66 Infos zu Petra Rumpf
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- Director
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- LimaCorporate
- Executive Vice President
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- Basel
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- Mitglied
- Rahma Samow
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
stmn.s - | Stock Price & Latest News | ReutersPetra Rumpf: Non-Executive Director. Juan-Jose Gonzalez: Non-Executive Independent Director. Beat E. Luthi: Non-Executive Independent Director. › companies
Petra Rumpf: new LimaCorporate Board Member22. Okt · Petra Rumpf is a healthcare and digital health executive with more than 20 years of strategic leadership expertise. Petra has vast experience from incubating, building and running global businesses, defining and implementing digitally-driven business models, steering M&A activity and driving organic growth. She has been a member of Executive Management Boards of publicly listed companies and has driven business transformation in Med Tech, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, High Tech ...
LimaCorporate beruft Petra Rumpf in den Aufsichtsrat |› News & Analysen
Straumann Group Aktionäre wählen Petra Rumpf als neues Mitglied...Petra Rumpf wurde als neues Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats für eine einjährige Amtsdauer gewählt. Monique Bourquin hat entschieden, nicht zur Wiederwahl anzutreten. Im Namen der Aktionäre und des Unternehmens dankte ihr der Präsident des Verwaltungsrates für ihre zahlreichen Beiträge und wünschte ihr für die Zukunft alles Gute.
4 Bilder zu Petra Rumpf

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Petra Rumpf aus NetzschkauStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
: Petra Rumpf aus DieburgStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
: Petra Rumpf aus FrankenhausenStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Petra Rumpf | Facebookwww.facebook.com › petra1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
Petra Rumpf - FVCA Eppertshausen› vorstand › petra-rumpf
3 Dokumente
Nanostructured Semiconductors Granitzer Petra Rumpf Klemens› nanostructured-semicond...
Straumann Group appoints Rahma Samow to marCo.chShe succeeds Petra Rumpf as EVP of the Group's DSO business unit, who is relinquishing her executive responsibilities at Straumann and will be nominated for ... › publish › straumann › Strau...
Press release from the Annual General Meeting in MFN.se— Martin Erleman, Mikael Dolsten and Theodor Bonnier were re-elected, and Petra Rumpf was newly elected, as Board members for the time until ... › press-release-from-the-ann...
21 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Petra Rumpf Executive Vice President bei Straumann - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › chatin › wncPetra Rumpf: Executive Vice President bei Straumann: Basel Dist Ba, Canton of Basel-Stadt, Switzerland | Medical Devices. Add connection. Create my ...
Petra Rumpf Appointed As New Limacorporate Yahoo Newsnews.yahoo.com › petra-rumpf-ap...LimaCorporate is pleased to announce that Petra Rumpf has joined the LimaCorporate Advisory Board starting September 22,
Petra Rumpf Net Worth (2023) | wallminePetra Rumpf serves as Member of the Executive Management Board, Head Dental Service Organizations of the Company. Petra Rumpf joined Straumann in as Executive Vice President, Head Instradent Management & Strategic Alliances and moved into her current role in Before joining Straumann, she worked for Nobel Biocare from to 2014, where she served on the Executive Committee and was responsible for Corporate Development and M&A, global e-commerce, clinical training & education, and ...
Press Release from the Annual General Yahoo Finance— ... and Petra Rumpf was newly elected, as Board members for the time until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. › news
LimaCorporate beruft Petra Rumpf in den Aufsichtsrat - business24.ch› › limacorporate-ber...
Top 100 Manufacturers of Dental Implants Worldwide Yahoo FinancePetra Rumpf is Head of Strategic Alliances at Institut Straumann. This report profiles the Top 100 manufacturers of dental implants worldwide.
Petra Rumpf Appointed As New Limacorporate Adnkronos› petra...
Petra Rumpf, Steckborn, Schweiz - North Data› Personen › Steckborn
Petra Rumpf (@chi.a.petras.babystube) | TikTok› ...
LimaCorporate beruft Petra Rumpf in den Aufsichtsrat› ...
リマ・コーポレートが諮問委員会の新メンバーにPetra Rumpf ...› ...
Board of directors - VimianPetra Rumpf. Board member since Born: Education. Bachelor's degree in Economics from Trier University and MBA from Clark University, USA. › investors › bo...
Gilbert Achermann - Dental-expert - DTStudyClubGilbert Achermann, Petra Rumpf, Dr. Charlotte Stilwell. Gilbert Achermann Chairman of the Board of Directors, Straumann Holding AG Petra Rumpf Head of ... › gil...
Langenthal DE – La Clinique du Vieux-ChâteauPetra RUMPF. TPA. Bruno UNTERNAEHRER. Dr Med. vet. ADRESSE Langenthal. · . ANFAHRTSPLAN. KONTAKT. › langenthal-de
Straumann Holding AG Stock Overview (Switzerland - STMNPetra Rumpf MBA. Non-Independent Non-Executive Director. Mark D Johnson. Head-Operations, Regulatory & Quality Affairs. H. C Thomas Straumann PhD. › stocks
Vimian Group AB Profile - VIMGF - MarketWatchBoard of Directors · Gabriel Fitzgerald Chairman · Theodor Bonnier Director · Martin Bengt Nilsson Erleman Director · Petra Rumpf MBA Director · Mikael Dolsten MD, ... › co...
BUDGET Stadt Steckborn— dem Frühling dieses Jahres ist Frau Petra Rumpf Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung bei der. Firma Institut Straumann AG in Basel. › _doc
Industry Watch ADA News : April 20, Mydigitalpublication— Petra Rumpf was named head of Instradent and strategic alliances for Straumann on March 11. Ms. Rumpf has experience in the dental industry. She ... › ...
Straumann Group appoints Rahma Samow to head fast ...— She succeeds Petra Rumpf as EVP of the Group's DSO business unit, who is relinquishing her executive responsibilities at Straumann and will ... › straumann-g...
Straumann baut Führung um - Finanz und Wirtschaft— Petra Rumpf und Jens Dexheimer verlassen Unternehmen ... Neben Neuzugängen kommt es auch zu Abgängen. So habe sich der derzeitige Europa-Chef Jens ... › ... › Straumann baut Führung um
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Petra
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Ungarisch): Petra; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); Information zur männlichen Form Peter:; bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon
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