78 Infos zu Reiner Waibel
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- Erlangen
Infos zu
- Addae-Mensah
- Hans Achenbach
- Mayunga
- Nkunya
- Peter Gmeiner
- Stephan
- Chemistry
- Dorcas
- Jonker
- Osei-Safo
- Anti Chama
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Personalia: InhaltsverzeichnisOberrat Dr. Reiner Waibel, Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Chemie. Akad. Oberrat, apl. Prof. Dr. Herwig Hoinkes, Physikalisches Institut. Akad.
Sport: Sie können“s einfach nicht lassen Bornimer Senioren gehen...Sie können“s einfach nicht lassen Bornimer Senioren gehen wieder an den Start von Reiner Waibel
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1 Persönliche Webseiten
Reiner Waibel Namen AnalyseDeuNamen.com - Reiner Waibel Namen Analyse und statistische für Deutschland und Österreich
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
3. SÍNTESIS DEL NAKAMUROL A... S. G.; Fischer, N. H. Phytochemistry 1995, 38, Torrenegra, R.; Reiner Waibel, J. R.; Löwel M.; Achenbach, H. Phytochemistry 1994, 35,
1 Bücher zum Namen
Isolierung und Strukturermittlung von Inhaltsstoffen aus Carissa...Reiner Waibel. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität zu Freiburg im Breisgau, Carissa edulis - Pflanzeninhaltsstoff - Pharmazeutische Biologie pages.
13 Dokumente
Use of two plant phenols in the treatment of arteriosclerosis -...... from Carissa edulis has been reported by Hans Achenbach, Reiner Waibel and Ivan Addae-Mensah, Ref. Phytochemistry, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.
Untitled - UDSMrepository.udsm.ac.tz › xmlui › bitstream › handleReiner Waibel · Stephan A. Jonker · Mayunga H. H. Nkunya. Received: silica gel [of particle size 400 Mesh ASTM (Merck)] and gradient ...
Plant phenol as new hepatoprotective agents - Council of Scientific...This invention relates to the isolation of compound namely ()-wikstromol and ... is reported by Hans Achenbach, Reiner Waibel and Ivan Addae-Mensah, in ...
EBSCOhost | | Constituents of the Roots of Dichapetalum...Mary Anti Chama 1, Isaac Tuffour 2, Reiner Waibel 3, Richard Amewu Erlangen, Germany; -erlangen.de.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
A clerodane diterpene and other constituents of Croton megalocarpus -...... OF CROTON MEGALOCARPUS IVAN ADDAE-MENSAti, REINER WAIBEL,t ... this methyl group (at C-5) stands at a trans-fused ring-system, since cis-fused ...
Diterpenes and diterpene xylosides from Conyza trihecatactis -...RUBEN TORRENEGRA, JORGE ROBLES, REINER WAIBEL,~ MATTHIAS LoWELt and HANS ACHENBACHft. Departamento de Quimica, Faculdad de ...
Peter Gmeiner Publications - Medicinal Chemistry ErlangenFull list of Publications. Suche. Suche: Sie befinden sich hier: Pharmazie Erlangen , Reiner Waibel, Peter Gmeiner, Synthesis 2012, 44,
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Diprenylated Indole Alkaloids from Fruits of Hexalobus CoreReiner Waibel • Mayunga H. H. Nkunya. Received: was carried out using normal phase silica gel [of particle size Mesh ASTM ...
Diprenylated Indole Alkaloids from Fruits of Hexalobus monopetalus |...(1); Stephan A. Jonker (2); Reiner Waibel (3); Mayunga H. H. Nkunya (2). Author Affiliations. 1. Department of Traditional Medicine Research, ...
Suchergebnis: Waibel, Reiner.Reiner Waibel. Veröffentlichungen von Reiner Waibel zu Waibel, Reiner. ->. weitere Veröffentlichungen von Reiner Waibel: Triterpenoidsapogenine in der ...
43 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Reiner WaibelSearch results for: Reiner Waibel Gerold Jerz, Reiner Waibel, Hans Achenbach · Phytochemistry > > 66 > 14 >
31 Reiner Waibel-Ideen | mittelalter, rüstung, landsknecht - Pinterestwww.pinterest.de › l_szalek › reiner-waibelErkunde Lars szaleks Pinnwand „Reiner Waibel“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu mittelalter, rüstung, landsknecht.
Antifungal Enantiomeric Styrylpyrones from Sanrafaelia ...www.xml-data.org › YYTRCW › html... Clarence A. Mgina 3,; Fortunatus Sung'hwa 3,; Reiner Waibel 4,; Stephan A gel [of particle size 400 Mesh ASTM (Merck)] and gradient elution was applied.
Molecular Building Kit of Fused-Proline-Derived Peptide...... Lanig Reiner Waibel Peter Gmeiner. Proline-derived peptide mimetics have become an area of paramount importance in peptide and protein chemistry. Since ...
Pharmazeutische Chemie ErlangenDr. Reiner Waibel Room: Tel.: +49-(0) Publications & Research: Postdocs. Dr. Ashutosh Banerjee Room: …
Citation - PubAgpubag.nal.usda.gov › catalog › citationMary Anti Chama, M. Anti Chama, Henry Akwaffo Onyame, H. Akwaffo Onyame, Claudine Fleischer, C. Fleischer, Dorcas Osei-Safo, D. Osei-Safo, Reiner Waibel, ...
Qualitative Profiling of Polyglucose Degradation ACS...May 13, Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, -8, St. Wendel, Germany. â¢S Supporting...
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayBy following authors. Dorcas Osei-Safo. Godwin Akpeko Dziwornu. Regina Appiah-Opong. Mary Anti Chama. Isaac Tuffour. Reiner Waibel. Richard Amewu.
Diprenylated Indole Alkaloids from Fruits of Hexalobus monopetalusDiprenylated Indole Alkaloids from Fruits of Hexalobus monopetalus Hamisi M. Malebo • Stephan A. Jonker • Reiner Waibel • Mayunga H. H. Nkunya Received: ...
Molecular Building Kit of Fused-Proline-Derived Peptide Mimetics -...Oct 24, Proline-derived peptide mimetics have become an area of paramount importance in peptide and protein chemi...
Discovery and Characterization of Biased Allosteric Agonists of the...Discovery and Characterization of Biased Allosteric Agonists of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR3
Diprenylated Indole Alkaloids from Fruits of Hexalobus monopetaluswww.xml-data.org › YYTRCW › htmlHamisi M. Malebo 1Email author,; Stephan A. Jonker 2,; Reiner Waibel 3,; Mayunga H. H. Nkunya 2. Hamisi M. Malebo. 1. Email author; Stephan A. Jonker.
Discovery and Characterization of Biased Allosteric Agonists of the...This is a list of all employees at the Department of Biomedical Sciences. The list is sorted in alphabetical order in accordance to the employees' first...
Molecules | Free Full-Text | Constituents of the Roots of...... Isaac Tuffour 2, Reiner Waibel 3, Richard Amewu 1 and Ivan Addae-Mensah The main distinguishing feature of the dichapetalins is the nature of the side ...
Discovery and Characterization of Biased Allosteric Agonists of the ...bmi.ku.dk › english › Staff › publications › exportauthor = "Lampros Milanos and Regine Brox and Theresa Frank and Ga{\v s}per Poklukar and Ralf Palmisano and Reiner Waibel and J{\"u}rgen Einsiedel and ...
Mayunga HH Nkunya, Hans Achenbach, Christian Renner, Reiner ...spectrabase.com › articleSpectra for: Mayunga H.H. Nkunya, Hans Achenbach, Christian Renner, Reiner Waibel, Hugo Weenen. Compounds & Spectra. Citation ...
OPUS FAU | Constituents of the Roots of Dichapetalum pallidum and...Dorcas Osei-Safo, Godwin Akpeko Dziwornu, Regina Appiah-Opong, Mary Anti Chama, Isaac Tuffour, Reiner Waibel, Richard Amewu, Ivan ...
Biotransformation of 21-O-acetyl-deoxycorticosterone by cell...Rodrigo Maia de Pádua, Nadine Meitinger, José Dias de Souza Filho, Reiner Waibel, Peter Gmeiner, Fernão Castro Braga, Wolfgang Kreis. Steroids 2012,
Synthesis and Dopamine Receptor Binding of a Novel PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Birgit Ortner , Reiner Waibel, Peter Gmeiner. Affiliation. 1 Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Chemie Emil Fischer Centrum ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Reiner
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Reiner; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ragin = der Rat, der Beschluss; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Waibel
Der Name Waibel stammt aus der früheren Bezeichnung für den 'Feldwaibel' (Heute: Feldwebel). Der Name tauchte erstmals im 16. Jahrhundert im heutigen Südtirol um die Region Meran/Bozen auf.
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