62 Infos zu Robert Nickas
Mehr erfahren über Robert Nickas
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- Gregory
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- American
- Collected Writings
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- JRP Ringier
- Kusama
- Painting
- Yayoi
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Art Practice Seminar: How to apply for Artist’s Calls – SacramentoArt Practice Seminar: How to apply for Artist’s Calls,Verge Center for the Arts, Wed, October 9, Sacramento
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Conférence de Robert Nickas - FacebookRobert Nickas | ZKMForschung, Produktion, Ausstellungen: Das ZKM widmet sich den aktuellen Entwicklungen in Kunst und Gesellschaft in allen Medienformaten und -verfahren.
Nickas, Robert – www.kunstforum.deLyon reloaded. C'est arrivé demain. Biennale in Lyon. Rectangle, Musée des Beaux Arts, Musée d'Art Contemporain, Institut d'Art Contemporain de ...
31 Bücher zum Namen
Robert Nickas - AbeBooksPerformance Art by Battock, Gregory and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.co.uk.
Robert Nickas | Open LibraryAutor von Performance anxiety, Red, Collection diary, Kusama Yayoi, Painting abstraction, Brand new, The Art of performance, Live in your head
Robert Nickas (Author of Kusama Yayoi)Robert Nickas is the author of Kusama Yayoi (4.40 avg rating, 5 ratings, 0 reviews), The Art of Performance (3.80 avg rating, 5 ratings, 0 reviews, publi...
Yayoi Kusama, Louise Neri, Midori Yamamura, Robert Nickas. (Hardcover...Yayoi Kusama by Louise Neri, Midori Yamamura, Robert Nickas. (Hardcover )
2 Dokumente
Robert Nickas - To Be Read | PDF | Library And Museum | PaintingsTO BE READ (ONCE EVERY TWO YEARS) Robert Nickas •. iz knjige: CURATING SUBJECTS Paul O'Neill (aulor, urednikl. Art will always come in a ...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Robert Nickas - Wikidataborn:1900|died:1951|; Nickas, Robert ca Jh.; Nickas, Bob
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Artforum InternationalThe online edition of Artforum International Magazine.
Jutta Koether and Robert Nickas on Melvins - Artforum InternationalEvery three to five years there seems to be one band that artists, intellectuals, and cultural critics gravitate toward as symptomatic of the moment and, on a...
22 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Robert Nickas - Peter P. HopkinsPeter P. Hopkins is an artist of more than 3 decades. His works have been displayed throughout the United States and abroad. Hopkins is known for his bleach,...
Specific Object : Robert NickasSpecific Object - Flash Art : Two Decades of History, XXI Years ; …ed by Language ; …ed by Language ; …ed by Language ; …ed by Language...
Robert Nickas - broché - Bob Nickas, Fredi Fischli, Niels Olsen,...Fnac : , Robert Nickas, Bob Nickas, Fredi Fischli, Niels Olsen, Patrick Frey Eds
Robert Nickas | Flash ArtFelix Gonzalez-Torres by Robert Nickas. 22 December 2016, 4:22 pm CET. The following interview originally appeared in Flash Art International No.
Robert Nickas | World Food BooksRobert Nickas is a critic, freelance curator, and editor of the Index magazine (New York). He is also one of the free spirits who were nurtured by the libertarian ...
Robert Nickas: Vivre Libre Ou Mourir - Idea BooksIdea Books is an international wholesaler and distributor of high quality books and catalogues on contemporary architecture, art, photography, design, fashion,...
Robert Nickas [Bob Nickas] Curator | Biography, Past and Future...Robert Nickas: 13 exhibitions from Jun Apr 2017, exhibitions worldwide curated by curator Robert Nickas, Exhibition History, Summary of artist-info.com ...
Robert Nickas | FriezeFrieze
Robert Nickas - Centre PompidouSite du Centre Pompidou (Paris) : agenda des manifestations, collection en ligne, informations pratiques, achat de billets, etc.
Robert Nickas - Printed MatterPrinted Matter, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in by artists and art workers with the mission to foster the appreciation, ...
Jh. Swiss National Library German National Library. Nickas, Bob National Library of Norway ISNI BIBSYS. Robert Nickas Wikidata. VIAF ID: (Personal).
Altered states : American art in the 90s / organized by Jeanne...Altered states : American art in the 90s / organized by Jeanne Greenberg and Robert Nickas ; Lutz Bacher ... et al. View Online Resource 1 for Altered states ...
Bill Schwarz - BioBill's work has also been selected for multiple projects organized by curator Robert Nickas. With strong interests in non-objective abstraction, pop, process art, ...
Bob Nickas : Live Free or Die - Les presses du réel (book)Bob Nickas' writings.
Magenta Plains | BioMagenta Plains is a contemporary art gallery located in the lower east side of New York City directed by Olivia Smith, Chris Dorland and David Deutsch.
Cady Noland: The Dark Side of Pop ArtNoland’s 'SLA Group Shot with Floating Head' takes us back to the kidnapping saga of Patty Hearst, one of the most publicized media spectacles of the past...
JOHN MILLERAfter the Observatory. New York: Paula Cooper Gallery, 2003, curated with text by Robert Nickas. All You Can Eat. Leipzig: Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, ...
Activity - PUNK. Its Traces in Contemporary Art | MACBA Museum of...Seminar
Daniel Hesidence ‹ CanadaCanada - lower East Side Art gallery exhibiting artists in New York.
Catalog Record: Bob Nickas collection diary | HathiTrust Digital...Main Author: Nickas, Robert. Language(s):, English. Published: Zurich : JPR Ringier, c Subjects: Nickas, Robert > Nickas, Robert / Art collections > Nickas, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Robert
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Skandinavisch): Robert; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); hruod = der Ruhm; beraht = strahlend, glänzend; alter germanischer bzw. deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter in Nordfrankreich verbreitet und von da aus nach England gebracht
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Personensuche zu Robert Nickas & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Robert Nickas und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.