347 Infos zu Rabih Alameddine
Mehr erfahren über Rabih Alameddine
Lebt in
- Kuwait
Infos zu
- Unnecessary Woman
- Hakawati
- Divine
- Angel of History
- Amman
- Author
- Roman
- Aaliya
- Cappelen Damm
- Jacob
- Jordan to Lebanese
48 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Bay Area authors Rabih Alameddine and Vikram Chandra receive National...San Francisco author Rabih Alameddine, who was nominated for a National Book Award for
REVIEW: 'An Unnecessary Woman,' by Rabih Alameddine - StarTribune.comBOOK REVIEW: A restlessly intelligent novel built around an unforgettable character.
Guardian: Rabih Alameddine: 'I think we lose something once we get accepted' |...In his new novel, his first since the startling success An Unnecessary Woman, Alameddine explores memory, forgetting, and the Aids crisis
An Unnecessary Woman by Rabih Alameddine, book review: A world...One morning in December, Aaliyah Sobhi, a 72-year-old resident of Beirut, misreads the label on a shampoo bottle and dyes her hair bright blue. With this...
28 Bilder zu Rabih Alameddine

18 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Rabih Alameddine in conversation with Colm Tóibín, An ...Facebook: Rabih Alameddine - Public Figure | FacebookLinkedIn: Rabih Alameddine - Greater Toronto Area, Canada - LinkedInca.linkedin.com › rabih-alameddine-4a98a518bRabih Alameddine. Assistant Manager at Fix4less. Fix4lessUniversity of Toronto Scarborough. Greater Toronto Area, Canada8 connections.
Twitter Profil: Rabih Alameddine (rabihalameddine)writer
3 Hobbys & Interessen
The Wrong End of the Telescope with Rabih Alameddine - Eventbritewww.eventbrite.com › ... › #books_and_reading· Eventbrite - Litquake, San Francisco's Literary Festival presents The Wrong End of the Telescope with Rabih Alameddine - Wednesday, ...
Novelist Rabih Alameddine creates a powerful intellectual portrait of...Rabih Alameddine's newest novel,
National Book Critics Circle nominations for announced -...The National Book Critics Circle announced Tuesday that Nobel laureate Toni Morrison will receive its Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award. Phil Klay won...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
An Unnecessary Woman — Rabih AlameddineRabih Alameddine follows his bestseller, The Hakawati, with a heartrending novel that celebrates the singular life of an obsessive introvert, revealing Beirut's ...
3 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Eine überflüssige Frau von Rabih Alameddine bei LovelyBooks (Roman)Keinesfalls überflüssigDer libanesische Schriftsteller Rabih Alameddine hat mit "Eine überflüssige Frau" eine Geschichte über eine Frau geschrieben, die sich ...
Rabih Alameddine: Lebenslauf, Bücher und Rezensionen bei ...www.lovelybooks.de › autor › Rabih-AlameddineRabih Alameddine (geboren in Jordanien) ist ein libanesischer Maler, ein in englischer Sprache schreibender Schriftsteller und eine der berühmtesten ...
57 Bücher zum Namen
The Hakawati [ THE HAKAWATI ] By Alameddine, Rabih ( Author )Apr Hardcovervon Rabih Alameddine, Knopf Publishing Group, 2008, Gebundene Ausgabe
El contador de historiasvon RABIH ALAMEDDINE, LUMEN, 2008, Taschenbuch
Hakawati - historiefortellerenvon Rabih Alameddine, CAPPELEN DAMM, 2013, Taschenbuch
bol.com: bol.com | The Hakawati, Rabih Alameddine | | BoekenThe Hakawati Hardcover. Returning to Beirut after many years in America in anticipation of his father's coming death, Osama al-Kharrat finds a turbulent,...
2 Songs & Musik
The Wrong End of the Telescope - Rabih Alameddine (Buch) - JPCwww.jpc.de › ... › Novels & Narrations › NarrationsBy National Book Award finalist and Dos Passos Prize winner, Rabih Alameddine, comes a transporting new novel about an Arab American trans woman's personal ...
4 Dokumente
[PDF] La Mujer De Papel Lumen By Rabih Alameddine Gemma Rovira ...smecare.business.gov.vn › ...May 20th, La Mujer De Papel Rabih Alameddine Lumen Des Milliers. De Livres Avec La Livraison Chez Vous En 1 Jour Ou En Magasin Avec 5 De.
Rabih Alameddine Research Papers - Academia.eduwww.academia.edu › Documents › Rabih_Alameddi...The Lebanese Civil War, stretching over two decades of Lebanon's history, features prominently in any discussion of Rabih Alameddine's An Unnecessary Woman ...
Anexo I Libros Subvención Bibliotecas ID:5deffdcaa003cxdoc.mx › documents... Grijalbo Cartoné Mijas Lagunas Cala El contador de historias Rabih Alameddine Lumen Rústica Mijas Lagunas Cala El hombre ...
www.letralia.cominvitados especiales, de Rabih Alameddine, Aminatta Forna y Vladimir Sorokin, quienes acercar n a los lectores las historias de sus pueblos y su
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: bol.com | The Hakawati (ebook), Rabih Alameddine | |...The Hakawati. In 2003, Osama al-Kharrat returns to Beirut after many years in America to stand vigil at his father's deathbed. As the family gathers,...
Writer's Voice : Rabih Alameddine and Greg Mitchell :...Host Francesca Rheannon talks with Rabih Alameddine about his acclaimed new novel THE HAKAWATI. And journalist Greg Mitchell skewers the role of the press...
Rabih Alameddine's An Unnecessary Woman - Band of ThebesFifteen years on from The Perv and six years after his gay favorite and bestselling The Hakawati [Kindle] -- NYT:
The Hakawati, by Rabih Alameddine | Fiction Writers ReviewRabih Alameddine's latest novel, The Hakawati, is itself about the power of a good story—its ability to engage us and, when collected with other ...
24 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Rabih Alameddine - WikipediaRabih Alameddine (born 1959) is a Lebanese-American painter and writer. He was born in Amman, Jordan to Lebanese Druze parents (Alameddine himself is an atheist).
Wikipedia: Rabih Alameddine - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rabih_AlameddineRabih Alameddine ist der Sohn libanesischer Drusen und wuchs in Kuwait, im Libanon und in England auf. Nach seinem Studium an der UCLA und der USF war er ...Literarisches Schaffen · Werke · Auszeichnungen · Literatur
Wikipedia: List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in WikipediaRabih Alameddine, writer, San Francisco: Fiction Stanley Boorman, Professor of Music, New York University: Music printing and publishing in Italy, of Technology: Classification problems in mathematics, group actions, and ...
“I Like Calling Myself a Thief”: An Interview with Rabih Alameddine -...“I wanted to write a happy book; really, really happy—and this is what came out,” Lebanese writer Rabih Alameddine said of his new novel, An Unnecessary Woman,...
154 Webfunde aus dem Netz
"An Unnecessary Woman" with author Rabih Alameddine | CBC.caLebanese-American writer Rabih Alameddine's new book
10 Great Arab Short Stories for Rabih Alameddine to Teach – & ArablitYesterday, novelist Rabih Alameddine asked, on Twitter, for short-story suggestions for a course he'll be teaching: From items available on ...
Radio München - 'Eine überflüssige Frau' in Beirut von Rabih...„Aaliya ist 72 Jahre alt und lebt allein in einer Wohnung in Beirut. Allein, seit sie mit Anfang zwanzig kinderlos von ihrem Mann geschieden wurde. Seitdem...
La traduttrice - Rabih Alameddine - Recensione libroLa traduttrice: recensione del libro di Rabih Alameddine. Trama e commenti
826 contributor Rabih Alameddine finalist for National Book Award -...826 Valencia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing...
Rabih Alameddine in conversation with Colm Tóibín, An Unnecessary...Colm Toibin was born in Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford in He studied at University College Dublin. Colm Toibin’s collection of stories ‘The Empty Family’...
Rabih Alameddine ForumRabih Alameddine Forum The discussion board is currently closed. discover | discuss | about ...
Libro El Contador De Historias, Rabih Alameddine, ISBNLibro El Contador De Historias, Rabih Alameddine, ISBN Comprar en Buscalibre - ver opiniones y comentarios. Compra y venta de libros importados,...
Rabih Alameddine Quote: “By remaining constrained in one’s...Rabih Alameddine Quote: “By remaining constrained in one’s environment or country or family, one has little chance of being other than the original...
Libro contador de historias, el, rabih alameddine, ISBN Buscalibrewww.buscalibre.us › libro-contador-de-historias-el-r...El contador de historias - Rabih Alameddine - Lumen. El contador de historias. Rabih Alameddine. Lumen., Rústica, Nuevo. 40%. dcto ...
Rabih Alameddine Quote: “How can I expect readers to know who I am if...Rabih Alameddine Quote: “How can I expect readers to know who I am if I do not tell them about my family, my friends, the relationships in my life? Who am I if...
CANCELED: Rabih Alameddine | Hammer MuseumNational Book Award Finalist Rabih Alameddine's “beautiful and absorbing” (New York Times) novel An Unnecessary Woman garnered ...
Rabih Alameddine Quote: “I opened myself to you only to be skinned...“I opened myself to you only to be skinned alive. The more vulnerable I became, the faster and more deft your knife. Knowing what was happening, still I stayed...
Rabih Alameddine Quote: “I wonder if being sane means disregarding...“I wonder if being sane means disregarding the chaos that is life, pretending only an infinitesimal segment of it is reality.” — Rabih Alameddine quotes from...
La mujer de papel de Rabih Alameddine en Librerías GandhiLa mujer de papel de Rabih Alameddine en Librerías Gandhi | Libros en Gandhi con Envío Gratis Siempre | La mujer de papel en Librerías Gandhi
Rabih Alameddine Quote: “Is life less thrilling if your neighbors are...“Is life less thrilling if your neighbors are rational, if they don’t bomb your power stations whenever they feel you need to be admonished? Is it less rousing...
Rabih Alameddine Quote: “There are two kinds of people in this world:...Rabih Alameddine Quote: “There are two kinds of people in this world: people who want to be desired, and people who want to be desired so much that they...
Rabih Alameddine - Fantastic Fictionwww.fantasticfiction.com › rabih-alameddineAuthor Rabih Alameddine's complete list of books and series in order, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability.
Rabih Alameddine Quote: “What is the purpose of a city if not to...“What is the purpose of a city if not to grant the greatest of gifts, anonymity?” — Rabih Alameddine quotes from Quotefancy.com
Rabih Alameddine - John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundationwww.gf.org › fellows › all-fellows › rabih-alameddineRabih Alameddine. Fellow: Awarded Field of Study: Fiction. Competition: US & Canada. ABOUT · About the Fellowship · History of the Fellowship ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Rabih
Rabih kommt aus dem Arabischen und heißt "Frühling"
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