86 Infos zu Roman Vilimek
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- Siemens
- Interaction
- Andreas Keinath
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- Munich
- HCI International
- Multimodal
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- Gestaltungsaspekte
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
BMW sucht zwölf Testfahrer für den MINI EDas im Herbst gestartete MINI E Projekt im Bayerischen Wald geht in die nächste Phase: Ab sofort können sich unter www.mini-e.de auch Privatpersonen für...
Pionier der E-MobilitätE-Mobilität im Bayerischen Wald erfahren mit dem MINI E. Das heißt es seit Mitte Juni erstmals auch für private Testnutzer aus d ...
Universität Passau erforscht die Elektroantriebe der Zukunft -...Elektrifizierte Antriebe werden schon heute in unterschiedlichen Varianten angeboten. Welche Ausprägung am besten zu den jeweiligen Kundenbedürfnissen passt,...
HCI International : Thirty sixth NewsletterBy: Roman Vilimek (Siemens AG, Germany), Thorsten Zander (Berlin University of Technology, Germany) Virtual and Mixed Reality: &qu …
5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Roman Vilimek | FacebookFacebook: Roman Vilimek | FacebookTritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Roman Vilimek und anderen Nutzern, die du kennst, zu vernetzen. Facebook ermöglicht den Menschen das Teilen von Inhalten ...
Author: Roman Vilimek | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)Roman Vilimek: Publications, bio, bibliography, etc
Roman Vilimek | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Roman Vilimek, with 28 highly influential citations and 22 scientific research papers.
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Roman VilimekCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH, Munchen, DE
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Driver acceptance of new technology : theory, measurement and...Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
Gastvortrag - Dr. Roman Vilimek, BMW Group - Universität PassauGastvortrag - Dr. Roman Vilimek, BMW Group. Am Dienstag, 2 Juli 2013, findet von bis Uhr im HS 9 (Audimax) ...
23 Bücher zum Namen
bokus.com: Driver Acceptance of New Technology - Tim Horberry, Michael A Regan,...Pris: kr. Inbunden, Skickas inom vardagar. Köp Driver Acceptance of New Technology av Tim Horberry, Michael A Regan, Alan Stevens på Bokus.com.
Usability of Speech Dialog Systems | Ebook | Ellibs EbookstoreEllibs Ebookstore - Ebook: Usability of Speech Dialog Systems - Author: Hempel, Thomas - Price: 87,95€
Advances in Human Aspects of Road and Rail Transportation - Google...Human factors and ergonomics have made considerable contributions to the research, design, development, operation and analysis of transportation systems and...
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Part II - Google Booksfor. the. Development. of. Disruptive. Innovations. Andreas Keinath and Roman Vilimek Concept Quality and Usability BMW Group Munich, D , Germany ...
2 Dokumente
Aact! Post Event ReportThe event is a knowledge exchange platform bringing together all stakeholders playing an active role in the innovation, technology, connected car & autonomous …
How Electric Vehicles Affect Driving Behavioral Patterns | IEEE...The gradual introduction of fully electrically powered vehicles into the market has extended the opportunities for sustainable mobility and a new technological
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Technological Forecasting and Social Change | Vol 106, PagesFabian Gebauer, Roman Vilimek, Andreas Keinath, Claus-Christian Carbon. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Application of the grey ...
dblp: Roman VilimekList of computer science publications by Roman Vilimek
dblp: Human-Computer Interaction 2009, Volume 6Bibliographic content of Human-Computer Interaction 2009, Volume 6
Search results for "gaze input" – FacetedDBLPThorsten O. Zander, Matti Gaertner, Christian Kothe, Roman Vilimek: Combining Eye Gaze Input With a Brain-Computer Interface for Touchless Human-Computer Interaction.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Development and Evaluation of a Multimodal Touchpad for Advanced...Multimodal interaction can substantially improve human-computer interaction by employing multiple perceptual channels. We report on the development and...
Adaptations in Driving Efficiency with Electric Vehicles |...... Efficiency with Electric Vehicles. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Magnus Helmbrecht; Klaus Bengler; Roman Vilimek. Magnus Helmbrecht. 1. Klaus Bengler.
Exploring Electric Driving Pleasure – The BMW EV Pilot Projects |...Jens Ramsbrock · (17); Roman Vilimek · (18); Julian Weber · (17). Author Affiliations.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Research artical analysis | Carol's blogPosts about Research artical analysis written by carolli
28 Webfunde aus dem Netz
BMW C 400 X 2018: intervista a Roman Vilimek per conoscere il sistema...La nostra intervista a Roman Vilimek (Product Management and Connectivity BMW Motorrad) per conoscere tutti i segreti del sistema ...
roman vilimek dissertationRoman Vilimek and Thomas Hempel Siemens AG Corporate Technology Information & Communications Otto-Hahn-Ring author's dissertation ...
Developing the HMI of Electric Vehicles | springerprofessional.deBMW i, as a sub-brand of the BMW Group, targets on delivering sustainable solutions for individual mobility. One of the most important steps on this
Adaptations in Driving Efficiency with Electric Vehicles |...Roman Vilimek . Verlag Springer Berlin Heidelberg Sequenznummer 65. Premium Partner. BranchenIndex Online Die B2B-Firmensuche für Industrie und Wirtschaft: ...
BMW sucht zwölf Testfahrer für den MINI EBMW sucht zwölf Testfahrer für den MINI E MINI² MINI-talk
Development and Evaluation of a Multimodal Touchpad for Advanced...Multimodal interaction can substantially improve human-computer interaction by employing multiple perceptual channels. We report on the development
Design, User Experience and Usability | HCI International 2014Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2014
Willumeit-Stiftung: PreisträgerInnenHerr Dr. Roman Vilimek für seine Dissertation mit dem Titel "Gestaltungsaspekte multimodaler Interaktion im Fahrzeug.
User interaction with remote access to range-related information in...1 User interaction with remote access to range-related information in BEVs Thomas Franke, Maria Trantow, Madlen Günther, Josef F. Krems, Roman Vilimek, Andreas ...
Almannai Fischer GoldernLocation Goldern Client Daniela Fischer, Roman Vilimek Gross floor area 600 m2. Service Lph 1-8 HOAI Team Reem Almannai, Florian Fischer, Michael Meyer ...
BC(eye): Combining Eye-Gaze Input with Brain-Computer Interaction |...Gaze-based interfaces gained increasing importance in multimodal human-computer interaction research with the improvement of tracking technologies
Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics - HCI International...HCI International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Exploring Electric Driving Pleasure - The BMW EV Pilot Projects |...Semantic Scholar extracted view of
Frontiers | The hybrid BCIFootnote. ^ We thank Christian Kothe and Matti Gaertner (Team PhyPA) and Roman Vilimek (Siemens AG) for their support and help with this study.
Blog Munich Business SchoolBlog Munich Business School
Mini E im Schaufenster ElektromobilitätMit der Übergabe von 25 Mini E an private und gewerbliche Nutzer startet das erste Projekt im bayerisch-sächsischen Schaufenster Elektromobilität.
User-Centred Design and Evaluation as a Prerequisite for the Success oByRoman Vilimek, Andreas Keinath. Pages 18. You have download access for this chapter. DownloadPDF 0.99MB. This chapter focuses on ...
When remembering causes forgetting: retrieval-induced forgetting as...Karl-Heinz Bäuml, Martina Zellner, Roman Vilimek. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition 2005, 31 (6):
Method for the Selection of Functions with the Aid of a User...... of Functions with the Aid of a User Interface, and User Interface. Inventors: Thomas Hempel (Erlangen, DE) Roman Vilimek (Munchen, DE)
Roman Vilímek IČO: , Uhersky Brod, vypis z rejstříku...Veřejně dostupné informace o firmě Roman Vilímek IČO: se sídlem Uhersky Brod, Močidla
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Roman
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch): Roman; der Römer; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); romanus = der in Rom Wohnende; bekannt durch den hl. Romanus, Bischof von Rouen (7. Jh.)
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