154 Infos zu Roman Matzutt

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10 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Distinguished Professors Visit CUD | Canadian University Dubai

Was delivered by Mr. Roman Matzutt, a researcher at the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems (COMSYS) at RWTH Aachen ...

Univention Summit 2017: Offene Systeme notwendig für Unternehmen,...

Rund 300 Teilnehmer trafen sich vergangene Woche auf dem Univention Summit in Bremen. Ein zentrales Thema der Veranstaltung war die Bedeutung von offenen

Hot Topic 2018: Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers - Crypto Newscryptonews.com › videos › hot-topic blockch...

· Roman Matzutt and Martin Henze are working as researchers in the field of security and privacy ...Dauer: 50:24Gepostet:

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Roman Matzutt explains our work on COMSYS - RWTH Aachen ...www.facebook.com › photos › ro...

Facebook: Roman Matzutt: Bitcoin - Die dunkle Seite? - Facebook

LinkedIn: Roman Matzutt - Researcher PHD Student - RWTH Aachen University ...

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Roman Matzutt auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Roman Matzutt aufgelistet.

LinkedIn: Roman Matzutt - Forschender Doktorand - RWTH Aachen University ...

I am a PhD student and researcher at Prof. Wehrle's institute in Aachen. In my research, I mainly focus on blockchain technology as well as data security.

1 Business-Profile

Xing: Roman Matzutt

Computer Science / Aachen / Networks, Communication, Programming skills in C/C++, Automata Theory

7 Persönliche Webseiten

Publications - roman-matzutt.de

Roman Matzutt European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC 2024), Poster abstract. In print. PDF Cite. @inproceedings{2024-eicccyfrp-matzutt-abe-embeddings, author = …

The Road to Accountable and Dependable Manufacturing - roman …

Jan Pennekamp, Roman Matzutt, Salil S. Kanhere, Jens Hiller, Klaus Wehrle PDF MDPI The Internet of Things provides manufacturing with rich data for increased automation.

Contact - roman-matzutt.de

Building E2, Room , RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

On the Need for Strong Sovereignty in Data Ecosystems - roman …

To underpin our position, we analyze promising building blocks and identify three core research directions toward stronger data sovereignty, namely trusted remote policy enforcement, …

20 Bücher zum Namen

Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems - Booktopiawww.booktopia.com.au › book

— Martin Henze, Jens Hiller, Rene Hummen, Roman Matzutt, KlausWehrle andJan H. Ziegeldorf Introduction 25.

BLOOM: BLoom filter based oblivious outsourced matchings - DOAJdoaj.org › article

Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf,; Jan Pennekamp,; David Hellmanns,; Felix Schwinger,; Ike Kunze,; Martin Henze,; Jens Hiller,; Roman Matzutt,; Klaus Wehrle.

Roman Matzutt | IEEE DataPort

Roman Matzutt. First Name: Roman. Last Name: Matzutt. Find Datasets. Looking for datasets? Search and browse datasets and data competitions. Standard ...

Blockchain and Public Law: Global Challenges in the Era of ...

This system creates a parallel technological area of standards and 1 2 Roman Matzutt and others, 'A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Arbitrary ...

13 Dokumente

Data Protection and Sovereignty Solutions - Fraunhofer

Dr. Roman Matzutt Deputy Group Lead Data Protection and Sovereignty Solutions Phone + de playbooks. Building upon the foundation …

2 Network Security and Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systemsonlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › pdf

von M Henze · · Zitiert von: 18 — Martin Henze, Jens Hiller, René Hummen, Roman Matzutt, Klaus Wehrle and. Jan H. Ziegeldorf. Communication and Distributed Systems, RWTH Aachen University, ...

[ ] Complying with Data Handling Requirements in Cloud...

Title:Complying with Data Handling Requirements in Cloud Storage Systems. Authors:Martin Henze, Roman Matzutt, Jens Hiller, Erik Mühmer, ...

D3.1 – State of the Art of Cryptographic Ledgers - Voogmedia.voog.com › files

von A Kiayias · — [MHH+18] Roman Matzutt, Jens Hiller, Martin Henze, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf, Dirk Mllmann, Oliver Hohlfeld, and Klaus Wehrle.

20 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Informatik-Oberseminar - RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY …

Oct 10, · Roman Matzutt M.Sc. - Lehrstuhl Informatik 4 (COMSYS) Ort: Seminarraum Informatik 4 (COMSYS) , E3, ; Hybrid: Zoom Link (Meeting-ID: …

myneData : Towards a Trusted and User -controlled Ecosys

16 Roman Matzutt et al. Fig. 1: The myneData scenario for transparent utilization of selectively shared personal user data. In this work, we strive to establish a sustainable ecosystem that …

Communication and Distributed Systems: Roman Matzutt - COMSYSwww.comsys.rwth-aachen.de › team › roman-matzutt

Roman Matzutt, M.Sc. Communication and Distributed Systems RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany. E-Mail: roman.matzutt[[at]] ...

Secure and anonymous decentralized Bitcoin mixing - ScienceDirectwww.sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii

von JH Ziegeldorf · · Zitiert von: 122 — Roman Matzutt is a researcher and Ph.D. student at the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems (COMSYS) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Dispute Resolution for Smart Contract-based Two-Party Protocolscore.ac.uk › display

By Eric Wagner, Achim Volker, Frederik Fuhrmann, Roman Matzutt and Klaus Wehrle. Cite. BibTex; Full citation. No static citation data.

A Trust Point-based Security Architecture for Sensor Data in the Cloudlink.springer.com › chapter

von M Henze · · Zitiert von: 27 — Communication and Distributed Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. Martin Henze, René Hummen, Roman Matzutt & Klaus Wehrle.

A Trust Point-based Security Architecture for Sensor Data in the...

The SensorCloud project aims at enabling the use of elastic, on-demand resources of today’s Cloud offers for the storage and processing of sensed information...

6 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Unintuitive pointer cross-dependency?

... why you get a double free, especially because the fix is essentially the same, you just change the ordering a bit. Petri. Roman Matzutt's profile photo ...

Roman Matzutt | Robert McGrath's Blog

Posts about Roman Matzutt written by robertmcgrath

Hot Topic 6th HLF Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Roman Matzutt/Martin Henze, RWTH Aachen. Silvio Micali, ACM A.M. Turing Award laureate, has been on the MIT faculty since in the Electrical Engineering ...

CAST e.V. | CAST-Workshop

Roman Matzutt. COMSYS RWTH Aachen. myneData - Ein nutzerzentrierter Datenmarkt. 15:25, Kaffeepause. 16:00. Referenten und Moderator.

61 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Roman Matzutt - Demystifying and Adjusting the Promises of …

DOI: (Online-Gesamtdokument) Download: Verfügbare Online-Dokumente zu diesem Titel: Sie benötigen den Adobe Reader, um diese Dateien ansehen zu …

Eva-Maria Schomakers/Chantal Lidynia/Dirk …

Eva-Maria Schomakers/Chantal Lidynia/Dirk Müllmann/Roman Matzutt/Klaus Wehrle/Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann/Martina Ziefle Insights on Data Sensitivity from the Technical, Legal …

BTA18 - Google Sitessites.google.com › view › bta18

Thwarting Unwanted Blockchain Content Insertion. Roman Matzutt, Martin Henze, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf, Jens Hiller and Klaus Wehrle.

‪Roman Matzutt‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬scholar.google.de › citations

Roman Matzutt. Communication and Distributed Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ comsys.rwth-aachen.de.

Roman Matzutt - researchr alias

Publications by 'Roman Matzutt'. Publications; Advised. Viewing Publication from 20.

Roman Matzutt | Hiswai

In an email to The Register, Roman Matzutt, a researcher with RWTH Aachen University and one of the co-authors of the paper, said the problem exists with ...

Roman Matzutt - AD Scientific Index 2023www.adscientificindex.com › scientist

Roman Matzutt AD Scientific Index * Oct 04, According to Total H. BETA VERSION. Subject field ranking in world, region, country and university is ...

Talk by Dr. Ing. Klaus Wehler and Roman Matzutt - vTools Eventsevents.vtools.ieee.org › ...

By: Roman Matzutt (Researcher from RWTH Aachen University, Germany). Time: 12:00 pm. Abstract of Talk: Blockchains primarily enable credible accounting of ...

VimGolf - real Vim ninjas count every keystroke!

Swap the numbers in a bunch of 2-element arrays. Best score: 16; Best player score: 36; Position: # ; Number of attempts:

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Home / Erklär's mir, RWTH: Roman Matzutt über Blockchain und Bitcoin / erklars-mir-rwth-roman-matzutt-uber-blockchain-und-bitcoin.jpg ...

A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Arbitrary Blockchain Content ...www.springerprofessional.de › a-quantitative-analysis-of-the-impact-of-arb...

Autoren: Roman Matzutt, Jens Hiller, Martin Henze, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf, Dirk Müllmann, Oliver Hohlfeld, Klaus Wehrle. Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

BLoom filter based oblivious outsourced matchings - PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

von JH Ziegeldorf · · Zitiert von: 26 — Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf , Jan Pennekamp , David Hellmanns , Felix Schwinger , Ike Kunze , Martin Henze , Jens Hiller , Roman Matzutt , Klaus ...

BLoom filter based oblivious outsourced matchings - TIBoa.tib.eu › renate › handle

von JH Ziegeldorf · · Zitiert von: 26 — Ziegeldorf, Jan Henrik, Jan Pennekamp, David Hellmanns, Felix Schwinger, Ike Kunze, Martin Henze, Jens Hiller, Roman Matzutt and Klaus Wehrle,

Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_display

Roman Matzutt. Salil S. Kanhere. Jens Hiller. Klaus Wehrle. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly. One email with all search results.

CABRA - Comprehensive Academic Bitcoin Research Archive

Roman Matzutt. Martin Henze. Fred Grossmann. Klaus Wehrle. The decentralized digital currency Bitcoin presents an anonymous alternative to the centralized ...

IC2E 2017: Accepted papers

Martin Henze, Roman Matzutt, Jens Hiller, Erik Mühmer, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf, Johannes van der Giet, Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Achen Univ).

Bitcoin - The Central Bank - Thepropertypinthepropertypin.com › bitcoin

... as benign data,” researchers Roman Matzutt, Jens Hiller, Martin Henze, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf, Dirk Müllmann, Oliver Hohlfeld, and Klaus Wehrle explain.

Accepted posters/demos | ACM CCS 2016

Roman Matzutt (RWTH Aachen University), Oliver Hohlfeld (RWTH Aachen University), Martin Henze (RWTH Aachen University), Robin Rawiel (RWTH Aachen ...

Block chain bibliography

Roman Matzutt, Jens Hiller, Martin Henze, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf, Dirk Müllmann, Oliver Hohlfeld, Klaus Wehrle In Proc. of: Proceedings of the 22nd International ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Roman

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Roman; der Römer; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); romanus = der in Rom Wohnende; bekannt durch den hl. Romanus, Bischof von Rouen (7. Jh.)

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Roman Matzutt und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.