429 Infos zu Ramin Niroumand
Mehr erfahren über Ramin Niroumand
Lebt in
- Berlin
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- Founder
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- Managing Partner
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- FinTech
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- Finance
- Company Builder
- Capital
- Co-Founder
- Finleap-CEO
121 Aktuelle Nachrichten
"Die Stunde Null": Startups bauen Corona-App für n-tvwww.n-tv.de › Mediathek › AudioRamin Niroumand litt selbst am Coronavirus. (Foto: Finleap). Genau an solch einer App baut derzeit eine Allianz von deutschen Startups und ...
Best of #StartupTickerAnsatz der solarisBank gibt der gesamten Branche die Möglichkeit, einfacher und individueller Banking-Lösungen zu entwickeln”, sagt Ramin Niroumand ...
FinLeap setzt sein Wachstum fort und erweitert die Geschäftsführung...FinLeap GmbH, Die Berliner FinTech-Schmiede FinLeap setzt seit ihrer Gründung Ende bei der Entwicklung innovativer FinTech-Compan…
Jan Beckers von Bit Capital: "Für Fintech steht ein goldenes...Jan Beckers ist einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Start-up-Investoren. Über seine Fondsgesellschaft Bit Capital investiert er nun in Techaktien. Hier erklärt...
2 Bilder zu Ramin Niroumand

36 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ramin Niroumand - Yes!!! | FacebookFacebook: Ramin Niroumand - wenn ihr mal ein eigenes Foto machen...Facebook: Ramin Niroumand gepostet an Iris Mareike Steen FacebookLinkedIn: Ramin NiroumandView Ramin Niroumand's professional profile on LinkedIn ...
8 Hobbys & Interessen
Sutor Bank kooperiert mit Fintech-Startup FinReachHamburger Sutor Bank ist mit dem Berliner Fintech-Unternehmen FinReach eine Startup-Kooperation eingegangen. Kooperation zu beiderseitigem Vorteil
Brexit Has Sparked a Surge of Fintech Workers Looking to Move to...Employers say it is easier to lure bankers to Berlin than to get techies to move to Frankfurt,
Motive Partners Agrees to Acquire embedded/capital - Business Wirewww.businesswire.com › news › home › Motive-Par...· Ramin Niroumand, Founder of embedded/capital and Partner at Motive Ventures, commented: "We are delighted to be joining the Motive family.
Feierabend mit Finleap-Gründer Ramin Niroumand - Basketball mitFeierabend mit Finleap-Gründer Ramin Niroumand - Basketball mit Karsten Seibel Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
FinLeap FinTech aus Berlin - Wer-zu-wem.dewww.wer-zu-wem.de › firma › finleapKontakte. Geschäftsführer Ramin Niroumand - früher bei Figo Michael Hock. Gesellschafter. Ramin Niroumand + Investoren Typ: Partner Inhabergeführt Holding:.
2 Business-Profile
Biographie von Ramin Niroumand - The Official Boardwww.theofficialboard.de › biografie › ramin-niroumand-e4794· Ramin Niroumand ist derzeit Chairman of the Supervisory Board bei SolarisBank. Bei SolarisBank hat Ramin Niroumand 26 Kollegen ...
Ramin Niroumand Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology | KNTUwww.researchgate.net › profile › Ramin-Niroumand-5Ramin NIROUMAND | Cited by 39 | of Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran (KNTU) | Read 2 publications | Contact Ramin NIROUMAND.
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team - Motive Partnerswww.motivepartners.com › teamRamin Niroumand. Team. Raphael De Giusti. Team. Raunak S. Sainani. Team. Richard Lumb. Team. Rob Heyvaert. Team. Rosanna Grantinge. Team ...
Team – finleapfinleap.com › teamWe are finleap. Reshaping the future of finance together. Ramin Niroumand. Founder & Executive Chairman. Michael Hock. Managing Director ...
6 Persönliche Webseiten
ramin niroumand – Crowdfund Insider - RSSing.comniroumand1.rssing.com › index-page1Number of Articles: 4; Latest Snapshot: July 19, 2020, 1:04 pm; RSS URL: https://www.crowdfundinsider.com/tag/ramin-niroumand/feed; Publisher: https://www.
About Ramin NiroumandCurrently showing articles linked to Ramin Niroumand. Click here to get back to the home page. Fintech & Blockchain is 'Eating the German ...
Ramin Niroumand | Bitkom e.V.www.bitkom.org › Kontakt › Ramin-NiroumandRamin Niroumand. Aktivitäten im Bitkom. Geschäftliches Treffen. Organisation. Hauptvorstand.
Deutsche Börse Group - DB1 VenturesManaging team: Taner Akcok, Patrick Dittmer, Ramin Niroumand, Cornelia Schwertner Offices: Berlin and Hamburg, Germany Type of business: software as a service finleap connect is a SaaS provider that combines the full range of fintech solutions. The products and services include existing SaaS and PaaS innovations such as “RegShield”, “Switchkit”, “Open Banking APIs” and …
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Ramin NiroumandSelf, Einstein
11 Bücher zum Namen
Ramin Niroumand - IEEE DataPort› authors
FinTech: Herausforderungen bei der Regulierung digitaler...499 Vgl. Interview mit Ramin Niroumand, Mitgründer des FinTech-Investors FinLeap,“FinLeap-Gründer im Interview: Das Vertrauen gegenüber traditionellen ...
Köpfe der digitalen Finanzwelt: Persönliches, Meinungen, Utopienbooks.google.com › booksRamin Niroumand – ist Geschäftsführer und Gründer von finleap, Europas führendem Fintech Ökosystem, und Geschäftsführer von finleap connect – ist Teil des ...
Shenzhen: Die Weltwirtschaft von morgenbooks.google.com › booksDessen Gründer und CEO Ramin Niroumand sagt etwas demütig: »Von einem Weltmarktführer, dessen DNA 100 Prozent digital ist und der an der Spitze der ...
3 Songs & Musik
Ramin Niroumand, CEO FinLeap - Spotifyopen.spotify.com › episodeListen to this episode from #tomorrowtoday – Nachgefragt bei CxOs on Spotify. „Manche bauen Autos, wir bauen Firmen.“ Ramin Niroumand, CEO finleap spricht ...
Folge 63: Ramin Niroumand, warum ist FinLeap schneller als die...Listen to this episode from hy Podcast on Spotify. FinLeap ist ein Company Builder für Finanz-Startups in Berlin. Hervorgegangen aus der Muttergesellschaft...
7 Dokumente
BaaS-platforms and open APIs in fintech l bank-as-a-service.comWhat is bank-as-a-service? And why it is so necessary for Asia-Pacific region? Download as pdf in English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese on www.bank-as-a-servic…
[ ] White Phase Intersection Control through Distributed ...arxiv.org › math· Authors:Ramin Niroumand, Leila Hajibabai, Ali Hajbabaie · Download PDF. Abstract: This study presents a vehicle-level distributed ...
Corporate-Governance-Bericht für das GeschäftsjahrRamin Niroumand natürliche Person in enger Beziehung. Person der Beziehung mit. Führungsfunktion, welche die Mitteilungspflicht auslöst:.
[PDF] tomorrowtoday Podcast Venture Capital digitale Transformationwww.accenture.com › _acnmedia › PDF-163 › Accenture-Visionary-...Ramin Niroumand. Ja, vielen Dank, dass ich hier sein darf. Nils Beier. Vielleicht kannst du einmal finleap, be- ziehungsweise das finleap-Ecosystem für.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Students - NC State Universityahajbab.wordpress.ncsu.edu › studentsRamin Niroumand, Ph.D. Student. Ramin is a doctoral student in the Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Department at North Carolina State ...
▷ FinTech: smava, BillPay und FinLeap suchen den Banker von morgen |...... Gründer und Geschäftsführer der smava GmbH, Dr. Nelson Holzner, Gründer und Geschäftsführer der BillPay GmbH und Ramin Niroumand, ...
PM_ITA_-FinLeap.pdf - ITA – Institut für Transparenz GmbH2014, sowie weiteren FinTech-Experten, darunter Ramin Niroumand und Nasir Zubairi. Pressekontakt. ITA Institut für Transparenz GmbH. Silvia Fiedler. › uploads › › PM_I...
▷ euro adhoc: Beta Systems Software AG / Directors' Dealings...Beta Systems DCI Software AG - Rückfragehinweis: Branche: Software ISIN: DE WKN: Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share Börsen:...
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
Folge zu Gast: Ramin Niroumand, CEO & Founder finleap› watch
10 Jahre PAB - Ramin Niroumand on Vimeo› ... › Videos
The Pulse of Insurtech - Roger Peverelli, Christian Irlbeck, Jonathan ...www.digitalinsuranceagenda.com › dia-tv › videoThe Pulse of Insurtech - Roger Peverelli, Christian Irlbeck, Jonathan Larsen, Max Chee, Tom van den Brulle, Adrien Lebegue, Stephane Guinet, Ramin Niroumand.
Ping An leads million euro investment round for FinleapRamin Niroumand, founder and CEO of Finleap, and Donald Lacey, managing director and COO of Ping An ...
16 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Solarisbank - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › SolarisbankMitarbeiter, Leitung. Vorstand · Roland Folz (Vors.) Jörg Diewald Jörg Howein Thomas Rasser. Aufsichtsrat, Ramin Niroumand (Vors.) ...
Wikipedia: Solaris (Kreditinstitut) - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Solaris_(Kreditinstitut)Roland Folz (Vors.) Jörg Howein Carsten Höltkemeyer Chloé Mayenobe, Thomas Rasser. Aufsichtsrat, Ramin Niroumand (Vors.) ...
MD Interview Series: Ramin Niroumand | finleapRamin Niroumand is one of the members of the FinLeap Management team and is responsible for strategic management and business model development at FinLeap.
FinLeap, Interview with Managing Director Ramin Niroumand ...FinLeap, Interview with Managing Director Ramin Niroumand · 0 comments. 2 VOTES. TWEET. SHARE. 0 comments. We were unable to load ...
201 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Eat yourself up! | Ramin Niroumand | Pulse | LinkedInWhy Corporate Labs are failing to create innovation. By Ramin Niroumand. They are called Labs, Accelerators, Corporate Incubators - these company-owned nuclei for so-called brand new products and cutting-edge technology; a variety of programs that should attract startups and founders. They are ...
Ramin niroumand - Graduate Research Assistant LinkedInView Ramin niroumand's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Ramin has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Ramin Niroumand - Founder & CEO - finleap | LinkedInView Ramin Niroumand's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Ramin has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Ramin Niroumand | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › posts › rniroumandWho is Generation Z - and what do they want? October 22, likes9 comments. From new beginnings - How the finance industry will continue after ...
Corporate Innovation: When Goliath flirts with David - LinkedInRamin Niroumand's post: My latest article on capital.de about successful collaboration between start-ups and corporates. Here in English.
Ramin Niroumand | LinkedInView Ramin Niroumand's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Ramin Niroumand ...
www.linkedin.com › pulse › more-shares-everyo...More shares for everyone! - LinkedInRamin Niroumand. #reshapingfinancetogether. Follow. Read the English version of my column at the Capital Magazin.
Who is Generation Z - and what do they want? - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › who-...Ramin Niroumand. #reshapingfinancetogether. Follow. Are you a Boomer? Or are you a #Millennial, like me? One thing's for certain, the one thing that unites ...
Women in fintech - Chances for everyone to strive - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › wome...More from Ramin Niroumand. 9 articles. From new beginnings - How the finance industry will continue after Wirecard & Corona ...
Women in fintech | by Ramin Niroumandwww.linkedin.com › pulse › women-fintech-chance...· The German finance blog Finanz-Szene has recently started an interview series called 'Women in Fintech', which showcases female leaders in ...
Ramin Niroumand on LinkedIn: Germany's Solarisbank appoints ...www.linkedin.com › posts › rniroumand_germanys-...View profile for Ramin Niroumand. Ramin Niroumand. Founder & Managing Partner, embedded/capital | Founder & Executive Chairman at finleap.
Why you need to develop a work-life balance - LinkedInRamin Niroumand explains why this could cause massive damage to the economy as a whole. Originally published in German on May 7th, ...
One digital passport for everything - LinkedInThe EU is still a long way from a true digital passport, and so far, the issue has been given no priority. Ramin Niroumand explains why a strong ...
Brexit, so what? Berlin is already a dynamic Fintech-location - LinkedInRamin Niroumand. Co-Founder & CEO @FinLeap. Follow. 2 comments. article-comment__guest-image. Sign in to leave your comment.
finleap Insights – Q LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › finleap-insights-qRamin Niroumand. Founder & Managing Partner… Published Apr 9, + Follow. Dear finleap friends,. read: finleap Insights Q to get all insights.
Why digitalization is a mid-sized company's greatest opportunityRamin Niroumand, Founder and CEO of finleap, sees the failure of banks, and hopes that fintechs will rectify this problem. Originally published ...
Ramin Niroumand - Google Scholarscholar.google.es › citationsRamin Niroumand. Graduate Research Assistant, North Carolina State University. 確認したメール アドレス: ncsu.edu. Trajectory optimization. 論文引用先共著者 ...
Ramin Niroumand - Google 학술 검색scholar.google.co.kr › citationsRamin Niroumand. Graduate Research Assistant, North Carolina State University. ncsu.edu의 이메일 확인됨. Trajectory optimization. 학술자료인용공동 저자 ...
Ramin Niroumand - Google Scholar› citations
Auf ihren Rat hören Deutschlands erfolgreichste GründerWebOct 13, · Als Investoren und Fachleute in den Beiräten von Deutschlands Einhörnern: Harry Nelis, Katharina Berg, Ramin Niroumand, Laurel Bowden und Michiel Kotting (v.l.n.r.).
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ramin
Männlicher Vorname (Persisch): Ramin;; bekannt als Name eines persischen Prinzen; im Iran ziemlich häufiger Vorname
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