121 Infos zu Ralf Labouvie
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- Kaiserslautern
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- Herwig Ott
- Bodhaditya Santra
- Simon Heun
- Giovanni Barontini
- Vera Guarrera
- Christian Baals
- Zitiert
- Quantum
- Andreas Vogler
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
TU KaiserslauternRalf Labouvie, TU Kaiserslautern KIDS TALK pdf Observing atoms at work: High-resolution friction force microscopy. Herr Prof. Dr. Roland Bennewitz ...
Университет ИТМО... Ralf Labouvie, Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Vladimir V. Konotop, Herwig Ott. Science Advances 10 Aug 2018: Vol. 4, no. 8, eaat DOI: sciadv.aat Back ...
Scientists Create Antilaser for Bose-Einstein Condensate of ...— Andreas Müllers, Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Jian Jiang, Jens Benary, Ralf Labouvie, Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Vladimir V. Konotop, ... › news › null
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Ralf Labouvie - Carl Zeiss Meditec AG - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › ralf-labouvie aSehen Sie sich das Profil von Ralf Labouvie im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Ralf Labouvie ist 1 Job angegeben.
Person profile – Ralf Labouvie – Adam Mickiewicz UniversityRalf Labouvie. Back. Record not found. Uniform Resource Identifier: https://researchportal.amu.edu.pl/info/author/UAM6a65d8d0a4964fdebdad9ba678c URN: urn ...
Profil osoby – Ralf Labouvie - AMU Research PortalRalf Labouvie. Powrót. Rekord nie został odnaleziony lub nie masz odpowiednich uprawnień, aby go zobaczyć. Jednolity identyfikator zasobu: https ... Ralf Labouvie. Powrót. Rekord nie został odnaleziony lub nie masz odpowiednich uprawnień, aby go zobaczyć. Jednolity identyfikator zasobu: https ...
Universidad Miguel de Cervantespor Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Ralf Labouvie, Aranya B. Bhattacherjee, Axel Pelster, Herwig Ott Publicado Ha ocurrido un error. Enlace del ...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
3rd Bonn Humboldt Award Winners' Forum “Frontiers in ...— Ralf Labouvie, Universität Kaiserslautern. “Dynamics of quantum-systems with localized dissipation“. P26. Abdollah Langari, Max Planck Institut ...
Mitarbeiter - Fachbereich Physik an der RPTUDr. Giovanni Barontini. Dr. Jens Benary. Dr. Tatjana Gericke. Dr. Vera Guarrera. Dr. Jian Jiang. Dr. Ralf Labouvie. Dr. Torsten Manthey. Dr. Frank Markert. Dr. Andreas Müllers.
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Nonequilibrium quantum many-body physics in ultracold ...von K Yamamoto · — [33] Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott. Bistability in a Driven-. Dissipative Superfluid. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116: , Jun
Quantum Many-Body Dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard ...von T Tomita · — [79] Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott. Bistability in a driven-dissipative superfluid. Phys. Rev. Lett.,
5 Bücher zum Namen
Termodinâmica e informaç˜ao em redes quânticas linearesvon WTB Malouf · — [20] Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott. Bistability in a Driven-. Dissipative Superfluid. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116(23): , jun ... von WTB Malouf · — [20] Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott. Bistability in a Driven-. Dissipative Superfluid. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116(23): , jun ...
Measuring finite-range phase coherence in an optical lattice ...Bodhaditya Santra,; Christian Baals,; Ralf Labouvie,; Aranya B. Bhattacherjee,; Axel Pelster,; Herwig Ott. Affiliations. Bodhaditya Santra,; Christian Baals,; Ralf Labouvie,; Aranya B. Bhattacherjee,; Axel Pelster,; Herwig Ott. Affiliations.
Cooperation – Person profile – Agnieszka Cichy— Konrad Jerzy Kapcia Konrad Jerzy Kapcia Arya Dhar Ralf Labouvie Krzysztof Michał Cichy Marcin Szyniszewski Bodhaditya Santra Andrzej Ptok — Konrad Jerzy Kapcia Konrad Jerzy Kapcia Arya Dhar Ralf Labouvie Krzysztof Michał Cichy Marcin Szyniszewski Bodhaditya Santra Andrzej Ptok ...
subscribe to arXiv mailings - Ilmu.blogAuthors: Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, Herwig Ott. Abstract: We experimentally study a driven-dissipative Josephson junction array, ... › search
12 Dokumente
Negative differential conductivity in an interacting quantum ...von R Labouvie · · Zitiert von: 145 — Negative differential conductivity in an interacting quantum gas. Authors:Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, Sandro Wimberger, Herwig ...
Dimensional crossover in a bosonic quantum gas[3] Andreas Vogler, Ralf Labouvie, Giovanni Barontini, Sebastian Eggert, Vera Guarrera, and Herwig Ott. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, (2014). 3D condensate.
arXivhttps://www.arxiv.org › list › cond...Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics Oct 2014Andreas Vogler, Ralf Labouvie, Giovanni Barontini, Sebastian Eggert, Vera Guarrera, Herwig Ott. Comments: 5 pages, 5 pictures, final version, Phys. Rev. Lett ...
Lattice Clock Experiments with Interacting Fermionic ...von KC Sponselee · — [106] Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott. “Bistability in a Driven-Dissipative Superfluid”. In: Physical Review ...
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
A Setup for High-Resolution Imaging of Ultracold Lithium Atomsvon MH Hagemann · · Zitiert von: 1 — [129] Ralf Labouvie. “Parametrisches Heizen in optischen Gittern und Charak- terisierung eines akusto-optischen Deflektors für die Erzeugung ...
BEC-Labor - Fachbereich Physik an der RPTURalf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott. "Bistability in a Driven-Dissipative Superfluid". Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, We experimentally ... Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott. "Bistability in a Driven-Dissipative Superfluid". Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, We experimentally ...
Christof WeitenbergUnseren Diplomanden, die im Laufe der vier Jahre am Experiment beteiligt waren: Oliver Loesdau, Jan Petersen, Rosa Glöckner, Ralf Labouvie, David Bellem und Ah-.
Coherent perfect absorption of nonlinear matter wavesvon A Müllers · · Zitiert von: 81 — Ralf Labouvie https://orcid.org X. Department of Physics and OPTIMAS Research Center, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern ...
9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Dimensional phase transition from an array of 1D luttinger ...von A Vogler · · Zitiert von: 37 — Andreas Vogler, Ralf Labouvie, Giovanni Barontini, Sebastian Eggert, Vera Guarrera, and Herwig Ott∗. Physics Dept. and Research Center OPTIMAS, Technische ... von A Vogler · · Zitiert von: 37 — Andreas Vogler, Ralf Labouvie, Giovanni Barontini, Sebastian Eggert, Vera Guarrera, and Herwig Ott∗. Physics Dept. and Research Center OPTIMAS, Technische ...
Aufbau eines Lasersystems bei 297 nm zur ...— Ralf Labouvie für sein offenes Ohr bei Fragen und seine guten Ratschläge.. Peter Würtz, Andreas Vogler und Arne — Ralf Labouvie für sein offenes Ohr bei Fragen und seine guten Ratschläge.. Peter Würtz, Andreas Vogler und Arne ...
(PDF) Measuring finite-range phase coherence in an ...... Ralf Labouvie · Ralf Labouvie. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't ... Ralf Labouvie,1, 2 Aranya B. Bhattacherjee,3Axel Pelster,1and Herwig Ott Ralf Labouvie · Ralf Labouvie. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't ... Ralf Labouvie,1, 2 Aranya B. Bhattacherjee,3Axel Pelster,1and Herwig Ott1.
PhysicsAndreas Vogler,Ralf Labouvie,Giovanni Barontini,Sebastian Eggert,Vera Guarrera,Herwig Ott · Pairing Superfluidity in Spin-Orbit Coupled Ultracold Fermi Gases.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Measuring finite-range phase coherence in an optical ...von B Santra · · Zitiert von: 25 — Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Ralf Labouvie, Axel Pelster & Herwig Ott. Graduate School Materials Science in Mainz, ...
66 Webfunde aus dem Netz
(PDF) Negative Differential Conductivity in an Interacting ...Negative Differential Conductivity in an Interacting Quantum Gas. B. Santra,Ralf Labouvie,Simon Heun,Sandro Wimberger,Herwig Ott +4 more Jun Negative Differential Conductivity in an Interacting Quantum Gas. B. Santra,Ralf Labouvie,Simon Heun,Sandro Wimberger,Herwig Ott +4 more Jun
(Open Access) The dissipative Bose-Hubbard model (2015)Ralf Labouvie,B. Santra,Simon Heun,Sandro Wimberger,Sandro Wimberger,Herwig Ott +5 more Jul Physical Review Letters. Show Less. Bistability in a ...
APS -43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular ...Giovanni Barontini · Vera Guarrera · Ralf Labouvie · Felix Stubenrauch · Andreas Vogler · Herwig Ott
Article overview - Science-advisor.netBodhaditya Santra ; Christian Baals ; Ralf Labouvie ; Aranya B. Bhattacherjee ; Axel Pelster ; Herwig Ott ;. Date: 25 Nov Abstract: We demonstrate a ... Bodhaditya Santra ; Christian Baals ; Ralf Labouvie ; Aranya B. Bhattacherjee ; Axel Pelster ; Herwig Ott ;. Date: 25 Nov Abstract: We demonstrate a ...
Coherent perfect absorption of nonlinear matter wavesvon A Müllers · · Zitiert von: 81 — ... Ralf Labouvie , Dmitry A Zezyulin , Vladimir V Konotop , Herwig Ott. Affiliations. 1 Department of Physics and OPTIMAS Research Center, Technische ...
Bistability in a Driven-Dissipative Superfluid - CiNii Researchvon R Labouvie · · Zitiert von: 209 — Ralf Labouvie · Bodhaditya Santra · Simon Heun · Herwig Ott. 収録刊行物. Physical Review Letters. Physical Review Letters 116 (23)von R Labouvie · · Zitiert von: 209 — Ralf Labouvie · Bodhaditya Santra · Simon Heun · Herwig Ott. 収録刊行物. Physical Review Letters. Physical Review Letters 116 (23)
Bistability | Publications | CitationsRalf Labouvie 1, B. Santra 1, Simon Heun 1, Herwig Ott 1• Institutions (1). Kaiserslautern University of Technology Jun Physical Review Letters. TL ... Ralf Labouvie 1, B. Santra 1, Simon Heun 1, Herwig Ott 1• Institutions (1). Kaiserslautern University of Technology Jun Physical Review Letters. TL ...
Dissertationen & AbschlussarbeitenRalf Labouvie - Non-equilibrium dynamics in ultracold quantum gases with localized dissipation (2015); Tobias Weber - Rydberg-excited Mesoscopic Atomic ...
Electron Microscopy of Quantum Gases... RALF LABOUVIE, FELIX STUBENRAUCH, ANDREAS VOGLER, HERWIG OTT, TU Kaiserslautern, AG ULTRAKALTE QUANTENGASE TEAM — The technique of scanning electron RALF LABOUVIE, FELIX STUBENRAUCH, ANDREAS VOGLER, HERWIG OTT, TU Kaiserslautern, AG ULTRAKALTE QUANTENGASE TEAM — The technique of scanning electron ...
Efficient General Waveform Catching by a cavity at an ...Andreas Müllers, Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Jian Jiang, Jens Benary, Ralf Labouvie, Dmitry A Zezyulin,. Vladimir V Konotop, and Herwig Ott. Coherent ... Andreas Müllers, Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Jian Jiang, Jens Benary, Ralf Labouvie, Dmitry A Zezyulin,. Vladimir V Konotop, and Herwig Ott. Coherent ...
Gap solitons with null-scattering... Ralf Labouvie, Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Vladimir V. Konotop, Herwig Ott. https://doi.org sciadv.aat6539 · Full text , Science Advances, № 8. Scopus. WoS.
Fig. S2 Many-body simulations of a three-well 1D ...Ralf Labouvie · Bodhaditya Santra · Simon Heun; [...] Herwig Ott. Negative differential conductivity (NDC) ... Ralf Labouvie · Bodhaditya Santra · Simon Heun; [...] Herwig Ott. Negative differential conductivity (NDC) ...
Negative Differential Conductivity in an Interacting ...von R Labouvie · · Zitiert von: 145 — Epub Jul 27. Authors. Ralf Labouvie , Bodhaditya Santra , Simon Heun , Sandro Wimberger , Herwig Ott. Affiliations von R Labouvie · · Zitiert von: 145 — Epub Jul 27. Authors. Ralf Labouvie , Bodhaditya Santra , Simon Heun , Sandro Wimberger , Herwig Ott. Affiliations
Negative Differential Conductivity in an Interacting ...Ralf Labouvie,B. Santra,Simon Heun,Herwig Ott +3 more Jun Physical Review Letters. Show Less. Controlling the dynamics of an open many-body ...
Measuring finite-range phase coherence in an optical ...Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Ralf Labouvie, Aranya B. Bhattacherjee, Axel Pelster, Herwig Ott. Formato: article. Lenguaje: EN. Publicado: Nature ... Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Ralf Labouvie, Aranya B. Bhattacherjee, Axel Pelster, Herwig Ott. Formato: article. Lenguaje: EN. Publicado: Nature ...
Q 27: Poster: Quantum Optics and Photonics IINon-equilibrium dynamics of interacting Bosons in an optical lattice — •Jian Jiang, Christian Baals, Bodhaditya Santra, Ralf Labouvie, and Herwig Ott. 16: Non-equilibrium dynamics of interacting Bosons in an optical lattice — •Jian Jiang, Christian Baals, Bodhaditya Santra, Ralf Labouvie, and Herwig Ott. 16:
Q 14: Quantengase: Bosonen 2 - DPG-Verhandlungenoptical lattices — •Andreas Vogler, Ralf Labouvie, Felix. Stubenrauch, Peter Würtz, Vera Guarrera, and Herwig Ott. — Fachbereich Physik, Technische ...
Q 38: Quantum Gases: Bosons III / Lattices IRalf Labouvie. 1,. Immanuel. Bloch. 1,2, and Stefan Kuhr1 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Quan- tenoptikGarching — 2Ludwig ... Ralf Labouvie. 1,. Immanuel. Bloch. 1,2, and Stefan Kuhr1 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Quan- tenoptikGarching — 2Ludwig ...
Q 70: Quantum Gases: Bosons VI - DPG-Verhandlungen14:30, Q 70.1, Non-equilibrium steady-states in a driven dissipative superfluid — •Bodhaditya Santra, Ralf Labouvie, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott.
Spatiotemporal fermionization of strongly interacting one- ...Spatiotemporal fermionization of strongly interacting one-dimensional bosons. Vera Guarrera*, Dominik Muth, Ralf Labouvie, Andreas Vogler, Giovanni Barontini, ... Spatiotemporal fermionization of strongly interacting one-dimensional bosons. Vera Guarrera*, Dominik Muth, Ralf Labouvie, Andreas Vogler, Giovanni Barontini, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ralf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Ralf; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); rat = der Rat, der Ratschlag, der Ratgeber; wolf = der Wolf; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; 'Ralf' ist die verkürzte Form von 'Radulf'
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Andreas Vogler
- Jens Benary
- Felix Stubenrauch
- Vera Guarrera
- Christian Baals
- Sebastian Eggert
- Jian Jiang
- Axel Pelster
- Peter Würtz
- Simon Heun
- Agnieszka Cichy
Personensuche zu Ralf Labouvie & mehr
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