146 Infos zu Qais Noorshams
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Lebt in
- Karlsruhe
Infos zu
- Software
- Ralf Reussner
- Samuel Kounev
- Andreas Rentschler
- Axel Busch
- Research
- Institute
- Architecture
- Omar-Qais
- Dominik
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
ZUR PERSON - Badische Zeitung TICKETBadische Zeitung TICKETJanet Germer, Qais Noorshams. am Mi, 30. Juni Termine heute. Steve Hackett Konzerthaus Freiburg ...
ObjektForum Förderpreis: Fünf Karlsruher Absolventen ...ka-news.de— Die weiteren Platzierten sind Qais Noorshams mit dem Thema "Focusing the Optimization of Software Architecture Models Using Non-Functional ...
Verleihung ObjektForum Förderpreis: Fünf Karlsruher Absolventen für...andrena objects ag, Was macht eine besonders gute Diplomarbeit aus? Innovative Ideen, hervorragende Kenntnisse der Softwaretechnik sowie wis…
New PhD: Dr. Qais Noorshams - Lehrstuhl für Informatik IIQais Noorshams received his PhD. Congratulations!
5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Qais Noorshams | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Qais Noorshams (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Qais Noorshams | Berufsprofil - LinkedIngrößten beruflichen Netzwerk. Qais Noorshams hat 3 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Qais Noorshams und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.
Software Design and Quality (SDQ): PublicationsThe Software Design and Quality research is concerned with an engineering approach to software design. Further research fields include component-based software...
Qais Noorshams | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Qais Noorshams, with 7 highly influential citations and 19 scientific research papers.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
People - Lehrstuhl für Informatik IIQais Noorshams (IBM) Alumni. Click to show the list of Alumni . Student Research Assistants. Frederik König; Simon Eismann; Anika Schwind; Lukas Iffländer; Felix Rauh;
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Contact: FerdinandQais Noorshams Tel: + noorshams(at)kit.edu. Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Rentschler Tel: + rentschler(at)kit.edu. Contact Prague.
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Alumni - Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineeringse.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de › software-engineering-group › staff › alu...Stop animation. Chair of Computer Science II - Software Engineering ... Jürgen WalterSAP SE ... Dr.-Ing. Qais NoorshamsIBM.
Informatics Innovation Center: AbschlussarbeitenInformatics Innovation Center
Alumni - Lehrstuhl für Informatik IIQais Noorshams: : IBM: Dr.-Ing. Fabian Brosig: : Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Huber: : Dr.-Ing. Christoph Rathfelder: : HSG-IMIT: Dr.-Ing ...
30 Bücher zum Namen
Modeling and Prediction of I/O Performance in Virtualized ...BooklookerOmar-Qais Noorshams: Modeling and Predic. gebrauchte Buecher. Dieses Bild ist kein Original-Foto des angebotenen Exemplars. Abweichungen sind möglich.
Omar-Qais NoorshamsOpen Libraryby Omar-Qais Noorshams First published in edition · Not in Library. We need a photo of Omar-Qais Noorshams. Lists. Add to List. Create a new list.
Modeling and Prediction of I/O Performance in Virtualized ...BooktopiaBooktopia has Modeling and Prediction of I/O Performance in Virtualized Environments by Omar-Qais Noorshams. Buy a discounted Paperback of Modeling and ...
Omar-Qais Noorshams: Modeling and Prediction of I/O ...HugendubelModeling and Prediction of I/O Performance in Virtualized Environments, Buch (kartoniert) von Omar-Qais Noorshams bei hugendubel.de.
1 Songs & Musik
Modeling and Prediction of I/O Performance in Virtualized...Das Buch Omar-Qais Noorshams: Modeling and Prediction of I/O Performance in Virtualized Environments jetzt portofrei kaufen. Mehr von Omar-Qais Noorshams gibt...
11 Dokumente
Semináriosufmg.brI/O Performance Modeling of Virtualized Storage Systems, Qais Noorshams,. Kiana Rostami, Samuel Kounev, Petr Tuma, Ralf Reussner, Proc. MASCOTS.
Ing. Qais Noorshams Böblingen ...cuni.cz— Dr.-Ing. Qais Noorshams Böblingen. Germany. Prof. RNDr. Jan Kratochvíl, CSc. Dean. Faculty of Mathematics and ...
Preface Pagesinha.ac.krQais Noorshams. Olya Ohrimenko. Esther Pacitti. Endre Palatinus. Dimitris Papadopoulos. Thorsten Papenbrock. Pavlos Paraskevopoulos. Enela Pema.
Using Quality of Service Bounds for Effective Multi- ...Semantic Scholarvon Q Noorshams · · Zitiert von: 15 — Multi-objective Software Architecture Optimization. Qais Noorshams, Anne Martens, Ralf Reussner. QUASOSS
15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
New PhD: Dr. Qais Noorshams - Software EngineeringUniversität Würzburg— Dr.-Ing. Qais Noorshams successfully passed his defence on Feb 12, The topic of his dissertation co-supervised by Prof — Dr.-Ing. Qais NoorshamsIBM · Dr.-Ing. Fabian BrosigMiNODES. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus HuberCG CarGarantie.
configuration software Latest Research PapersScienceGateAuthor(s):. Kiana Busch ◽. Norman Christopher Böwing ◽. Simon Spinner ◽. Qais Noorshams ◽. Michael Grötzner. Keyword(s):. Configuration Software ◽.
Dominik Werle - DBLPDagstuhl— Andreas Rentschler, Dominik Werle, Qais Noorshams, Lucia Happe , Ralf H. Reussner : Designing information hiding modularity for model ...
DFG - GEPRIS - Autonomes Performanz- und Ressourcen ...gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt ergebnisseQais Noorshams, Kiana Rostami, Samuel Kounev, Petr Tuma, and Ralf Reussner ; Modeling Run-Time Adaptation at the System Architecture Level in Dynamic ...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Experimental Evaluation of the Performance-Influencing ...Springervon Q Noorshams · · Zitiert von: 21 — Experimental Evaluation of the Performance-Influencing Factors of Virtualized Storage Systems. Qais Noorshams,; Samuel Kounev &; Ralf Reussner.
Introduction and Updates to Spectrum Scale HDFS ...Spectrum Scale User GroupSpectrum Scale HDFS Transparency. Spectrum Scale UK User Group Meeting London, UK – June 30th, Dr. Qais Noorshams (IBM) ...
Experimental Evaluation of the Performance-Influencing Factors of...Virtualized cloud environments introduce an additional abstraction layer on top of physical resources enabling their collective use by multiple systems to...
13th International Conference on Modularity, MODULARITY '14, Lugano,...[doi] · Designing information hiding modularity for model transformation languagesAndreas Rentschler, Dominik Werle, Qais Noorshams, Lucia Happe, Ralf Reussner [doi] · JavaScript module system: exploring the design spaceJunhee Cho, Sukyoung Ryu [doi] · Modular specification and ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
DBWorld Message... USA Malte Dreyer, Humboldt University, Germany Debo Dutta, Cisco Systems, USA Diwakar Krishnamurthy, University of Calgary, Canada Qais Noorshams, ...
KIT Scientific Publishing. Straße am Forum 2 (Geb ) D_...... in Virtualized Environments Omar-Qais Noorshams The Karlsruhe Series on The Oui biomasse network studied all aspects of the biomass value chain to ...
[SDLnews] ICPE Deadline approachingKrishnamurthy, University of Calgary, Canada Qais Noorshams, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Kamesh Raghavendra, NetApp, USA Lisa Roderick, VMware, USA David Schmidt, Hewlett-Packard, USA Sanjay Sharma ...
Verleihung ObjektForum FörderpreisFünf Karlsruher Absolventen für innovative Diplomarbeiten ausgezeichnet
61 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Qais Noorshams - BadgesCredlyQais Noorshams. Software Engineer at IBM Germany Research & Development. 29 badges. Sort by: Most Popular. Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner. IBM.
Ing. Qais Noorshams: Professional Software & IT, Dr.professional-software-it.comDr.-Ing. Qais Noorshams | Professional Software & IT | ▸ Email | ▸ LinkedIn. Experience. IBM Germany Research & Development. Dr.-Ing. Qais Noorshams | Professional Software & IT | ▸ E-Mail | ▸ LinkedIn. Berufserfahrung. IBM Deutschland Research & Development.
Accepted Papers | IEEE MASCOTS LIPADEuniv-paris5.frQais Noorshams, Kiana Rostami, Samuel Kounev, and Ralf Reussner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany); Multi-Criteria Virtual Machines Migration ...
CBSE '14- Proceedings of the 17th international ACM ...SIGSOFTQais Noorshams · Roland Reeb · Andreas Rentschler · Samuel Kounev · Ralf Reussner ...
CompArch Tuesday 1 JulyUniversité de LilleQais Noorshams, Roland Reeb, Andreas Rentschler, Samuel Kounev and Ralf Reussner; Enabling Collaborative Testing Across Shared Software Components
EPEW Venice, Italyunive.itEnd-to-End performance of multi-core systems in cloud environments; Robert Vaupel, Qais Noorshams, Samuel Kounev and Ralf Reussner. Using Queuing Models for ...
OrganisationImperial College London... Qais Noorshams, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Ali Oghabian, University of Helsinki, Finland; Fatemeh Pakpour, University of Manchester, UK ...
SPA - SPEC Research GroupStandard Performance Evaluation CorporationQais Noorshams, Axel Busch, Andreas Rentschler, Dominik Bruhn, Samuel Kounev, Petr Tůma, and Ralf Reussner. Automated Modeling of I/O Performance and ...
The Storage Performance Analyzer: Measuring, Monitoring ...Academia.edu[5] Qais Noorshams, Axel Busch, Andreas Rentschler, Dominik Bruhn, Samuel Kounev, Petr T˚ uma, and Ralf Reussner. 4. CONCLUSION Automated Modeling of I/O ...
Wissenschaftliches Programm | Software Engineering 2016TU WienAxel Busch, Qais Noorshams, Samuel Kounev, Anne Koziolek, Ralf Reussner and Erich Amrehn. Performance-Influence Models. Norbert Siegmund, Alexander Grebhahn ...
Lecture Notes in InformaticsEmis.de— Automated workload characterization for I/O performance analysis in virtualized environments. Axel Busch , Qais Noorshams , Samuel Kounev ...
Dr.-Ing. Qais Noorshams - Software Engineer - IBM | LinkedInView Dr.-Ing. Qais Noorshams' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest ... See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Dr.-Ing. Qais' connections and jobs at ... Software Engineer · IBM. March – Present 3 years 7 months. Germany ... Missing: florimex | Must include: florimex
KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National...KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association ARCHITECTURE-DRIVEN REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING.
Descartes Research Group: Qais NoorshamsHomepage of the Descartes Research Group, KIT, Karlsruhe
Qais Noorshams - Credlywww.credly.com › users › qais-noorshamsQais Noorshams. Software Engineer at IBM Germany Research & Development. Badges. 28 badges. Sort by: Most popular. Most popular · Most recent.Missing: SAP | Must include:SAP Qais Noorshams. Software Engineer at IBM Germany Research & Development. Badges. 28 badges. Sort by: Most popular. Most popular · Most recent. Missing: SAP | Must include:SAP
2014.bib2014.bib @inproceedings ... {Qais Noorshams and Axel Busch and Andreas Rentschler and Dominik Bruhn ... , author = {Ananieva, Sofia}, school = {Braunschweig ...
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Analysis of Model Transformations 2014Analysis of Model Transformations ... Qais Noorshams, Lucia Happe, Ralf Reussner; Session 2: Testing. Unit Testing of Model to Text Transformations
10th International Conference on Autonomic PDF Free DownloadJun 28, acceptable: Oppenheimer et al., considering three real workloads, recommend application placement be done...
AspectJML - Lively KernelThomas Thüm · @ TU Braunschweig. t.thuem at tu-braunschweig.de ... Andreas Rentschler, Dominik Werle, Qais Noorshams, Lucia Happe, Ralf Reussner. › lively4 › .Trash › acm › raw
First FERDINAND reunion in Prague: FerdinandFirst FERDINAND reunion in Prague The FERDINAND project had its first face to face meeting after the project kick-off in Prague on November 8th and ... Qais Noorshams .
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Anne Koziolek
- Dominik Bruhn
- Lucia Happe
- Kiana Busch
- Axel Busch
- Andreas Rentschler
- Roland Reeb
- Mircea Trifu
- Fabian Brosig
- Alexander Grebhahn
- Zoya Durdik
Personensuche zu Qais Noorshams & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Qais Noorshams und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.