275 Infos zu Pierre Huyghe
Mehr erfahren über Pierre Huyghe
Infos zu
- French
- Paris
- Museum Ludwig
- Exhibition
- Magazine
- Skulptur Projekte
- Artist
- Centre Pompidou
- Gallery
- London
- Untilled
- Biennale
30 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: Pierre-Huyghe-Retroperspektive in Köln: Federngeschmückte Damenbluse...Der französische Künstler schafft mit Hündin, Ameisen und Pflanzen Situationen und geschlossene Lebensräume, die geradezu verstören.
Pierre Huyghe Atelier E.B. review: Flying insects join up the dots at...Pierre Huyghe ★★★★/ Atelier E.B. ★★★★
Guardian: Monkey waiters and axolotls: the disconcerting art of Pierre Huyghe |...Truth and fiction, past and present blur in the French artist’s fascinating new show, which includes a monkey masked as a Japanese child, lilies stolen from...
Pierre Huyghe creates sci-fi landscape in Münster | The Art NewspaperFrench artist’s four galleries chip in for spectacular project in ice rink that could cost more than €1m
55 Bilder zu Pierre Huyghe

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Pierre HuygheFacebook: Pierre HuygheFacebook: Pierre Huyghe. From: A Way in Untilled, Museum Ludwig Köln ...LinkedIn: Jean- pierre HUYGHE | LinkedInView Jean- pierre HUYGHE'S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Jean- pierre has 0 jobs jobs listed on their profile. See the ...
4 Hobbys & Interessen
Ants and spiders mingle with the art as Pierre Huyghe descends on...In Australia’s first survey of this celebrated French artist, works are not so much hanging on the walls as crawling around them.
Pierre Huyghe - Sa bio et toute son actualité - ElleDécouvrez la biographie de Pierre Huyghe, ses photos, vidéos. Pierre Huyghe est un designer, architecte, plasticien et vidéaste français. Il est né en à...
Pierre Huyghe temporary exhibition: live dog - Bild von Museum...Bild von Museum Ludwig, Köln: Pierre Huyghe temporary exhibition: live dog - Schauen Sie sich authentische Fotos und Videos von Museum Ludwig an, die...
Pierre Huyghe | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Pierre Huyghe is ranked among the Top 100 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Pierre Huyghe | Smithsonian American Art MuseumPierre Huyghe, The Host and the Cloudlive experiment. Courtesy of the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York ...
Pierre Huyghe - Collaborators - Independent Curators Internationaldo it. do it is the longest-running and most far-reaching exhibition to ever happen, giving new meaning to the concept of the "Exhibition in Progress." do it takes ...
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Pierre HuygheDirector, Untitled (Human Mask)
PIERRE HUYGHE - Encyclopædia UniversalisOn pourrait presque affirmer que l'artiste français Pierre Huyghe n'existe pas, tant il se plaît à disparaître derrière son travail, et à faire disparaître ce...
5 Projekte
Do You Have to Be Rich to Be an Artist? | artnet NewsBen Davis looks into whether a wealthy background is the connecting tissue beneath the apparent diversity in the art world.
HKW | Masks of the Human. Notes on Pierre Huyghe and other PrimatesHanna Engelmeier is a research assistant at the Institute of Media Studies at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and is the coordinator of the DFG researchers’ group...
Pierre Huyghe, Sebastian Diaz Morales, Elizabeth Price, Laure...Art Night is a free contemporary arts festival that puts art into extraordinary locations around London for one night a year.
HKW | Masken des Humanen. Anmerkungen zu Pierre Huyghe und anderen...Hanna Engelmeier arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Medienwissenschaft an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und ist Koordinatorin der...
9 Bücher zum Namen
Pierre Huyghe - Perlentaucherder Münchner Villa Stuck, die Luis Buñuels Film "L'Âge d'Or" nachstellt ( Tagesspiegel), eine Pierre Huyghe gewidmete Schau im Museum Ludwig in Köln (taz) ...
Pierre Huyghe - AbeBooksRelease [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2006] hans ulrich obrist; liam gillick; ari marcopoulos; ugo rondinone; richard prince; monica bonvicini; fabrice stroun; william...
ULB - NeuerwerbungenISBN , Ha 4: UG <2> S. 15 H H 132 (EB) g: 15 H 132 (EB). OPAC-Suche Kurbonhonova OPAC-Suche Romance : Laurie Simmons - Lari Pittman - Judy Pfaff - Pierre Huyghe .
Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser Kunsthändler Kunstberatung► Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser Kunsthändler Kunstberatung : Galerien Kunst-Auktionshäuser Kunsthändler Kunstberatung mit täglich aktuellen Meldungen Objekten...
1 Songs & Musik
Full text of "Domus NO 867"E.S. Berlin Germania/Germany Miwa Yanagi - Deutsche Bank Collection Fino A few years ago, together with Pierre Huyghe, he acquired the rights of a low and electric association of Baden Wurttemberg- is a cold facade consisting of ...
4 Dokumente
31 readings on art, activism & participation - The Think Tank ...at random on the streets of Pittsburgh Group Material was able to sug h.arta, an independent art space in Despite the relative successes of a number of artists within Bourriaud's groupings (most notably, Pierre Huyghe, Maurizio.
Read it online - A Priorin what state of mind I visited Jan H.'s goody-goody vibrations – Pierre Huyghe's. Garden of ity' printed on the sleeve of her shirt sug-.
Rehber - İstanbul Kültür Sanat VakfıPierre Huyghe G Höfin'de yaşıyor ve çalışıyor , Meerbusch. Lives signed as a part of a larger Galata pier complex.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
After Cat Cafe - Dog art - Paris Message Board - TripadvisorI was pretty upset yesterday when I went to an exhibit at the Pompidou and it included a live dog. People were constantly surrounding him and trying to touch...
Pierre Huyghe - springerin | Hefte für GegenwartskunstPierre Huyghe hat sich auf vier Arbeiten beschränkt, um den Hauptraum der Secession geradezu unprätentiös und doch sehr kalkuliert zu bespielen.
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Pierre Huyghe - WikipediaPierre Huyghe (born 11 September 1962) is a French artist who works in a variety of media from films and sculptures to public interventions and living systems. Known for: Contemporary Art Education: École Nationale Supérieure des Arts ...
(PDF) A Forest of Lines: An Interview with Pierre Huyghe | Amelia...By Amelia Barikin in Art History and Contemporary Art. Interview about Pierre Huyghe's project 'A Forest of Lines' at the Sydney Opera House for the Biennale...
Pierre Huyghe: Sculptor of the Intangible - Interview MagazineThere is virtually no art world convention that Pierre Huyghe has not sought to redefine. From customs of exhibition display, materiality, and ...
JISCMail - ARTNET Archives... with the help of some children's poster colour, an abandoned carton became ... Douglas Gordon, Carsten Höller, Marine Hugonnier, Pierre Huyghe, ... of Europe's most distinctive and challenging performance companies.
137 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jean pierre Huyghe | Professional Profile - LinkedInView Jean pierre Huyghe's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jean pierre Huyghe ...
Andy Slemenda - Senior Registrar - Pierre Huyghe Studio | LinkedInView Andy Slemenda's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Andy has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Anne Stenne - Head of Production and Exhibition - Pierre Huyghe StudioView Anne Stenne's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Anne has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Anne-Sophie Tisseyre - Assistant to Pierre Huyghe - Pierre Huyghe ...View Anne-Sophie Tisseyre's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Anne-Sophie has 12 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete ...
Jean- pierre HUYGHE | LinkedInView Jean- pierre HUYGHE'S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Jean- pierre has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete ...
Pierre HUYGHE - Ingénieur développement - Norsys | LinkedInView Pierre HUYGHE'S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Pierre has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Pierre Huyghe - File Manager - University of Antwerp | LinkedInView Pierre Huyghe's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Pierre has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Pierre Huyghe - LinkedInI hope that many of you will attend Pierre Huyghe's visionary exhibition at Tarrawarra Museum of Art! Please share, like, comment!
Andy Slemenda - Senior Registrar - Pierre Huyghe Studio | 领英Pierre Huyghe Studio,; P.P.O.W, New York. 上一个. Handmade Frames Inc,; Tara Donovan Studio,; Matthew Barney Studio. 教育背景. New York University.
Biennale de Venise : le prix du Lion d’Or - Artmarketinsight -...La Biennale de Venise ouvre sa 53ème édition au public le 7 juin Elle présente, six mois durant, un panorama mondial de l’art contemporain réparti en...
Pierre Huyghe – Hauser & WirthHauser & Wirth was founded in in Zurich by Iwan Wirth, Manuela Wirth and Ursula Hauser, who were joined in by Partner and President Marc Payot
Christopher Mooney on Pierre Huyghe / ArtReviewPierre Huyghe, one of France’s most philosophically attuned contemporary artists, is not only a founding member of the relational art movement, but, during...
Exposición - Pierre Huyghe -La saison des fêtes (The Season of Festivities) by Pierre Huyghe (Paris, 1962) was devised especially for the space, freely encompassing and framing its history ...
Art with a Dose of Imperialism: Pierre Huyghe at LACMALOS ANGELES — Art world elitism permeates Pierre Huyghe's ... It is tempting to imagine that Huyghe is trying to lend these animals the Oh I'm sure I will now - just wasn't getting them before I posted in the comments ...
Pierre Huyghe | Hirmer VerlagPierre Huyghe - Pierre Huyghe ist einer der renommiertesten französischen ...
La Saison des Fêtes – Kröller-Müller MuseumLa Saison des Fêtes by Pierre Huyghe consists of a circular garden set in a landscape of sand hills. In the garden everything revolves around plants, which ...
Pierre Huyghe - BOMB MagazineBOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between artists of all disciplines since
Pierre Huyghe | Sandra‘s ClosetYou are currently browsing the archives for the tag 'Pierre Huyghe'.
Pierre HUYGHE | TARO NASUNews · Information · Publication. "Exomind (Deep Water)", © Pierre Huyghe, Photo: Pierre Huyghe. Pierre HUYGHE ...
artfridge: PIERRE HUYGHE AT MUSEUM LUDWIG KÖLNartfridge review // Dogs, bees and ice: Anneli Botz on Pierre Huyghe's current retrospective exhibition at Museum Ludwig in Cologne.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Pierre
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Pierre; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon stark wie ein fels
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