37 Infos zu Philipp Dimakopoulos
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- Berlin
Infos zu
- Platform Competition
- Slobodan Sudaric
- Data and Platform
- Economics
- Humboldt University Berlin
- Privacy and Platform
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
3rd BCCP Forum - Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies— Philipp Dimakopoulos (BDPEMS, Humboldt University Berlin). Freemium Pricing: Evidence from a Large-scale Field Experiment (with Julian Runge ... › events
Competition Law Turns Green – Seminar Series | BSoGPhilipp Dimakopoulos – Economist, DG COMP. Astrid Ladefoged – Head of Unit (SDGs & Economic Analysis) DG ENV. Andreas Themelis – Head of Unit (Advocacy), ... › event
NEWSLETTER NR. 35 Mai PDF Kostenfreier Download12 Philipp Dimakopoulos EARIE 2016, Lissabon CRESSE 2016, Rhodos IODE 2017, Liége BCCP Forum 2017, Berlin Shaofang Qi : The 69th European Meeting of the ... › Newsletter-nr-35-mai...
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Philipp Dimakopoulos | LinkedIngrößte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Philipp ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team - X-KickersPhilipp Dimakopoulos (li.) Goalgetter im Brüsseler Exil. Lenny Funck Keeper, Monster auf der Linie, ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Contact the Chief Competition Economist's teamPhilipp DIMAKOPOULOS Economist Tel.: + Dominik ERHARTER Economist Tel.: + Valeria GRANATA Assistant to the Chief economist › ...
1 Auszeichnungen
Preis junger Volkswirte - Volkswirtschaftlicher AlumniclubMaster. 1. Platz: Franziska Ehm; 2. Platz: Marco Schwarz; 3. Platz: Philipp Dimakopoulos und Harald Lang. Preisträger im Sommersemester 2012: Diplom:. › junger_vo...
1 Projekte
B02Optimal Dynamic ContractingPublications - Rationality and...Authors: Sudaric Slobodan (HU Berlin) Philipp Dimakopoulos (HU Berlin). Published in: International Journal of Industrial Organization, 61,
4 Dokumente
Competition Law Turns Green am— ... David Foster (Frontier Economics), Astrid Ladefoged (Europäische Kommission, DG ENV), Philipp Dimakopoulos (Europäische Kommission, ... › news › news-details › detail › co...
The Green Paradox and Learning-by-Doing in the Renewable ...We thank Andreas Lange, Karen Pittel, Ronnie Schöb, Till Requate, Philipp Dimakopoulos, Mark. Schopf, Jonas von Wangenheim, seminar and conference ... › SSRN_ID _code
競爭法多邊平台經濟分析之研究 - 公平交易委員會196 Philipp Dimakopoulos and Slobodan Sudaric, “Privacy and Platform Competition,” 61. International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2018). › upload
2022 Annual ACE Conference— Maarten Pieter Schinkel [U. Amsterdam]; Roman Inderst [U. Frankfurt]; Philipp Dimakopoulos [DGCOMP]. Chair: Frédéric Jenny [ESSEC Business ... › 826-file
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
The green paradox and learning-by-doing in the renewable ...von D Nachtigall · · Zitiert von: 27 — We wish to thank Philipp Dimakopoulos, Andreas Lange, Karen Pittel, Ronnie Schöb, Mark Schopf, Till Requate, Gerard van der Meijden, Jonas von Wangenheim ... › pii
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Privacy and Platform CompetitionBy Philipp Dimakopoulos and Slobodan Sudaric; Abstract: We analyze platform competition where user data is collected to improve adtargeting ...
Recent Developments at DG Competition:von T Buettner · — We would like to thank Guillaume Debarbat, Philipp Dimakopoulos, Szabolcs Lorincz, Paul Bridgeland, Johannes Holzwarth, and Hans Zenger for ... › article
User Data and Platform Competition - CRESSEvon P Dimakopoulos · · Zitiert von: 2 — Philipp Dimakopoulos. Humboldt University of Berlin∗. Slobodan Sudaric ... ∗. †. › 2017_pa8_pa3_User-Data
Repensar la competencia en la Economía Digital - Cofecewww.cofece.mx › › Repe...108 Philipp Dimakopoulos y Slobodan Sudaric (2018). Privacy and Platform Competition. Disponible aquí Ver, por ejemplo: Ezrachi y ...
15 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jonas von Wangenheim and Philipp Dimakopoulos were selected in the...Two BDPEMS students - Jonas von Wangenheim and Philipp Dimakopoulos - were selected in the
ADVERTISING IN MEDIA MARKETS - PDF Free DownloadUser Data and Platform Competition Philipp Dimakopoulos Humboldt-University of Berlin Slobodan Sudaric Humboldt University of Berlin January 10,
Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies - PDF Free Download... Cingolani Joseph Clougherty Jano Costard Juri Demuth Philipp Dimakopoulos Felix Dörig Irina Domurath Antoine Dubus Martin Ebers Stephanie Fankhauser ...
News | Berlin School of Economics (BSE)Jonas von Wangenheim and Philipp Dimakopoulos were selected in the "rising star" sessions at the EARIE conference. Description: Two BDPEMS students ...
BDPEMS - News | Berlin School of Economics (BSE)BDPEMS newsletter.
PREP SCOREBOARD. - Free Online Library - The Free LibraryNick Babij-Philipp Dimakopoulos, Ontario, d Jimmy Rico-David White, Umatilla, 6-0, QUARTERFINALS - Kellog-Young, Catlin Gabel, d Stapp-Stebbins, ... › P...
Pappel Open - X-KickersPhilipp Dimakopoulos Rubin Schmidt. Corrado Amicabile und Philipp Engel Corrado Amicabile Alex Bosch. Uwe Lucas und Leonardo Lucas. › breitensport › pappel-open
The 12th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and WelfareBy Philipp Dimakopoulos; Humboldt University Berlin Christian-Philipp Heller; Humboldt University Berlin. Presented by: Philipp Dimakopoulos, Humboldt ...
MaCCI Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation - PDF Free...... to Consumers Discussant: Doh-Shin Jeon Slobodan SUDARIC (Humboldt University of Berlin) & Philipp Dimakopoulos (B) Empirical Advances in Competition ...
Net neutrality and CDN intermediation - PDF Free Download•Paid prioritization increases static network efficiency compared to neutral regime.•Incentives to invest in network inf...
Rhodes, Greece 30 th June 3 rd July PDF Free Download... Capacity under Irreversible Investment Discussion by Philipp Dimakopoulos (Humboldt University of Berlin) Philipp Dimakopoulos (Humboldt ...
gabel in Ontario - Canadian Business Directory4) Fritz Murray, Jr/Matt Young, Jr-Catlin Gabel.. Elliot Ball, Sr/Garrett Smith, Fr-Catlin..2) Nick Babij, Jr/Philipp Dimakopoulos, Sr-Ontario.. (2) Nick Babij, ... › ...
here - Liege Competition and Innovation Institute - Paperzz.comPhilipp Dimakopoulos : User Data and Platform Competition 10h30 11h 12h30 14h 15h15 15h30 Coffee break Session 2: Crowdfunding and data protection (Chair: ... › doc › here
Table of contents: collection - wpaper4, Privacy and Platform Competition (last update ) Philipp Dimakopoulos Slobodan Sudaric · , Public employment services under ...
We hope you enjoy the conference and wish you a very pleasant stay in...... Capacity-constrained Competition with a Deadline By Philipp Dimakopoulos; Humboldt University Berlin Presented by: Philipp Dimakopoulos, Humboldt ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Philipp
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Philipp; der Pferdefreund; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); philos = der Freund, der Liebende; hippos = das Pferd; ekwo = das Pferd (Indoeuropäisch); bekannt als Name des Apostels Philippus; das am Namen beteiligte Wort 'hippos' für 'Pferd' lässt sich bis auf eine sehr alte indoeuropäische Wurzel '*ekwo' zurückverfolgen
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