97 Infos zu Salome Kurth

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21 Aktuelle Nachrichten

news.ch: news.ch - Schlaf fördert vermutlich Gehirnreifung bei Kindern -...

... Entwicklungs- und Stimmungsstörungen entstehen könnten», liess sich Mitautorin Salome Kurth in einer Mitteilung der Hochschule zitieren.

Why children should not keep late nights - Punch Newspapers

One of the researchers, Dr. Salome Kurth, who was the first author of the study, said even though the effect of inadequate sleep on the brain of ...

Allowing young children to stay up late could have serious...

Irregular bedtimes can disrupt the parts that are still maturing - including those involved with vision, spatial perception and processing sensory input

Salome Kurth | EuropaWire.eu

SEND PRESS RELEASE. © EuropaWire. All Rights Reserved. All trade marks and names are owned by their respective owners. Operated by ...

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Salome Kurth, lead researcher of the A Bilingual Childhood ...

LinkedIn: Salome Kurth | LinkedIn

Salome Kurths berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Salome Kurth dabei hilft, ... Es fehlt: sony ‎gmbh

LinkedIn: Salome Kurth | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Salome Kurth auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Salome Kurth hat 5 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Salome Kurth und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.

Salome Kurth | LinkedIn

Leader at University Hospital Zurich.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Endocrine responses during CPAP withdrawal in obstructive sleep...

... articlesGoogle scholar articles; Salome Kurth Department of Pulmonology and Sleep Disorders Centre, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Increased Sleep Depth in Developing Neural Networks - Research...

Salome Kurth, Douglas C Dean, Peter Achermann, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh, Reto Huber, Sean C L Deoni, Monique K LeBourgeois. Overview · Citation ...

Traveling Slow Oscillations During Sleep - Research Portal, King's...

author = "Salome Kurth and Riedner, {Brady A} and Dean, {Douglas C} and Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh and Reto Huber and Jenni, {Oskar G} and Deoni, { Sean C L} and LeBourgeois, {Monique K}",. note = "© Sleep Research Society Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sleep Research Society.

7 Bücher zum Namen

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, 4th Edition: A Step-by-Step...

The perennial favorite for parents who want to get their kids to sleep with ease—now in a completely revised and expanded fourth edition!   In this fully...

Sleep and Brain Activity - Google Books

In the last few decades, scientists have discovered that far from being a time of neural silence, sleep is characterized by complex patterns of electrical,...

Wild Nights: How Taming Sleep Created Our Restless World - Benjamin...

Why the modern world forgot how to sleep Why is sleep frustrating for so many people? Why do we spend so much time and money managing and medicating it, and...

The 50 Healthiest Habits and Lifestyle Changes - Myrna Chandler...

This book summarizes the findings of scientific research studies to provide readers with straightforward information on a wide variety of healthy habits and...

2 Dokumente

SLEEP Preliminary Program

SLEEP Preliminary Program

Topography of Slow Sigma Power during Sleep is Associated with...

with Processing Speed in Preschool Children. Margaret R. Doucette 1,†, Salome Kurth 1,†, Nicolas Chevalier 2, Yuko Munakata 3.

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Development of Brain EEG Connectivity across Early Childhood&58; ...:...

The article you have requested is supplied via the DOAJ. View from original source. Authors: Monique K. LeBourgeois; Thomas Rusterholz; Peter Achermann ; Salome Kurth. Source: Brain Sciences, Volume 3, Number 4, 2013, pp (16). Publisher: Directory of Open Access Journals. DOI: https://doi.org

dblp: Salome Kurth

List of computer science publications by Salome Kurth

Developing brain regions in children hardest hit by sleep deprivation...

The effects of acute sleep deprivation in children has been the focus of new study for the first time. They discovered that the brain in five to 12-year-olds...

dblp: NeuroImage, Volume 63

Bibliographic content of NeuroImage, Volume 63

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Developmental Changes in Sleep Spindle Characteristics and Sigma...

Salome Kurth and Monique K. LeBourgeois shared last authorship as ... and PBZHP to Salome Kurth, P2EZP to Caroline ...

Ergotherapie | SpringerLink

Das Wiedererlangen verlorener Handfunktionen und das Vermeiden von Folgeschäden ist das erste Anliegen der Ergotherapie nach einer Handverletzung. In diesem...

Development of Brain EEG Connectivity across Early BioMedSearch

www.mdpi.com/journal/brainsci/. Article. Development of Brain EEG Connectivity across Early. Childhood: Does Sleep Play a Role? Salome Kurth 1, Peter Achermann 2,3,4, Thomas Rusterholz 1 and Monique K. LeBourgeois 1,*. 1. Sleep and Development Laboratory, Department of Integrative Physiology,.

Sleep and Early Cortical Development | SpringerLink

Sleep is increasingly recognized as a key process in neurodevelopment. Animal data show that sleep is essential for the maturation of fundamental brain fun

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Sleep EEG slow-wave activity in medicated and unmedicated children...

Melanie Furrer ,; Valeria Jaramillo ,; Carina Volk ,; Maya Ringli ,; Robert Aellen ,; Flavia M. Wehrle ,; Fiona Pugin ,; Salome Kurth ,; Daniel ...

BrainJogging » sleep deprivation

“The process of sleep may be involved in brain “wiring” in childhood and thus affect brain maturation,” said Salome Kurth, Ph.D., first author of ...

Improve Brain Power | Sleep Outfitters

Increase your brain power with the right amount of restful sleep.

42 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Salome Kurth | LinkedIn

View Salome Kurth's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Salome Kurth discover inside ... Es fehlt: kaiserslautern

Pushy parenting makes “followers”, not “leaders” | Salome Kurth ...

Pushy parenting makes “followers”, not “leaders”. Published ...

Smartphones and the Numbing of the American Mind | Salome Kurth ...

interesting article, and for sure not only true in Americans.

Salome Kurth - Google Scholar Citationsscholar.google.ch/citations?user=J2iWmzYAAAAJ&hl=de

A Buchmann, M Ringli, S Kurth, M Schaerer, A Geiger, OG Jenni, R Huber. Cerebral Cortex 21 (3), The sleep EEG as a marker of ...

CRCN / Salome KURTH - Sleep and gut bacteria in the early human...

Poor sleep has become a severe social problem with negative consequences not only for health, but also for individual economic decision making. In children,...

Researcher: Salome Kurth in Publications - Dimensions

Re-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, datasets, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents and policy documents in one place.

Neurotree - Salome Kurth Family Tree

Neurotree: academic genealogy for researcher

Salome Kurth - Publications

Neurotree: publications by researcher

Ausreifende Hirnregionen bei Kindern am stärksten von Schlafentzug...

Ein Forscherteam der Universität Zürich hat erstmals die Auswirkungen von akutem Schlafentzug bei Kindern untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass das Gehirn von

Ausreifende Hirnregionen bei Kindern am stärksten von Schlafentzug...

Informationen zu Schadstoffen in Spielzeug, Produktrueckrufen, Kindersicherheit, Gesundheit und Ernaehrung

SCHLAF- ungestörter,unmanipulierter SCHLAF,das ist unser einziger...


Brain Sciences - ISSN:

Academic Journals Database is a universal index of periodical literature covering basic research from all fields of knowledge, and is particularly strong in...

So beeinflusst Schlafmangel das Gehirn deines Kindes

Kinder und Erwachsene brauchen genügend Schlaf, aber diese neuen Erkenntnisse stehen im Kontrast zu dem, was wir bereits über Schlafforschung wussten. „Der Schlafprozess könnte in die allgemeine Gehirnentwicklung während der Kindheit involviert sein und deshalb die Reife des Gehirns beeinflussen“, so Studienautorin Salome Kurth.

How Kids’ Brains Respond to a Late Night Up | AANS Neurosurgeon

“The process of sleep may be involved in brain 'wiring' in childhood and thus affect brain maturation,” explains Salome Kurth, first author of the study and a ...

Ausreifende Hirnregionen bei Kindern am stärksten von Schlafentzug...

Salome Kurth, Douglas C. Dean, Peter Achermann, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh, Reto Huber, Sean C. L. Deoni and Monique LeBourgeois. Increased Sleep ...

Beta Test: Another reason why kids need sleep | Colorado Public Radio

Study finds that when children sleep, the bonds between the left and right hemispheres of the brain strengthen, suggesting that sleep is key to helping the...

Brain Connections Strengthen As Kids Sleep, Study Suggests -...

As young children sleep, the connections between the right and left sides of their brains strengthen, according to a small new study.

Adressmaterial Universitätsspital Zürich - Gemeinde Rüti ZH

logie, Forschungsgruppe Baby Schlaflabor, handelnd durch Salome Kurth, Research Group. Leader und Sarah Schoch, PhD Student, das Gesuch um Nutzung von Adressen von Eltern, welche zwischen dem 13. Oktober und dem 13. Januar ein Baby bekommen haben. Die Forschungsgruppe , ...

Are your kids getting their sleep? New study suggests late habits...

A new study, conducted by the University Hospital of Zurich, is pulling back the veil on how damaging late-night sleeping can be for brain development in...

Children's Brains Make Connections During Sleep, Study Says |...

The strength of the connections between the left and right sides of a child's brain can increase as much as 20% during a full night's sleep, a new study tells...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Salome

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Salome; die Friedliche, die Friedsame; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); shalom = der Friede; Information zur männlichen Form Salomon:; in der Bibel war Salomon ein für seine Weisheit bekannter König von Israel und Juda (9. J.h. vor Christus)

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Kurth

Der Name kommt wahrscheinlich von Konrad. Es gibt den Namen auch in Belgien.

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