209 Infos zu Renato Pajarola

Mehr erfahren über Renato Pajarola

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1  Bilder zu Renato Pajarola

Bild zu Renato Pajarola

20 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Phong-lighting-in-OpenGL/PLY.cpp at master ·...

Implemented Phong lighting in OpenGL to compare it with the ordinary model. Used Stanford's bunny to compare models. - Phong-lighting-in-OpenGL/PLY.cpp at...

UZH - Visualization and Multimedia Lab - People of the VMML


19 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: EGPGV@Eurographics 2010

Bibliographic content of EGPGV@Eurographics 2010

dblp: Symposium on Computer Animation 2008

Bibliographic content of Symposium on Computer Animation 2008

dblp: Volume Graphics 2008

Bibliographic content of Volume Graphics 2008

dblp: Eurographics Tutorials

Bibliographic content of Eurographics Tutorials

11 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Spatial, temporal, multimedia, and high dimensional data bibliography...

Closest-Point-of-Approach Join for Moving Object Histories. Subramanian Arumugam, Chris...

Streaming surface sampling using Gaussian ε-nets | SpringerLink

We propose a robust, feature preserving and user-steerable mesh sampling algorithm, based on the one-to-many mapping of a regular sampling of the Gaussian...

Single-strips for fast interactive rendering | SpringerLink

Representing a triangulated two manifold using a single triangle strip is an NP-complete problem. By introducing a few Steiner vertices, recent works find

Feature sensitive re-sampling of point set surfaces with Gaussian...

Feature sensitive simplification and re-sampling of point set surfaces is an important and challenging issue for many computer graphics and geometric modeling...

106 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Layered Volume Splatting | springerprofessional.de

We present a new layered, hardware-accelerated splatting algorithm for volume rendering. Layered volume splatting features the speed benefits of fast

Real-Time Feature Acquisition and Integration for Vision-Based Mobile...

In this paper we propose a new system for real-time feature acquisition and integration based on high-resolution stereo images that is suitable for

Eurographics 2014: International Program Committee

Eurographics 2014: International Program Committee

CiteSeerX — Citation Query H.: Algorithms for constructing quadtree...

CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: H.: Algorithms for constructing quadtree surface maps

Eurographics IPC

The Eurographics website

Local Organizing Committee — Eurographics 2015

The 36ᵗʰ Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics.

Publications - Pablo Diaz-Gutierrez

Pablo's corner in the interwebs

Single-strips for fast interactive rendering

Representing a triangulated two manifold using a single triangle strip is an NP-complete problem. By introducing a few Steiner vertices, recent works find...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Renato

Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch): Renato; der Wiedergeborene; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); renatus = wiedergeboren; der Wiedergeborene, im Sinne von 'durch die christliche Taufe neugeboren'

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