103 Infos zu Roswitha Giedl

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13 Aktuelle Nachrichten

EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Challenges for Laser ...EPIC Photonics

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner , R&D Manager at GFH; Sabine Meinecke , Product Manager at LIMO; Sabrina Matthias , Product Manager at asphericon; Sara Castillo , Sales ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner , R&D Manager at GFH; Sabine Meinecke , Product Manager at LIMO; Sabrina Matthias , Product Manager at asphericon; Sara Castillo , Sales ...

EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Emerging Trends in ...EPIC Photonics

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner , R&D Manager at GFH; Saeed Rehman , Executive Vice President at WIRES & BYTES; Sarunas Vaskelis , CEO at Direct Machining Control ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner , R&D Manager at GFH; Saeed Rehman , Executive Vice President at WIRES & BYTES; Sarunas Vaskelis , CEO at Direct Machining Control ...

Fachkunde im Strahlenschutz beim Betrieb von ...OptecBB

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner Dr. Matthias Rothmund Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. nat. Rudolf Weber. Veranstalter Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Technische Akademie ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner Dr. Matthias Rothmund Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. nat. Rudolf Weber. Veranstalter Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Technische Akademie ...

Fachkunde im Strahlenschutz beim Betrieb von ...Photonics BW

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner Dr. Matthias Rothmund Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. nat. Rudolf Weber. Veranstalter Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Technische Akademie ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner Dr. Matthias Rothmund Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. nat. Rudolf Weber. Veranstalter Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Technische Akademie ...

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Roswitha Giedl-Wagner | Facebook

LinkedIn: Roswitha Giedl-Wagner | LinkedIn

Roswitha Giedl-Wagners berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Roswitha Giedl ...

LinkedIn: Roswitha Giedl-Wagner | LinkedIn

... das berufliche Profil von Roswitha Giedl-Wagner (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an und Führungskräften wie Roswitha Giedl-Wagner dabei hilft, interne Kontakte bei ... Leiterin Geschäftsfeld Photonics bei beratungsgruppe wirth + partner ... Es fehlt: hahn ‎rechtsanwälte

Twitter Profil: GFH GmbH (@gfh_gmbh) / XX · gfh_gmbh20+ Follower

... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner & Thomas Lang (both: @gfh_gmbh. ) https://wileyindustrynews.com/en/photonicsviews/photonicsviews #LaserMicromachining1… Image Roswitha Giedl-Wagner & Thomas Lang (both: @gfh_gmbh. ) https://wileyindustrynews.com/en/photonicsviews/photonicsviews #LaserMicromachining1… Image.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Ultrashort pulsed kW-class laser with unprecedented flexible GHz ...CORDIS

X-ray emissions during laser machining of cylindrical microcomponents. Autoren: Roswitha Giedl-Wagner and Thomas Lang Veröffentlicht in: Photonics View, X-ray emissions during laser machining of cylindrical microcomponents. Autoren: Roswitha Giedl-Wagner and Thomas Lang Veröffentlicht in: Photonics View,

Ultrashort pulsed kW-class laser with unprecedented flexible ...CORDIS

— Author(s): Roswitha Giedl-Wagner and Thomas Lang Published in: Photonics View, 2022, ISSN Publisher: Wiley online library. DOI — Author(s): Roswitha Giedl-Wagner and Thomas Lang Published in: Photonics View, 2022, ISSN Publisher: Wiley online library. DOI ...

1 Business-Profile

Roswitha GIEDL-WAGNER | Professor | PhD | Research profile

Roswitha GIEDL-WAGNER, Professor | Cited by 549 | | Read 19 publications | Contact Roswitha GIEDL-WAGNER

3 Projekte

MOSES - photonikforschung.de

Dr. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner GFH GmbH, Deggendorf. . Projektvolumen. 2,6 Mio. Euro (zu 65,3 % durch das BMBF gefördert) Projektdauer Projektpartner. GFH GmbH Deggendorf. Technische Hochschule Ascha ...

D5.1 – Definition of HW and SW interfacesInstitut für Strahlwerkzeuge

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Work Package: WP5. Task: Document Status. Version: Last modified: Status: Released. Approved by: Dr Marwan ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Work Package: WP5. Task: Document Status. Version: Last modified: Status: Released. Approved by: Dr Marwan ...

Partners | Project RAZipol | University of Stuttgart

เว็บDr. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner Ph.D has more than 15 years of experience in laser micromachining of various materials. She gained a Ph.D from the University of Hull in the …

6 Bücher zum Namen

tit all "Expected X-ray dose rates resulting from industrial ultrafast ...portal.dnb.de › opac

Titel, Expected X-ray dose rates resulting from industrial ultrafast laser applications / by Rudolf Weber, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Daniel J. Förster, Anton Pauli ...

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...

... N. Humbs . , and Roswitha Giedl , N. Humbs . , all of United Kingdom , assignors to Northern Telecom Lim- mounted on a second substrate , wherein the ...

Stuttgarter Lasertage '05: Tagungsband

Präzisionsbohren von Metall — ein Technologievergleich Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Hans Joachim Helml GFH mbH, Großwalding 5, D Deggendorf Abstract Für das ...

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...google.ca

... Roswitha Giedl , N. Humbs . , all of United Kingdom , assignors to Northern Telecom Lim- ited , Montreal , Canada Filed Jun . 1 Ser . No. 456,

9 Dokumente

X‐ray emissions during laser machining of cylindrical...

3. Jan · X-ray emissions during laser machining of cylindrical micro-components. Innovative laser ‘turning’ operations for the manufacture of precision components. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Thomas Lang. , First published: 03 January https://doi.org phvs PDF.

Roswitha Giedl-WagnerAcademia.edu

by Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. A novel designed x-ray CT scanning geometry is proposed. Composed of a specially designed tungsten collimation mask and a flat ... by Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. A novel designed x-ray CT scanning geometry is proposed. Composed of a specially designed tungsten collimation mask and a flat ...

Xâ•'ray emissions during laser machining of cylindrical ...Wiley Online Library

von R Giedl‐Wagner · — Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Großwalding 5, Deggendorf phone: + Web: www.gfh-gmbh.de. Meet us at ... von R Giedl‐Wagner · — Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Großwalding 5, Deggendorf phone: + Web: www.gfh-gmbh.de. Meet us at ...


Roswitha Giedl- Wagner, Hans Joachim Helm1. Trepanieroptik fi das hochprazise Wendelbohrenin der Serienproduktion. Christian Fohl, Sven Wartenberg, Friedrich ... Roswitha Giedl- Wagner, Hans Joachim Helm1. Trepanieroptik fi das hochprazise Wendelbohrenin der Serienproduktion. Christian Fohl, Sven Wartenberg, Friedrich ...

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Roswitha Giedl-WagnerCV HAL

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Efficient and high-throughput ablation of platinum using ...Archive ouverte HAL

von A Loescher · · Zitiert von: 3 — ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner (7) , Ronny De Loor (8) , Thomas Graf (1) , Marwan Abdou Ahmed (1). Afficher plus de détails. 1 IFSW - Institut für ... von A Loescher · · Zitiert von: 3 — ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner (7) , Ronny De Loor (8) , Thomas Graf (1) , Marwan Abdou Ahmed (1). Afficher plus de détails. 1 IFSW - Institut für ...

Peter Hornberger, Diplom PhysikerTechnische Hochschule Deggendorf

Die Wolfgang Pfeiffer Stiftung an der Hochschule Deggendorf. pg (2009). Maschinenbau und Mechatronik. Vortrag. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner; Peter Hornberger ... Die Wolfgang Pfeiffer Stiftung an der Hochschule Deggendorf. pg (2009). Maschinenbau und Mechatronik. Vortrag. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner; Peter Hornberger ...

PublicationsUniversität Stuttgart

Publications. Rudolf Weber, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Daniel J. Förster, Anton Pauli, Thomas Graf, and Jürg E. Balmer. Expected X-ray dose rates resulting from ... Publications. Rudolf Weber, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Daniel J. Förster, Anton Pauli, Thomas Graf, and Jürg E. Balmer. Expected X-ray dose rates resulting from ...

9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

"FHprofUnt" (2010) - AiF FTK GmbHYUMPU

— Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Prof. Dr. Tobias Teich. Seite 7 von 11. Bewilligte — Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Prof. Dr. Tobias Teich. Seite 7 von 11. Bewilligte ...

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner - SPIE

SPIE Profile of Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, GFH GmbH. SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.

Converters for ultrahard x-rays | Russian Physics JournalSpringer

von VV Ryzhov · — Rudolf Weber, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, … Jürg E. Balmer. A promising energetic X-ray source: the non-linear Thomson scattering of ultrafast laser beams on ... von VV Ryzhov · — Rudolf Weber, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, … Jürg E. Balmer. A promising energetic X-ray source: the non-linear Thomson scattering of ultrafast laser beams on ...

Präzisionsbohren von Metall — ein TechnologievergleichResearchGate

... Materialbearbeitung (pp ). Authors: Roswitha Giedl-Wagner at GFH GmbH · Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. GFH GmbH. Hans Joachim Helml Materialbearbeitung (pp ). Authors: Roswitha Giedl-Wagner at GFH GmbH · Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. GFH GmbH. Hans Joachim Helml.

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner - YouTube

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3 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: PhotonicsViewsX · PhotonicViewsvor 1 Jahr

... microcomponents – innovative laser 'turning' operations, by Roswitha Giedl-Wagner & Thomas Lang (both: @gfh_gmbh) https://t.co/B0DXFMU9Nj microcomponents – innovative laser 'turning' operations, by Roswitha Giedl-Wagner & Thomas Lang (both: @gfh_gmbh) https://t.co/B0DXFMU9Nj.

09: :00 Laser Beam Welding in VacuumMesse Stuttgart

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Project Manager; GFH GmbH. 11: Latest developments in laser-based glass additive manufacturing. Katharina Rettschlag & Dr ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Project Manager; GFH GmbH. 11: Latest developments in laser-based glass additive manufacturing. Katharina Rettschlag & Dr ...

FORUM „LASERS IN ACTION Tuesday, 21st June

เว็บDr. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Project Manager; GFH GmbH 11: Latest developments in laser-based glass additive manufacturing Katharina Rettschlag & Dr.-Ing. …

37 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Ahmed Mattar email address & phone numberRocketReach

Deggendorf, BY, DE. View. 2. googlemail.com; gfh-gmbh.de. GFH GmbH Employee Roswitha Giedl-Wagner's profile photo. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Projektleitung, R and ... Deggendorf, BY, DE. View. 2. googlemail.com; gfh-gmbh.de. GFH GmbH Employee Roswitha Giedl-Wagner's profile photo. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Projektleitung, R and ...

Dimitris M. Karnakis | Scholar Profiles and RankingsScholarGPS

Roswitha Giedl (2). Stergios Logothetidis (2). David Sands (1). Duncan P. Hand (1). Hiroshi Masuhara (1). Hiroshi Uji-i (1). Howard V. Snelling (1). Ian Bennion ... Roswitha Giedl (2). Stergios Logothetidis (2). David Sands (1). Duncan P. Hand (1). Hiroshi Masuhara (1). Hiroshi Uji-i (1). Howard V. Snelling (1). Ian Bennion ...

Expected X-ray dose rates resulting from industrial ultrafast ...OUCI

Rudolf Weber; Roswitha Giedl-Wagner; Daniel J. Förster; Anton Pauli; Thomas Graf; Jürg E. Balmer. Funder BMBF. List of references. H. Hügel, H. Schittenhelm, K ... Rudolf Weber; Roswitha Giedl-Wagner; Daniel J. Förster; Anton Pauli; Thomas Graf; Jürg E. Balmer. Funder BMBF. List of references. H. Hügel, H. Schittenhelm, K ...

Fachkunde im Strahlenschutz beim Betrieb von ...Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE)

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Projektleitung, GFH GmbH, Deggendorf. Dr. David Heisenberg. HEISENBERG product compliance, Leonberg. Dipl.-Ing. Volkher Onuseit. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Projektleitung, GFH GmbH, Deggendorf. Dr. David Heisenberg. HEISENBERG product compliance, Leonberg. Dipl.-Ing. Volkher Onuseit. 980,00 €

Fakultät Maschinenbau & MechatronikTechnische Hochschule Deggendorf

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner (Frauenbeauftragte), die alle für eine weitere Amtszeit gewählt wurden. + Mehr Laden. Pressefoto. Extruder für 3D-Labor extruder. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner (Frauenbeauftragte), die alle für eine weitere Amtszeit gewählt wurden. + Mehr Laden. Pressefoto. Extruder für 3D-Labor extruder.

GFH GmbH Management Team | Org ChartRocketReach

Florian Lendner (Geschäftsführer) | Manuel Guillermo Cepeda Mojica (IT Manager) | Roswitha Giedl-Wagner (Projektleitung, R and D and Förderprojekte ... Florian Lendner (Geschäftsführer) | Manuel Guillermo Cepeda Mojica (IT Manager) | Roswitha Giedl-Wagner (Projektleitung, R and D and Förderprojekte ...

Geometrical aspects of laser-drilled high precision holes ...SPIEDigitalLibrary.org

von R Giedl · · Zitiert von: 20 — ... Roswitha Giedl, H.-J. Helml, F. X. Wagner, Michael J. Wild. Author ... Roswitha Giedl, H.-J. Helml, F. X. Wagner, and Michael J. Wild "Geometrical ... von R Giedl · · Zitiert von: 20 — ... Roswitha Giedl, H.-J. Helml, F. X. Wagner, Michael J. Wild. Author ... Roswitha Giedl, H.-J. Helml, F. X. Wagner, and Michael J. Wild "Geometrical ...

Hans Amler email address & phone numberRocketReach

GFH GmbH Employee Roswitha Giedl-Wagner's profile photo. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Projektleitung, R and D and Förderprojekte Lasermikrobearbeitung ... GFH GmbH Employee Roswitha Giedl-Wagner's profile photo. Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Projektleitung, R and D and Förderprojekte Lasermikrobearbeitung ...

High precision drilling with aspect rations of 1:40Hochschule Mittweida

von F Lendner · — Florian Lendner, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Steffen Rübling, Marc Sailer, Axel Fehrenbacher. URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:mit1-opus DOI: https ... von F Lendner · — Florian Lendner, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Steffen Rübling, Marc Sailer, Axel Fehrenbacher. URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:mit1-opus DOI: https ...

Industrial applications of ultrafast laser processingAcademia.edu

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Download Free PDF View PDF. Optics Express. Chirp effect ... Roswitha Giedl‑Wagner2 · Daniel J. Förster1,3 · Anton Pauli2 · Thomas Graf Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. Download Free PDF View PDF. Optics Express. Chirp effect ... Roswitha Giedl‑Wagner2 · Daniel J. Förster1,3 · Anton Pauli2 · Thomas Graf1 ...

PhotonicsViews Pro Physik

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Thomas Lang (both: GFH). Ultrashort pulse lasers are the perfect tool for the micromachining of components for a wide range of ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Thomas Lang (both: GFH). Ultrashort pulse lasers are the perfect tool for the micromachining of components for a wide range of ...

OE Vol. 29 Iss. 13Optica Publishing Group

... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Ronny De Loor, Thomas Graf, and Marwan Abdou Ahmed. Opt. Express 29(13), (2021) View: HTML | PDF. article thumbnail. High Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Ronny De Loor, Thomas Graf, and Marwan Abdou Ahmed. Opt. Express 29(13), (2021) View: HTML | PDF. article thumbnail. High ...

Rudolf Weber ( )ORCID

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner; Daniel J. Förster; Anton Pauli; Thomas Graf; Jürg E. Balmer. Show more detail. Source: check_circle. Crossref. Statistical evaluation ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner; Daniel J. Förster; Anton Pauli; Thomas Graf; Jürg E. Balmer. Show more detail. Source: check_circle. Crossref. Statistical evaluation ...

a novel design of a low-dose-CT-Scanner for breast-imagingSPIEDigitalLibrary.org

von C Braun · · Zitiert von: 1 — ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Helmut Schlattl, Christoph Hoeschen. Author Affiliations +. Claudia Braun,1 Oleg Tischenko,1Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, von C Braun · · Zitiert von: 1 — ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Helmut Schlattl, Christoph Hoeschen. Author Affiliations +. Claudia Braun,1 Oleg Tischenko,1Roswitha Giedl-Wagner,2 ...

High precision drilling with aspect ratios of 1:40SPIE digital library

— ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Steffen Rübling, Marc Sailer, Axel Fehrenbacher. Author Affiliations +. Florian Lendner,1 Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, — ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Steffen Rübling, Marc Sailer, Axel Fehrenbacher. Author Affiliations +. Florian Lendner,1 Roswitha Giedl-Wagner,1 ...

使用高重复率径向和方位角偏振亚皮秒激光脉冲对铂进行 ...X-MOL

— ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner 7 , Ronny De Loor 8 , Thomas Graf 1 , Marwan Abdou Ahmed 1. Affiliation. University of Stuttgart; Schweißtechnische Lehr — ... Roswitha Giedl-Wagner 7 , Ronny De Loor 8 , Thomas Graf 1 , Marwan Abdou Ahmed 1. Affiliation. University of Stuttgart; Schweißtechnische Lehr ...

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner - Google Scholarscholar.google.co.uk › citations

Roswitha Giedl-Wagner. University of Hull. No verified email. laser. ArticlesCited byPublic access. Title. Sort. Sort by citationsSort by ...

Ablation, Drilling and Micro-Cutting (LiM 2019) | WLT ...

เว็บRudolf Weber, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Daniel Förster, Thomas Graf, Anton Pauli. Soft X-ray emission during industrial materials processing with ultrafast lasers is of increasing …

Hot Electron Plasma Temperatures and Soft X-Ray Emission …

เว็บRudolf Webera, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Daniel Förster, Thomas Graf, Anton Pauli. Soft X-ray emission during industrial materials processing with ultrafast lasers is of increasing …

Macro Processing: CFRP (LiM 2015) | WLT - Wissenschaftliche ...

เว็บVolkher Onuseit, Torben Prieß, Christian Freitag, Margit Wiedenmann, Birgit Faisst, Roswitha Giedl-Wagner, Thomas Rettich, Rudolf Weber, Peter Middendorf, Thomas Graf …

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Roswitha

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Roswitha; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); hruod = der Ruhm; swinth = erfolgreich, stark, sehr; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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