122 Infos zu Pierre Leguillon
Mehr erfahren über Pierre Leguillon
Infos zu
- Artists
- Brussels
- Museum of Mistakes
- French
- Contemporary Art
- Musée
- Diane Arbus
- Oracles
- Wiels
- Arbus Bonus
- Barbara Fédier
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
WIELS | Opening Pierre Leguillon The Museum of Mistakes: Contemporary…WIELS, the contemporary art centre in Brussels offering exhibitions with new ideas, practices and perspectives.
Pierre Leguillon: Arbus Bonus at Frye Art Museum in Seattle, WA -...French artist Leguillon's medium is the exhibition itself. In this show, he uses 256 photographs by or inspired by the 20th-century photographer Diane Arbus,...
Pierre Leguillon: Arbus Bonus - The Seattle Globalistwww.seattleglobalist.com › eventPierre Leguillon's artwork-as-exhibition Arbus Bonus calls attention to the major role famed twentieth-century photographer Diane Arbus's work has played in ...
Artists in Conversation: Pierre Leguillon and Annie MacDonell,...Screening on original 16mm! Join us on Tuesday 17 January at the Art Gallery of Ontario’s Jackman Hall, for a discussion with artists Pierre Leguillon and...
20 Bilder zu Pierre Leguillon

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: AGI Open - Pierre Leguillon @ AGI Open Jour | FacebookFacebook: Pierre Leguillon - Le Tapis (fair use) Roma Publications ...www.facebook.com › photosLinkedIn: Pierre Leguillon - Professor - HEAD - Genève, Geneva School ...fr.linkedin.com › pierre-leguillon-...Découvrez le profil de Pierre Leguillon sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Pierre indique 7 postes sur son profil. Consultez le ...
LinkedIn: Pierre Leguillon | LinkedInView Pierre Leguillon's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Pierre Leguillon discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Pierre Leguillon | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Pierre Leguillon is ranked among the Top 10,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
2 Projekte
Pierre Leguillon - Raven Rowwww.ravenrow.org › projects › pie...French artist Pierre Leguillon (b ) lives and works in Paris. Leguillon has been working with slide shows since 1993, most recently in presentations at ...
Pierre Leguillon: Manuel de Photographie / Manual of Photography...A project on 100 Archive by Wayne Daly
16 Bücher zum Namen
Pierre Leguillon - AbeBooksDe quelques nymphes et imagos, par Paul-Armand Gette. Préface de Jean-François Taddei. Postface de Pierre Leguillon. by COLLECTIF, ...
Pierre Leguillon: The Museum of Mistakes by Pierre LeguillonPierre Leguillon book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. An artist's mobile museum in the tradition of Robert Filliou and Marcel B...
BN No Results Page | Barnes & Noble®An artist's mobile museum in the tradition of Robert Filliou and Marcel Broodthaers Founded in Brussels in by Pierre Leguillon (born ...
Pierre Leguillon: The Museum of Mistakes - Patricia Falguières, Morad...This is the first book to present a wide selection of works from the Musée des Erreurs, or Museum of Mistakes. Founded in Brussels in by Pierre Leguillon,...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Dia | Watch & Listen | Video: Pierre Leguillon on Carl AndreDia Art Foundation is a contemporary arts organization with locations in Beacon, New York, and the American West.
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Pierre Leguillon — Wikipédiafr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pierre_Le...Pierre Leguillon est un artiste, curateur et auteur français né en à Nogent-sur-Marne. Il vit et travaille à Paris. Sommaire. 1 Biographie; 2 Le musée des ...
Ana Jotta, Pierre Leguillon | BOZAR Brussels20 October '20 — 20:00. Postponed. Ana Jotta, Pierre Leguillon. JEUNESSE ET ARTS PLASTIQUES. Ana Jotta, Pierre Leguillon ...
ICA - Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston - Artforum ...www.artforum.com › picks › ica-i...... Magritte's painting La traversée difficile (The Difficult Crossing), 1926, while Pierre Leguillon's La grande evasion (The Great Escape), 2012, originally made ...
65 Webfunde aus dem Netz
(PDF) To Bear An Image: Pierre Leguillon | Manuel Cirauqui -...To Bear An Image: Pierre Leguillon
Stream Artists on Artists Lecture - Pierre Leguillon on Carl Andre by...Stream Artists on Artists Lecture - Pierre Leguillon on Carl Andre by diaartfoundation on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on...
Conférence de Pierre Leguillon - Musée de la dansewww.museedeladanse.org › articlesPierre Leguillon crée des dispositifs dédiés aux images et à leur circulation. En résidence au Musée de la danse, il évoquera son parcours et le projet La ...
Frye Art Museum: Pierre Leguillon "Arbus Bonus" - World Art...Pierre Leguillon's interest in the lesser-known dimensions of eminent artists' practices has been a motivating force throughout his career.
La grande évasion (The Great Escape) by Pierre Leguillon on CuseumAt Cuseum, our vision is to transform the way people engage with art and culture at museums and beyond. We powers interactive, socially engaging, and...
Metronome #9 - "Le Teaser" pamphlet by Pierre Leguillon ...www.after8books.com › metrono...DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) Metronome #9 - "Le Teaser" pamphlet by Pierre Leguillon. Published by Metronome Press · Periodicals ...
Le "Musée des Erreurs" de Pierre Leguillon à Sérignan - Les InrocksHasard du calendrier, c’est un autre musée fictif que présente le musée de Sérignan : celui de Pierre Leguillon, issu en droite ligne du travail de…...
MONSIEUR JEAN PIERRE LEGUILLON (CLESSY) Chiffre d'affaires, résultat,...MONSIEUR JEAN PIERRE LEGUILLON à CLESSY (71130) RCS, SIREN, SIRET, bilans, statuts, chiffre d'affaires, dirigeants, cartographie, alertes, annonces légales, enquêtes, APE, NAF, TVA intracommunautaire.
Pierre Leguillon & Clement Rodzielski — Leslie Fritz Gallerywww.lesliefritzgallery.com › pierre...Pierre Leguillon & Clement Rodzielski. _MG_2835.jpg. _MG_ jpg. _MG_ jpg. _MG_ jpg. _MG_ jpg. _MG_ jpg. Website ...
Pierre Leguillon (Contemporary Art Daily)contemporaryartdaily.com › tagArtists: Jay Chung, Q Takeki Maeda, Sara Deraedt, Pierre Leguillon, Klara Lidén, Carissa Rodriguez, Yuji Takeoka. Venue: Shiseido Gallery ...
Pierre Leguillon Artworks, Bio & Shows on Artsywww.artsy.net › artist › pierre-legu...Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Pierre Leguillon.
Pierre LeguillonPierre Leguillon. Slideshow/Cloakroom Pierre Leguillon Screening 7pm.
Pierre Leguillon - Afterallwww.afterall.org › contributors › p...Pierre Leguillon Journal 3 – Spring/Summer I began taking photographs of exhibitions in I tried to question the ways in which space and time are ...
Aurélien Mole TQLM - Pierre LeguillonAurélien Mole est artiste, commissaire d'exposition et critique d'art, il vit et travaille à Paris. Il est aussi photographe d'exposition et co-fondateur de...
Pierre Leguillon - Feuille (Lamp) - MANIERAwww.maniera.be › pieces › pierre-l...Pierre Leguillon. Feuille (Lamp). Sconce Shield Shade Paper, pins, magnets, postcard H x 22 D cm Edition of 20 + 4 A.P. ...
SONG SONG - Pierre Leguillon - The Song Song Speechless ShowPierre Leguillon's current studio is a small, homemade movie theatre cum bar in the Paris office of an architect and a photographer. The work he produces there ...
Pierre Leguillon - artist, news & exhibitions - photography-now.comby curators choice. Artists who were exhibited with Pierre Leguillon. Alberto Garcia-Alix · Francis Alys · Paul-Armand Gette · Mark Leckey · Valerie Jouve ...
Pierre Leguillon / Florence Loewywww.florenceloewy.com › artistsGallery · Exhibitions · News · Contact. Pierre Leguillon. Back to top. 9 rue de Thorigny Paris France. . T : (33)
Pierre Leguillon at Wiels Brussels - Artmap.comartmap.com › wiels › exhibitionPhoto by Sven Laurent. PIERRE LEGUILLON The Museum of Mistakes: Contemporary Art and Class Struggle 10 January February With the ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Pierre
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Pierre; der Felsen, der Stein; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); petros = der Fels, der Stein; kefas = der Stein (Aramäisch); bekannt als der Name des hl. Apostels Petrus; bevor ihm Jesus den Namen 'Petrus' (eigentlich ursprünglich aramäisch 'Kefas') gab, trug dieser den Namen Simon stark wie ein fels
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Pierre Leguillon und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.