111 Infos zu Rainer Winnenburg
Mehr erfahren über Rainer Winnenburg
Lebt in
- Dresden
Infos zu
- Olivier Bodenreider
- Alfred Sorbello
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- AbbVie
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
SIMI : Semantic Interoperability in Medical InformaticsSIMI : Semantic Interoperability in Medical Informatics
Programme | Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and...Tom Plasterer, Rainer Winnenburg, Scott Markel, Siddharth Mehta, Chris ...
LAUFend gegen Krebs: AbbVie unterstützt den 7. NCT-Lauf in Heidelberg...Ein Zeichen gegen Krebs setzen – das war die Hauptmotivation der mehr als Menschen, die am 13. Juli am Benefizlauf des Nationalen Centrums für...
1 Bilder zu Rainer Winnenburg
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Rainer Winnenburg - AbbVielinkedin.com... Rainer Winnenburg, indem Sie das Profil dieser Person auf LinkedIn besuchen Rainer Winnenburg. AbbVie Technische Universität Dresden. Metropolregion Rhein ...
LinkedIn: Rainer Winnenburg - Senior Data Scientist, Data2Insights and ...größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 5 Jobs sind im Profil von Rainer Winnenburg ...
Twitter Profil: Rainer Winnenburg (winnenburg)pinterest.com: Rainer Winnenburg0 Pins • 0 Followers
1 Persönliche Webseiten
WinnenburgRainer Winnenburg. Home; About; Publications; Projects; Personal; Links; About Me. last updated I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for ...
1 Projekte
ONDEX Suite People... Alexander Rüegg (Bielefeld); Klaus Peter Sieren (Rothamsted & Koblenz); Michael Specht (Rothamsted & Bielefeld); Rainer Winnenburg (Dresden & formerly ...
10 Bücher zum Namen
Verfasser SuchresultateTreffer von 13 für Suche: 'Rainer Winnenburg', Suchdauer: 0.07s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur ...
Articles – LOINCloinc.org › articles › the-nlm-value-set-authority-cen...Authors: Olivier Bodenreider, Duc Nguyen, Pishing Chiang, Philip Chuang, Maureen Madden, Rainer Winnenburg, Rob McClure, Steve Emrick, Ivor D'Souza.
Data Integration in the Life Sciences: 9th International Conference,...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences, DILS 2013, held in Montreal, QC,...
MEDINFO 2015: EHealth-enabled Health: Proceedings of the 15th World...Health and Biomedical Informatics is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary field; one in which new developments may prove crucial in meeting the challenge of...
4 Dokumente
Quality Assurance in LOINC® using Description LogicQuality Assurance in LOINC® using Description Logic Tomasz Adamusiak MD PhD Postdoc at NIH NLM LHC CgSB –
The OXL format for the exchange of integrated datasets : Journal of...The OXL format for the exchange of integrated datasets. Jan Taubert / Klaus Peter Sieren / Matthew Hindle / Berend Hoekman / Rainer Winnenburg / Stephan Philippi / Chris Rawlings / Jacob Köhler. 1Department of Biomathematics and Bioinformatics, Rothamsted Research, AL5 2JQ, Harpenden, United ...
EBSCOhost | | The digital revolution in phenotyping.knowledge acquisition and disease-specific ontologies development and application. Rainer Winnenburg is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Biomedical Informatics Research at Stanford University. He is interested in information ex- traction from biomedical ontologies, electronic medical records and literature.
16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Annotation, Interpretation and Management of...Kevin Nagel, Antonio Jimeno, and Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann; Mutation tagging with gene identifiers applied to membrane protein stability prediction ...
Improved mutation tagging with gene identifiers applied to membrane...The automated retrieval and integration of information about protein point mutations in combination with structure, domain and interaction data from literature...
dblp: Rainer WinnenburgList of computer science publications by Rainer Winnenburg
dblp: The digital revolution in phenotyping.Bibliographic details on The digital revolution in phenotyping.
11 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Feasibility of Prioritizing Drug–Drug-Event Associations...By Juan M. Banda, Alison Callahan, Rainer Winnenburg, Howard R. Strasberg, Aurel Cami, Ben Y. Reis, Santiago Vilar, George Hripcsak, ...
PHI-base: a new database for pathogen host BioMedSearchRainer Winnenburg, Thomas K. Baldwin1, Martin Urban1, Chris Rawlings,. Jacob Ko¨hler and Kim E. Hammond-Kosack1,*. Biomathematics and Bioinformatics ...
7 - IOS Press EbooksDownload PDF. Exploring Pharmacoepidemiologic Groupings of Drugs from a Clinical Perspective. Authors. Rainer Winnenburg, Olivier Bodenreider. Pages.
Exploring adverse drug events at the class level | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › article· Exploring adverse drug events at the class level. Rainer Winnenburg ,; Alfred Sorbello &; Olivier Bodenreider.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
REVEL Big CottonwoodWelcome, Rainer Winnenburg. The following web pages will walk you through the 4 step ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Interpretation of biological experiments changes with Naturewww.nature.com › scientific reports › articles › article· Aurelie Tomczak, Jonathan M. Mortensen, Rainer Winnenburg, Dominique T. Alessi, Nigam H. Shah, Mark A. Musen & Purvesh Khatri. Authors.
DBWorld Message... Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany • Rainer Winnenburg (-dresden.de) Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC), Technical ...
51 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Rainer Winnenburg's Postlinkedin.comRainer Winnenburg's Post ... Come and join our awesome, interdisciplinary team at AbbVie in Germany, and help us make our data assets FAIR and ...
Rainer Winnenburg | LinkedInView Rainer Winnenburg's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Rainer Winnenburg ...
April Kim Hammond-Kosack Wheat Pathogenesis Programme Jacob...An organism that, to complete a part or all of its life cycle, grows inside another organism and in so doing has a detrimental effect on its host. Definition...
Rainer Winnenburg - Lab of the Future GROUPwww.lab-of-the-future.com › speakers › rainer-winn...Rainer Winnenburg. Senior Data Scientist. AbbVie. Get in touch. Open Pharma Research Ltd, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX Website: ...
Medinfo Copenhagen, Denmark - ppt video online downloadPresentation on theme: "Medinfo Copenhagen, Denmark"— Presentation transcript: 1 Medinfo Copenhagen, Denmark Session: Data models and representations - II August 21, Exploring pharmacoepidemiologic groupings of drugs from a clinical perspective Rainer Winnenburg, Olivier Bodenreider Lister ...
Race Results for RAINER WINNENBURG on RaceWireMy Page; Settings; Log Out. RAINER WINNENBURG. STATS. DONE. RESULTS. NOT FOUND. Age : City : Washington; State : CA; Number of races : calculating ...
MarathonFoto - Transamerica Rock 'n' Roll Half San FranciscoMarathonFoto, the world's leader in race photography.
Rainer Winnenburg's Race Results at Athlinks.com"Rainer Winnenburg's race results at Athlinks.com.
Articles – LOINCLOINC is the world's most widely used terminology standard for health measurements, observations, and documents. LOINC helps make health data more portable and...
A Time-indexed Reference Standard of Adverse Drug ReactionsA Time-indexed Reference Standard of Adverse Drug Reactions
CEUR-WS.org/Vol Annotation, Interpretation and Management of...... and Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann; Mutation tagging with gene identifiers applied to membrane protein stability prediction. Rainer Winnenburg, Conrad Plake, ...
Conrad Plake - GM-RKB - Gabor Melliwww.gabormelli.com › RKB › Conrad_Plake(Winnenburg et al., 2008) ⇒ Rainer Winnenburg, Thomas Wächter, Conrad Plake, Andreas Doms, and Michael Schroeder. (2008). “Facts From Text: Can ...
IOS Press Ebooks - Eliciting the Intension of Drug Value Sets –...Assurance Applications. Authors. Nathan J. Bahr, Scott D. Nelson, Rainer Winnenburg, ...
IOS Press Ebooks - Exploring Pharmacoepidemiologic Groupings of Drugs...from a Clinical Perspective. Authors. Rainer Winnenburg, Olivier Bodenreider.
Eliciting the Intension of Drug Value Sets - Principles and Quality ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Nathan J Bahr , Scott D Nelson , Rainer Winnenburg , Olivier Bodenreider. Affiliations. 1 Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, ...
Exploring adverse drug events at the class level – topic of research ...cyberleninka.org › articleSimilar topics of scientific paper in Clinical medicine , author of scholarly article — Rainer Winnenburg, Alfred Sorbello, Olivier Bodenreider. A curated and ...
Drug SafetyJuan M. Banda, Alison Callahan, Rainer Winnenburg, Howard R. Strasberg, more · Drug Safety > > 39 > 1 > Background and Objective Several studies have demonstrated the ability to detect adverse events potentially related to multiple drug exposure via data mining. However, the number ...
Call for Participation: Phenotype Day at ISMB from Nigel Collier on...10:00 10:45 Coffee Break 10:45 11:30 Rainer Winnenburg and Olivier Bodenreider: Coverage of Phenotypes in Standard Terminologies. 10:
Feasibility of Prioritizing Drug-Drug-Event Associations Found in ...cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl › publications › feasibilit...Juan M. Banda, Alison Callahan, Rainer Winnenburg, Howard R. Strasberg, Aurel Cami, Ben Y. Reis, Santiago Vilar, George Hripcsak, Michel Dumontier, ...
Feasibility of Prioritizing Drug–Drug-Event Associations Found in...Banda, Juan M., Alison Callahan, Rainer Winnenburg, Howard R. Strasberg, Aurel Cami, Ben Y. Reis, Santiago Vilar, George Hripcsak, Michel Dumontier, and ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Rainer
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Rainer; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ragin = der Rat, der Beschluss; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Klaus Peter
- Klaus Peter Sieren
- Michel Dumontier
- Philip Chuang
- Conrad Plake
- Michael Schroeder
- Chris Rawlings
- Stephan Philippi
Personensuche zu Rainer Winnenburg & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Rainer Winnenburg und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.