97 Infos zu Philippe Schlenker

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18 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Goethe-Universität — Aktuelles am Institut für Philosophie

Sprecher: Patrick Blackburn (INRIA/Nancy), Max Cresswell (University of Auckland), Manfred Kupffer (Frankfurt), Adriane Rini (Massey University/ Palmerston North), und Philippe Schlenker (Institut Jean Nicod/Paris and New York University).

Philippe Schlenker (Special Talk @ 10am) | Department of Linguistics

Super Monsters: Role Shift and Context Shift Revisited Philippe Schlenker (Institut Jean-Nicod

Iconic Plurals by Prof. Philippe Schlenker (Cambridge Linguistics ...www.languagesciences.cam.ac.uk › events › iconic-...

Cambridge Linguistics Forum will host this talk by Professor Philippe Schlenker (Institute Jean-Nicod, CNRS / New York University).

Philippe Schlenker (Thursday Thoughts) | Department of Linguistics

Home · Events; Philippe Schlenker (Thursday Thoughts). Main navigation. Subscribe to our mailing list. Contact Us. Department of Linguistics

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Philippe Schlenker | DEC Département d'études cognitives

Discover the page of Philippe Schlenker

Academy of Europe: Schlenker Philippe

Email: philippe.schlenker 'at' gmail.com. Membership Number: Membership type: ORDINARY. Main Country of Residence: FRANCE.

6 Hobbys & Interessen

Works by Philippe Schlenker - PhilPapers

Philippe Schlenker Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (1): details ... Philippe Schlenker Natural Language Semantics 20 (4): details.

Philippe Schlenker, Non-redundancy: Towards a semantic...

Non-redundancy: Towards a semantic reinterpretation of binding theory · Philippe Schlenker · Natural Language Semantics 13 (1):1-92 (2005). Like.

Philippe Schlenker, What is Super Semantics? - PhilPapers

Super Liars.Philippe Schlenker Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (3): Trimalchio's Zodiac Dish.K. F. C. Rose† & J. P. Sullivan Classical ...

Philippe Schlenker, Anti-dynamics: Presupposition projection without...

Heim suggested that the analysis of presupposition projection requires that the classical notion of meanings as truth conditions be replaced with a...

1 Business-Profile

Schlenker, Philippe

L’application IdRef permet d’interroger les autorités des bases Calames, Sudoc, STAR, STEP et Thèses.fr, d'enrichir et/ou de corriger des notices autorités...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

bw5 - Universitat de Barcelonawww.ub.edu › logosbw › program2

In this talk Philippe Schlenker will suggest that the program of dynamic semantics was ill-conceived, and that its main results (concerning

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Philippe Schlenker

Self, Philosophie

1 Projekte

Project MUSE - The Unity of Focus: Evidence from Sign Language (ASL...

· Philippe Schlenker, Valentina Aristodemo, Ludovic Ducasse, Jonathan Lamberton, and Mirko Santoro. 1 Introduction Background. In spoken ...

10 Bücher zum Namen

Author and Narrator: Transdisciplinary Contributions to a...

385 Examples of possible mappings from syntax to semantics/pragmatics have been spelled out in Philippe Schlenker, “A Plea for Monsters”, in: Linguistics ...

Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches on Implicatures and...

This book discusses developments in the study of implicatures and presuppositions, drawing on recent linguistic and psycholinguistic literature. It provides...

Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam,...

This book contains the revised papers presented at the 8th Amsterdam Colloquium 2011, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in December The 46 thoroughly...

Visible Meaning: Sign language and the foundations of semantics

Schlenker, Philippe, Jonathan Lamberton & Mirko Santoro Iconic variables. Linguistics & Philosophy 36(2). 91–149. Google Scholar. Sharvit, Yael The puzzle of free indirect discourse. Linguistics and Philosophy –395. Google Scholar. Shaw, Emily & Yves Delaporte New perspectives on the history of American Sign ...

2 Dokumente

New Perspectives on Moral Cognition: Reply to Zimmerman, Enoch, and...

This extended essay responds to three commentaries on my book, Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls' Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Leg

Sign Language and the Foundations of Anaphora by Philippe Schlenker...

Sign language anaphora is often realized very differently from its spoken language counterpart. In simple cases, an antecedent is associated with a position or

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Philippe Schlenker - DBLPdblp.org › Persons

· Philippe Schlenker: Presupposition Projection: Two Theories of Local Contexts Part I. Lang. Linguistics Compass 5(12): (2011).

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] Formal Monkey Semantics Philippe Schlenker (Institut Jean-Nicod ...www.macsim.us › uploads › › macsim6_Schlenker

Philippe Schlenker. (Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS; New York University). This talk will summarize some initial results (based on collaborative work) in an ...

theses.fr – Philippe Schlenker

Philippe Schlenker

[PDF] SALT27@UMD Lyn Tieu, Robert Pasternak, Philippe Schlenker ...lingsite.org › uploads › › TIEU-EtAl-CospeechGestures

Lyn Tieu, Robert Pasternak, Philippe Schlenker, & Emmanuel Chemla. Co-speech gestures: Experimental evidence for projection and local accommodation.

49 Webfunde aus dem Netz


Bio: P. Schlenker is a senior researcher at CNRS (Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris) and a Global Distinguished Professor at New York University.

Colloquium: Philippe Schlenker – Nominal Modification

On Tuesday, June 26 at 4pm in SH , Philippe Schlenker (Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS; New York University) will be giving a talk at the GK colloquium.

Philippe Schlenker - INSTITUT JEAN NICOD

Philippe Schlenker. Les lundis de la philosophie, le 26 avril Le sens visible : sémantique et langue des signes 50 years of linguistics at MIT, December ...

Philippe Schlenker | Bruinwalkwww.bruinwalk.com › professors › philippe-schlenker

All reviews for Philippe Schlenker >. 1 of 1. About · Contact · Terms & Conditions · Privacy · Opportunities. Bruinwalk is a service provided by The Daily ...

Philippe Schlenker | MIT CogNet

By Philippe Schlenker, Valentina Aristodemo, Ludovic Ducasse, Jonathan Lamberton, Mirko Santoro. Gestural Cosuppositions within the Transparency Theory.


Philippe Schlenker has worked on the study of meaning with a special focus on the application of semantic methods to new empirical areas. This program of ‘super

Philippe SCHLENKER: LLC Lecture (and one more talk the day...

· Philippe SCHLENKER: LLC Lecture (and one more talk the day before). The LLC Lecture will be held by Philippe SCHLEKER on Thursday ...

Philippe Schlenker (Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris; New York University)lingalert.com › › uconn-colloquium-phi...

· UConn Linguistics Colloquium: 4:00pm, Sept. 26, Oak Philippe Schlenker (Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris; New York University): Formal ...

Philippe Schlenker | New York University - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Philippe Schlenker | INSHS

· Philippe Schlenker est directeur de recherche CNRS à l'Institut Jean-Nicod (Paris) et Global Distinguished Professor à l'Université de New ...

ESSLLI Philippe Schlenker homepagewww.irit.fr › esslli2017 › users

... Excursions · What to do in Toulouse ? Registration · People · Contact · Visitor. Login disabled. Philippe Schlenker. Course. Super Semantics.

Philippe Schlenker : European Science Foundation

Project Description. Presuppositions are ubiquitous in language, and they display very puzzling logical properties. Whether one says that “John knows that he is an

Questions to Gregory A. Bryant and Philippe Schlenker - Ressources

Gregory A. Bryant (conférencier); Philippe Schlenker (conférencier). About; Share. Part #3: Animal Signals and General Auditory Semantics in Music Cognition

Διάλεξη: Philippe Schlenker "Super Semantics: an overview"...

Διάλεξη: Philippe Schlenker

Philippe Schlenker (ENS) – Prolegomena to Music Semantics – Cream

Title: Prolegomena to Music Semantics. We provide the outline of a (highly simplified) semantics for music. We take music cognition to be continuous with normal

philippe schlenker dissertation

Quantcast. philippe schlenker dissertation. Imgur · download.

Philippe Schlenker | GLOW 37 and GSS 1

Sign language anaphora is realized rather differently from its spoken language counterpart, and it sometimes provides overt evidence for operations that must be

John Benjamins Publishing

List of John Benjamins publications for which Philippe Schlenker plays a role

Phillipe Schlenker -- The Semantics of Pronouns

Philippe Schlenker (Institut Jean-Nicod & NYU) Because they make complex patterns of reference possible, pronouns are an essential building block of natural language semantics.

Presupposition – DGfS XPrag.de Summer School 2019

Lecturer: Philippe Schlenker, CNRS (Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris) Room: Presuppositions are a central problem in natural language semantics, which centers around two main questions:

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Philippe

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Philippe; der Pferdefreund; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); philos = der Freund, der Liebende; hippos = das Pferd; ekwo = das Pferd (Indoeuropäisch); bekannt als Name des Apostels Philippus; das am Namen beteiligte Wort 'hippos' für 'Pferd' lässt sich bis auf eine sehr alte indoeuropäische Wurzel '*ekwo' zurückverfolgen

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Schlenker

Der Name Schlenker stammt aus dem Süddeutschen ( Schwaben vermutlich die Region Villingen / Schwenningen ) und bezeichnete eine Familie, die an einer Flußbiegung wohnte; eben da, wo der Fluß einen Schlenker machte. So war schnell der Name der Sippe gefunden,von der sich ein Teil etwa Mitte des 16. Jahrhundert zu Fuß gen Norden aufmachte. Die ersten Schlenker wurden so im Münsterland um etwa 1600 in die Kirchenregister eingetragen. Das Eintreffen eines Balthasar Schlenker in dieser Region ist kirchenregisterlich erfaßt. Verblieb ein Teil in dieser Region, so wanderte ein Zweig wahrscheinlich später in das Preußische ( Berlin und Umland) und wurde dort heimisch. Noch heute gibt es dort ein große Anzahl. Etwa um 1800 wanderten einige über Bremen per See nach Amerika und sind dort nachweislich in den Kirchen-und Heiratsregistern zu finden. Auch im Bremer Raum wurden Schlenkers ansässig, die letztendlich die Auswanderung nicht durchführten.

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