175 Infos zu Rolf Molich
Mehr erfahren über Rolf Molich
Infos zu
- Usability Testing
- DialogDesign
- Jakob Nielsen
- Danish
- Design
- User Experience
- Webbdesign
- Stenløse
- Usability Evaluation
- Author
15 Aktuelle Nachrichten
„Do You Speak Usability?“ – Aktueller Stand des Glossars und des...(Hrsg.): Jahresband Usability Professionals Holger Gerhard Fischer, Thomas Geis, Rolf Molich, Oliver Kluge, Rüdiger Heimgärtner, Peter Hunkirchen, ...
An Evening with Rolf Molich - UXPA UKuxpa-uk.org › events › an-evening-with-rolf-molichAn Evening with Rolf Molich Sep : :00. MOO, 20 Farrington Road, London. In our careers, many of us will have conducted, or been impacted ...
Vortrag von Rolf Molich « Archiv « FIT für Usabilitywww.fit-fuer-usability.de › Events & Lehre › VorträgeRolf Molich hält am 8. Mai in München einen Vortrag zum Thema „Fünf Mythen über Usability-Testing“. Am 9. und 10. Mai finden zwei ganztägige Workshops ...
An Evening With Rolf Molich - User Experience Professionals'...If we have, then we have been influenced by the pioneering work of Rolf Molich. Rolf has worked with usability since In he ...
9 Bilder zu Rolf Molich

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ethical Dilemmas in User Experience by Rolf Molich - FacebookFacebook: German UPA - Videobotschaft zur UP11 von Rolf Molich | FacebookFacebook: Bunnyfoot - We're happy to announce that UX guru Rolf Molich is ...LinkedIn: Rolf Molich – Stenløse, Hovedstaden, Danmark | Faglig profildk.linkedin.com › rolf-molich-bSe Rolf Molichs profil på LinkedIn. LinkedIn er verdens største faglige netværk, der hjælper folk som Rolf Molich med at finde jobkandidater, ...
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
proff: Dialogdesign Ved Rolf Molich Stenløse - Se Regnskaber,...Proff.dk giver dig firmainformation om Dialogdesign Ved Rolf Molich, Find vejbeskrivelse, kontaktinfo, regnskabstal, ledelse, bestyrelse og ejere.
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Rolf Molich - Usability spe…t - DialogDesign | XINGBerufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie Rolf Molich direkt bei XING.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Rolf Molich | UXPA Boston Conferenceconference.uxpaboston.org › team › rolf-molichHome · About · Sponsors · Attend · Venue · FAQs · Contact · Program. Copyright UXPA Boston. Owner, DialogDesign. Rolf Molich. Copyright UXPA Boston.
26 Bücher zum Namen
LIBRIS - Webbdesign med fokus på använ...LIBRIS titelinformation: Webbdesign med fokus på användbarhet / Rolf Molich ; översättning: Torkel Franzén ; [teckningar: Jørgen Grosbøl].
Rolf Molich - AbeBooksE-Commerce User Experience by Jakob Nielsen; Susan Farrell; Carolyn Snyder; Rolf Molich and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available...
Books by Rolf Molich (Author of Webbdesign med fokus på användbarhet)Rolf Molich has 1 book on Goodreads with 1 rating. Rolf Molich’s most popular book is Webbdesign med fokus på användbarhet.
Rolf Molich (Author of Webbdesign med fokus på användbarhet)Rolf Molich is the author of Webbdesign med fokus på användbarhet (4.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 0 reviews, published 2002)
1 Songs & Musik
Alle 4 Rolf Molich-udgivelser på Hæftet bog - imusic.dkBØGER · CD · VINYL · BLU-RAY · DVD titler til små priser
3 Dokumente
Rolf Molich - “Five users will find 85% of the usability problems” – …Rolf Molich owns and manages DialogDesign, a small Danish usability consultancy that he founded in Rolf conceived and coordinated the Comparative Usabili…
Rolf Molich: IF THE USERS CAN’T USE IT, IT DOESN’T WORKTesting State 2018, Kiev, Ukraine: If the users can’t use it, it doesn’t work Slides Copyright Rolf Molich, page 1 If the users can’t use it, it doesn’t w…
Rolf Molich - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Heuristic Evaluation - an overview | ScienceDirect TopicsJakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich devised the original set of heuristics, which Nielsen revised to include the following 10 guidelines, or rules of thumb, for usability:.
Rolf Molich - dblpList of computer science publications by Rolf Molich.
Heuristic evaluation of a telehealth system from the Danish TeleCare...... usability and its compliance with Jakob Nielsen's ten usability heuristics for interaction design. Usability problems were categorised according to Rolf Molich's ...
Rolf Molich - dblpdblp.org › Persons· Rolf Molich: Usability Test - Kurz erklärt - Eine Einführung in die Welt des Usability-Testings auf Grund des CPUX-UT Curriculums.
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Table 4 | An Iterative, Mixed Usability Approach Applied to the...Table 4: An Iterative, Mixed Usability Approach Applied to the Telekit System from the Danish TeleCare North Trial
Heuristic Evaluation - Ryte Wiki - The Digital Marketing WikiA heuristic evaluation is a method of checking the usability of a website or user interface.
Heuristische Evaluation - MSO DigitalDies änderte sich 1990, als die beiden Experten Jakob Nielsen und Rolf Molich ihre Methode der Heuristischen Evaluation vorstellten. Diese Methode der ...
Heuristische Evaluation – Ryte Wiki - Digitales Marketing Wiki... Tests stellte schließlich die heuristische Evaluation dar, die im Jahr von den beiden Usability-Experten Jakob Nielsen und Rolf Molich vorgestellt wurde.
16 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Rolf Molich - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædiRolf Molich er dansk civilingeniør, der har arbejdet med udvikling af computerprogrammer, siden han blev uddannet i Han har siden arbejdet med ...
Wikipedia: Heuristic evaluation - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Heuristic_evaluationUsability consultants Rolf Molich and Jakob Nielsen developed this method on the basis of several years of experience in teaching and consulting about ...
Usability Testing Best Practices: An Interview with Rolf Molicharticles.uie.com › molich_interview· Usability Testing Best Practices: An Interview with Rolf Molich · Keep it short. No more than approximately 50 comments and 30 pages. · Provide a ...
Rolf Molich | Christopher Gordon Carr's BlogPosts about Rolf Molich written by christophergordoncarr
73 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Rolf Molich | LinkedInView Rolf Molich's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Rolf Molich discover inside ...
Usable Web Design Rolf Molich pdf - comanqueblacTrue to the usability spirit, Rolf Molich has worked hard to make this first English edition of the book even more usable by: Keeping it reasonably short (less than ...
Rolf Molich in Hamburg - Vortrag und Workshops im NovemberHallo liebe Usability-Kollegen/Innen, ich freue mich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Rolf Molich - Co-Erfinder der heuristischen Evaluation zusammen mit Jakob Nielsen, Gründer sowie Inhaber der Agentur Dialogdesign bei Kopenhagen und Initiator/Koordinator der Studien "Comparative Usability Evaluation" (CUE) - für folgende Veranstaltungen ...
(Video) Rolf Molich About Discount Usability Testing and Quick-and ...www.mindberry.com › post › video-rolf-molich-ab...In an exclusive interview usability pioneer Rolf Molich explains: - How to achieve valuable results with quick & dirty usability tests - Why it is important ...
(Video) Rolf Molich über "Discount Usability"-Testmethoden und ...www.mindberry.com › post › video-rolf-molich-ueber-discount-usability-t...Rolf Molich ist eine Usability-Koryphäe. Er führte die ersten Usability-Tests im Jahr durch und widmet sich seitdem dem Thema. Zusammen mit Jakob Nielsen ...
Brugervenlige edb-systemer - Rolf Molich | bibliotek.dkBrugervenlige edb-systemer. Af. Rolf Molich. Bidrag. tegninger: Jørgen Grosbøl. Udgiver. Ingeniøren-bøger. Udgave. 2. udgave, af Rolf Molich. Udgivelsesår.
About Me – Rolf Molich - DialogDesignwww.dialogdesign.dk › about-rolf-molichAbout Me – Rolf Molich ... I own and manage DialogDesign, a tiny Danish usability consultancy, which I founded in I started working full-time for ...
Announcing the secret guest speaker: Rolf Molich - User Experience UK...He said yes! Rolf Molich, UX Godfather and co-creator of the original Usability Heuristics, has agreed to join us on the evening of the awards ...
An Evening with Rolf Molich Tickets, Thu 20 Sep at 18:30 |...Eventbrite - UXPA UK presents An Evening with Rolf Molich - Thursday, 20 September at Vodafone, London. Find event and ticket information.
Brugervenligt webdesign af Rolf Molich – anmeldelser og bogpriser -...Find de bedste bogpriser og alle anmeldelser af Brugervenligt webdesign af Rolf Molich
Dialog Design ved Rolf Molich - German Testing Boardwww.german-testing-board.info › premium-partnerISTQB® Certified Tester / Dialog Design ved Rolf Molich. Dialog Design ved Rolf Molich. Skovkrogen 3, Stenløse, DENMARK ...
Einstündiges Webinar mit Rolf Molich am , h (in ...uxqb.org › Startseite › News„How does UX Certification compare to mentoring?“ Tune in for Rolf Molich, who will share his point of view, followed by a discussion where you can ask ...
Rolf Molich - TestCon Moscowtestconf.ru › rolf-molichBIO. Rolf Molich owns and manages DialogDesign, a small Danish usability consultancy that he founded in Rolf has worked with usability since
Rolf Molich - WikiwandRolf Molich er dansk civilingeniør, der har arbejdet med udvikling af computerprogrammer, siden han blev uddannet i Han har siden arbejdet med...
Rolf Molich - TestCon Europe - Software Testing and QA ConferenceRolf Molich owns and manages DialogDesign, a tiny Danish usability consultancy which he founded in Rolf has worked with usability since
Rolf Molich - UXPA Boston Conference 2018Check out what Rolf Molich will be attending at UXPA Boston Conference 2018
Rolf Molich Archives - Usability Testing & Market Research by ...www.simpleusability.com › inspiration › tag › rolf-...On Wednesday 28th September, UX Sheffield was hosted at The Electric Works, and featured pioneer of usability Rolf Molich. Rolf,... View Article.
10 Usability Heuristics of Rolf Molich & Jakob Nielsen – XDIDas XDi entwickelt und veranstaltet Seminare, Workshops, Trainings, Weiterbildungen und Kurse zu den Themen Experience Design, User Experience, Service Design,...
Rolf Molich Archives - Usability Testing & Market Research by...Behavioural Research Consultancy
Webinar: UX Sheffield - Rolf Molich '9 useful steps for increasing the ...www.bigmarker.com › bunnyfoot › UX-Sheffield-R...UX Sheffield - Rolf Molich '9 useful steps for increasing the UX maturity of your organisation'. Tue, Sep 28, · 5:30 PM · London. About This Webinar.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Rolf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Rolf; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); hruod = der Ruhm; wolf = der Wolf; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter beliebter Fürstenname, z.B. Rudolf von Habsburg (13. Jh.)
Personensuche zu Rolf Molich & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Rolf Molich und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.