34 Infos zu Roman Kaßebaum
Mehr erfahren über Roman Kaßebaum
Lebt in
- Bielefeld
- Paderborn
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
COM+ per http Entwickler-ForumHallo, ich habe eine mehrschichtige Win32-Anwendung, die einen COM+-Applikationsserver nutzt. Ich möchte den COM+-Applikationsserver als ISAPI-dll in dem...
Article Subject Re: Orpheus Access Violation under Delphi...To: Roman Kassebaum : From: Lance Rasmussen Subject: Re: Orpheus Access Violation under Delphi XE: Date: Mon, 21 Feb :07: : Groups:
1 Bilder zu Roman Kaßebaum

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Roman KassebaumIT und Services, Bielefeld und Umgebung, Deutschland
LinkedIn: Roman Kassebaum - Deutschland | LinkedInRoman Kassebaum. Selbstständige Fachkraft im Bereich Informationstechnologie Standort Bielefeld und Umgebung, Deutschland Branche
Roman Kaßebaum | Person der Schachzeitgeschichte - Deutscher...Roman Kaßebaum. * Netzwerk. Navigation überspringen · Deutsche Schachjugend · Schachbundesliga · DSB-Ergebnisdienst · Meisterschaftsgipfel ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Anyone upgraded Turbopower's Onguard to Delphi Stack OverflowJust a few days ago Roman Kassebaum committed an updated version to the sourceforge repository, which supports D2009/D2010 and Unicode. Take a look at OnGuard at
Delphi - open source projects - Stack OverflowRoman Kassebaum takes care of Orpheus (visual controls) and OnGuard (creates demo apps). Sean Durkin is handling LockBox (encryption) and Async Pro (serial communications).
2 Projekte
Thread: [Synedit-checkins] SynEdit/Packages SynEdit_D2010.dpk,...From: Roman Kassebaum :15. Update of /cvsroot/synedit/SynEdit/Packages In directory fdv4jf1.ch3
ChangelogThanks to Henri Hakl, Rudy Velthuis, Hichem Bouksani, Roman Kassebaum and Pavel Koptev. TAbZipView now supports themeing and exposes properties added to TCustomGrid in
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: nTier"Roman Kaßebaum" wrote. > ado-recordsets via com+ or soap? Are there better technologies? I tend to think there's no single 'best' technology, only options ...
Delphi 2011: What components to use? | Wings of Wind SoftwareWhat’s interesting is that Nick is Administrator (together with Roman Kassebaum) on another SourceForge project: PowerPDF and developer to the Subversion
18 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ehrentafel - Schachgemeinschaft Bünde 1945Wir begüßen Dich herzlich auf der Vereinsseite der SG Bünde Viel Spaß beim Stöbern.
Indy 10 and "retrieveallheaders" - embarcadero.delphi.toolsHi, I'm using Indy 10 and want to retrieve all headers from an IMAP Mailbox. Cause there are more then emails in the mailbox I don't want
KAZip for D2010? - embarcadero.delphi.toolsDoes anyone have it? Has anyone seen it? Or maybe any other Unicode enabled free zip components? And no, I am not going to do my own port as I woul
Please give feedback about Update2 Germain and French version ! -...Roman Kaßebaum. Delphi Developer :35:43 PM ... the English version, or, doesn't care at all ! Strange :) "Roman Kaßebaum"
Delphi.net personality - embarcadero.delphi.non-techHi, I heard that Delphi still has a Delphi.net personality. My question is if this Delphi.net personality already uses the Prism compiler o
Delphi/Pascal to interpret chess PGN format? -...On Wed, 10 Jun :58: , Roman Kaßebaum &> wrote: >If you will <OrderMessageBatch batchNumber=" "> <partnerID name="Foo CA" roleType="vendor">foobar</partner There is one project, however, that needs to have a few "mag. Es fehlt: gmbh
Re: Objects and Report Tools (Thanks !!!) - delphiRe: Objects and Report Tools (Thanks !!!) :43:13 PM delphi81. Roman Kaßebaum writes: Quote. No, I use it in a different way. The fastest way to ...
TurboPower LockBox for Delphi embarcadero.delphi.toolsI have updated TurboPower LockBox for Delphi This is only a minor update, because I had done the Unicode upgrade to Delphi quite a while ag
IDFREEONFINAL - embarcadero.delphi.toolsHi, The Indy components have the compiler directive IDFREEONFINAL which normally is not defined. If it is defined the objects IdStack and IdTh
Schachgemeinschaft Bünde Ehrentafel1995, Fritz Kochan, Christian Brunke, Roman Kaßebaum , Jochen Cremer, Norbert Jürgens, Detlef Grobe , Detlef Grobe, Christian Brunke, C. Pieper- ...
The chess games of Roman KassebaumChess games of Roman Kassebaum, career statistics, famous victories, opening repertoire, PGN download, discussion, and more.
Gerard Welling vs Roman Kassebaum (1996)Viewable chess game Gerard Welling vs Roman Kassebaum, 1996, with discussion forum and chess analysis features.
Re: Application paramters - delphi:37:35 AM delphi238 Roman Kaßebaum writes: Quote I did it in an other way. I wrote a class that has all params as .. …
44 – Allen Bauer – Part 1 of 2 – The Podcast at Delphi.orgThe Podcast at Delphi.org The Podcast about the Delphi programming language ... Roman Kassebaum 26-Jan at 10:32 pm
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Roman
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Roman; der Römer; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); romanus = der in Rom Wohnende; bekannt durch den hl. Romanus, Bischof von Rouen (7. Jh.)
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