176 Infos zu Sebastian Fittko

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16 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Biggest Tesla News Of The Year ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_bigg...

Do you think the incumbent car manufacturer can keep up with @Tesla on # batterytech⁉️ "For Tesla it's all about vertical integration. That is why a lot of ...

Corporate-Start-ups ­fördern Innovationen - com! professional

Weshalb gründen etablierte Unternehmen eigene Start-ups? com! professional erläutert im Gespräch mit Branchenexperten, warum sich die Förderung von...

Sebastian Fittko - Berlin Music Weekwww.berlin-music-week.de › programme › speakers

Sebastian Fittko has more than 12 years of internet and media industry experience in various roles and positions at startups and corporate companies.

November - Das Programm - Wirtschaft - SZ.de

Nov 14, · Breakfast-Session mit Sebastian Fittko (Katapult-now, Innogy Innovation Hub Berlin), Ramin Niroumand (Fin Leap), Ramona Pop (Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe des Landes Berlin).

1  Bilder zu Sebastian Fittko

Sebastian Fittko. Director UX Consulting bei relevantive AG

53 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: G-FORCE RELOADED with Sebastian Fittko - Facebookwww.facebook.com › online › g-f...

Facebook: Service Hotline DHL Paket: "DHL kann die Sebastian Fittko


LinkedIn: Beitrag von Sebastian Fittko - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_nächste-w...

RABATT CODE Trefft dort Kai Malkwitz, Florian Uthoff und Sebastian Fittko und lernt die Initiative direkt von uns und mit uns kennen.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

G-FORCE RELOADED with Sebastian Fittko Tickets, Tue, Sep 29, at...

Eventbrite - GERMANTECH presents G-FORCE RELOADED with Sebastian Fittko - Tuesday, September 29, Find event and ticket information.

G-FORCE RELOADED with Sebastian Fittko, September | Online...

G-FORCE RELOADED with Sebastian Fittko Hosted By GTEC - German Tech Entrepreneurship Center. Event starts on Tuesday, 29 September and happening online....

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter


WebSebastian Fittko. Co-Founder. MOTHERLAND NEWSLETTER. We wish to win you as a partner, funder, and supporter! We are looking forward to your ideas, and introductions to …

3 Persönliche Webseiten

About – Sebastian Fittko – Medium

Connect with Sebastian Fittko. About · Help · Legal. Get the Medium app. A button that says 'Download on the App Store', and if clicked it.

5 Bücher zum Namen

Sebastian Fittko | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › today › author › sebastian-fittko

Sebastian Fittko. Accelerating the advent of a regenerative economy • Co-founder IRM • Co-founder Motherland • Executive Director Global Impact Tech ...

Bücher von Dr Brigitte Stechhammer: Preise vergleichenwww.buecher24.de › Autor › Dr+Brigitte+Stechhammer

Dezember 2009) von Prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner, Dr. Brigitte Stechhammer, Prof. Dr. Hans H. Hinterhuber, Felix Bernhard, Wolfram Bernhardt, Sebastian Fittko, ...

Scheitern: Die Schattenseite des Daseins von Bernhard, Felix ...buchfindr.de › buecher › scheitern-die-schattenseite-des-daseins

Felix Bernhard, Wolfram Bernhardt, Sebastian Fittko, Hans H. Hinterhuber, Hartmann Hinterhuber, Matthias Junge, Margit Klammer, Ute Mings, Olaf Morgenroth, ...

Scheitern: die Schattenseite des Daseins: Die Chance zur...

... Review, Vol. 34 No. 4, S. 53–72 Münchau, W. (2006): Das Ende der sozialen Marktwirtschaft. München o Wolfram Bernhardt, Sebastian Fittko.

1 Songs & Musik

Führen mit OKR - Die Business The…uten | Podcast on Spotify

Listen to this episode from Die Business The…uten on Spotify. Als Sasserath+ Gruppe beschäftigen wir uns im Kern stark mit der Frage, wie wir gemeinsam mit...

5 Dokumente

Sebastian Fittko presentations | SlideShare

View all of Sebastian Fittko's Presentations.

Lean Startup Analytics and MVP – Lecture and Workshop at Zeppelin Uni…

This lecture and workshop was held at E-Entrepreneurship Summer School at Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen. The first part explains the differences and cha…

Fittko, Sebastian [WorldCat Identities]

View works by Sebastian Fittko Publications about Sebastian Fittko Publications by Sebastian Fittko by 1 Publication by Sebastian Fittko.

Startupnight Conference Program

WebSebastian Fittko Thomas Brosch Technology trends AI and VR 10:30 am - 11:15 am Room 3 Everybody seems to be talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is creating a lot of …

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Sebastian Fittko Motherland - YouTube

How to achieve impact at scale starting. From a participatory process, to community implementation, and scale.

7 Meinungen & Artikel

im Studium - English translation – Linguee

WebIm Studium fokussierte Sebastian Fittko sich auf Entrepreneurship, Innovationsmanagement und Marketing und entdeckte seinen Gründergeist: Er …

Referenten OWF22 - Ostdeutsches Wirtschaftsforum

Web1 Jan · Sebastian Fittko ist der Initiator und Vorstand der neu gegründeten Initiative regenerative Marktwirtschaft e.V., die ein neues Leitbild für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft …

Startups und Großkonzerne | Companisto Blog

Zwischen Startups und traditionellen, großen Firmen ist dicke Luft, könnte man meinen.

Hacking the startup night - E.ON :agileeon-agile.com › blog › hacking-th...

... Inno Energy), Sebastian Fittko (RWE Innovation Hub), Dr. Philipp Ulbrich (E.ON SE Innovation), Marcus Walena (CEO Digimondo GmbH).

80 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: #africa #africarena23 #greengrowth ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_africa-...

Sebastian Fittko's Post. View profile for Sebastian Fittko. Sebastian Fittko. Accelerating the advent of a regenerative economy • Co-founder IRM • Co- ...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: #substack #africanstartups ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_substac...

Sebastian Fittko. Accelerating the advent of a regenerative economy • Co-founder IRM • Co-founder Motherland • Executive Director Global Impact Tech ...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: "Charge up for a 360km car ride ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebasti...

October 31, 2019: Sebastian Fittko posted images on LinkedIn.

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: "A question to Elon Musk: Why ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_wha...

November 13, 2019: Sebastian Fittko posted on LinkedIn.

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: "Should your CO2 footprint ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_bur...

October 30, 2019: Sebastian Fittko posted an article on LinkedIn.

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: "Yesterday I had the pleasure to ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_entr...

October 25, 2019: Sebastian Fittko posted images on LinkedIn.

Sebastian Fittko | LinkedIn

View Sebastian Fittko's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the ... Founder at Find The Flow Interactive; Head of Web Design at Boros Interaktiv. see less.

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: #AI #DLT #innovationwww.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_ai-dl...

Welcome Digital Catapult to Berlin. Great to have another catapult Today the first - Digital Catapult Challenge on Applying #AI and #DLT ...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: #ClimateChange #Opportunity ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_clim...

Great to see that CEOs like Markus Haas of Telefónica is taking the topic of climate change seriously and spending more than 2 hours of his...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: #energy #renewables ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_ener...

Market forces do their job by pushing the price for newly installed renewables below the marginal cost of coal . Even Trump's policy can not change...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: BlackRock goes green ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_blac...

Shift towards climate positive investments #ClimateAction100+ is gaining more traction ➔ @BlackRock joins 370 global investors already signed up to ...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Explainer: Understanding the ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_expl...

Looking for a big hairy audacious goal for your company? Do you think carbon neutrality by is already decent? Then think today's announcement...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Big thx to Tilo Bonow and ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebasti...

Big thx to Tilo Bonow and Constanze Buchheim for the opportunity to be part of this great networking dinner with a fantastic group of digital executives...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Is Your Innovation Process a ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_is-y...

INSEAD published a very decent analysis of the reasons why Innovation Labs # Fail If you still wonder why so many failed, just disappear or are ...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Moore's Law Isn't Dead: It's ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_moo...

Production volume is the critical driver behind cost decline and not a technical improvement as a decoupled function. Therefore it is super exciting...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Pepsi Issues $1 Billion in Green ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_peps...

Have you wondered how to finance your sustainability, resource positive like Starbucks, or carbon-negative like Microsoft, initiatives? PepsiCo issued last ...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Starbucks commits to give more ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_star...

Now Starbucks took its chance to announce to become "resource positive" on carbon, water, and waste‼️ After the announcement of Satya Nadella of Microsoft ...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: Thank you Tharald and Lise for ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_than...

Thank you Tharald and Lise for brining together this amazing group of impact people at INFARM tonight!...

Sebastian Fittko on LinkedIn: ‪Looking fwd to talk this morning‬ ...www.linkedin.com › posts › sebastian-fittko_look...

Looking fwd to talk this morning with Berlin's Senator of Economic Affairs Ramona Pop and Ramin Niroumand of Finleap on the „Startup Hub Berlin“ at ...

Sebastian Fittko posted on LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › posts › sebasti...

Pledging $10B for climate actions looks super generous and straight forward from Jeff Bezos. But I agree with the Forbes article he should spend...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sebastian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Sebastian; der Mann aus Sebaste; Altgriechisch (Geografischer Name als Vorname); sebastos = erhaben, ehrwürdig, achtunggebietend; vom Namen 'Sebastianos', der auf den Namen der griechischen Stadt 'Sebaste' in Kleinasien zurückgeht; der Name der Stadt bestand in Anlehnung an lateinisch 'augustus' 'erhaben', so benannt zu Ehren eines römischen Kaisers

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Sebastian Fittko & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Sebastian Fittko und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.