56 Infos zu Pierre Grussenmeyer
Mehr erfahren über Pierre Grussenmeyer
Infos zu
- INSA Strasbourg
- France
- Sciences
- Tania Landes
- Photogrammetry
- Cultural Heritage
- Remote
- Cyprus
- Nicolas
- Photogrammetric
- Sensing
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Pierre Grussenmeyer | FacebookLinkedIn: fr.linkedin.com › pierre-grussenmeyer-b aPierre Grussenmeyer - Responsable Business Unit - SEGULA ...Découvrez le profil de Pierre Grussenmeyer sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Pierre indique 3 postes sur son profil.
LinkedIn: Pierre Grussenmeyer - Univ. Prof. Dr. - INSA Strasbourg | LinkedInDécouvrez le profil de Pierre Grussenmeyer sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Pierre indique 1 poste sur son profil.
LinkedIn: Pierre Grussenmeyer | Berufsprofil - LinkedInTHEMES DE RECHERCHE • Photogrammétrie architecturale (relevé et modélisation du patrimoine culturel), photogrammétrie à courte distance (génie- civil et ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
About us – ISPRS2020Nicolas Paparoditis IGN, Laurent Polidori CESBIO, Tania Landes INSA, Clément Mallet IGN, Florent Lafarge INRIA, Pierre Grussenmeyer INSA, Eric Labergerie
10 Bücher zum Namen
Grussenmeyer, Pierre | SAGE Publications LtdPierre Grussenmeyer INSA, University of Strasbourg, France. Browse · Books · Journals · Digital Products · Reference Books · Catalogues · Resources for.
Between Worlds: Understanding Ritual Cave Use in Later Prehistory -...The recent resurgence of academic interest in caves has demonstrated the central roles they played as arenas for ritual, ceremony and performance, and their...
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation,...This two-volume set LNCS and LNCS constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Heritage, EuroMed 2016, held...
Remote Sensed Data and Processing Methodologies for 3D VirtualThis book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Remote Sensed Data and Processing Methodologies for 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of...
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Pierre GrussenmeyerList of computer science publications by Pierre Grussenmeyer. ORCID. ID inferred from metadata, verification pending
PCV Photogrammetric Computer VisionFayez Tarsha-Kurdi, Tania Landes, Pierre Grussenmeyer, E. Smigiel New Approach for Automatic Detection of Buildings in Airborne Laser Scanner Data Using first Echo only P2
dblp: Jean-Pierre PerrinList of computer science publications by Jean-Pierre Perrin
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Pierre GrussenmeyerSPIE Profile of Pierre Grussenmeyer, ISPRS. SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.
theses.fr – Pierre GrussenmeyerPierre Grussenmeyer
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Numérisation 3D et visite virtuelle de la carrière de la Maison Blanche ...▶ 5:01Le site a été numérisé en 3D par l'équipe de recherche de Pierre Grussenmeyer à l'INSA de Strasbourg (UMR ...
32 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Exhibitor's forum presentations (download) - XXIV International...Official Website of CIPA in Strasbourg, France. Topics: Cultural Heritage Documentation, Photogrammetry, Computer vision, Laser Scanning, Recording, 3D...
Pierre GRUSSENMEYER - INSA StrasbourgINSA StrasbourgPierre GRUSSENMEYER. Professeur des universités – enseignant au département génie civil et topographie – chercheur dans l'unité ICube – responsable du ...
Pierre Grussenmeyer – ISEE GEOMATICSPierre Grussenmeyer is Professor at the Department of civil engineering and surveying at INSA Strasbourg (France) and head of the Photogrammetry and ...
Pierre Grussenmeyer, J. Yasmine. To cite this version: HAL Id: halshs...A 3D restitution according to modern and archive images of Beaufort Castle landscape (Lebanon) Pierre Grussenmeyer, J. Yasmine To cite this version: Pierre ...
Pierre Grussenmeyer (pgrussenmeyer) auf PinterestSchau dir an, was Pierre Grussenmeyer (pgrussenmeyer) auf Pinterest, dem Katalog unendlich vieler Ideen, entdeckt hat.
Pierre Grussenmeyer | INSA-Strasbourg - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Articles - Crusader castles‒ Pierre GRUSSENMEYER, Jean YASMINE, Photogrammetry for the Preparation of Archaeological Excavation: a 3D Restitution According to Modern and Archive Images of Beaufort Castle Landscape (Lebanon), in: M.O. Altan (ed.), Proceedings of the XXth Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), (International ...
CO Meeting Organizer EGU2017Mathieu Koehl, David Eschbach, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Laurent Schmitt, and Samuel Guillemin 10:46–10:48 PICO5b.5. EGU Potential and limitations of high resolution multitemporal sar images in river morphology Francesco Mitidieri, Maria Nicolina Papa, …
MRSS19 - CommitteesPierre Grussenmeyer, INSA Strassbourg, France Norbert Haala , University of Stuttgart, Germany Ludwig Hoegner , Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Microwaves and Radar Institute - Publikationen des ...[7] Gabriel Vasile, Emmanuel Trouve, Ivan Petillot, Philippe Bolon, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Michele Gay, Jocelyn Chanussot, Tania Landes, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Vasile Buzuloiu, Irena Hajnsek, Christian Andres, Martin Keller and Ralf Horn High-Resolution SAR Interferometry: Estimation of Local Frequencies in the Context of Alpine Glaciers
Proceedings CAA2007Elise Meyer – Pierre Grussenmeyer – Jean-Pierre Perrin – Anne Durand – Pierre Drap A Virtual Research Environment for Archaeological Data Management, Visualization and Documentation Peter McKeague – Rebecca Jones The National Database for Scotland: Evolution of the Digital Resource Tony Austin – Jenny Mitcham – Julian D. Richards
SOLUTIONS FOR EXTERIOR ORIENTATION IN PHOTOGRAMMETRY, A REVIEW -...The determination of the attitude, the position and the intrinsic geometric characteristics of the camera is known as the fundamental photogrammetric problem....
Committee – Digital Workflows for Heritage ConservationScott Bucking John Cooke Branka Cura Michael Doneus Rand Eppich Klaus Hanke Raphaële Héno Andreas Georgopoulos John Gregg Pierre Grussenmeyer
Committees – JURSE 2019Pierre Grussenmeyer – INSA Strasbourg Haikel Hichri – KSU Jordi Inglada – CNES – CESBIO Laurence Jolivet – IGN Carsten Juergens – Ruhr-University ...
Cumincad : CUMINCAD References : Search ResultsTarsha-Kurdi, Fayez, Tania Landes, and Pierre Grussenmeyer (2007) Find in CUMINCAD Hough-transform and extended RANSAC algorithms for automatic ...
3D | Le blog de la grotte des FrauxCe travail a été conduit sous la responsabilité de Pierre Grussenmeyer et a bénéficié des compétences (et de la bonne humeur) de Samuel Guillemin de l' INSA ...
CIPA, VAST, EG Joint Conference in Cyprus 2006Steve Nickerson, CA, Pierre Grussenmeyer, FR. Holly Rushmeier, UK, J-Angelo Beraldin, CA. Klaus Hanke, AT, Alan Chalmers, UK. Alonzo C. Addison, USA ...
EuroMed 2016: one of the milestone events on Cultural Heritage...Marinos Ioannides Cyprus, Pierre Grussenmeyer France, Lunnar Liestøl Norway, Antonella Fresa Italy, Antonia Moropoulou Greece, Vlatka Rajcic Croatia, Tom ...
IJGI | Free Full-Text | Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor 3D Documentation...The 3D documentation of heritage complexes or quarters often requires more than one scale due to its extended area. While the documentation of individual...
New perspectives to save cultural heritage - Technische ...Titel: REMOTE SENSING OBJECT-ORIENTED IMAGE ANALYSIS APPLIED TO HALF-TIMBERED HOUSES. Tania Neusch & Pierre Grussenmeyer. Strukturtyp ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Pierre
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Pierre; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon stark wie ein fels
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