71 Infos zu Rolf Schmittberger

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

globo: O Jogo do Ultimato - Jornal O Globo

Criado por três psicólogos alemães, Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger e Bernd Schwarze, o jogo envolve dois jogadores e uma única rodada.

Der Spieltheoretiker Werner Güth erklärt, wieso Menschen nicht...

Seine Experimente zum Ultimatumspiel unternahm Güth zusammen mit Rolf Schmittberger und Bernd Schwarze – damals seine studentischen Hilfskräfte. Es...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Muriel Niederle's Experimental Economics and Market Design webpage

"Taking a course in experimental economics is a little like going to dinner at a ... Gueth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger und Bernd Schwarze, 1982, "An experimental ...

23 Bücher zum Namen

An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining - EconBiz

[von] Werner Güth; Rolf Schmittberger and Bernd Schwarze. Year of Publication: 1982: Authors: Güth, Werner; Schmittberger, Rolf; Schwarze, Bernd: Published in:

Die Macht moralischer Argumente: Produktionsverlagerungen zwischen ...books.google.de › books

Güth, Werner/Rolf Schmittberger/Bernd Schwarze, 1982: An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining. In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 3, ...

Economics and the Virtues: Building a New Moral Foundation - Google...

Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze, “An Experimental Analysis of ... Aristoteles und seine “Politik” (Düsseldorf: Verlag Wirtschaft und ...

Die Kunst, kein Egoist zu sein: Warum wir gerne gut sein wollen und...

Warum wir uns so schwer tun, gut zu seinIst der Mensch gut oder schlecht? Ist er in der Tiefe seines Herzens ein Egoist oder hilfsbereit? Und wie kommt es...

2 Dokumente


... BARGAINING GAME •Original: Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze. "An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining.

Simple Metadata - Cogprintscogprints.org › eprint › Simple › cogprints-eprint-5623

Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze. 'An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining.' Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Bidding Behavior in...

In a Vickrey-auction, all competitors choose their bids independently and the object is sold to the highest bidder at the price of the second highest bid. In...

Emotions and International Conflicts: Sociological, Evolutionary and...

Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze. "An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, ...

Social Preferences and Competition

Social preferences can explain many of the anomalies frequently observed on these markets. Home ... Güth, Werner, Schmittberger, Rolf, and Bernd Schwarze.

Why Do Financial Intermediaries Buy Put Options from Companies?

Guth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze, 1982, An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining, Journal of Economic ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

EconPapers: An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining

By Werner Guth, Rolf Schmittberger and Bernd Schwarze; An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining. Es fehlt: oks ‎metallverarbeitung ‎gmbh

Rules for Experimenting in Psychology and Economics, and Why They...

This chapter discusses methodological differences in the way economists and psychologists typically conduct experiments. The main argument is that...

Ultimatumspiel - de.LinkFang.org

Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger, Bernd Schwarze: "An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining" in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, ...

Shrewdly irrational | SpringerLink

This comment on Professor Etzioni's essay consists of three parts. First, it suggests that much of the evidence he describes, both for and against the

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Ultimatum game - Wikipedia

The ultimatum game is a game that has become a popular instrument of economic experiments. It was first described by Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger, and ...

Wikipedia: Ultimatumspiel – Wikipedia

Das Ultimatumspiel (auch ultimative Verhandlung) ist eine der praktischen Anwendungen der Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Heft ); Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger, Bernd Schwarze: An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining.


El juego del ultimátum fue introducido por Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger y Bernd Schwarze (1982). A diferencia del dilema del prisionero, ...

References Akerlof, George A. and Rachel E. Kranton. “Identity and ...

Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze. "An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, ...

25 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Examples of Laboratory Experiments - ppt download

Ultimatum Bargaining Game Original: Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze.

Mit tei lungs blät ter - KIPDF.COM

Mit­t ei­l ungs­b lät­t er Ver­ei­ni­gung ehe­ma­li­ger Schü­ler des Re­thel- und Goe­the-Gym­na­si­ums e.V. www.ehemali...

Werner Güth - Wikiwand

Werner Güth is a German economist who, together with Rolf Schmittberger and Bernd Schwarze, first described the ultimatum game.[1] He is currently Emeritus...

Understanding the Game Being Played in Washington

How game theory explains the current crisis.

Yönetim Haber | İş ve Yönetim Dünyasından Haberler

İş yönetimi alanındaki gelişmeler, yöneticilere özel haberler, toplantı ve organizasyonlar, etkinlik haberleri, video ve fotoğraf galeri bölümleri yani kısaca...

Adalet İşyerinin Çimentosudur - Temel Aksoy Blog

1980'lerin başında Alman sosyologlar Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger ve Bernd Schwarze bir deney yaptılar. Deneye iki kişi çağırdılar, ...

Decision-Making: A Neuroeconomic Perspective - Cogprints

Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze. 'An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining.' Journal of Economic Behavior ...

El sueño de Jardiel - El juego del ultimátum - Blogs Expansión.com

En 1982, el economista alemán Werner Güth publicó, en colaboración con sus alumnos Rolf Schmittberger y Bernd Schwarze, un célebre ...

Experimental Games · Rufus Pollock Online

Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze (1982) “An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining”, Journal of Economic Behavior and ...

Fairness And The Political Economy Of Trade by Carl IMF

American Journal of Political Science; V.45-#4, pp Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger and Bernd Schwarze (1982). “An Experimental.

Game theory: is it wise to take negotiations to the brink? | The...

In 1982, three German scientists (Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger and Bernd Schwarze) wrote an article about an experiment they'd conducted whose results ...

:: OSEL.CZ :: - Je naše férovost na prodej (a pokud ano, je alespoň...

Hru na ultimátum roku vymysleli Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger a Bernd Schwarze. Hrají ji dva hráči, kteří na sebe za základních ...

How the Ultimatum Game Works - What's the ultimatum game? |...

The following year, Rubinstein's prediction was tested by three economists -- Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger and Bernd Schwarze. The three researchers ...

Jürgen Schuldt: El juego del ultimátum y el solidario aporte minero -...

Diario independiente iberoamericano - Jornal independente iberoamericano

Podobor - Časopis Vesmír

Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger a Bernd Schwarze popsali hru na ultimátum v roce [1] za účelem studia lidského chování v jednoduché verzi.

Teoria dos Jogos e da Cooperação para Filósofos: Seção II

O jogo do Ultimato tem sua invenção relacionada com o aparecimento do artigo dos economistas alemães Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger e Bernd Schwarze, ...

S-WoPEc: Stakes Matter in Ultimatum Games

In the ultimatum game, first studied by Werner Guth, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze (1982), the “proposer” proposes how to split a pie between herself ...

Understanding the Game Being Played in Washington - Frijmersum en...

... a bargaining experiment first conducted in the early 1980s by economists Werner Güth, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze that bears ...

The Positive Side to Price Discrimination - Total Retail

Price discrimination gets a bad rap. In fact, price discrimination can increase access to goods and services for all consumers.

experimental psychology - What was the experiment where a person is...

[1] Güth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze. "An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining." Journal of Economic Behavior ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Rolf

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Skandinavisch): Rolf; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); hruod = der Ruhm; wolf = der Wolf; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter beliebter Fürstenname, z.B. Rudolf von Habsburg (13. Jh.)

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