Nanoporous Materials

Dipanjan Pan, Ewald Roessl, Ronald Proksa, Jens-Peter Schlomka, Angana Senpan, Shelton D Caruthers, Mike J Scott, Eric T Choi, Patrick J.


Patent applications by Jens-Peter Schlomka, Hamburg DE Patent applications by KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Peter

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Peter; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon

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