156 Infos zu Sara Jabbari-farouji

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Mechanical memory effects in solid-like polymers

Sara Jabbari-Farouji (U of Amsterdam). Jun , 15:00 — 15:30. Disordered solids that have undergone a plastic deformation in one direction, ... Sara Jabbari-Farouji (U of Amsterdam). Jun , 15:00 — 15:30. Disordered solids that have undergone a plastic deformation in one direction, ...

Memory Effects in Dynamical Processes

Sara Jabbari-Farouji (U of Amsterdam) Mechanical memory effects in solid-like polymers. 15:30 — 16:00. Coffee break. 16:00 — 16:30. Suzanne Fielding (Durham U) Sara Jabbari-Farouji (U of Amsterdam) Mechanical memory effects in solid-like polymers. 15:30 — 16:00. Coffee break. 16:00 — 16:30. Suzanne Fielding (Durham U)

Symposium Trends in Theory 2021

Sara Jabbari-Farouji (UvA – Soft matter, F) – Collective dynamics of magnetic microswimmers in an external field. Jordi Tura (UL – Quantum information, M) ... Sara Jabbari-Farouji (UvA – Soft matter, F) – Collective dynamics of magnetic microswimmers in an external field. Jordi Tura (UL – Quantum information, M) ...

Theoretical physics: From information geometry to out-of- ...

Sara Jabbari Farouji (Amsterdam) Lectures and exercises: Oct 17, 24, 31, Nov 7. Exam: Nov 14. Location: Science Park G Abstract: Active matter refers to ... Sara Jabbari Farouji (Amsterdam) Lectures and exercises: Oct 17, 24, 31, Nov 7. Exam: Nov 14. Location: Science Park G Abstract: Active matter refers to ...

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Sara Jabbari-Farouji – Junior group leader – Johannes Gutenberg ...de.linkedin.com › sara-jabbari-farouji-729a788

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Sara Jabbari-Farouji auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 7 Jobs sind im Profil von Sara Jabbari-Farouji ...

LinkedIn: 查看Sara Jabbari-Farouji的完整档案并… - LinkedIn

职业档案列出了7 个职位。查看Sara的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的 ...

LinkedIn: Sara Jabbari-Farouji - Assistant Professor - University of...

Bekijk het profiel van Sara Jabbari-Farouji op LinkedIn, de grootste professionele community ter wereld. Sara heeft 8 functies op zijn of haar profiel. Bekijk het volledige profiel op LinkedIn om...

Twitter Profil: Sara Jabbari (sjabbari81)

Ort: ÜT: , Bahraini living in Dubai, passionate PR and Events professional. Love life and what i do!!

2 Business-Profile

Sara JABBARI-FAROUJI | Professor (Assistant) - ResearchGate

Sara Jabbari-Farouji We have investigated the validity of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) and the applicability of the concept of effective temperature in a number of non-equilibrium ...

Sara Jabbari-Farouji University of Amsterdam | UVA ...

Sara Jabbari-Farouji. University of Amsterdam | UVA · Institute of Theoretical Physics. PhD in Physics (Soft ... Sara Jabbari-Farouji. University of Amsterdam | UVA · Institute of Theoretical Physics. PhD in Physics (Soft ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Delta Advanced Topics Course

Module 2: Sara Jabbari Farouji (Amsterdam). Statistical Physics of Active Matter. Module 3: Cristiane Morais Smith (Utrecht). Dissipation in Quantum Systems. › education

2 Projekte


Sara Jabbari. Projects: COSMIC. Institutions: University of Nottingham. Disciplines: Modeller. Roles: Not specified. Expertise: Deterministic modelling of gene ...

Granted proposals

Towards a dynamic density functional theory for chemotactic and phoretic active matter, by Sara Jabbari Farouji (UvA), Rene van Roij (UU) In Towards a dynamic density functional theory for chemotactic and phoretic active matter, by Sara Jabbari Farouji (UvA), Rene van Roij (UU) In

3 Bücher zum Namen

Articles by Sara Jabbari-farouji

Check out 24 articles by Sara Jabbari-farouji in our AI-powered environment for research. Check out 24 articles by Sara Jabbari-farouji in our AI-powered environment for research.

Suchergebnisse - Jabbari-farouji, Sara

Ageing dynamics of translational and rotational diffusion in a colloidal glass. by Sara Jabbari-Farouji Published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.

Liquid Crystals With Nano And Microparticles (In 2 Volumes)google.rs

... Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Jean-Jacques Weis, Patrick Davidson, Pierre Levitz and Emmanuel Trizac, On phase behavior and dynamical signatures of charged ...

20 Dokumente

Quantitative Insights from the Plateau Modulus of Triblock ...

von M Nébouy — Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Institute of Theoretical Physics (UvA), University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, ... › doi › abs

Effects of inertia on conformation and dynamics of active ...

von M Fazelzadeh · · Zitiert von: 1 — ... inertia on conformation and dynamics of active filaments. Authors:Mohammad Fazelzadeh, Ehsan Irani, Zahra Mokhtari, Sara Jabbari-Farouji. › cond-mat

Séminaire PMMH Sara Jabbari-Farouji - ESPCI Paris

› sites › IMG › pdf

Visualization of the Sol–Gel Transition in Porous Networks ...ACS Publications

von R Le Dizès Castell · · Zitiert von: 1 — ,; Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1098XH, The Netherlands. More by Sara ... von R Le Dizès Castell · · Zitiert von: 1 — ,; Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1098XH, The Netherlands. More by Sara ...

15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Dr. Sara Jabbari-Farouji - GEPRIS - DFGDFG - GEPRIS

Dr. Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Institut für PhysikMainz. Dr. Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Institut für PhysikMainz.

Ageing dynamics of translational and rotational diffusion in a ...

von S Jabbari-Farouji · · Zitiert von: 46 — Sara Jabbari-Farouji1, Erika Eiser2, Gerard H Wegdam1 and Daniel Bonn1, Number 41 Citation Sara Jabbari-Farouji et al J. Phys. › article

dblp: BMC Systems Biology, Volume 5

Bibliographic content of BMC Systems Biology, Volume 5

Dr. Sara Jabbari Farouji

Sara Jabbari Farouji. Institut für Physik Universität Mainz . D Mainz. Tel: + Fax: + Secr: + Sara Jabbari Farouji. Institut für Physik Universität Mainz . D Mainz. Tel: + Fax: + Secr: +

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

(PDF) Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in an Aging Colloidal

Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in an Aging Colloidal Glass by Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Daisuke Mizuno, Maryam Atakhorrami, Fred C. MacKintosh, Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in an Aging Colloidal Glass by Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Daisuke Mizuno, Maryam Atakhorrami, Fred C. MacKintosh,

(PDF) Orientational Order in a Glass of Charged Platelets

Orientational Order in a Glass of Charged Platelets With a Concentration Gradient by Elisabeth Lindbo Hansen, Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Henrik Mauroy, Orientational Order in a Glass of Charged Platelets With a Concentration Gradient by Elisabeth Lindbo Hansen, Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Henrik Mauroy,

3 Video- & Audioinhalte

SPL | Dr. Sara Jabbari-farouji | Active polymers in complex ...

Speaker(s): Dr Sara Jabbari-farouji (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Date: 31st Aug – 11:00 to 12:00 Venue: INI Seminar Room 2 Title: ...

SPL - New statistical physics in living matterYouTube · INI Seminar Room 2470+ Follower · vor 3 Monaten

Sara Jabbari-farouji | Active polymers in complex environments. INI Seminar Room 2 · 1:07:00. SPL | Prof. Wilson Poon | The physics of death. Sara Jabbari-farouji | Active polymers in complex environments. INI Seminar Room 2 · 1:07:00. SPL | Prof. Wilson Poon | The physics of death.

SPL | Dr. Silke Henkes | Tissue models with and without active ...YouTube · INI Seminar Room 240+ Aufrufe · vor 7 Monaten

Comments ; SPL | Dr. Sara Jabbari-farouji | Active polymers in complex environments. INI Seminar Room 2 · 44 views ; COFFEE & its Consequences:

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Antoine Deblais

... BhamlaLab, @BauschLab, Sara Jabbari-Farouji, and me! Join us in February for engaging discussions. Details: https://t.co/yYHrbzD8JE BhamlaLab, @BauschLab, Sara Jabbari-Farouji, and me! Join us in February for engaging discussions. Details: https://t.co/yYHrbzD8JE.

Twitter-Nachrichten: Kees Storm on Twitter: "Coming up this Thu: The 30th Dutch ...

— Exciting program with invited talks by @LaurenZarzar, Sara Jabbari-Farouji, @LJawerth, and Siddarth Deshpande. Also, soundbites! › status

Lorentz Center Workshop Active Polymers and Filaments ...WordPress.com

— ... (lorentzcenter.nl), which is being organized by Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Antoine Deblais, Saad Bhamla, and Andreas Bausch. We still have… — ... (lorentzcenter.nl), which is being organized by Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Antoine Deblais, Saad Bhamla, and Andreas Bausch. We still have…

GDR MePhy » Benoît Roman - ESPCI Paris

Best regards,Dr. Sara Jabbari Farouji. Institute of Theoretical Physics (UvA) Science Park XH Amsterdam Office: C Tel: + › broman › page

81 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Sara Jabbari-Farouji - Junior group leader - Johannes Gutenberg ...

community. Sara has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Sara Jabbari - Greater Toronto Area, Canada

Location: Greater Toronto Area, Canada · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Sara Jabbari's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion ... Location: Greater Toronto Area, Canada · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Sara Jabbari's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion ...

Sara Jabbari-Farouji

Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Associate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam. Verified email at uva.nl ... Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Associate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam. Verified email at uva.nl ...

Sara Jabbari-FaroujiGoogle Scholar

Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Associate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam. ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uva.nl - หน้า ... Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Associate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam. ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uva.nl - หน้า ...

‪Sara Jabbari-Farouji‬ - ‪Google Cendekia‬

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Sara Jabbari Farouji (Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)

Séminaire PMMH - Sara Jabbari Farouji (Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany). Version imprimable de cet article · RSS. Les flux RSS de l'école. Tout le site ... Séminaire PMMH - Sara Jabbari Farouji (Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany). Version imprimable de cet article · RSS. Les flux RSS de l'école. Tout le site ...

Sara Jabbari Email - Marketing Manager Usa @ Wedia

› sara-jabbar...

Séminaire commun LPT-LPTMS: Sara Jabbari

› seminars

Tapan Chandra AdhyapakGoogle Scholar

Sara Jabbari-FaroujiAssociate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of AmsterdamE-mail confirmado em uva.nl. Sara Jabbari-FaroujiAssociate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of AmsterdamE-mail confirmado em uva.nl.

Tapan Chandra Adhyapak

Sara Jabbari-FaroujiAssociate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of AmsterdamAdresă de e-mail confirmată pe uva.nl. Sara Jabbari-FaroujiAssociate Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of AmsterdamAdresă de e-mail confirmată pe uva.nl.

Sara Jabbari-Farouji (Lab. Interdisciplinaire de physique)

Sara Jabbari-Farouji (Lab. Interdisciplinaire de physique) Séminaires du laboratoire PMMH : consultez le programme Contact : .fr Sara Jabbari-Farouji (Lab. Interdisciplinaire de physique) Séminaires du laboratoire PMMH : consultez le programme Contact : .fr

Sara Jabbari Farouji - AD Scientific Index 2024

Sara Jabbari Farouji. University of Amsterdam. Sara Jabbari Farouji. University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam / Netherlands. Natural Sciences / Physics. AD ... Sara Jabbari Farouji. University of Amsterdam. Sara Jabbari Farouji. University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam / Netherlands. Natural Sciences / Physics. AD ...

Sara Jabbari Farouji

Concrete projects along my research interests are available. Motivated students are welcome to contact me for doing master thesis and internship projects. Concrete projects along my research interests are available. Motivated students are welcome to contact me for doing master thesis and internship projects.

TRR 146 –Guests

Dr. Sara Jabbari Farouji; Institut für Physik; Universität Mainz; ; D Mainz; Tel: + ; Fax: + ; Sekr.:+

Compression-induced anti-nematic order in glassy and OUCI

von S Jabbari-Farouji · · Zitiert von: 3 — Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). Authors: Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Damien Vandembroucq. Funder Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ... › works

Home | Grand Views of Soft and Liquid Matter Physics

... Atsushi Ikeda (The University of Tokyo, Japan); Kohzo Ito (The Unversity of Tokyo, Japan); Sara Jabbari-Farouji (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) ... › g...

27 computer-science-associate-professor positions in ...

Please contact: Dr Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Associate Professor Website for additional job details https://www.academictransfer.com. PhD ... Please contact: Dr Sara Jabbari-Farouji, Associate Professor Website for additional job details https://www.academictransfer.com. PhD ...

Active motion of tangentially driven polymers in periodic ...OUCI

... Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Abstract. One key question about transport of active polymers within crowded environments is how spatial order of obstacles influences Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Abstract. One key question about transport of active polymers within crowded environments is how spatial order of obstacles influences ...

Active motion of tangentially driven polymers in periodic ...

von M Fazelzadeh · · Zitiert von: 4 — Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Affiliations. 1 Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2 Institute for Theoretical ... von M Fazelzadeh · · Zitiert von: 4 — Sara Jabbari-Farouji. Affiliations. 1 Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2 Institute for Theoretical ...

Microrheology of an aging colloidal glass - Academia.edu

... becomes increasingly important as the system ages. Sara Jabbari-Farouji University of Amsterdam Date submitted: 25 Nov Electronic form version › Micror...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sara

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Skandinavisch, Albanisch): Sara; die Fürstin; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); sarah = die Fürstin; in der Bibel war Sarah als Frau Abrahams die Stammmutter Israels

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