225 Infos zu Rainer Verch
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- Quantum Field Theory
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9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Department of MathematicsRainer Verch (Leipzig): Temperature and entropy-area relation of quantum matter near spherically symmetric outer trapping horizons. › events › ag-mathematische-...
A nonlocal generalisation of Green hyperbolicity... they can be used as the starting point for a quantum field theory on curved spacetimes. The talk describes work in progress with Rainer Verch (Leipzig). › ... › Activity Calendar › Event
First virtual LQP workshop - Programme - Pieter NaaijkensThe talk is based on work with Rainer Verch [Leipzig], arXiv: (to appear, Comm. Math. Phys.); see also arXiv: for a summary, and a ... › events › vlqp › programme
Event - Institut for Matematik - Aarhus UniversitetThe talk describes work in progress with Rainer Verch (Leipzig). This talk is part of series of talks affiliated with the virtual Mittag-Leffler workshop " ... › ... › Event
5 Bilder zu Rainer Verch

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Rainer VerchFacebook: Rainer Verch
Facebook: Rainer Verch | FacebookLinkedIn: Rainer Verch - Deutschland | LinkedIn
Rainer Verch-- Standort Deutschland Übersicht von Rainer Verch Kontakte 0 Kontakte
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Wissenschaftliche MitgliederWissenschaftliche Mitglieder; Studenten; Alumni; Navigation 3. Ebene. Adresse: Leipzig ... Rainer Verch (Mathematical and Theoretical …
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Die Physik-ComboRainer Verch (Leipzig) Algebraische Quantenfeldtheorie Jarmal Berakdar (Halle) Quantenfeldtheorie mit ausgewählten Anwendungen aus der Festkörperphysik: WS …
Bayrischzell WorkshopMiguel A. Vazquez-Mozo Rainer Verch Patrizia Vitale Hartmut Wachter Michael Wohlgenannt Hyun Seok Yang Alessandro Zampini George Zoupanos * ... to be confirmed
6 Infos zur Ausbildung
Top Cited Articles of All Time (2009 edition) in math-ph1; Dirac field on Moyal-Minkowski spacetime and non-commutative potential scattering: By Markus Borris, Rainer Verch (Leipzig U.). Published in:Commun.Math. › spires › topcites › eprints
Rainer Verch - Research Database, The University of YorkVisit by Prof Rainer Verch (Leipzig). Activity: External academic engagement › Hosting academic visitor. Person(s). Chris Fewster - Host, 2 Oct ...
Mathematical Physics Seminar: Morgan Lynch (Technion)May 27, — The talk is based on work with Rainer Verch [Leipzig], arXiv: ; see also arXiv: for a summary, and a recent preprint ... › ... › Events
Top Cited Articles during in math-phArticles Cited Most Often in SPIRES-HEP Edition
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Rainer Verch - The Mathematics Genealogy ProjectAccording to our current on-line database, Rainer Verch has 1 student and 1 descendant. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional ...
43 Bücher zum Namen
Papers | Local Quantum Physics CrossroadsKMS-like Properties of Local Equilibrium States in Quantum Field Theory · Michael Gransee, Nicola Pinamonti, Rainer Verch. August 23, thermal states, thermal quantum field theory, local thermal equilibrium, KMS condition · open access link ...
Local Quantum Physics CrossroadsUnruh versus Tolman: On the heat of acceleration · Detlev Buchholz, Rainer Verch. May 07, open access link · Macroscopic aspects of the Unruh effect.
Gerard 't Hooft - The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of ...by G Hooft · Cited by 127 — Rainer Verch, Leipzig, Germany. Reinhard Werner, Hannover, Germany. Christian Wüthrich, Geneva, Switzerland. Lai-Sang Young, New York City, USA ... › bitstream
An Introduction to Covariant Quantum Mechanics... Ann Arbor, MI, USA Mairi Sakellariadou, London, UK Alwyn van der Merwe, Greenwood Village, CO, USA Rainer Verch, Leipzig, Germany Reinhard F. Werner, ...
1 Songs & Musik
Full text of "Cauchy Problem and Green's Functions for First Order...ACKNOWLEDGMENTS These resuhs go back to work under supervision of Prof. Rainer Verch, Leipzig, in 2007, cf.lMIEiEQi ). I would like to thank him as ...
23 Dokumente
Search | arXiv e-print repositoryFür diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar.
SCHATTENBLICK - UNIVERSITÄT/049: Universität Leipzig fördert...Dr. Rainer Verch -.Institut für Theoretische Physik). Mit dem soll die Interaktion zwischen Lehrenden und Studierenden und die Be- ...
Verch, Rainer [WorldCat Identities]Scaling analysis and ultraviolet behaviour of quantum field theories in curved spacetime by Rainer Verch( ) 6 editions published in in 3 languages and ... › identities › vi...
Rainer Verch - DIMA› manage
27 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Rainer Verch - GEPRIS› gepris › person
39th LQP Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT... für theoretische Physik, Uni Hamburg. Alexander Stottmeister, Università Tor Vergata. Rainer Verch, Universität Leipzig. Raimar Wulkenhaar, WWU Münster.
Journal of Geometry and Physics | Vol 117, Pages (July 2017) |...KMS-like properties of local equilibrium states in quantum field theory. Michael Gransee, Nicola Pinamonti, Rainer Verch. Pages : Download PDF.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch - Universität Leipzig› profile
10 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
RUNDBRIEF - GAMM - YumpuDec 22, — Organisers: Sergio Doplicher, Rom; Mario Paschke, Leipzig; Rainer Verch, Leipzig;. Eberhard Zeidler, Leipzig. October November 05, › document › view › rundbrie...
Antilocality and a Reeh-Schlieder theorem on manifolds | SpringerLinkIt is shown that the operatorA 1/2, whereA is any positive self-adjoint extension of a positive operator of the form ‘-Laplace-Beltrami operator +pot
Wavefront sets in algebraic quantum field theory : Rainer Verch :...The investigation of wavefront sets of n-point distributions in quantum field theory has recently acquired some attention stimulated by results obtained with...
Horaţiu Năstase - Cosmology and String Theoryby H Năstase · Cited by 10 — Rainer Verch, Leipzig, Germany. Reinhard F. Werner, Hanover, Germany. Christian Wüthrich, Geneva, Switzerland. Lai-Sang Young, New York City, NY, USA ... › uploads › › 75.-CO...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Mediathek der Universität RegensburgMediathek der Universität Regensburg. Multimediale Inhalte für Lernende und Lehrende.
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Quantum inequalities - WikipediaCollaborators have included Ford, Roman, Pfenning, Stefan Hollands and Rainer Verch. Further reading Websites. Quantum field theory on curved spacetime at the Erwin
Gerd Rudolph, Rainer Verch, Matthias Schmidt: Advanced Seminar on...Advanced Seminar on Quantum Field Theory and Gravitation Advanced Seminar on Quantum Field Theory and Gravitation. Gerd Rudolph, Rainer Verch, Matthias Schmidt;
Rainer Verch, Thomas-Paul Hack: Quantum Field Theory on Curved...Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes. Lecturers: Rainer Verch, Thomas-Paul Hack; Dates lecture: Wednesday 11: :45 and Thursday 13: :00 ;
Confirmed Speakers and DiscussantsPhysics (Potsdam), Germany); Rainer Verch (Leipzig University, Germany) ...
76 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Entropy and QFT - Google Sites— Rainer Verch (University of Leipzig). Feng Xu (University of California, Riverside). Contact: .it. Organizing Committee:. › view › e...
Print Page - Google SitesYakov Shnir (Durham) Martin Speight (Leeds) Rafał Suszek (Hamburg) Richard Szabo (Heriot-Watt) David Tong (Cambridge) Valentino Tosatti (Columbia) Joseph Varilly (Costa Rica) Rainer Verch (Leipzig) Stanisław Woronowicz (Warsaw)
Rainer Verch: 免费的Z-Library数字图书馆› ...
PIRSA - Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar ArchiveDistillability and positivity of partial transposes in general quantum field systems. Speaker(s): Rainer Verch. Abstract: Date: :00 pm.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch - SFB 647: Raum - Zeit› personen
Geometry and Physics in CracowDavid Tong (Cambridge) Valentino Tosatti (Columbia) Joseph Varilly (Costa Rica) Rainer Verch (Leipzig) Stanisław Woronowicz (Warsaw) Wojciech Zakrzewski (Durham)
Participants - Geometry and Physics in CracowRainer Verch (Leipzig) Andrzej Wereszczyński (Jagiellonian) Stanisław Woronowicz (Warsaw) Andrzej Woszczyna (Jagiellonian) Raimar Wulkenhaar (Münster)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch (Guest SFB 647)Website of SFB 647: Space - Time - Matter. Analytic and Geometric Structures
Details: Rainer Verch - Oberwolfach Photo Collection› detail
Rainer Verch - The Mathematics Genealogy Project› ...
Rainer Verch (Universität Leipzig) "Lorentzian Non-Commutative ...www.mat.uniroma2.it/~mp/OA/activities/archive/.../Verch.htmlRainer Verch (Universität Leipzig) "Lorentzian Non-Commutative Geometry and Covariant Quantum Field Theory" Abstract: We report on joint work in progress ...
Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch (Gast SFB 647)Website des Sonderforschungsbereich 647: Raum - Zeit - Materie. Analytische und Geometrische Strukturen
Details for Rainer VerchFor more detailed information please click on the photo. Information about this person in the genealogy project available.
Details: Eberhard Zeidler, Rainer Verch, Mario Paschke, Sergio...Please enter your name and email address, too: Name: Email: Are you interested in using this photo?
Details: Rainer VerchPlease enter your name, institution, address and email address, too:
Rainer Verch in nLabwebsite. 1. related n n Lab pages. AQFT. category: people. Created on July 17, at 13:04:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.
Rainer Verch - Publications - The Academic Family Tree› physics
Physics Tree - Rainer VerchPhysics Tree: mentors, trainees, research areas and affiliations for researcher
Quantum Field Theory: Concepts, Constructions & Curved Spacetimes |...Rainer Verch (Leipzig) Quantum physics, fields and closed timelike curves: The D-CTC condition in quantum field theory; Elizabeth Winstanley (Sheffield)
au:Verch_R in:math-ph - SciRate Search@misc{ , author = {Nicola Pinamonti and Ko Sanders and Rainer Verch}, title = {{L}ocal incompatibility of the microlocal spectrum condition with the ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Rainer
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Rainer; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ragin = der Rat, der Beschluss; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Verch
Der Name Verch kommt aus den Norddeutschen und ist eine Abwandlung von Fährmann.
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Christian Wüthrich
- Klaus Fredenhagen
- Raimar Wulkenhaar
- Reinhard Werner
- Christian Bär
- Detlev Buchholz
- Stefan Waldmann
- Gerd Rudolph
- Armin Uhlmann
- Nicola Pinamonti
- Jürgen Tolksdorf
Personensuche zu Rainer Verch & mehr
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