72 Infos zu Philipp Dutkowski
Mehr erfahren über Philipp Dutkowski
Infos zu
- Liver
- Surgery
- Pierre-Alain Clavien
- Andrea Schlegel
- Beat Müllhaupt
- Christian
- Hypothermic
- Oberkofler
- University Hospital
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Artikel Deutsches ÄrzteblattAktuelles aus der Gesundheitspolitik, neueste Studien aus der medizinischen Forschung, Nachrichten aus der ärztlichen Berufspolitik und den Hochschulen
Event detailsPhilipp Dutkowski, have designed and put together a program that should appeal to all members, regardless of specialty, professional category or age.
VerleihungenGeorg-Schmorl-Preis verliehen von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenforschung e.V., Dotation: DM, an Dr. med. Ulrich Quint, Arzt für...
Erste neun "Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials" bewilligt - SNF... Alexandra Calmy, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève: Evaluation of a simplified strategy for the long-term management of HIV infection: a non-inferiority, randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial (The SIMPL-HIV Trial); Philipp Dutkowski, Universitätsspital Zürich: Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion ...
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3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Philipp Dutkowski aus ÜberlingenStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
LinkedIn: Philipp Dutkowski | Berufsprofil - LinkedInPhilipp Dutkowskis berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Philipp Dutkowski dabei hilft, interne Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen Kandidaten, Branchenexperten und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern verbunden sind.
Philipp Dutkowski - Überlingen (Gymnasium Überlingen)Philipp Dutkowski ist Mitglied bei StayFriends und hat bis diese Schule besucht: Gymnasium Überlingen.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Can immunosuppression be stopped after liver transplantation? -...author = "Pierre-Alain Clavien and Xavier Muller and {de Oliveira}, {Michelle L} and Philipp Dutkowski and Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo",. year = "2017",. month = "7",.
14 Bücher zum Namen
heiBIB: Navid, Mojdeh Heidary... Mojdeh Heidary Navid, Juliane Friemel, Ewerton Marques-Maggio, Marion Bawohl, Mathias Heikenwalder, Peter Schirmacher, Philipp Dutkowski, Pierre-Alain ...
Conditioning with sevoflurane in liver transplantation: results of a...Beck-Schimmer, Beatrice, John M Bonvini, Erik Schadde, Philipp Dutkowski, Christian E Oberkofler, Mickael Lesurtel, Michelle L DeOliveira, ...
bokus.com: Medical Care of the Liver Transplant Patient - Pierre-Alain Clavien,...Pris: kr. Inbunden, Skickas inom 5-8 vardagar. Köp Medical Care of the Liver Transplant Patient av Pierre-Alain Clavien, James F Trotter på...
Vascular Liver Disease von Springer-Verlag GmbH - Buch24.deVascular Liver Disease, Vascular Liver Disease: Mechanisms and Management covers all of the disease entities that stem from abnormalities that affect the...
1 Dokumente
EBSCOhost | | Liver Transplantation during Pregnancy for...Nina Kimmich,1 Philipp Dutkowski,2 Franziska Krähenmann,1 Beat Müllhaupt,3. Roland Zimmermann,1 and Nicole Ochsenbein-Kölble1.
6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) protects from biliary injury...Andrea Schlegel, Rolf Graf, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Philipp Dutkowski. *. Department of Surgery, Laboratory of the Swiss HPB and Liver Transplantation Center, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. Background & Aims: The use of livers from donors after cardiac arrest (DCD) is increasing in many countries to overcome ...
Hypothermic machine perfusion in liver transplantation: Ingenta...Andrea Schlegel, Philipp Kron, and Philipp Dutkowski. Purpose of the review. The purpose of the review is to report recent human application of hypothermic machine liver perfusion, and to discuss potential protective mechanisms. Recent findings. Human application of hypothermic machine liver perfusion ...
Development of OXY111A, a novel hypoxia-modifier as a potential...Perparim Limani,; Michael Linecker,; Philipp Kron,; Panagiotis Samaras,; Bernhard Pestalozzi,; Roger Stupp,; Alexander Jetter,; Philipp Dutkowski,; Beat Müllhaupt,; Andrea Schlegel,; Claude Nicolau,; Jean-Marie Lehn,; Henrik Petrowsky,; Bostjan Humar,; Rolf Graf and; Pierre-Alain ClavienEmail author.
Reviewer acknowledgement | Transplantation Research | Full TextPhilipp Dutkowski. Switzerland. Elke Eggenhofer. Germany. Stuart Flechner. United States of America. Peter Friend. United Kingdom. John Gill. Canada.
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Philipp Dutkowski | PubFactsPhilipp Dutkowski
Liver Transplantation during Pregnancy for Acute Liver Failure due to...Acute hepatic failure during pregnancy is a life-threatening situation for the mother and fetus and might need a super-urgent liver transplantation. Many...
Control of severe portal bleeding by carrier-bound fibrin sealant |...Control of severe portal bleeding by carrier-bound fibrin sealant. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Carlos Apestegui; Stefan Breitenstein; Philipp Dutkowski; Pierre-Alain Clavien. Carlos Apestegui. 1. Stefan Breitenstein. 1. Philipp Dutkowski. 1. Pierre-Alain Clavien The Swiss Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary (HPB) Center, ...
Symposium Swiss HPB Center Zurich 2017www.sgmo.ch/wp-content/uploads/Programm_HPB_Symposium pdfOrganisationskomitee. - Prof. Dr. Pierre-Alain Clavien. - Prof. Dr. Philipp Dutkowski. - Prof. Dr. Beat Müllhaupt. - Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pestalozzi.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Molecular detection of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in liver biopsies...Original Article
25 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Philipp Dutkowski | LinkedInView Philipp Dutkowski's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Philipp Dutkowski discover ...
Philipp Dutkowski - Google ScholarProfessor of Surgery University Hospital Zurich - mal zitiert - Machine liver perfusion - Liver transplantation - HPB Surgery
Philipp Dutkowski - Google НаукаProfessor of Surgery University Hospital Zurich - Позовавания: - Machine liver perfusion - Liver transplantation - HPB Surgery
Christian Eugen Oberkofler - Παραθέσεις Μελετητή GoogleDimitri Aristotle Raptis,; Philipp Dutkowski,; Milo Puhan,; Emmanuel Melloul,; Georg Lurje,; LUIZ AUGUSTO CARNEIRO D'ALBUQ...,; Tobias Mettler, ...
Hypothermic Oxygenated Perfusion (HOPE) of Human Liver Grafts - Full...University of Zurich: Recruiting: Zurich, Switzerland, : Contact: Philipp Dutkowski, Professor
a k burroughs - Publications ListPhilipp Dutkowski, Andrea Schlegel, Ksenija Slankamenac, Christian E Oberkofler, Rene Adam, Andrew K Burroughs, Eric Schadde, Beat Müllhaupt, Pierre-Alain
Research InfoSystem > Philipp DutkowskiPhilipp Dutkowski. no information available. Go Back. Research Infosystem Persons. Search · Expertise · Universities,Agencies · Institutes · update person. Programs / Organisations. Search · Fulltext search · Swiss · International. Projects. Search · Fulltext search · Research area · Disciplines · update project.
Christian Eugen Oberkofler - Μελετητής GoogleUniversity Hospital Zurich - Παρατίθεται από - Visceral and Transplant Surgery
TTS WebappPresentations by Philipp Dutkowski. Tue-03 from 13: :30 in room Hall Plenary Corporate Symposium — Kidney & Liver Hypothermic Machine ...
Curriculum vitae for Philipp Dutkowski | hope-liver.com› p-dutkowski-s-11
Advances in hypothermic perfusionDepartment of Surgery and Transplantation, University Hospital Zurich. Philipp Dutkowski. Department of Surgery and Transplantation, University Hospital Zurich. Additional information. Data set: Wiley. Fields of science. No field of science has been suggested yet. Close. Fields of science. article. thumbnail. Read online ...
Suchmaschine BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): TrefferlisteErgebnis Ihrer Suche im BASE.
Development of OXY111A, a novel hypoxia-modifier as a potential...Perparim Limani, Michael Linecker, Philipp Kron, Panagiotis Samaras, Bernhard Pestalozzi, Roger Stupp, Alexander Jetter, Philipp Dutkowski, Beat Müllhaupt, Andrea Schlegel, Claude Nicolau, Jean Marie Lehn, Henrik Petrowsky, Bostjan Humar, Rolf Graf, Pierre Alain Clavien. Neurological Surgery.
ESOT Young Investigator Award | ESOT Barcelona 2017Authors: Andrea Schlegel 1, Marit Kalisvaart 1, Irene Scalera 1, Richard Laing 1, Hynek Mergental 1, Darius Mirza 1, Thamara Perera 1, John Isaac 1, Philipp Dutkowski 2, Paolo Muiesan 1. Affiliations: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham1, University Hospital Zurich2. Tuesday 26 September ROOM 120+121 at 11:10
Are there better guidelines for allocation in liver transplantation?...Philipp Dutkowski, Christian E. Oberkofler, Ksenija Slankamenac, Milo A. Puhan, Erik Schadde, Beat Müllhaupt, Andreas Geier, Pierre A. Clavien. Bloomberg ...
Bridge to LIfe SymposiumThe Transplantation Society International Congress
Final Programme | ESOT Brussels 2015Philipp Dutkowski, Zurich, Switzerland. 09:30 Can we escape global warming? Gabriel Oniscu, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 09:50 Keeping the ...
Conditioning With Sevoflurane in Liver Transplantation - Research...author = "Beatrice Beck-Schimmer and Bonvini, {John M.} and Erik Schadde and Philipp Dutkowski and Oberkofler, {Christian E.} and Mickael Lesurtel and ...
Immunosuppression in Organ Transplantation | Basicmedical KeyImmunosuppression in Organ Transplantation Pierre-Alain Clavien Philipp Dutkowski Historical Evolution Since the classical studies of Medawar et al. in the...
Swiss Association for the Study of the LiverPhilipp Dutkowski University Hospital Zurich; NAFLD: Workup and management. Nicolas Goossens University Hospital Geneva Course Number 17
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Philipp
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Philipp; der Pferdefreund; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); philos = der Freund, der Liebende; hippos = das Pferd; ekwo = das Pferd (Indoeuropäisch); bekannt als Name des Apostels Philippus; das am Namen beteiligte Wort 'hippos' für 'Pferd' lässt sich bis auf eine sehr alte indoeuropäische Wurzel '*ekwo' zurückverfolgen
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Beat Müllhaupt
- Andreas Geier
- Michael Linecker
- Roger Stupp
- Alexander Jetter
- Claude Nicolau
- Erik Schadde
- Pierre-Alain Clavien
- Rolf Graf
- Philipp Kron
- Barbara Maccari
Personensuche zu Philipp Dutkowski & mehr
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