157 Infos zu Phoebe Sengers
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Infos zu
- Media
- Cornell University
- Information Science
- Narrative
- Technology Studies
- Computer
- Design
- Agents
- Boehner
- Kirsten
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Phoebe Sengers – E-labOrganizer. Richard Rogers; ; Website: https://digitalmethods.net. Venue. Elab. Turfdraagsterpad 9. Amsterdam, 1012XT ...
DEAF kunstaspekteDEAF Nov Nov Omi Scheiderbauer - calc, Tom Schouten, Michiel Schwarz, Phoebe Sengers, Gebhard Sengmüller, Sfeer, Yukiko Shikata
dichtung-digitaldichtung digital. Magazine of digital literature and digital art
Future watch: Computer to user: You sort it out - computerwoche.deResearchers in the U.S. and the U.K. are developing computer systems that make deliberately ambiguous interpretations of human environments. What's more, the...
1 Bilder zu Phoebe Sengers

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Twitter Profil: Phoebe Sengers (PhoebeSengers)Phoebe Sengers | Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › author › Phoebe-Sen...Semantic Scholar profile for Phoebe Sengers, with 405 highly influential citations and 106 scientific research papers.
Phoebe Sengers — V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaPhoebe Sengers (US) is a computer scientist and a cultural theorist.
Phoebe Sengers: Selected Publicationswww.cs.cmu.edu › user › phoebe › mosaic › workPhoebe Sengers, Simon Penny, and Jeffrey Smith. "Semi-Autonomous Avatars." Unpublished (2000). This paper describes work on Traces, a Virtual Reality ...
1 Business-Profile
Phoebe Sengers, Cornell University • Expertise Finder Networknetwork.expertisefinder.com › experts › phoebe-s...Phoebe Sengers at Cornell University is an expert in Environmental sustainability, Framing in IT development, Modernization in rural Newfoundland, North ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Phoebe Sengers at Cornell University - RateMyProfessors.comwww.ratemyprofessors.com › ShowRatingsOverall Quality Based on 9 ratings. Phoebe Sengers. Professor in the Computer Information Systems department at Cornell University. 75%. Would take again.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Authors dichtung-digital: net artists, net theorist, net activistsdichtung digital. Beiträge zur Ästhetik digitaler Literatur und digitaler Kunst
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
classmates: Phoebe Sengers, Class of Stone Ridge School of the Sacred ...Bethesda, MD is on Classmates.com. Get caught up with Phoebe Sengers and ...
Dr. Phoebe Sengers - netzspannung.org // BiografieDr. Phoebe Sengers Computerwissenschaftlerin und Kulturtheoretikerin, Vereinigte Staaten ; Phoebe Sengers. Beiträge auf netzspannung.org
2 Projekte
Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents - Project MUSEmuse.jhu.edu › article › figure › fig03The Patient. In the Industrial Graveyard, a discarded lamp ekes out a marginal existence. (© Phoebe Sengers). Copyright © International Society for the ...
32 Bücher zum Namen
Phoebe Sengers | LibraryThingPhoebe Sengers, author of First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game, on LibraryThing
Verfasser SuchresultateTreffer von 11 für Suche: 'Phoebe Sengers', Suchdauer: 0.07s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur ...
Phoebe Sengers (Editor of Narrative Intelligence)Phoebe Sengers is the author of Narrative Intelligence (3.75 avg rating, 4 ratings, 1 review, published 2003), Anti-Boxology (5.00 avg rating, 1 rating, ...
bokus.com: Narrative Intelligence - Michael Mateas, Phoebe Sengers - Bok...Pris: kr. Inbunden, Skickas inom vardagar. Köp Narrative Intelligence av Michael Mateas, Phoebe Sengers på Bokus.com.
12 Dokumente
Corinna Bath: Lecture im Rahmen von eGenderZur Vergeschlechtlichung technologischer Artefakte und den Möglichkeiten eines De-Gendering Die Frage, ob Benutzungsschnittstellen vergeschlechtlicht sind, ru…
Reflective Design Phoebe Sengers, Kirsten Boehner, Shay David and...Reflective Design Phoebe Sengers, Kirsten Boehner, Shay David and Joseph Jofish Kaye Culturally Embedded Com…ng Group, Cornell Information Science
Designing Comprehensible Self-Organising SystemsDesigning comprehensible self-organising systems ... Phoebe Sengers [1] pointed this tendency out when she made clear how artificial agents resemble schizophrenic ...
Capturing Audience Experience - Creative Technologyhttp://www.hiit.fi/~morrison/acm2007.pdf ( ); Kristina Höök, Phoebe Sengers, Gerd. Andersson first prototype presentation in Cologne in September for the Interactiva Höök, Kristina, Phoebe Sengers and Gerd Andersson.
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Interactive systems and affective science | Publish your master's...Interactive systems and affective science - Uses of player mood modelling in interactive drama presentation - Simon Mayr - Master's Thesis - Psychology -...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | Evaluating...Kirsten Boehner, Rogério DePaula, Paul Dourish, Phoebe Sengers. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Cultural commentators: ...
dblp: Phoebe SengersList of computer science publications by Phoebe Sengers
Revision of Narratology from Sat, 21. September | the ...Cambridge: MIT P. Mateas, Michael & Phoebe Sengers, eds. (2003). Narrative Köln: Böhlau, 131–43. Schönert, Jörg et al. (2007). Lyrik und ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
The Engineering of Experience | SpringerLinkThe Engineering of Experience. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Phoebe Sengers. Phoebe Sengers. There are no affiliations available. Chapter. 2 Citations ·
10 Meinungen & Artikel
Supplemental Materials for Books | Alexander I. Stingl's BlogBoehner, Kirsten, Rogério DePaula, Paul Dourish, and Phoebe Sengers KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 66 (3): 459–74.
Blogschmog » Liveblog: Phoebe Sengers “Representation and Response”NOTE: This is a liveblog of today's School of Informatics colloquium by Phoebe Sengers (Cornell), “Representation and Response.” Content ...
Hey, I’m Parker.The venerable Ben Balter, Esq. wrote earlier this year about how to add anchor links for headers in Jekyll.. I thought I'd follow up that post …
Phoebe Sengers: How To Become Modern | Goldsmiths, University of...In 'How To Become Modern: Time, Work and Infrastructure in Rural Newfoundland' Phoebe Sengers explores the stakes of technological modernisation in the Change...
66 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Phoebe Sengers - Google Scholar Citationsscholar.google.com › citationsPhoebe Sengers. Associate Professor, Information Science and Science & Technology Studies, Cornell.
Phoebe Sengers - Google Akademik AlıntılarPhoebe Sengers. Associate Professor, Information Science and Science & Technology Studies, Cornell · Digital STS, critically reflective HCI, modernization in ...
Phoebe Sengers - Citas de Google Académico - Google ScholarNicholas A. KnoufAssistant Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, Wellesley CollegeDirección de …o verificada de wellesley.edu. Seguir. Phoebe Sengers. Associate Professor, Information Science and Science & Technology Studies, Cornell. Dirección de …o verificada de cs.cornell.edu - Página principal.
Phoebe Sengers | ISTC-Socialarchive-istc.ics.uci.edu › users › phoebe-sengersPhoebe Sengers is a faculty member in Information Science and Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University, where she leads the Culturally Embedded ...
Phoebe - Names EncyclopediaFamous people: Phoebe Ephron, Phoebe Thomas Writers: Phoebe Sengers, Phoebe Hichens, Phoebe Caldwell, Phoebe Sophocles, Phoebe Willetts, Phoebe Flory, …
Sengers - Names EncyclopediaSengers first name was found 1 times in 1 different countries. (Netherlands) ... Writers: Phoebe Sengers, Gerda Sengers, Rob C. A. Sengers, Johanna Levelt Sengers
Phoebe Sengers - Google Scholar CitationsSimon PennyProfessor, University of California Irvine確認したメール アドレス: uci.edu. Nicholas A. KnoufAssistant Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, Wellesley College確認したメール アドレス: wellesley.edu. フォロー. Phoebe Sengers. Associate Professor, Information Science and Science & Technology Studies, Cornell.
Paul Dourish - Google Scholar CitationsPhoebe Sengers, Steve Harrison, Rebecca E. Grinter, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Silvia Lindtner, Lilly Irani, Wanda Pratt, Charlotte P. Lee, Gillian R. Hayes, Thomas P ...
Phoebe Sengers - Google 学术搜索引用引用指数, 总计, 年至今. 引用, 5996, h 指数, 35, 25. i10 指数, 61, 合著作者查看全部… Paul Dourish,; Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye,; Geri Gay,; James Pierce,; Kristina Höök,; Steve Harrison,; Maria Håkansson,; Deborah Tatar,; Mark ...
Phoebe Sengers | Made of Clay2 thoughts on “Phoebe Sengers”. Margaret Carleton says: April 30, at 12:02 pm. This was an awesome interview! Many thanks.
Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents – Phoebe Sengers –...In
What are you reading? Phoebe Sengers | ACM Interactionsinteractions.acm.org › view › march-april-2019Authors: Phoebe Sengers. back to top. What role can technology designers play to support the needs of rural communities? While there is significant attention in ...
Dr. Phoebe Sengers - netzspannung.org // Biographynetzspannung.org › cat › servlet › CatServlet › bi...Abstract. Phoebe Sengers teaches presently at Cornell University, Ithaca N.Y., USA after working for the GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik (today ...
Phoebe Sengers | Department of Science & Technology StudiesI am a faculty member in Science & Technology Studies and Information Science at Cornell. I integrate ethnography, history and design to analyze the social ... Missing: Köln"
Michael Mateas and Phoebe Sengers (eds) Narrative ...www.jbe-platform.com › content › journals › pdfMichael Mateas and Phoebe Sengers (eds) Narrative. Intelligence. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. viii + 342 pp. (Advances ...
Phoebe Sengers: The "Embedded World" of Artificial IntelligenceHyperfiction, Netzliteratur, Hypermedia, Interfiction. German and English journal on digital literature and digital art: Reviews, interviews, theory,...
Dataspace - Suche: Sengers, PhoebeSuchergebnisse für: Sengers, Phoebe
Towards Socially Intelligent Agent-Building Phoebe SengersFree essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics
Phoebe Sengers | Leonardo/ISASTSchizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents. Leonardo, Volume 35, Issue 4. August Publications · Leonardo · Leonardo Music Journal · Leonardo ...
Argumentation in Dispute Mediation Aspect in slovart-gtgwww.slovart-gtg.sk › attachments › nba january.a4.eur.pdfTokyo University of Foreign Studies / University of Cologne Radboud University Nijmegen / University of Cologne Phoebe Sengers, Elke Zimmermann.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Phoebe
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Phoebe; leuchtend, rein; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); phoibos = glänzend, leuchtend, rein; lateinische Form von 'Phoibe', einem Beinamen der griechischen Mondgöttin Artemis; in der Bibel wird eine Christin Phoebe im Römerbrief erwähnt
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Phoebe Sengers und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.