247 Infos zu Roberto Galoppini

Mehr erfahren über Roberto Galoppini

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29 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Heise.de: SourceForge rechtfertigt sich gegenüber Gimp | heise online

Roberto Galoppini, Direktor des Open-Source-Hosters bezieht Stellung zu der Kritik der Entwickler des Grafikprogramms, die es kürzlich von SourceForge...

Heise.de: SourceForge, Anzeigen und Adware | heise online

Nach dem Rückzug des Gimp-Projekts von dem Open-Source-Hoster SourceForge hat SourceForge-Manager Roberto Galoppini die Position seines Unternehmens erläutert.

Heise.de: Die Woche: SourceForge, Open Source und Adware - Heisewww.heise.de › c't › @ctmagazin › Kommentar

· SourceForge-Manager Roberto Galoppini erklärte dazu, dass über Werbenetzwerke in der Tat irreführende Anzeigen auf SourceForge-Seiten ...

Open Source Commerciale, intervista a Roberto Galoppini

Open Source Commerciale, intervista a Roberto Galoppini. Condividi: ale 28 Ottobre 09 @ 16:42 pm

4  Bilder zu Roberto Galoppini

Bild zu Roberto Galoppini
Bild zu Roberto Galoppini
Bild zu Roberto Galoppini
Bild zu Roberto Galoppini

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Roberto Galoppini | Facebook - bei Facebook

Facebook: Roberto Galoppini | Facebook

Facebook: Roberto Galoppini | Facebook

LinkedIn: roberto galoppini | LinkedIn

LinkedIn è la rete professionale più grande al mondo utilizzata dai professionisti come ...

2 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines | Moneyhouse

Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines à Lausanne ✓ radiée ✓ Fondée ✓ Dernière modification: ✓

Roberto Borgogna in Vercelli aus Italien | Moneyhouse

Roberto Borgogna in Vercelli aus Italien ✓ hat ein Mandat bei GVSA Grands Vins de Sicile et d'Ailleurs Sàrl - mit 2 Personen verbunden ✓

4 Persönliche Webseiten

Biography and contacts | Commercial Open Source Softwarerobertogaloppini.net › about

Roberto Galoppini on Open Source Software. Roberto has over 25 years experience in the IT field, and has spent the last 12 years working in the intersection ...

Open Source Foundations: OuterCurve's Modelrobertogaloppini.net › › open-source-foundati...

2011年2月2日 · Roberto Galoppini on Open Source Software ... Similar to a museum, a Gallery is a collection of works centered around a particular theme.

Commercial Open Source Softwarerobertogaloppini.net

· Sorry, no Tweets were found. Recent Updates Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts. Roberto Galoppini 9:41 am on September ...

Italian Industrial Association meets Open Source | Commercial Open...

Confindustria Vicenza, the local chapter of the Italian manufacturers' association, on the 13 of July hosted an event about open source entitled,

4 Projekte

rgaloppini / Profile

Regards, Roberto Galoppini, SourceForge years ago; Posted a comment on discussion Community Voice. Greetings, this is not a support forum.

Apache Allura Incubation Status - Apache Incubator

galoppini: Roberto Galoppini. acs: Alvaro del Castillo. peterhartmann: Peter Hartmann. stefanoinve: Stefano Invernizzi. jpschewe: Jon Schewe. simonegatti: Simone Gatti:

OpenOffice.org Incubation Statusincubator.apache.org › projects › openofficeorg

galoppini, Roberto Galoppini . grobmeier, Christian Grobmeier . gstein, Greg Stein . hagar, Hagar Delest . hdu, Herbert Dürr.

[libreoffice-projects] Fw: [ODFPlugtest] Call for proposals for 8th...

Roberto Galoppini (Individual) - - Sophie Gautier (The Document Foundation) - - Bart Hanssens (Fedict) - - Michiel Leenaars (NLnet foundation)

11 Bücher zum Namen

Money for Nothing and Your Downloads for Free - Simon Phipps ...www.oreilly.com › oscon complete › part98

Money for Nothing and Your Downloads for Free - Simon Phipps, Roberto Galoppini, and Adam Benayoun ... Get OSCON 2014: Complete Video Compilation now with O' ...

: trent'anni di domanda e offerta ict nella pubblica

... Massimo Di Virgilio, Giuseppe Fiandanese, Giuseppe Gallian, Roberto Galoppini, Augusto Leggio, Flavia Marzano, Alessandro Musumeci, Vittorio Novelli, ...

Destini Hacker - Attacco al sistema - Lele Rozza, Alessio Pennasilico...

... Roberto Galoppini, Emmanuele Somma, Carlo Piana, Fabrizio Veutro con i quali ho parlato di software libero e che mi hanno insegnato circa tutto.

Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia - Joseph M....

... in the online context, see Giampaolo Garzarelli and Roberto Galoppini, “ Capability Coordination in Modular Organization: Voluntary FS/OSS Production and ...

1 Songs & Musik

Interventi di Roberto Galoppini | Radio Radicale

Radio Radicale è un'emittente storica che trasmette e pubblica online ogni giorno il Parlamento e i principali eventi di attualità politica e istituzionale

5 Dokumente

Focus Group Open Source Roberto Galoppini - SlideSharewww.slideshare.net › galoppini › focus-group-open-...

Focus Group Open Source Roberto Galoppini. Nov. 15, • 0 likes • 801 views.

Roberto Galoppini, Ceo at Business follows | SlideShare

View all of Roberto Galoppini's Presentations.

Focus Group Open Source Leonardo Miconi

Focus Group Open Source Roberto Galoppini 580 views Like Liked; Focus Group Open Source Consip views Like Liked;

Call For Abstracts: Open Source, Innovation, and New Organizational...

Institutions and Political Economy GroupCALL FOR ABSTRACTS: “Open Source, Innovation, and New Organizational Forms” Monday, August 1, Abstra...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Roberto Galoppini

List of computer science publications by Roberto Galoppini

Roberto Galoppini - dblpdblp.org › Persons

Andreas Schreiber , Roberto Galoppini, Michael Meinel, Tobias Schlauch: An Open Source Software Directory for Aeronautics and Space.

dblp: Yacine Rebahi

List of computer science publications by Yacine Rebahi

Ilaria Lener - dblpdblp.org › Persons

· ... Roberto Galoppini, Thomas F. Gordon, Pawel Kedziora, Ilaria Lener, Francesco Torelli, Roberto Pratola, Juliusz Pukacki, Yacine Rebahi, ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Laufende Notizen

Giampaolo Garzarelli und Roberto Galoppini schrieben eine 2wissenschaftliche Arbeit über die Koordination in modularen Organisationen und ...

research/publications/CapabilityCoordinationInModularOrganization ...wiki.debian.org › research › CapabilityCoordination...

· ... Modular Organization: Voluntary FSS/OSS Production and the Case of Debian GNU/Linux. by Giampaolo Garzarelli and Roberto Galoppini.

User:Kynh - Apache OpenOffice Wikiwiki.openoffice.org › wiki › User:Kynh

· 2nd ODF Plgfest, Orvieto, Italy · Consorzio SIR, Umbria(odf) (Stefano Paggetti, SIR) · Open Standards and Interoperability (Roberto Galoppini, ...

5 Video- & Audioinhalte

BlinkX Video: Open Source governance is ...

Roberto Galoppini By BetterSoftware Tags : Governance , OpenSource , Viddler

BlinkX Video: OpenCampRoma2008 Intervento Roberto Galoppini - Open Source per Windows

Intervento Roberto Galoppini (robertogaloppini .net) - Open Source per Windows. Registrato da Alex Microsmeta (www.microsmeta.com/dblog) all' OpenCamp svoltosi a Roma il , Blip

BlinkX Video: Conferenza Stampa OOo Roberto Galoppini

E' stato presentato oggi alla stampa, OpenOffice.org Conference 2009, il più grande appuntamento annuale che chiama a raccolta le diverse Community projets e che raccoglie , YouTube

Intervista a Roberto Galoppini - video Dailymotionwww.dailymotion.com › video

· Intervista a Roberto Galoppini Intervista a Roberto Galoppini. Lauren Brecken ...Dauer: 6:50 Gepostet:

28 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Carlo Piana - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Carlo_Piana

Carlo Piana is a lawyer by training and a free software advocate. A qualified attorney in ... Editorial Committee · Interview by Roberto Galoppini (Commercial Open ...

Interviews | Meedabyte

The role of Open Source and Free software in today's world, excellences, issues and frontiers to cross: an expert talk with Roberto Galoppini – on February 24, ...

Beekeeper Model for Commercial Open Source (V2 draft 2) | James...

Thanks to all the feedback so far. Click here to download. I have folded in ideas from Doug Moran, Julian Hyde, Jem Matzen. Roberto Galoppini:...

3925 Roberto Galoppini - FPA

Roberto Galoppini, esperto di open source commerciale, membro dell'advisory board di realtà del panorama internazionale. Fondatore di una delle prime aziende italiane specializzata in soluzioni open source e promotore del primo consorzio italiano di imprese open source, ha collaborato con il CNIPA per la stesura delle ...

132 Webfunde aus dem Netz

roberto galoppini | LinkedIn

View roberto galoppini's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like roberto galoppini discover ... Es fehlt: museum

Fix unknown critical error as x Google One's support team feedback ...support.google.com › adsense › thread › fix-unkno...

· Roberto Galoppini Original Poster More options. Recommended Answer. Relevant Answer. "Your ad units are not displaying ads ...

After 16 years, OpenOffice contemplates retirement - Yahoo Finance ...

For instance, developers Phillip Rhodes and Roberto Galoppini referred to the ... At the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American ...

Roberto Galoppini VS LibreOffice | Lega Nerd

https://leganerd.com/wp-content/uploads/LEGANERD_ jpg Sul suo sito Sosopensource Roberto Galoppini, uno dei vecchi membri del progetto OpenOffice.org

Galoppini - Names Encyclopedia

Given names Claudio Galoppini (8) Luigi Galoppini (5) Roberto Galoppini (5) Laura Galoppini (4) Alessandro Galoppini (4) Luciano Galoppini (4) Silvio Galoppini (2)

Simo Sorce (progetto Samba) intervistato da Roberto Galoppini - GNUvox

Simo Sorce (progetto Samba) intervistato da Roberto Galoppini. Roberto Galoppini, personaggio da tempo molto attivo nel mondo del business orientato al software

Roberto Galoppini - OSS4Bwww.oss4b.it › speaker › roberto-galoppini

Roberto Galoppini has over 20 years experience, and has spent the last years working in the intersection of open source software and business development.

Roberto Galoppini - SFSconwww.sfscon.it › Speaker

Roberto Galoppini founded its first open source company in the early 2000s, later he has been consulting on open source strategies for Microsoft, ...

Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines, Lausanne - Contact

Cherchez-vous l’adresse, des extraits du registre commerce, annonces FOSC ou informations de solvabilité de la société Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des...

Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines, Lausanne - Contattowww.easymonitoring.ch › registro-di-commercio › r...

Cercate l'indirizzo, estratti del registro commercio, annunci FUSC o informazioni di solvabilità dell'impresa Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines?

Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines in Lausanne,www.business-informations.ch › ROBERTO-GALOPPINI-OENOTHEQUE...

Holen Sie sich alle Informationen von Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines: Produkte, Dienstleistungen und vieles mehr.

OCS Breakout: Roberto Galoppini - COSS Communitywww.coss.community › cossc › ocs breakout-...

· Roberto Galoppini is an Open Source veteran, who built his first Open Source company in the early Tagged with ocs2020, storage, ...

FileZilla CEO Roberto Galoppini Will Speak At Silicon Slopes Tech ...medium.com › silicon-slopes › filezilla-ceo-roberto-...

· FileZilla CEO Roberto Galoppini has been confirmed as a speaker at Silicon Slopes Tech Summit Roberto is a computer industry insider ...

Roberto Galoppini from Italy Joins InitMarketing | Sandro Groganzsandro.groganz.com › › roberto-galopp...

· The InitMarketing team welcomes Roberto Galoppini who will join us from today. He is located in beautiful Rome, Italy and a highly valuable ...

Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines, Lausanne - Kontakt

Suchen Sie die Kontaktadresse, den Handelsregisterauszug, SHAB-Meldungen oder Bonitätsinformationen der Firma Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines?

People following Roberto Galoppini - Mediummedium.com › followers

1 people follow Roberto Galoppini on Medium.

Profilo di Roberto Galoppini | InnovatoriPAwww.innovatoripa.it › users › robertogaloppini

Roberto Galoppini, esperto di open source commerciale, fondatore di una delle prime aziende italiane specializzata in soluzioni open source e promotore del ...

UID-Profil Firma Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines Lausanne...

UID-Profil Firma Roberto Galoppini Oenothèque des Mousquines Lausanne UID Nummer CHE

Roberto Galoppini (@galoppini) - Nitter.netnitter.net › galoppini

Roberto Galoppini retweeted. Storj @storj · Sep 13. Click here to find out how Centralized and Decentralized Cloud Storage stack up when it comes to ...

Roberto Galoppini - Open Collectiveopencollective.com › galoppini

Expenses Contributions. Financial contribution to Sustain Summit London (A... from Roberto Galoppini • September 22, $ USD. Completed.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Roberto

Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch): Roberto; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); hruod = der Ruhm; beraht = strahlend, glänzend; alter germanischer bzw. deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter in Nordfrankreich verbreitet und von da aus nach England gebracht Der Ruhmglänzende

Personensuche zu Roberto Galoppini & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Roberto Galoppini und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.