118 Infos zu Roman Fasel
Mehr erfahren über Roman Fasel
Infos zu
- Chemie
- Klaus Müllen
- Laboratory
- Pascal Ruffieux
- University
- Technology
- Xinliang Feng
- Laboratories for Materials
30 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen aus Vorläufermolekülen züchtenDas Empa-Team um Roman Fasel, Leiter der Empa-Abteilung «nanotech@surfaces» und Titularprofessor am Departement für Chemie und Biochemie der Universität Bern ...
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Graphenbänder für NanotransistorenDie Forscher um Klaus Müllen, Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, und Roman Fasel, Senior Scientist an der Empa und Professor für Chemie und Biochemie an der Universität Bern, lassen schmale Graphenbänder auf ...
Produktion von Nanoröhrchen: Kohlenstoff erobert die ElektronikBeginnt nun eine neue Miniaturisierungswelle? Ein Fortschritt bei der Massenproduktion perfekter Nanoröhrchen ist zumindest geschafft.
Polymer mit HonigwabenstrukturPascal Ruffieux, Oliver Gröning, Pierangelo Gröning, Marcel Kastler, Ralph Rieger, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, and Roman Fasel, Chem. Commun., 2009, http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/CC/article.asp?doi=b g ...
1 Bilder zu Roman Fasel

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Roman Fasel | FacebookFacebook: Roman Fasel | FacebookLinkedIn: Roman Fasel | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Roman Fasel (Schweiz) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Roman Fasel | LinkedInRoman Fasels berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Roman Fasel dabei hilft, ...
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Über uns: Prof. Dr. Roman Fasel - Departement für Chemie,...Prof. Dr. Roman Fasel. Externer Titularprofessor. Departement für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie & Empa. Telefon + Telefon2 + (Sekretariat) E-Mail2 Postadresse nanotech@surfac ...
Über uns: Prof. Dr. Roman Fasel - Departement für Chemie und BiochemieSince : Head of nanotech@surfaces Laboratory Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa); Since 2008: Tit. Prof. at the University of Bern Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; – : Senior scientist, group leader “Molecular nanostructures” nanotech@surfaces ...
Publications & PresentationsMatthias Treier, Manh-Thuong Nguyen, Neville V. Richardson, Carlo Pignedoli, Daniele Passerone, Roman Fasel, Nano Letters (2009). Tailoring low-dimensional
5 Bücher zum Namen
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Atomic Scale Engineering by Forces and...Scanning Probe Microscopy is a comprehensive source of information for researchers, teachers, and graduate students about the rapidly expanding field of...
Polycyclic Arenes and Heteroarenes: Synthesis, Properties, and...Jansen, M., Amsharov, K., Ruffieux, P, and Roman Fasel, R. (2014) Nature, 512, 61.
Adsorbed Monolayers and Submonolayers Studied by Angle-scanned...Title, Adsorbed Monolayers and Submonolayers Studied by Angle-scanned Photoemission. Author, Roman Fasel. Published, Length, 126 pages. Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...
9 Dokumente
[ ] On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons with zigzag...... Dienel, Leopold Talirz, Prashant Shinde, Carlo A. Pignedoli, Daniele Passerone, Tim Dumslaff, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Muellen, Roman Fasel.
Phys. Rev. B 91, (2015) - Electronic band dispersion of...Hajo Söde, Leopold Talirz, Oliver Gröning, Carlo Antonio Pignedoli, Reinhard Berger, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, Roman Fasel, and Pascal ...
Phys. Rev. B 80, (R) (2009) - Looking inside an endohedral...Matthias Treier, Pascal Ruffieux, Roman Fasel, Frithjof Nolting, Shangfeng Yang, Lothar Dunsch, and Thomas Greber. Phys. Rev. B
Graphene nanoribbons: it's all about the edgesCurrent information from the Federal Administration. All press releases from the Federal Administration, the departments and offices.
13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Roman Fasel - Gepris - DFGProfessor Dr. Roman Fasel. Als Beteiligte Person abgeschlossene Projekte. Graphene-Organic SuPramolEcular functional composites GOSPEL (Sachbeihilfe).
14th European Conference on Molecular Electronics - cfaed14th European Conference on Molecular Electronics (ECME), held in Dresden on 29 August - 2 September •Roman Fasel (EMPA Dübendorf) •Mark Ratner (Northwestern University) •Rod Ruoff (UNIST) Go back . EVENTS. DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES. Currently there are no events.
Roman Fasel - Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie IIRoman Fasel. Postdoc von-bis: E-mail: Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie · Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie · Lehrstuhl II, ...
Fasel, Roman - DFG GEPRISProfessor Dr. Roman Fasel. Adresse Swiss Federal Laboratories for. Materials Testing and Research EMPA Dübendorf Schweiz.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Publications Authored by Roman Fasel | PubFactsPublications Authored by Roman Fasel
Roman Fasel | PubFactsRoman Fasel
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Atomically precise bottom-up fabrication of graphene nanoribbons |...Letter
Giant edge state splitting at atomically precise graphene zigzag...Zigzag edges of graphene nanostructures host localized electronic states that are predicted to be spin-polarized. However, these edge states are highly...
47 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Roman Fasel - Google ScholarHead of Laboratory, Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology - mal zitiert
Roman Fasel - Академия GoogleHead of Laboratory, Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology - цитирований
Roman Fasel - Google НаукаHead of Laboratory, Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology - Позовавания:
ppijerman : Beitrag: PhD position - Yahoo! GroupsEmpa Prof. Roman Fasel nanotech@surfaces laboratories Thun. openpositions127@... www.empa.ch/abt127.
Empa - PersonenanzeigeProf. PD. Dr. Roman Fasel. Head of Laboratory. Title. Mr. Company. Empa. Street. . ZIP / City. CH Dübendorf. Country. Switzerland. Email. . Phone. + Personal web site. https://www.empa.ch/web/s205/roman-fasel. Dübendorf. T + F +
Fasel - Names EncyclopediaSurname Fasel is used at least 993 times in at least 16 countries. Given names ... Philippe Fasel (1) Sylvie Fasel (1) Roman Fasel (1) Magnus Fasel (1) Claude Fasel (1)
Chiralität : German » English | PONSTranslations for Chiralität in the PONS Online German » English Dictionary: Chiralität
Empa - nanotech@surfaces - roman-faselRoman Fasel received his Ph.D. in Physics in from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and joined Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, after post-doctoral research fellowships at La Trobe University (Melbourne) and the Fritz-Haber-Institute (Berlin). He is the head of the nanotech@surfaces Laboratory of Empa, and adjunct professor at the ...
chirality : niemiecko » angielski | PONSDarmowy Słownik Internetowy online niemiecko-angielski i angielsko-niemiecki na www.pons.com! Wyszukiwanie terminów w niemieckim lub angielskim. Tłumaczenia w...
(IUCr) Surface science at the PEARL beamline of the Swiss Light SourceSurface science at the PEARL beamline of the Swiss Light Source ... Flechsig, a Luc Patthey, a Christoph Quitmann, a, e Thilo Glatzel, f Roland Widmer, g Ernst Meyer, f Thomas A. Jung, a, f Philipp Aebi, h Roman Fasel g and Thomas Greber b. a ... The performance measurements and the scientific examples show that the PEARL beamline of the Swiss ...
A Graphene-like Porous Polymer with Honeycomb StructureEmpa scientists synthesize graphene-like material.
Custom-made nanotubes | Max-Planck-GesellschaftIn further steps, Roman Fasel and his colleagues want to gain an even better understanding of how SWCNTs establish themselves on a surface. Even if well in excess of 100 million nanotubes per square centimetre already grow on the platinum surface, only a relatively small fraction of the seeds actually develop into «mature» nanotubes.
Cyclotrimerization of arylalkynes on Au(111) -Authors: Jia Liu; Pascal Ruffieux; Xinliang Feng; Klaus Müllen; Roman Fasel : Journal: Chemical Communication : DOI:
Empa - nanotech@surfaces - Open positionsOpen positions . Two-years PostDoc Position in the field of high throughput screening and machine learning applied to the design of novel carbon based nanomaterials. It is always possible to write a Master thesis in our Laboratory. Please contact us, if you are interested. Prof. Dr. Roman Fasel …
Electronic Structure of Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons -Some of the most intriguing properties of graphene are predicted for specifically designed nanostructures such as nanoribbons. Functionalities far beyond those...
OSF | Roman FaselRoman Fasel - Publications
Physics Tree: publications by researcher
byte physics - Physikalische Softwareentwicklung: Über unsDoctoral Researcher in the group nanotech@surfaces of Prof. Roman Fasel at EMPA in Zürich (resigned to build company) Formation of the company "byte physics" Matthias Kastner (Software engineer)
Carbon Nanotubes; New Insight Could Lead To Super Small Devices With...Researchers demonstrated how they could determine the structure of a nanotube by selecting its starting molecule.
Cyclotrimerization of arylalkynes on Au(111) - Chemical...Cyclotrimerization of arylalkynes on Au(111). Jia Liu, Pascal Ruffieux, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen and Roman Fasel. Chem. Commun., 2014,50,
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Roman
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Roman; der Römer; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); romanus = der in Rom Wohnende; bekannt durch den hl. Romanus, Bischof von Rouen (7. Jh.)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Fasel
Das zur Zucht ausgewählte männliche Tier einer Viehherde (Schafe, Rinder bzw. Stiere) bezeichnete man historisch mit dem Begriff "Fasel". Es ist gleichzusetzen heute mit "Zuchttier, Bock, etc."
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Oliver Gröning
- Thomas Greber
- Roland Widmer
- Pascal Ruffieux
- Xinliang Feng
- Stephan Blankenburg
- Ralph Rieger
- Gunnar Moos
- Matthias Muoth
- Katrin Hofmann
- Charles Fasel
Personensuche zu Roman Fasel & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Roman Fasel und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.