29 Infos zu Petra Domaing

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biocreative_data nxml.txt at master · saetre/biocreative_data...

BioCreative III Interactive Annotation Task, 3-4GB data with species and entrezgenes annotated - biocreative_data nxml.txt at master ·...

Petra Domaing | AceMap

Epigenetics & Chromatin - Katharina Laurence Jost, Bianca Bertulat, Alexander Rapp, Alessandro Brero, Tanja Hardt, Petra Domaing, Claudia Gosele, Herbert Schulz Simple Method For Sub Diffraction Resolution Imaging of Cellular Structures on Standard Confocal Microscopes By Three Photon Absorption of ...

2 Dokumente

Supporting Information - Wileyapi.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/.../supinfo%2Fange_ _sm...

Christian Hoppmann,* Peter Schmieder, Petra Domaing, Gabriela Vogelreiter, Jenny Eichhorst,. Burkhard Wiesner, Ingo Morano, Karola Rück-Braun, and ...

iscb.cnrs-mrs.fr › events › download › Cardoso EMBO M. Cristina Cardoso - iSCB

GFP-PCNA. Real time cell cycle progression assay. Petra Domaing. Page 27. Real time DNA replication progression assay euchromatin heterochromatin.

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Epigenetics & Chromatin | Articles

Providing novel insights into epigenetic inheritance and chromatin-based interactions, Epigenetics and Chromatin publishes research and reviews which aim to ...

OPUS Würzburg | Simple Method for Sub-Diffraction Resolution Imaging...

Anje Sporbert, Zoltan Cseresnyes, Meike Heidbreder, Petra Domaing, Stefan Hauser, Barbara Kaltschmidt, Christian Kaltschmidt, Mike ...

Gene repositioning within the cell nucleus is not random and is...

Gene repositioning within the cell nucleus is not random and is determined by its genomic neighborhood. K. Laurence Jost†,; Bianca Bertulat†,; Alexander Rapp,; Alessandro Brero,; Tanja Hardt,; Petra Domaing,; Claudia Gösele,; Herbert Schulz,; Norbert Hübner and; M. Cristina CardosoEmail author. †Contributed equally.

Restricted mobility of Dnmt1 in preimplantation embryos: implications...

Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Petra Domaing (Max Delbruck Center, Berlin) for technical assistance. This work was funded by the ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Oalib search

Search Results: of matches for " Petra Domaing " All listed articles are free for downloading (OA Articles) ...

20 Webfunde aus dem Netz

petra domaing | LinkedIn

View petra domaing's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like petra domaing discover inside ...

petra domaing | Professional Profile - LinkedIn

View petra domaing's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. petra has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover petra's connections and jobs at similar companies.

Simple Method for Sub-Diffraction Resolution Imaging of Cellular...

Petra Domaing,. Affiliation: Confocal and 2-Photon Microscopy Core Facility, Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin, Berlin, ...

A novel cell permeable DNA replication and repair marker - MOAM.INFO

Jul 25, Keywords: cell cycle, cell-penetrating peptides, DNA repair, DNA replication, Herce HD, Deng W, He...

A novel cell permeable DNA replication and repair marker. - PDF...

Acknowledgments. We thank Petra Domaing and Anne Lehmkuhl for excellent technical assistance. We are indebted to Roger Y Tsien for the.

Research Report PDF Free Download

N- and C-terminal domains of essential myosin light chains (ELC) modulate cardiac functions Janine Lossie, Clemens Köhnke, Petra Domaing We modelled the ...

Berlin-Buch - Imaging Netzwerk Berlin

Berlin-Buch - Imaging Netzwerk Berlin

Huygens Publications | Scientific Volume Imaging

Scientific Volume Imaging to provides reliable, high quality, easy to use image processing tools for scientists working in light microscopy. Together with a...

Gene repositioning within the cell nucleus is not random and is...

Author(s): K. Laurence Jost 1 , Bianca Bertulat 1 , Alexander Rapp 1 , Alessandro Brero 2 , Tanja Hardt 2 , Petra Domaing 2 , Claudia Gösele 2 , Herbert Schulz ...

Research Report 2016

The MDC's Research Report offers an overview of the research of all of the scientific groups at the institute. In addition, readers can learn about...

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4. Petra Domaing :03. Hallo wir haben es heute entlich geschafft...Super geworden... nicht nur Mum und Dad sind stolz auch Tante Ind mit ...

Research Report Max Delbrück Center for Molecular

Research Report Max Delbrück Center for Molecular

Research Report MDC - MOAM.INFO

This Research Report is also available on the World Wide tive research collaborations, for example, a project from...

Cardoso Lab

Cardoso Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Research Report Free singles website uk

Andreas Marg, Hannelore Haase, Petra Domaing. AHNAK function and subcellular localization in skeletal muscle are unclear. The aim of the project is the elucida- tion of the role of ahnak protein family in skeletal mus- cle fibers. The transmembrane protein dysferlin seems to anchor ahnak1 and ahnak2 to the sarcolemma, ...

Restricted mobility of Dnmt1 in preimplantation embryos: implications...

Mouse preimplantation development is characterized by both active and passive genomic demethylation. A short isoform of ...

Publications - Widera Lab

Website of the Research Lab Headed by Dr Darius Widera

Приветствуем Вас в Центральной Научной Сельскохозяйственной Библиотеке

Anje Sporbert, Petra Domaing, Heinrich Leonhardt, M. Cristina Cardoso. PCNA acts as a stationary loading platform for transiently interacting Okazaki fragment ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Petra

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Ungarisch): Petra; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); Information zur männlichen Form Peter:; bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon

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