94 Infos zu Petra Ditsche
Mehr erfahren über Petra Ditsche
Infos zu
- Ditsche-Kuru
- University
- Clingfish
- ClingTechBionics
- Adam Summers
- Christian Grünewald
- Friday Harbor Laboratories
- Inspired
21 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Clingfish may hold future to suction tech - Redorbit— Petra Ditsche from UW's Friday Harbor Laboratories on San Juan Island and her colleagues are studying the Northern clingfish, a finger-sized ... › news
Suction power of clingfish could inspire medical devices - UPI.comThe Puget Sound's unassuming Norther clingfish is scaleless, slimy and slender; but researchers are intrigued by its impressive suctioning ability
April 14, 2017: Petra Ditsche discusses biological attachment...· April 14, 2017: Petra Ditsche discusses biological attachment mechanisms in aquatic environments. by Michelle Saport | April 13,
11. Juli 2019: Petra Ditsche, University of Alaska, Anchorage —...· Vortrag im Biologischen Kolloquium: "Holding tight when it gets rough - Animal attachment in aquatic flow environments and bio-inspired ...
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Dr. Petra Ditsche – Chief Executive Officer – ClingTechBionics UGde.linkedin.com › dr-petra-ditsche-a a6Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Dr. Petra Ditsche im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Dr. Petra Ditsche sind 2 Jobs angegeben.
LinkedIn: Petra Ditsche-Kuru – Postdoc – Zoological Institute, University of Kielde.linkedin.com › petra-ditsche-kuru-bSehen Sie sich das Profil von Petra Ditsche-Kuru im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Petra Ditsche-Kuru sind 4 Jobs angegeben.
Petra DitscheFaculty Opinions
Stillpoint School student's writing honored in OlympiaStillpoint School student Celine Kuru received a certificate at the State Capitol in recognition of her selection as an Honorable Mention letter write...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Exploring Functional Morphology, Biomechanics and Biomimetics -...Exploring Functional Morphology, Biomechanics and Biomimetics ... My work in the applied science of water protection and river ecology inspired me to gain deeper ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Biomimetics : nature-based innovation in SearchWorks catalogStanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
Students & alumni — Comparative Biomechanics at Friday Harbor LabsStudents & alumni
1 Projekte
Whale visionSite for the Azores Whale Lab, directed by Dr. Mónica A. Silva, PhD
5 Bücher zum Namen
Functional Surfaces In Biology Iii - Gorb Stanislav N. (Curatore);...3 Clingfish adhesion, Petra Ditsche-Kuru. 4 Possible role of gradients in insect adhesion, Stanislav Gorb. 5 Cell adhesion to soft/hard substrates, ...
dinicola Archive | Marine BiologyIn a paper published May 23 in Science, a team of international researchers from Simon Fraser University, University of Washington and other institutions...
Aquatic Entomology - Jill Lancaster, Barbara J. Downes - Google Books... John Bush, Gerry Closs, Peter Cranston, Petra Ditsche-Kuru, David Dudgeon, David Hu, P.S. (Sam) Lake, Richard Marchant, Barbara Peckarsky, Stephen Rice, ...
Biomimetics: Nature-Based Innovation - Yoseph Bar-Cohen - Google BooksMimicking nature - from science fiction to engineering realityHumans have always looked to nature's inventions as a source of inspiration. The observation of...
2 Dokumente
File:Notonecta glauca Skin SEM 01.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsSource, Petra Ditsche-Kuru, Erik S. Schneider, Jan-Erik Melskotte, Martin Brede, Alfred Leder and Wilhelm Barthlott: Superhydrophobic surfaces of the water ... › F...
Petra Ditsche - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › PetraDitscheby Petra Ditsche. The Northern clingfish is a small, Eastern North Pacific fish that can attach to rough, fouled rocks in the intertidal.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Zoology | Vol 115, Issue 6, Pages (December 2012) |...Petra Ditsche-Kuru, Wilhelm Barthlott, Jochen H.E. Koop. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Hollowing or cavitation during ...
Veranstaltungen in der Vergangenheit — Fakultät für BiologieJuli 2019: Petra Ditsche, University of Alaska, Anchorage. Vortrag im Biologischen Kolloquium: "Holding tight when it gets rough - Animal attachment in ... › ... › Veranstaltungen
Biomimicry Suction Cups Withstand More Than Splashes | Science and...Suction cups are getting a facelift. A shower caddy full of shampoo plopping into the bathtub may be an inconvenience in most cases, but ...
Inspired by northern clingfish, researchers make a better suction cup...Scientists, inspired by the clingfish's suction power, set out to develop an artificial suction cup that borrows from nature's design. Their prototype actually...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Functional Surfaces in Biology III : Diversity of the Physical...Diesen Titel erhalten Sie in einer Bibliothek! Functional Surfaces in Biology III : Diversity of the Physical Phenomena. [Stanislav N Gorb; Elena V Gorb;]
Petra Ditsche-Kuru - WikidataNo description defined. In more languages. Spanish. Petra Ditsche-Kuru. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.
Superhydrophobicity in perfection: the outstanding properties of the...scientific article published on 10 March 2011
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Epeorus assimilis – WikipediaPetra Ditsche-Kuru, Jochen H.E. Koop, Stanislav Gorb (2009): Haftung in der Strömung: Die Rolle der Kiemenblättchen von Epeorus assimilis (Ephemeroptera) ... › wiki › Epeorus_assimilis
48 Webfunde aus dem Netz
8. Nos références - Les surfaces naturelles superhydrophobessurfaces naturelles superhydrophobes
DE A1 - Article for obtaining water repellent effect with...The article has a surface with filaments having certain length and other filaments, where the surface of the filaments is partially hydrophobic, so that...
People - Cheryl WilgaWilga Lab at UAA
Petra Ditsche | Chiang Mai Hospital | Canada - OMICS Internationalbiography.omicsonline.org › petra-ditschePetra Ditsche. microbiology. Chiang Mai Hospital Canada. Biography. He is working as a Doctor. His international experience includes various programs, ...
Dr. Petra Ditsche - Lotus-Salvinia: Biomimetics and BiodiversitySuperhydrophobe selbstreinigende und Luft haltende Oberflächen: Lotus-Effekt® und Salvinia®-Effekt
1. Preis: ClingTechBionics – Nominiert im 26. NUK ...NUK-Businessplan-Wettbewerb. ClingTechBionics-GründerInnen: Petra Ditsche und Christian Grünewald (v.l.) Foto: Simon Hecht. Eigendarstellung ... › clingtechbionics
fellow of THE royal society of arts - Γερμανικά-Αγγλικά μετάφραση |...Βρείτε εδώ την Γερμανικά-Αγγλικά μετάφραση για fellow of THE royal society of arts στο PONS διαδικτυακό λεξικό! Δωρεάν προπονητής λεξιλογίου, πίνακες κλίσης...
Comparative Functional Anatomy of the Oral Jaw Musculo-skeletal...Semantic Scholar extracted view of
Bio-Inspired Suction Cups Withstand More than Splashes - Medical...Suction cups are getting a facelift. A shower caddy full of shampoo plopping into the bathtub may be an inconvenience in most cases, but failures like
Bionische Saugnäpfe – company website of ClingTechBionicsPetra Ditsche am beim beim Rotary Club Bornheim hält. ClingTechBionics wird im Jahreswirtschaftsbericht der Stadt Bonn vorgestellt: https://www.
International Journal of LimnologyInternational Journal of Limnology, An international journal of basic and applied freshwater research
Startups und ihre kreativen Ideen - RheinZeigerDas Gründerteam Dr. Petra Ditsche und Christian Grünewald. ClingTechBionics. ClingTechBionics vermarktet international einen bionischen HighTech-Saugnapf, ... › startups-ideen › clingtechb...
Air Retention under Water by the Floating Fern Salvinia: The Crucial...The ability of floating ferns Salvinia to keep a permanent layer of air under water is of great interest, e.g., for drag-reducing ship coatings. The...
Clingfish Suction Provides Inspiration for New Technology | The Fish...— ... surfaces in wet environments," said Petra Ditsche, a postdoctoral researcher in Adam Summers' team at the Friday Harbor Laboratories. › articles › cl...
Chapter II.2: Examples for business supported | English websiteDr. Petra Ditsche researched this principle in the USA and developed it further here in Germany. The invention of the technical suction cup makes it ...
Elasticity of the hair cover in air-retaining Salvinia surfacesPetra Ditsche, Elena Gorb, Matthias Mayser, Stanislav Gorb, Thomas Schimmel, Wilhelm Barthlott. View on publisher site Alert me about new mentions. › ...
Southern residents focus of Way of the Whales conferencewww.islandsweekly.com › life › southern-residents-f...· Friday Harbor Labs researcher Petra Ditsche, who has a Ph.D. in zoology, used clingfish technology to make a suction cup capable of sticking ...
Superhydrophobic surfaces of the water bug Notonecta glauca: a model...Superhydrophobic surfaces of plants and animals are of great interest for biomimetic applications. Whereas the self-cleaning properties of superhydrophobic...
List of Sessions - SICB4, Where's My Partner? Coral Reef Biology, Session Chair(s): Rachel Wright. 5, Biomaterials: Aquatic, Session Chair(s): Tobin Hieronymus, Petra Ditsche. › list-of-symposiums
The Clingfish Can Lift Up to 300 Times Its Own Body WeightThe clingfish is a unique species of fish that can attach itself to almost any surface and lift up to 300 times its body weight, thanks to a natural suction...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Petra
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Ungarisch): Petra; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); Information zur männlichen Form Peter:; bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon
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