82 Infos zu Rene Reifarth
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- Goethe University Frankfurt
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- Universität Frankfurt
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- Nuclear Astrophysics
8 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Nuclear Physics Seminar: Prof. Rene Reifarth | Events | News & Events...Department of Physics seeks to provide an outstanding and distinctive education to our undergraduate and graduate students, while also maintaining a broad,...
NUSTAR Annual Meeting (27 February March 2017) · GSI...Rene Reifarth (Univ. Frankfurt) 13: :30 Lunch ( Canteen) 14: :50 Plenary 7 14:30 The new EXL strategy at the GSI and FAIR storage rings 30' Speaker ...
PENG – Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Design, Kunst und Kommunikation+ Prof. Dr. Rene Reifarth (Uni Frankfurt) + Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Mutschler (Philosophisch-Theologisch e Hochschule Sankt Georgen)
The first EURISOL UG topical meeting - The formation and structure of...Rene Reifarth (GSI -Darmstadt ) Experiments close to stability contributing to our understanding of the r-process. Gary Simpson (LPSC Grenoble) Current status ...
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Rene Reifarth | LinkedInRene Reifarths berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Rene Reifarth dabei hilft, ...
LinkedIn: Rene Reifarth | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Rene Reifarth (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
To the official webpage of EXL fair-center.eufair-center.eu › experiments › nustar › experimentsDeputy Spokesperson, Rene Reifarth (Univ. Frankfurt, Germany). GSI Liaison, Haik Simon (GSI Darmstadt, Germany). EXL Documents. © FAIR; Home|; Contact.
1 Business-Profile
The Net Advance of PhysicsNeutron Reactions in Astrophysics by Rene Reifarth et al. [Journal of Physics G 41, (2014)]. Re: COSMOLOGY: The Neutron and the Universe - History ...
3 Persönliche Webseiten
Rene Reifarth (beruflich)Veröffentlichungsliste. (begutachtete Zeitschriften / Technische Berichte etc.) List of Publications. (refereed papers / reports etc.) Up to date online search ...
ContactExperimentelle Astrophysik an der Universität Frankfurt
The ATHENA-workshop on Prospects in neutron time of flightRene Reifarth Institut für Angewandte Physik Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main ...
1 Projekte
Laboratory studies of Nucle Researchers - ANUDr Anton Wallner (Primary Investigator); Gyorgy Gyurky (Secondary Investigator); Franz Kaeppeler (Secondary Investigator); Rene Reifarth (Secondary ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Fission And Properties Of Neutron-rich Nuclei - Proceedings Of The...The aim and scope of the conference and book were to bring world leaders in the areas of fission, structure of neutron-rich nuclei, superheavy elements,...
Los Alamos Science - Google BooksHeavy - Element Production Rene Reifarth As they come down from the skies , meteorites bring with them stardust - tiny diamond - like grains , each formed ...
Hadrons, Nuclei, and Applications: Proceedings of the Conference, ...books.google.es › booksRauscherCunibas.ch Reifarth René reifarth Gik3.fzk.de Riccati Lodovico riccatiGto.infn.it Ricci Renato Angelo raricci Glnl.infn.it Laboratori Nazionali del ...
Nuclei in the Cosmos XV - Google BooksThese peer-reviewed NIC XV conference proceedings present the latest major advances in nuclear physics, astrophysics, astronomy, cosmochemistry and neutrino...
7 Dokumente
[ v1] Background identification and suppression for the...Submission history. From: Rene Reifarth [view email] [v1] Mon, 7 Oct :41:13 GMT (1145kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable ...
Part I - Euroschool on Exotic Beams(from Rene Reifarth) s process: slow n-capture and - decay near valley of stability at kT = 30 keV. Wednesday, September 8,
[nucl-ex ] GEANT simulations of neutron capture experiments...Submission history. From: Rene Reifarth [view email] [v1] Wed, 28 Jan : 46:09 GMT (980kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers?
meeting1"Rene Reifarth", &.de>, FZK. "Jose Luis Tain", <Jose.Luis.Tain@ ific.uv.es>, IFIC. "Nicola Colonna", &.it>, INFN-BA. "Mario De Poli", &.it>, INFN-LNL. "Pierefrancesco Mastinu", <mastinu@ lnl.infn.it>, INFN-LNL. "Paolo Molazzo", &.it>, INFN-TS.
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Prof. Dr. René Reifarth, Experimental Astrophysics -...Rene Reifarth Tagträumer & Nachtlichter, Physikalischer Verein, Frankfurt, Germany, Wie Phönix aus der Asche – die Vorgeschichte unseres Sonnensystems (pdf, restricted access)
DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Rene ReifarthProfessor Dr. Rene Reifarth, Arbeitsbereich Experimentelle AstrophysikFrankfurt am Main.
ERICE ProgramRene Reifarth (Frankfurt / Main) s- and r-process: 17: :00: Coffee: Chair: D. Kirilova: 18: :25: Marek Zralek (Katowice) Attempts to explain the neutrino
DFG - GEPRIS - GAIN - GAllium Im langsamen NeutroneinfangprozessAntragsteller Professor Dr. Rene Reifarth Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Institut für Angewandte Physik Arbeitsbereich Experimentelle Astrophysik. Fachliche Zuordnung Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik, Quantenmechanik, Relativitätstheorie, Felder Astrophysik und Astronomie. Förderung Förderung seit
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
N - FNDA 2011N - FNDA Read more about fnda and fnda2011.de.
40 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Rene Reifarth - Google ScholarRene Reifarth. Professor of experimental astrophysics, Goethe University Frankfurt. Verified email at physik.uni-frankfurt.de - Homepage. nuclear astrophysics. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort b ...
Moshe Friedman - Google ScholarHebrew Univeristy of Jerusalem - 305-mal zitiert - nuclear physics - nuclear astrophysics - nucleon form factor - bnct
Research | Rene Reifarth1 Research at small-scale accelerators René...Research | Rene Reifarth3 Organizational remarks Drinks:Please pay upon departure! Use the tally chart right next to the fridge. Meals:Are payed for. Breakfast...
Rene Reifarth | JINA-CEE, Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysicswww.jinaweb.org › collaborations › visitors › rene-r...· Rene Reifarth. Visit Site: MSU. Visitor Institution: Goethe University Frankfurt. For Scientists. Scientific Resources · Information for ...
Saed Dababneh. Seventh Symposium on Use of Nuclear Techniques in...Saed Dababneh. Seventh Symposium on Use of Nuclear Techniques in Environmental Studies. Yarmouk University, JORDAN Sept Classical Compton Suppression...
Experimentalphysik II - Elektrodynamik"Experimentalphysik II - Elektrodynamik" Dozent. Rene Reifarth. Nachklausur ; 10:00-12:00. Raum: Physik, Physik-Hörsaal: _ Anmeldung online möglich.
49163Die stellaren (n,g)-Raten von 126,128,130 Te •Rene Reifarth Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Kernphysik III, Postfach 3640, D Karlsruhe
GSI - Helmholtz Nachwuchsgruppenk.füssel
Coulomb dissociation of 20,21N - Research - Aarhus University... Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Am Main; ,; Rene Reifarth, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Am Main; ,; Guillermo Ribeiro, Instituto de Estructura de ...
KHuK-Wahl www-khuk.gsi.deRene Reifarth (U Frankfurt): 215 Wahlkreis 3: Elektromagnetische Sonden: Frank Maas (U Mainz/HIM): 531 Wahlkreis 4: Hadronische Sonden: Kai Brinkmann (U Giessen): 378
Experimentalphysik 2: Elektrodynamik - Edukatico.orgwww.edukatico.org › online-kurs › experimentalphysik-2-elektrodynamikDr. Rene Reifarth. Bereitgestellt von: Universität Frankfurt. Kurssprache: Deutsch. Kosten: kostenlos. Level: Vorkenntnisse. Zertifikat erhältlich?
Research - IRENACoordinators: Gianluca Imbriani (Naples, Italy); Zach Meisel (Ohio University, USA); Rene Reifarth (Frankfurt, Germany); Michael Wiescher ( ...
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft16:45, HK 57.1, Geant4 simulation for proton induced reactions at ESR — •Bo Mei, Ganna Rastrepina, Rene Reifarth, Michael Heil, and Ralf ...
Au-197(n, gamma) - towards a new standard for energies relevant to...... and Michael Heil and Franz Käppeler and Cristian Massimi and Alberto Mengoni and Marita Mosconi and R Nolte and Rene Reifarth and Anton Wallner",.
Prof. Dr. René Reifarth - Helmholtz Forschungsakademie - Hessen ...hfhf-hessen.de › persoenlich › nukleare-astrophysik › prof-dr-rene-reifarthRené Reifarth. Prof. Dr. René Reifarth. Vita. forscht über den ...
IOP ConferencesGyörgy Gyürky, Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki), Hungary. 14:40. Post- processing nucleosynthesis simulations for the production of the light p-nuclei. Rene Reifarth, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. 15:00. Investigation of the reaction 59Fe(n,γ) 60Fe @ FAIR Tanja Heftrich, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany.
MitgliederDr. Rene Reifarth (Universität Frankfurt); Prof. Dr. P. G. Reinhardt (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg); Prof. Dr. Peter Reiter (Universität zu Köln); Prof. Dr. Robert Roth (TU Darmstadt); Dr. Deniz Savran (EMMI, GSI Darmstadt); Prof. Dr. Christoph Scheidenberger (Universität Gießen/ GSI); PD Dr. Heiko Scheit (TU Darmstadt) ...
Konsorcjum Naukowo-Przemysłowe "ELA-MAT Podkarpackie" / Komitet...... Przemysław Piekarz (IFJ PAN Kraków); Rene Reifarth (University of Frankfurt); Wojciech Szuszkiewicz (University of Rzeszów and IF PAN); Jonathan Wilson ...
NUCLEOSYNTHESIS 36,38Ar(n,g) REACTIONS WITH THE HIGH-INTENSITY...... Richard Pardo , K. Ernst Rehm , Daniel Santiago-Gonzalez , Robert Scott , Claudio Ugalde , Richard Vondrasek , Mario Weigand , Tanja Heftrich , Rene Reifarth , D. Veltum , Roland Purtschert , D. Baggenstos , Philippe Collon , Yoav Kashiv [1] The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel [2] Soreq Nuclear Research Center, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Rene
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Rene; der Wiedergeborene; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); renatus = wiedergeboren; der Wiedergeborene, im Sinne von 'durch die christliche Taufe neugeboren'
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Christoph Scheidenberger
- Michael Wiescher
- Mario Weigand
- Roland Purtschert
- Anton Wallner
- Michael Heil
- Erika Müller-Hennig
- Ulrich Ratzinger
- Sandra Schnell
- Erika Hennig
Personensuche zu Rene Reifarth & mehr
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