58 Infos zu Sabrina Palme

Mehr erfahren über Sabrina Palme

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Erfreulicher Auftrieb - Donaukurierwww.donaukurier.de › archiv › erfreulicher-auftrieb

· Aktiv dabei sind seit fünf Jahren Oliver Wittek, Sabrina Palme, Stephanie Palme, Alexander Palme, Daniel Bäunlein, Jochen Vomhof und ...

Evento on-line: Legal Innovation - Data Protection Dayanalise.com › eventos › evento-on-line-legal-innova...

Sabrina Palme, CEO & Data Protection Officer na Palqee Technologies. Tawfiq Alashoor, assistant professor na Copenhagen Business School.

Events-Detailseite - IHK Offenbachwww.offenbach.ihk.de › recht-und-steuern › events-detailseite

Sabrina Palme hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, nationale und globale Datenschutzvorgaben für KMUs so aufzubereiten, dass Datenschutz nicht als Hürde für ...

Visualizing Capitol Riot Arrest Data | by Paul Coogan | Extra Newsfeedextranewsfeed.com › ...

· Sabrina Palme. in. Palqee · Data Ethics as a competitive advantage · Gib Bassett · How sharing, re-use and collaboration fuels analytics ...

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

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Facebook: Sabrina Palme | Facebook

Facebook: Sabrina Palme | Facebook

LinkedIn: Sabrina Palme | LinkedIn

Sabrina Palmes berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Sabrina Palme dabei hilft, ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Palqee raises $ pre-seed rolling funding to scale its PRLogwww.prlog.org › palqee-raises p...

· Sabrina Palme (CEO), serial entrepreneur and Data Protection Officer, is one of Palqee's three founders – which also includes Andre ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

About us, our mission and our culture - Palqee Technologiespalqee.com › about-us

Sabrina Palme. Chief Executive Officer. Andre Quintanilha. Chief Privacy Officer. Hartley Jean-Aimee. Chief Technology Officer.

2 Persönliche Webseiten

1. Vorsitzende - Grundschule Espenauwww.grundschule-espenau.de › schulleben › förderkreis › kontakt

Schriftführerin. Sabrina Palme. Bankverbindung: Kasseler Bank IBAN: DE BIC: GENODE51KS1 Für Infos und Anregungen stehen wir Ihnen ...

1 Songs & Musik

048 Ethical Innovation and Responsible Use of Data with Sabrina ...open.spotify.com › episode

Sabrina Palme, CEO and founding partner at Palqee Technologies and intuitive data privacy management software that helps businesses champion compliance with ...

2 Dokumente

Sabrina PALME personal appointments - Companies House - GOV.UKfind-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk › ...

Sabrina PALME. Filter appointments. Filter appointments. Current appointments. Total number of appointments 1. Date of birth: January

[PDF] Global Careers Report Storybloka.storyblok.com › career-stats-mba-2019

Just 14 months after Sabrina Palme and co- founder Andre Quintanilha launched the world's first personal smart garden, they'd already raised.

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

An analysis of how COVID-19 has impacted the data privacy ...www.ingentaconnect.com › contentone › hsp › jdpp › art › pdf

· Sabrina Palme is co-founder and CEO at Palqee Technologies, a data privacy management platform for data protection officers (DPOs), ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] Ihre Ansprechpartner - Thalhofer Gruppewww.thalhofer.de › › Th_Telefonverzeichnisse_ _NI

Sabrina Palme · 71 · · Dispo/Logistik. Martin Steiner · 71 · · Außendienst.

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Growing Tech Fast - The Org3D Podcast - Sabrina Palme

We're joined by Sabrina Palme in this episode! Sabrina is the CEO and Founder of Palqee (palqee.com) and speaks with Org3D's Ben Reeder.

Tackling AI bias and ethical dangers

Join CivilNet for an instructive conversation with Sabrina Palme, CEO and co-founder of Palqee Technologies, as she discusses the importance ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

GVAngels carimba o passaporte e amplia investimentos fora do Brasilneofeed.com.br › Blog › Home

· Hartley Jean-Aimee, Sabrina Palme e André Quintanilha, cofundadores da britânica Palqee. A GVAngels está de olho no mercado internacional.

25 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Sabrina Palme | LinkedIn

View Sabrina Palme's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Sabrina Palme discover ...

Sabrina Palme (@sabrina.palme.37) • Instagram photos and videoswww.instagram.com › sabrina.palme.37

135 Followers, 179 Following, 7 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sabrina Palme (@sabrina.palme.37)

Sabrina Palme - CEO at Palqee Technologies | The Orgtheorg.com › Palqee Technologies › Sabrina Palme

Sabrina Palme is the current CEO of Palqee Technologies and was previously with SaturnF1 as an Entrepreneur in Residence and PO.

Sabrina Palme (@brinchen58) • Instagram photos and videoswww.instagram.com › brinchen58

104 Followers, 228 Following, 23 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sabrina Palme (@brinchen58)

Anthony Gale's Email and Phone Number - AeroLeadsaeroleads.com › anthonygale

Anthony Gale's colleagues are Lamise Ghalia, Sabrina Palme, Sabrina Palme, and Lamise Ghalia. Who are Anthony Gale's peers at other companies?

Become a GLOBAL DPO (Data Protection Officer) and be one of the ...getglobalinternational.com › how-to-become-global...

The experience of taking the Data Privacy Foundation Course - Sabrina Palme (Germany). Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, ...

Bodylotion Bath and Body Works in Bayern - Hilpoltsteinwww.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de › Mode & Beauty › Beauty & Gesundheit

10,00 € · Bei Fragen gerne melden ☺. Anbieter. SP. Sabrina Palme. Privater Nutzer. Zufriedenheit: TOP. Anzeigen-ID Diese Anzeige teilen. 10,00 € · Bei Fragen gerne melden ☺. Anbieter. SP. Sabrina Palme. Privater Nutzer. Zufriedenheit: TOP. Anzeigen-ID Diese Anzeige teilen.

Bruno De La Palme - Dato Capital Luxembourgwww.datocapital.lu › executives › Bruno-De-La-Pal...

Sabrina Palme, United Kingdom. This information comes from public records and it's show in accordance to Article 6.1 of the GDPR. Matching is performed only ...

Fuel leads $ pre-seed round in Palqeefuel.ventures › fuel-leads pre-seed-round-in...

Sabrina Palme (CEO), serial entrepreneur and Data Protection Officer, is one of Palqee's three founders – which also includes Andre Quintanilha (COO), ...

Gartenzwerg Technologies Ltd - Sabrina Palme222-dot-zealous-co.appspot.com › project › Gartenz...

Sabrina Palme. UNITED KINGDOM, LONDON. CEO & Co-Founder of Gartenzwerg Technologies. We enable you to grow food from home effortlessly with fully automated ...

Growing Tech Fast - The Org3D Podcast - Nikolaus Kimla by ...anchor.fm › episodes

Growing Tech Fast - The Org3D Podcast - Sabrina Palme. Jul 15, 2022, 2 AM26:51 · Growing Tech Fast - The Org3D Podcast - Gorkem Sevinc.

Growing Tech Fast - The Org3D Podcastpodcast.app › ...

We're joined by Sabrina Palme in this episode! Sabrina is the CEO and Founder of Palqee (palqee.com) and speaks with Org3D's Ben Reeder.

Hult Alumni Magazine Hult Alumni Magazine 2020viewer.joomag.com › hult-alumni-magazine-hult-al...

... Pamela Wagner Prince Ghuman Sabrina Palme Sarveen Chester Silver Legacy: Alma Dóra Ríkarðsdóttir Cédric Heylen Marie Bielen Martina Zvolenská Maximilian ...

Investing in data privacy brings positive returns - DataDrivenInvestormedium.datadriveninvestor.com › ...

Sabrina Palme · Follow. Mar 11, ·. 4 min read. ·. Listen. Save. Investing in data privacy brings positive returns. New study from Cisco shows ...

The FIT4PRIVACY Podcast - For those who care about privacy: podcasts.apple.com › podcast › 048-ethical-innovati...

Sabrina Palme, CEO and founding partner at Palqee Technologies and intuitive data Ethical Innovation and Responsible Use of Data with Sabrina Palme ...

Creating remote MR productions - AR/VR Journeyarvrjourney.com › ...

· Sabrina Palme. in. Palqee · Data Privacy in the era of Smart Homes · DashMagazine. in. HackerNoon.com · Revolutionary Technologies Announced ...

GVAngels realiza aporte milionário em startu voltada LGPD e ...valoragregado.com › Notícias

· Sabrina Palme (CEO), alemã, empreendedora em série e Data Protection Officer, é uma das três fundadoras da start-up – que também inclui o ...

How My MBA Made Me An Entrepreneur - Poets&Quantspoetsandquants.com › › how-my-mba-...

· Looking back, Sabrina Palme is amused by her “eureka moment” that summer's evening in Shanghai. She was studying at Hult International ...

How to make a project that goes viral. | Towards Data Sciencetowardsdatascience.com › ...

· MongoDB Atlas Serverless: The Ultimate Solution for Data Science & Machine Learning Projects · Sabrina Palme.

Sensodyne: Ice • Ads of the World™ | Part of The Clio Networkwww.adsoftheworld.com › campaigns › ice

· Junior Project Manager: Sabrina Palme Group Business Director Australia: Claire Manning Account Executive: Amy Young / Grey Australia

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sabrina

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch): Sabrina; Keltisch (Wortzusammensetzung); Name der Nymphe des Flusses Severn in England; 'Sabrina' ist wahrscheinlich die latinisierte Form des ursprünglichen, keltisch/walisischen Namens des Flusses, 'Habren' oder 'Hafern'; die Bedeutung des ursprünglichen Namens des Flusses könnte einfach 'Fluss' gewesen seinWeiblicher Vorname (Latinisiert): Sabrina; Keltisch (Wortzusammensetzung); Name der Nymphe des Flusses Severn in England; 'Sabrina' ist wahrscheinlich die latinisierte Form des ursprünglichen, keltisch/walisischen Namens des Flusses, 'Habren' oder 'Hafern'; die Bedeutung des ursprünglichen Namens des Flusses könnte einfach 'Fluss' gewesen sein

Personensuche zu Sabrina Palme & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Sabrina Palme und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.