50 Infos zu Sascha Hohenner

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Sascha Hohenner | LinkedIn

Sascha Hohenners berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Sascha Hohenner ...

10 Bücher zum Namen

Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices and Ellibs

Harald Höge, Sascha Hohenner, Bernhard Kämmerer, Niels Kunstmann, Stefanie Schachtl, Martin Schönle, Panji Setiawan Energy Aware Speech Recognition for ... › book › au...

Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices and over Communication...

Ellibs Ebookstore - Ebook: Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices and over Communication Networks - Author: Lindberg, Børge - Price: 76,95€

Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices and Over Communication...

16 Automotive Speech Recognition Harald Hoge Hoge, Harald Sascha Hohenner Hohenner, Sascha Bernhard Kammerer Kammerer, Bernhard Niels ...

AI*IA 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 9th ...google.co.id

... Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch, Gernot A. Fink, and Gerhard Sagerer. Providing the basis for human-robot-interaction: a multi-modal attention system for a ...

8 Dokumente

Automatic Speech Recognition On Mobile VDOC.PUB

347 Harald Höge, Sascha Hohenner, Bernhard Kämmerer, Niels Kunstmann, Stefanie Schachtl, Martin Schönle, and Panji Setiawan Introduction. › documents

A person-tracking mobile robot using an Naval Postgraduate School

Sebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch,. Gernot A. Fink, and Gerhard Sagerer. “Providing the Basis for Human-Robot-.

Department of Computer Science LS XII - Pattern Recognition Group -...

LS XII- - Pattern Recognition Group- - Publications- - Publication Details. Experiments in Distant Talking Speech Recognition Using a ... Hohenner, Sascha …

Trabajo Fin de Máster: Word Embeddings para la anotación ...

von M Almagro Cádiz · — [Haasch et al.2004] Haasch, Axel, Sascha Hohenner, Sonja Hüwel, Marcus. Kleinehagenbrock, Sebastian Lang, Ioannis Toptsis, Gernot A Fink, Jan-. › fez › eserv › Almagro_C...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Publication search for "Sascha Hohenner"

The dblp computer science bibliography is the on-line reference for open bibliographic information on computer science journals and proceedings

dblp: Gerhard Sagerer

List of computer science publications by Gerhard Sagerer

dblp: Sascha Hohenner

List of computer science publications by Sascha Hohenner

Gernot A. Fink LS XII - PatRec Computer Science TU...

Experiments in Distant Talking Speech Recognition Using a Standard Database. Gernot A. Fink and Sascha Hohenner Proc Deutsche Jahrestagung für ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Automotive Speech Recognition | SpringerLink

von H Höge · · Zitiert von: 10 — Harald Höge, Sascha Hohenner, Bernhard Kämmerer, Niels Kunstmann, Stefanie Schachtl & Martin Schönle. Universität der Bundeswehr München, München, Germany. › chapter

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimodal...

... for human-robot-interaction: a multi-modal attention system for a mobile robotSebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch, ... › icmi:2003

Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile SpringerLink

von ZH Tan · Zitiert von: 97 — Harald Höge, Sascha Hohenner, Bernhard Kämmerer, Niels Kunstmann, Stefanie Schachtl, Martin Schönle et al. Pages PDF. › ...

21 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Sascha Hohenner | LinkedIn

View Sascha Hohenner's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Sascha Hohenner ...

Human-Robot Interaction -State of the Art- João Quintas.

... Human-Robot-Interaction: A Multi-Modal Attention System for a Mobile Robot”, Sebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch, ... › slide

Detailanzeige der Metadaten - Open Access Netzwerk (OAN)

Sascha Hohenner Publisher/Institution: Abstract: Distant talking speech recognition is applied in situations where the use of close- talking microphones is not ...

Automotive Speech Recognition | springerprofessional.de

In the coming years speech recognition will be a commodity feature in car. Control of communication systems integrated in the car infotainment system

Automotive Speech Recognition | Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › paper › Automotive-Spe...

@inproceedings{Hge2008AutomotiveSR, title={Automotive Speech Recognition}, author={Harald H{\"o}ge and Sascha Hohenner and Bernhard R. K{\"a}mmerer and ...

Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices and over Communication...

Advances in Pattern Recognition Advances in Pattern Recognition is a series of books which brings together current de...

35.rdf - LSDIS

... Hohenberger Susan Hohenberger Werner Hohenberger Carsten Hohendorf Christian Hohendorf Michaela Hohenner Sascha Hohenner William E. Hohensee  ...

DAGA 05. Programmheft März in München LEHRSTUHL ...

... Sascha Hohenner Universität Bielefeld Distant talking speech recognition is applied where the use of close-talking microphones is not feasible, ... › Daga-05-programmh...

A Person-Tracking Mobile Robot Using an Ultrasonic ...

Sebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch,. Gernot A. Fink, and Gerhard Sagerer. “Providing the Basis for Human-Robot-.

Experiments in Distant Talking Speech Recognition Using a - PDF ...

Experiments in Distant Talking Speech Recognition Using a Standard Database Gernot A. Fink, Sascha Hohenner Universit¨ at Bielefeld, Technische Fakult¨ at, ... › experiments-i...

Schedule - ICMI 2003

Sebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch, Gernot A. Fink, and Gerhard Sagerer, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Technology, ... › Schedule

Stefan Oberboersch email address & phone number

Employee Sascha Hohenner's profile photo · Sascha Hohenner. Senior Research and Development Engineer. Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. › dr-stefan-o...

Automotive Speech Recognition | BibSonomy

The blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.

Details for: Automatic speech recognition on mobile devices and...

... System / Yuqing Gao, Bowen Zhou, Weizhong Zhu and Wei Zhang -- Automotive Speech Recognition / Harald Höge, Sascha Hohenner, Bernhard Kämmerer .

Sebastian Lang - researchr alias

... for a mobile robotSebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch, Gernot A. Fink, Gerhard Sagerer. icmi 2003: [doi]. › alias › sebast...

New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction - Maha Salem - PDF Free...

Apr 22, Manja Lohse. Patrizia Marti. Ross Mead. Bilge Mutlu. Victor Ng-Thow-Hing. Tatsuya Nomura. Mohammad Obaid...

CiteSeerX — Providing the Basis for Human-Robot-Interaction: A...

BibTeX. @MISC{Lang03providingthe, author = {Sebastian Lang and Marcus Kleinehagenbrock and Sascha Hohenner and Jannik Fritsch and Gernot A. Fink ...

OPC4 - results/shortlist

Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.) 3. Automatische Spracherkennung für agierende Systeme / Sascha Hohenner Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.) ...

Topics: Human-Robot Interaction - PDF Free Download

KI, 22(4), 5-9., 16 Attention Models Sebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, Jannik Fritsch, Gernot A. Fink, and Gerhard Sagerer ...

Jannik Fritsch - researchr alias

Providing the basis for human-robot-interaction: a multi-modal attention system for a mobile robotSebastian Lang, Marcus Kleinehagenbrock, Sascha Hohenner, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sascha

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Sascha; Russisch (Wortzusammensetzung); ursprünglich russische Koseform von Alexander, heute wie ein selbständiger Name in Gebrauch; wird auch als weiblicher Name verwendetWeiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Sascha; Russisch (Wortzusammensetzung); ursprünglich russische Koseform von Alexandra, heute wie ein selbständiger Name in Gebrauch; wird auch als männlicher Name verwendet

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