73 Infos zu Rainer Todtenhoefer

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science News Archive

Florida Atlantic University College of Engineering and Computer Science

Researchers hope to transform software engine | EurekAlert!

· ... and Rainer Todtenhoefer, professor of applied science at Fulda University in Germany -- are looking to their students.

Researchers hope to transform software engineering training

— ... Shihong Huang, associate professor of computer science and engineering at Florida Atlantic University, and Rainer Todtenhoefer, ... › ... › Software

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Rainer Todtenhoefer | Facebook

Facebook: Rainer Todtenhoefer | Facebook - bei Facebook

LinkedIn: Rainer Todtenhoefer | LinkedIn

Rainer Todtenhoefers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Rainer Todtenhoefer ...

LinkedIn: rainer todtenhoefer | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von rainer todtenhoefer (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach

4 Bücher zum Namen

FIE Author Index

[Session T1H: Advances in Software Engineering Education: Teams and Projects]. Alexandr Mamei, Rainer Todtenhoefer and Dragutin Petkovic. Tokic, Michel.

Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced...

SEAFOOD 2009: Enabling Global Partnerships to Deliver on Business Needs Companies have been outsourcing areas of software development work for many years,...

10 Dokumente

Sanket 895 presentation - SlideShare

— ... submitted to Frontiers in Education FIE (undergoing final review) Dragutin Petkovic, Rainer Todtenhoefer, ... › sanketsp

2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2018)

Dragutin Petkovic ; Sabiha H Barlaskar ; Jizhou Yang ; Rainer Todtenhoefer. COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS' EXPERIENCE OF REFLECTING ON TEAM LEADERSHIP. › ...

Experience Report on Soft and Project Skills Building through ...

von X Devroey · · Zitiert von: 2 — [24] Dragutin Petkovic, Rainer Todtenhoefer, and Gary Thompson Teaching. Practical Software Engineering and Global Software Engineering: Case Study. › pdf

So | PDF | Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers

Rainer Todtenhoefer (Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany) Sabiha Barlaskar (San Francisco State University, USA) Jizhou Yang (San Francisco State ... › document

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Rainer Todtenhöfer

List of computer science publications by Rainer Todtenhöfer

dblp: SNPD 2008

Arno Puder, Sascha Häberling, Rainer Todtenhoefer: An MDA Approach to Byte Code Level Cross-Compilation view electronic edition via DOI electronic edition @ ieeecomputersociety.org unpaywalled version references & citations export record BibTeX ...

dblp: Arno Puder

List of computer science publications by Arno Puder

dblp: Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education 2006

Bibliographic content of Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education 2006

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Lesegruppe SDQ Wiki

Benjamin Klatt stellt vor: "A Comparison between Relational and Operational QVT Mappings" - Pavle Guduric and Arno Puder and Rainer Todtenhoefer [PDF fulltext] Freitag9:45 Uhr in SR 348

InceOS: The Insense-Specific Operating System | Paul Harvey

von P Harvey · · Zitiert von: 4 — [29] Arno Puder, Sascha Haeberling, and Rainer Todtenhoefer. An mda approach to byte code level cross-compilation. In SNPD '08: Proceedings ... › publication › inceos-the-i...

Proceedings of the 11th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and...

... software engineering and global software engineering: evaluation and comparisonDragutin Petkovic, Gary D. Thompson, Rainer Todtenhoefer [doi] ...

4 Meinungen & Artikel


... Mahidol University, THAILAND Gary Thompson, Sun Microsystems and San Francisco State University, USA Rainer Todtenhoefer, University ...

GSE Merry Christmas - Dr. Rainer Todtenhoefer - net.java.dev.ppm.dev...

From: Dr. Rainer Todtenhoefer (-fulda.de). Date: Dec 24, :52:32 am. List: net.java.dev.ppm.dev ...

GSE Global Software Eng. Conf. - Dr. Rainer Todtenhoefer -...

Hi ! This is a very interesting conference on global software eng. Shouldn't we try to publish our new results from thhis years class on the conferfence ?

RE: GSE Fwd: Project questions - Parijat Kalia - net.java.dev.ppm.dev...

:24 am. Parijat Kalia, Sep 19, :28 am. Gary Thompson, Sep 19, :47 am. Dr. Rainer Todtenhoefer, Sep 20, :54 am ...

31 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Rainer Todtenhoefer - researchr alias

› alias › rainer...

Copyright D. Petkovic1 Software Engineering CSc Fall

Copyright D. Petkovic1 About SW SW is abstract Not governed by physical or manufacturing constraints Becoming ubiquitous and critical: SW products, WWW,...

Guduric Pavle :: Software Engineer

Pavle Guduric, Arno Puder, Rainer Todtenhoefer A Comparison between Relational and Operational QVT Mappings ITNG2009 (Proceedings published by IEEE) 6th International Conference on Information Technology, Las Vegas

Begriffe: Informatik-Didaktik - Beats Biblionetz

... and comparison of local and global SW engineering practices in a classroom setting (Dragutin Petkovic, Gary D. Thompson, Rainer Todtenhoefer) (2008) ... › ...

Challenges and Possibilities When Process Mining GitLab for ...

von MG Hildre · — [22] Dragutin Petkovic, Gary Thompson, and Rainer Todtenhoefer. Teaching practical software engineering and global software engineering: ... › bitstream › handle › n...

Design and Implementation of Iraqi Virtual Library

References [14] Dragutin Petkovic, Rainer Todtenhoefer and Gary Thompson), “Teaching Practical [1] URL: https://www.ivsl.org. › Desig...

CiteSeerX — Session T1H Work in Progress- Elassys: Online Tool for...

author = {R Mamei and Rainer Todtenhoefer and Dragutin Petkovic}, title = { Session T1H Work in Progress- Elassys: Online Tool for Teamwork Analysis and  ...

Direk Thammarak email address & phone number

Nirun Potchani. Assistant Manager. Bangkok, Thailand. View. 2. pttplc.com; hotmail.com. Employee Rainer Todtenhoefer's profile photo ... › direk-tham...

Hoja1http://bioinfo.uib.es › Rawdata › FIECodeNames

7252, FEA7252, Rainer Todtenhoefer , FEA7253, Katharina Toifl , FEA7254, Yuji Tokiwa , FEA7255, Matt Tokorcheck , FEA7256, Manuel Toledo. › Rawdata › FIECodeNames

Introduction to Machine Learning and Software Engineering

Dragutin Petkovic, Marc Sosnick-Perez, Kazunori Okada, Rainer Todtenhoefer and Shihong Huang et al. 1 Oct Machine Learning Applications in Software ... › ...

Magnet! Applied Mathematics 2 By Begashaw Moltot

A handbook of applied mathematics l: A problem solving approach for engineering, science & technology students. By: Begashaw Moltot. Material type .

QVT Relations - researchr tag

A Comparison between Relational and Operational QVT MappingsPavle Guduric, Arno Puder, Rainer Todtenhoefer. itng 2009: [doi] · Common Pitfalls ...


Open Ukrainian Citation Index - Відкритий український індекс наукового цитування

Software Engineering for Offshore and Outsourced Development

Rainer Todtenhoefer University of Applied Sciences Fulda, GERMANY. Hiroshi TSUJI Osaka Prefecture University, JAPAN. Yunwen Ye Software Research Associates ... › chairs

Teaching practical software engineering and ReadPaper

Dragutin PetkovicGary D. ThompsonRainer Todtenhoefer. integrating technology into computer science education. Jun › paper

SIGCSE Bulletin (ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science...

Dragutin Petkovic and Gary Thompson and Rainer Todtenhoefer Teaching practical software engineering and global software ...

Applied Mathematics 2 By Begashaw Moltot

Rainer Todtenhoefer, Department of Applied Computer Science, University of Maria Lydia Fioravanti, Institute of Mathematics and Computer ...

building explainable random forest models with - ScholarWorks

von A Vigil · · Zitiert von: 4 — Petkovic, Dragutin, Marc Sosnick-Perez, Shihong Huang, Rainer Todtenhoefer,. Kazunori Okada, Swati Arora, Ramasubramanian Sreenivasen, Lorenzo Flores, and. › downloads

Fulda university of applied sciences global software development

Rainer Todtenhoefer of University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Fulda | Read 16 publications, and contact Rainer Todtenhoefer on ResearchGate, the professional ...

Well formed design class in software engineering

Teaching Practical Software Engineering and Global Software Engineering: Case Study and Recommendations Dragutin Petkovic1, Rainer Todtenhoefer 2, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Rainer

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Rainer; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ragin = der Rat, der Beschluss; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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