213 Infos zu Regine Hock
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Infos zu
- Glacier
- University of Alaska
- Climate
- Andrew
- Fairbanks
- Institute
- Braun
- Cryosphere
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- Research
- Zitiert
- Geoscience
42 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Klimawandel: Alpengletschern droht Massenschmelze - SPIEGEL ONLINEFür die Gebirge Europas könnte der Klimawandel dramatische Folgen haben. Forscher warnen vor einer massiven Schmelze der Gletscher - mit beachtlichen Folgen...
Der Klimawandel wirkt noch tausend Jahre - science.ORF.atKanadische Forscher haben die Langzeitwirkungen des Klimawandels in einer Computersimulation untersucht. Das Resultat: Selbst im Jahr werden die...
Alaska: Regine Hock - ZDFmediathekDie Glaziologin Regine Hock arbeitet seit mehreren Jahren an der Universität Fairbanks in Alaska.
Guardian: Glacier shrinkage will hit European Alps hardest, study claims |...Global warming research warns of rising sea levels and threat to water supplies
1 Bilder zu Regine Hock

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Loop - Prof Regine Hock of University of Alaska Fairbanks...Twitter Profil: Regine Hock (@RegineHock) / Twitter› regine...
regine/meltmodel: A Distributed Surface Mass Balance ModelThe models were initially developed by Regine Hock in the mid 1990s and have been continuously expanded since. The subsurface module has been added in › regine › melt...
Regine Hock - Glaciers Group› people
1 Hobbys & Interessen
4 Things to Know from The New IPCC Report on Oceans and Ice SystemsA new report from the IPCC offers a grim picture of what climate change is doing to our ocean and aquatic ecosystems.
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Regine Hock | IGS - International Glaciological Society› ... › About
Contacts - KinnvikaUSA (3): Mark Hermanson University of Pennsylvania; Regine Hock, Bob McNabb University of Alaska Fairbanks. Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Glacier Researchers Gather at IPCC Meeting in ChinaThis chapter is being led by two Coordinating Lead Authors: Regine Hock, a glaciologist and hydrologist from the University of Alaska, and ...
26 Bücher zum Namen
AbeBooks: regine hock - AbeBooksAbeBooks ist ein weltweiter Internet-Marktplatz für neue, gebrauchte, antiquarische und vergriffene Bücher
Hock-regine - AbeBooksAbeBooks is the world's largest marketplace for new, used and out of print books.
Regine Hock | HiMATwww.himat.org › authors › regine-hockRegine Hock. Latest. GlacierMIP – A model intercomparison of global-scale glacier mass-balance models and projections · Glacier mass change in High ...
Modelling of Glacier Melt and Discharge - Regine Hock - Google BooksSchweiz - Geologische Epochen - Umwelt.
6 Dokumente
The significance of convection in supraglacial debris revealed ...von E Petersen — Regine Hock,. Regine Hock. orcid.org Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway, FAIRBANKS. › ...
[PDF] Regine Hock - IUGGwww.iugg.org › administration › 2019_IUGG_CV_Regine-HockRegine Hock. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, ph: , . Research interests. Glacier mass changes ...
Regine Hock - Academia.edu› ...
CV - Regine Hock Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska ...› CV_Hock_IUGG_IACS2017
15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professorin Dr. Regine Hock - DFG - GEPRIS› gepris › person
IPY Kinnvika & SvalGlac ESF-Project - RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Physical...· ... University, Department of Earth Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden; Regine Hock - University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute in Fairbanks, Alaska ...
Rassepautasjtjakka Massif, Northern Sweden - JSTORvon R Hock · · Zitiert von: 14 — Modeling Climate Conditions Required for Glacier Formation in Cirques of the. Rassepautasjtjakka Massif, Northern Sweden. Regine Hock. › stable
dblp: Regine HockList of computer science publications by Regine Hock
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Glaciers and Climate Changelink.springer.com › content › pdfRegine Hock. Contents. Definition Introduction .
▷ Abenteuer Alaska / Bildstarke Dokumentation über Nordamerika...Und auf dem "Dach" Alaskas, in der Bergwelt um den Mount McKinley, begleiten sie die Gletscherforscherin Regine Hock bei ihrer Expedition auf die Eisgiganten.
Regine Hock - IPCC Wiki - Fandom› wiki › R...
Modelling the Response of Mountain Glacier Discharge to ...von R Hock · · Zitiert von: 171 — Modelling the Response of Mountain Glacier Discharge to Climate Warming. Regine Hock,; Peter Jansson &; Ludwig N. Braun. Chapter Accesses. › chapter
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Portal:Berge und Gebirge/Aktuelle Nachrichten (Archiv) – WikipediaDas massive Abschmelzen der Alpengletscher führt nach Ansicht der Geophysikerinnen Regine Hock und Valentina Radic von der University of Alaska daz ...
Wikipedia: International Association of Cryospheric Sciences - WikipediaRegine Hock, United States. Parent organization. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Website, IACS Official website. The International Association of Cryospheric Sciences, or IACS, is the eighth association of the ...
Global-scale hydrological response to future glacier mass loss |...Matthias Huss ORCID: orcid.org &; Regine Hock. Nature Climate Changevolume 8, pages135–140 (2018) | Download ...
Murkl.com » «Abenteuer Alaska» auf ARTEmurkl.com › blog › abenteuer-alaska-auf-arteDie Naturwissenschaftlerin Regine Hock betreibt am anderen Ende der Welt Gletscherforschung. Sie will herausfinden, welche Mechanismen für den Rückgang ...
90 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Regine Hock | LinkedInlargest business network, helping professionals like Regine Hock discover inside ...
Regine Hock - CV - Google Sitessites.google.com › alaska.edu › reginehockSelected professional service · Coordinating Lead Author of IPCC Special Report on the Oceans and the Cryosphere in a Warming Climate ( ) · President ...
Regine Hock - Citações do Google AcadêmicoCitações mescladas. Esta contagem de "Citado por" inclui citações dos artigos a seguir no Google Acadêmico. As citações marcadas com * podem ser ...
Regine Hock - Google Scholar› citations
The impact of climate change on glaciers and glacial runoff in the...Hofsjökull, coupled model
Humans Are to Blame for Earth's Rapidly Melting Glaciers ..."So far, it has been unclear how much of the observed mass losses are caused by humans rather than natural climate variations," Regine Hock, ...
Julia and Johannes Weertman Medal Regine Hock› awards-medals
Regine HockRegine Hock et al DYUGEROV´S METHOD The method proposed by Dyurgerov (1996) is based on the generally observed close relationship between annual area-averaged net mass
Regine Hock: H-index & Awards - Academic Profile› regine-hock
Tag Archives: Regine Hock - Sea Technology magazine› tag
Regine Hock : “Fins i tot si ara aturéssim les emissions, les glaceres ...www.sostenible.cat › entrevista › regine-hock-fins-i-...· Sostenible va conversar amb Regine Hock, professora de geofísica i experta en glaceres de l'institut de geofísica de la Universitat d'Alaska ...
Professor Regine Hock, a glaciologist with UAF's...› post
Regine Hock - International Arctic Research Center› tag › regine-h...
Person # Regine Hock - Cristin› show
Regine Hock - Publications - The Academic Family Tree› physics
Regine Hock – University of Innsbruck· POSTPONED: Worldwide glacier wastage – Implications for sea level and streamflow. Speaker: Regine Hock. Institution: University of Alaska ...
CV - Regine Hock. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska...Fairbanks, ph: , Professional Preparation Brock University, Canada (exchange year) ...
Regine Hock - Department of Geosciences - UiO› regineho
2100, ghiacciai alpini a rischio estinzioneIl primo studio, ad opera delle geofisiche Valentina Radic e Regine Hock dell'Università dell'Alaska, ...
1. GLACIER METEOROLOGY ENERGY BALANCE - PDF Free DownloadSummer school in Glaciology Fairbanks/McCarthy June Regine Hock Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks 1. GLACIER METEOROLOGY ENERGY BALANCE Ice and snow melt at 0 C, but this
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Regine
Regina und Regine haben lt. Duden die gleiche Bedeutung: Königin
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hock
"Hock" is a Chinese name (Deju dialect)and means "luck" or "lucky"
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