47 Infos zu Reyk Floeter
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- OpenBSD
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Linux Wireless Driver Violates BSD License? - Slashdotbsdphx writes
No, there isn't. The pf in FreeBSD has forked away. The much ranted...In this post, you rightly call out Reyk Floeter for being so butt-hurt about if_trunk. It's not like anyone in OpenBSD sits around crediting Garrett Wollman for writing ...
OpenBSD 5.6's New "httpd" Web Server Offers Security and Safety -...OpenBSD 5.6's New
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Retweeted Reyk Floeter (@reykfloeter): Peter FacebookTwitter Profil: Reyk Floeter (reykfloeter)Files from Reyk Floeter ≈ Packet StormInformation Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers
2 Persönliche Webseiten
reykfloeter - blogReyk Flöter's blog about OpenBSD, coffee, Esdenera and other tech.
apache - openbsd httpd php execution - Stack OverflowI just installed openbsd 56 and want to configure the default Reyk Floeter's httpd server. Here are the simple steps I followed: I installed php-fpm ...
1 Projekte
BTNS Design and Todo Michael Cardell Widerkrantz mc [at ...The main author, Reyk Floeter, seems to have taken a pause from development, however. src/sbin/iked src/usr.sbin/ikectl Clean and rather easy to follow code.
3 Bücher zum Namen
AUUGN - Google Books... OpenBSD Misc Mailing List http: //ma1'c . theaimsgroup. com/?l=openbsd- misctm= tv=2 Reyk Floeter - Vantronix, http: //ww.vantronix. net/ ...
Book of PF, 3rd Edition: A No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall...Originally introduced in OpenBSD 4.1 under the name hoststated, the daemon has seen active development (mainly by Reyk Floeter and Pierre-Yves Ritschard) ...
Cisco Wireless LAN Security - Krishna Sankar - Google Books... of verifying the AP's identity, he could be fooled into giving up useful information. Reyk Floeter wrote voidl l (http://www.wlsec.net/voidl l), which includes two ...
1 Dokumente
From eric at andante.org Wed Mar 1 02:22: From: eric at ...... at openbsd.org Sat Mar :57: From: reyk at openbsd.org (Reyk Floeter) Date: Fri, fax: + gert at net.informatik.tu-muenchen. de.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Lista de servidores web - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libreNginx · NGINX, Inc. Licenza BSDOpenBSD httpd, Reyk Floeter, OpenBSD · ISC, OpenLink Virtuoso · OpenLink Software · GPL
31 Webfunde aus dem Netz
'Reyk Floeter ' posts - MARCViewing messages posted by 'Reyk Floeter <reyk () openbsd ! org>' (689 msg) Next · Last [13] Re: CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: src openbsd-c 2.
Reyk Floeter (reyk) - Libraries.ioGitHub repositories created and contributed to by Reyk Floeter (reyk)
Reyk Floeter - NEOHAPSIS - Peace of Mind Through ...Re: :Microsoft" VPN. From: Reyk Floeter (reyk openbsd.org) Date: Tue Sep :41:55 CDT. Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] ...
vBSDCon with Reyk Floeter (reyk@) and Henning Brauer (henning@)Reyk Floeter (reyk@) and Henning Brauer (henning@) were asked to give a joint presentation titled, "Inspecting Packets with OpenBSD and pf" ...
BSDCan2015: Reyk FloeterReyk is the founder of Esdenera Networks GmbH, a company that develops OpenBSD-based networking and security products for cloud-based and ...
Super User's BSD Cross Reference: /OpenBSD/usr.sbin/hostctl/hostctl.8Xr pvbus 4 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm program first appeared in .Ox Sh AUTHORS The .Nm program was written by .An Reyk Floeter Aq Mt ...
CUUG Meetings:Bob Beck and Reyk Floeter will talk about some of the directions they have been taking in wireless chipset support, advanced feature support, and security ...
Partimage - ChangeLog... same protocol and ssl/login options ) : applied ufs patch from Reyk Floeter the patch fixes UFS mode (tested with OpenBSD FFS1 partitions).
Code Analysis of the Linux Wireless Team's ath5k Driver - Software...The Software Freedom Law Center provides legal representation and other law related services to protect and advance Free and Open Source Software.
Download - NetBSD CVS Repositories... Stabl <stabl&informatik.uni-muenchen.de> aal-lm tcp # Active Reyk Floeter <reyk&vantronix.net> 27 February +#
We are Esdenera | Esdenera® NetworksThe Esdenera® Firewall was the first independent firewall, built for your Software Defined Networks
Independent network security vendor | Esdenera® NetworksEsdenera® Networks was a truly 'Indie' network security vendor – watch the short movie.
Inside OpenBSD’s new httpd Web server - SD TimesSoftware Development News
phy.c - drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/phy.c - Linux source code...Elixir Cross Referencer
Mobile WLAN-Accesspoints mit HostapdSeit Reyk Floeter das Werkzeug auf dem Chaos Communication Congress zur Vernetzung der anwesenden Hacker entwickelte, hat es sich zwar in ...
OpenBSD 4.0 Release zum Download | BSDForen.de - Die BSD-CommunityOpenBSD 4.0 ist nun auch auf den FTP Servern zum freien Download bereit. Man kann sich die CD- und Floppyimages oder auch die Filedistributions entweder...
OpenBSD relayd | httpd - web enginerelayd
OpenBSD: Hardware Wantedthe main OpenBSD page
Powered by OpenBSD httpd - Cambus.netSome notes about migrating from Nginx to OpenBSD httpd server
Prism2 Host AP Mailing List Archive: ANN: Prism2.5 PCI HostAP supportHost AP Mailing List Archives
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Reyk
Abgeleitet von Reykjavik (rauchende Bucht); benannt nach den Wickingern, die erstmals nach Island kamen und Rauchschwaden aus jeder Bucht steigen sahen.
Personensuche zu Reyk Floeter & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Reyk Floeter und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.