127 Infos zu Sabine Eiben

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Hydrogel schaltbar von weich nach hart

— und Sabine Eiben Hydrogele so ausstatten, dass sich deren Eigenschaften im Labor steuern lassen. Foto: Universität Stuttgart. Bäume gehören ...

Learning from biology to improve water splitting catalysts

— Schmahl, Sabine Ludwigs, Crystal Growth & Design 2020, 20 (10), Anna S. Schenk, Sabine Eiben, Miriam Goll, Lukas Reith, Alexander ...

Biotechnologie: Künstliches Gewebe für neue Haut - Wissen -...

Stuttgarter Forscher entwickeln in einem neuen Projekt weiche Gewebe für medizinische Zwecke. Daraus soll ein Sonderforschungsbereich entstehen.


VAREL/LR - Der Fanfarenzug „Vorwärts“ Langendamm hat sich verselbstständig. Das beschlossen die Mitglieder während

15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Sabine Eiben aus Wilhelmshaven

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: Sabine Eiben aus Wilhelmshaven

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2 Hobbys & Interessen

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases

Urlacher, Sabine Eiben. Trends in Biotechnology. Volume 24 Issue 7 Pages (July 2006). DOI: j.tibtech Copyright © Elsevier Ltd ...

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: perspectives for ...

von VB Urlacher · · Zitiert von: 388 — -stuttgart.de ∙ Sabine Eiben. Sabine Eiben. Affiliations. Institute of Technical Biochemistry, University of Stuttgart, Allmandring 31, D

9 Bücher zum Namen

Hydrophobization of Tobacco Mosaic Virus to Control the ...

Petia Atanasova, · Vladimir Atanasov, · Lisa Wittum, · Alexander Southan, · Eunjin Choi, · Christina Wege, · Jochen Kerres, · Sabine Eiben, ...

Sabine Eiben | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Sabine Eiben. Results. Construction of a thermostable cytochrome P450 chimera derived from self-sufficient mesophilic parents Springer ...

CYP102A P450 Monooxygenases - Sabine Eiben

Sabine Eiben. Published, Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan · About Google Books - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Information for Publishers ...

Green Catalysis, Volume 3: Biocatalysis - Google Books

The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important volume on the topic of biocatalysis. Edited by the...

14 Dokumente

Eiben, Sabine [WorldCat Identities]

0 Publications by Sabine Eiben off 0 Publications by Sabine Eiben off 0 Publications by Sabine Eiben off 0 Publications by Sabine Eiben.

Controllable Virus‐Directed Synthesis of Nanostructured ...

von P Atanasova · · Zitiert von: 6 — Sabine Eiben,. Sabine Eiben. Institute of Biomaterials and Biological Systems, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, Stuttgart ...

Sabine Eiben

Sabine Eiben studies Molecular Imaging, Cancer Research, and Scale-Up.

Genetically Improved Monolayer-Forming Tobacco Mosaic ...

von P Atanasova · · Zitiert von: 32 — Sabine Eiben, Claudia Koch, Klara Altintoprak, Alexander Southan, Günter Tovar, Sabine Laschat, Ingrid M. Weiss, Christina Wege. Plant virus ...

12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Sabine Eiben

Dr. Sabine Eiben, Abteilung Molekularbiologie und Virologie der Pflanzen, Pfaffenwaldring 57, Stuttgart.

Tobacco mosaic virus as enzyme nanocarrier for ...

von M Bäcker · · Zitiert von: 79 — Sabine Eiben received her PhD in the field of biocatalysis (2007) at the Institute of Technical Biochemistry, University of Stuttgart, investigating P

Dr. Sabine Eiben | Projekthaus NanoBioMater

Sabine Eiben. Dr. Teamleiter Institut für Biomaterialien und biomolekulare Systeme Abt. Molekularbiologie und Virologie der Pflanzen. Kontakt.

Dr. Sabine Eiben - Gepris - DFG

Dr. Sabine Eiben. Als Antragsteller laufende Projekte. Genetically optimized Tobacco mosaic viruses as scaffold for the in vitro generation of semiconductor ... Es fehlt: bruderverlag

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Microwave assisted synthesis and characterisation of a zinc oxide ...core.ac.uk › MUCC (Crossref)

By Shawn Sanctis, Rudolf C Hoffmann, Sabine Eiben and Jörg J Schneider. Cite. BibTex; Full citation. No static citation data. No static citation data.

Construction of a thermostable cytochrome P450 chimera derived from...

The P450 monooxygenases CYP102A1 from Bacillus megaterium and CYP102A3 from Bacillus subtilis are fusion flavocytochromes comprising of a P450 heme domain

Sabine Eiben - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Die Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek ist das zentrale Portal für Kultur und Wissen. Sie macht das kulturelle Erbe der Bundesrepublik über das Internet zugänglich.

Archive of "Nanomaterials".

... Sabine Eiben,Vladimir Atanasov · The Stability of a Nanoparticle Diamond Lattice Linked by DNA · Francis W. Starr,Hamed Emamy,Oleg Gang · P4VP Modified ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Piezoelectric Templates – New Views on Biomineralization ...

von N Stitz · · Zitiert von: 21 — Sabine Eiben,; Petia Atanasova,; Neus Domingo,; Andreas Leineweber,; Zaklina Burghard & … Joachim Bill. Show authors. Scientific ...

Sabine eiben dissertation – Ee364a homework 1 solutions

Sabine eiben dissertation Sabine eiben dissertation * Business plan forms of ownership * Writing reflective essay * Journalism/newspaper terminology * Solving...

Gästebuch des Inline-Loewen-Cup.de : Inline Loewen Cup im BWIC für...

Gästebuch: Der Inline Löwen-Cup ist eine Cupserie speziell für Kinder bis 14 Jahren in Baden-Württemberg im Rahmen des BWIC - BaWü Inline Cup.

Piezoelectric Templates – New Views on Biomineralization and...

· Sabine Eiben. Oxide Nanoelectronics Group, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2 Campus de la UAB, Bellaterra...

55 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Sabine Eiben (sabineeiben) - Profile

Benutzeravatar. Sabine Eiben. sabineeiben. ·. 0 Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. sabineeiben hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt.

Sabine Eiben

Thiol-functionalization of acrylic ester monomers catalyzed by immobilized Humicola insolens cutinase · Christian Kazenwadel, Sabine Eiben, ...

BJNANO - Microwave assisted synthesis and characterisation of a zinc...

Microwave assisted synthesis and characterisation of a zinc oxide/tobacco mosaic virus hybrid material. An active hybrid semiconductor in a field-effect...

1.pdf - ProQuestsearch.proquest.com › openview › 1.pdf

Matthias Dietrich · Sabine Eiben · Chimene Asta •. Tuan Anh Do • Juergen Pleiss • Vlada B. Urbacher. Received: 14 February Revised: 8 April

BJNANO - Peptide-equipped tobacco mosaic virus templates for...

Peptide-equipped tobacco mosaic virus templates for selective and controllable biomineral deposition

Bottom-up-assembled nanostar colloids of gold cores and PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Authors. Fabian J Eber , Sabine Eiben, Holger Jeske, Christina Wege. Affiliation. 1 Department of Molecular Biology and Plant Virology, Institute of Biology ...

Construction of a thermostable cytochrome P450 chimera derived ...pubag.nal.usda.gov › catalog

Author: Sabine Eiben, Heike Bartelmäs, Vlada B. Urlacher; Source: Applied microbiology and biotechnology v.75 no.5 pp ; ISSN:

Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials | Vol 7, No 3

Esra Icik, Sabine Eiben, Nicole Schädel, Julia Kupka, Maike Martini, Christina Wege, Sabine Laschat. 7(3), pp. 187–193. Published online:September 18,

CYP102A P450 Monooxygenases: Comparative Analysis and Construction of...

Dezember Sabine Eiben. 5 Danksagung Mein besonderer Dank gilt Prof. Dr. Rolf D. Schmid für die Überlassung und Betreuung des interessanten Themas, ...

Coassembly of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Coat Proteins into ...

AUTHORS (3). KZ. Kun Zhou. SE. Sabine Eiben. QW. Qiangbin Wang. CATEGORIES. Biophysics · Biochemistry · Microbiology · Molecular ...

Bottom‐Up‐Assembled Nanostar Colloids of Gold Cores and Tubes Derived...

Twinkle, twinkle little star: Directed self‐assembly of bioinorganic hybrid nanostars with a high protein surface area was achieved by encapsidating...

Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - PDF Kostenfreier...

18 Acknowledgements University of Stuttgart Prof. Rolf D. Schmid Prof. Vlada Urlacher Prof. Dieter Jendrosseck Dr. Sabine Eiben Federal Institute of Technology ...

Coassembly of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Coat Proteins into ...

von K Zhou · · Zitiert von: 14 — Epub May 19. Authors. Kun Zhou , Sabine Eiben , Qiangbin Wang. Affiliations. 1 Key Laboratory for Nano-Bio Interface, Division of Nanobiomedicine ...

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: perspectives for synthetic ...www.academia.edu › Cytochrome_P450_monooxy...

... July Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: perspectives for synthetic application Vlada B. Urlacher and Sabine Eiben Institute of Technical Biochemistry, ...

Cite - Citation - PubAg - USDA

Dietrich, Matthias, Sabine Eiben, Chimene Asta, Tuan Anh Do, Juergen Pleiss, and Vlada B Urlacher. "Cloning, expression and characterisation of CYP102A7, ...

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Sabine Eiben. Joachim Bill. With settings. Email: Freq: Daily, Weekly, Monthly. One email with all search results. One email for each search. Renew. clear.

Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...

Sourabh Shukla, Fabian J. Eber, Adithy S. Nagarajan, Nicholas A. DiFranco, Nora Schmidt, Amy M. Wen, Sabine Eiben, Richard M. Twyman, Christina Wege ...

Eiben last name - genealogy, origins, and statistics

SabineEiben. Sabine Eiben is a German journalist and television presenter known for her work on various news and talk shows. ChristinaEiben. Christina ...

Hydrophobization of Tobacco Mosaic Virus to Control the MDPIwww.mdpi.com › htm

Sabine Eiben. 3 and. Joachim Bill Institute for Materials Science, University of StuttgartStuttgart, Germany.

Genetic and chemical modifications of Tobacco mosaic ...

Sabine Eiben Molecular Biology and Virology of Plants, Institute of Biology, University of Stuttgart Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a versatile scaffold for ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sabine

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Sabine; die Sabinerin; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); vom Namen eines Volkes in Mittelitalien zur Zeit der Römer

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