55 Infos zu Selim Eminoglu
Mehr erfahren über Selim Eminoglu
Infos zu
- Tayfun Akin
- Serhat Kocak
- Mikro-Tasarim
- Deniz Sabuncuoglu Tezcan
- Gulden
- Incedere
- Murat Isikhan
- Nusret Bayhan
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Selim EminogluTwitter Profil: selim eminoglu (selimeminoglu)Selim Eminoglu | Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › authorSemantic Scholar profile for Selim Eminoglu, with 8 highly influential citations and 26 scientific research papers.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Selim Eminoglu - PatentsSelim Eminoglu - bibliographic patent references ... If Selim Eminoglu filed recent patent applications under another name, spelling ...
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Selim EminogluAKIO HIRATA
4 Bücher zum Namen
Book of Answers for a Young CEO: Life's Missing Instruction ...... Hakan, Selim Eminoglu, Michael Gorder, Gary Hughes, Koosang Jung, Anzhelika, John Stevens, Stefan Lauxtermann, Adam Lee, Mihail Milkov, Anders Petersen, ...
CMOS - MEMS - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseite10.5 Acknowledgements Author would like to thank Dr. Selim Eminoglu for allowing to partially use his Ph.D. thesis for the ...
Book of Answers for a Young CEO: Life's Missing Instruction Manual...... Markus, Atul, Min,Vincent, Hakan, Selim Eminoglu, Michael Gorder, Gary Hughes, Koosang Jung, Anzhelika, John Stevens, Stefan Lauxtermann, Adam Lee, ...
CMOS - MEMS - Google BooksThis edition of 'CMOS-MEMS' was originally published in the successful series 'Advanced Micro & Nanosystems'. Here, the combination of the globally...
4 Dokumente
based Thermal Sensors - Wiley Online Libraryvon T Akin · · Zitiert von: 46 — Author would like to thank Dr. Selim Eminoglu for allowing to partially use his. Ph.D. thesis for the uncooled infrared detector part and Mr. Zeynel Olgun ... › doi › pdf
A 640× µm CTIA ROIC for SWIR InGaAs Detector Arraysvon S Eminoglu · Zitiert von: 17 — Selim Eminoglu, Murat Isikhan, Nusret Bayhan, M. Ali Gulden, O. Samet Incedere, S. Tuncer Soyer, Serhat Kocak,. Gokhan S. Yilmaz, and Tayfun Akin. › files › papers
A miniature VGA SWIR camera using MT6415CA ROIC, Proceedings of SPIE...A Miniature VGA SWIR Camera using MT6415CA ROIC. Selim Eminoglu, S. Gokhan Yilmaz, and Serhat Kocak. Mikro-Tasarim Ltd., ODTU-Teknokent, Ankara , ...
U. C. Berkeley Dissertation - eScholarshipvon B Eminoglu · · Zitiert von: 1 — Last but not least, I would like to thank my brother Selim Eminoglu for his endless guidance in my academic and non-academic life, my mother Ayla Eminoglu,. › content
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Patents Assigned to Mikrosens Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.S.Uncooled infrared detector and methods for manufacturing the same ... Assignee: Mikrosens Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.S.. Inventors: Tayfun Akin, Selim Eminoglu. › assignee
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | Vol 109, Issues 1–2 ...Selim Eminoglu, Deniz Sabuncuoglu Tezcan, M.Yusuf Tanrikulu, Tayfun Akin. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. Sorry, this component is empty. › issue
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Dr. Selim Eminoglu - SPIE› profile › Selim.E...
Selim EminogluSPIE Profile of Selim Eminoglu, Mikro-Tasarim Elektronik San ve Tic AS. SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.
CMOS n-well microbolometer FPA with temperature coefficient...This paper reports the development of a low-cost CMOS ... Author(s): Selim Eminoglu; Deniz S. Tezcan; Tayfun Akin. PDF: Member: $18.00, Non-member: $
35 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Selim Eminoglu | LinkedInView Selim Eminoglu's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Selim Eminoglu discover ... Es fehlt: paris
Selim Eminoglu | LinkedInSelim Eminoglus berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Selim Eminoglu dabei hilft ...
Ultra low-cost uncooled infrared detector arrays in cmosApplication filed by Tayfun Akin, Selim Eminoglu, Tanrikulu M Yusuf Publication of WO A1. Info: Patent citations (2) ... › patent
US B2 - Multi-color read-out integrated circuitInventor: Atul Joshi: Angelika Kononenko: David J. Chiaverini: Gananath Wijeratne: John C. Stevens: Selim Eminoglu: William E. Tennant; Current Assignee.
US A1 - Method for immobilizing molecular probes to a...A method immobilizing molecules on the surface of a semiconductor oxide substrate by forming stable bonds with hydrazine bound to the surface is...
selim eminoglu - ekşi sözlükselim eminoglu. şükela: tümü | bugün. odtu eee bolumunde yeni assistant professeur oldu. verdigi ilk ders olan ee413 introduction to vlsi ...
Selim Eminoglu (@7eminogluselim) • Instagram photos and ...› ...
CMOS n-well microbolometer FPA with temperature coefficient ...von S Eminoglu · Zitiert von: 9 — Selim Eminoglu, Deniz Sabuncuoglu Tezcan, Tayfun Akin, "CMOS n-well microbolometer FPA with temperature coefficient enhancement circuitry,". › Download
Soyadı E ile başlayan kişiler (eminoglu) | Sayfa | İsim Arama...selim-eminoglu.kiminismi.com. Selim Eminoglu telefon numarası, Selim Eminoglu fotoğrafları, Selim Eminoglu işyeri, Selim Eminoglu sosyal ağ hesapları ...
WO A1 - Ultra low-cost uncooled infrared detector arrays in...Applicant, Tayfun Akin, Selim Eminoglu, Tanrikulu M Yusuf. Export Citation, BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan. Non-Patent Citations (3), Referenced ...
E158: Introduction to CMOS VLSI DesignVLSI Links, People HMC Prof. David Harris (Lab Assistant) Aaron Stratton METU Prof. Dr. Tayfun AKIN · Selim EMINOGLU (Lab Assistant) › harris › class
Low Cost 160×130 Uncooled Infrared Sensor Array - imanagerSelim Eminoglu, Deniz Sabuncuoglu Tezcan, M. Yusuf Tanrikulu, Tayfun Akin, (2003) “Low-cost uncooled infrared detectors in CMOS process”, ... › ...
Mikrosens Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.Ş. | (0312)Mikrosens Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.Ş. şirketinin ana irtibat kişisi Selim Eminoglu'dir. › mikro...
Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...pubs.rsc.org › content › forwardlinksJavid Musayev, Caglar Altiner, Yekbun Adiguzel, Haluk Kulah, Selim Eminoglu and Tayfun Akin. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2014, 215, 105
Personal - Selim Sermet Akbay... Oguz Ergin · Orhan Akar · Ozgur Baris Akan · Ozgur Kurc · Secil Savaraneril · Selim Eminoglu · Tolga Ozbakan · Tuna Tugcu · Utku Diril · Yuvraj Dhillon. › personal
Low-cost small-pixel uncooled infrared detector for large focal plane...SPIE Digital Library Proceedings
MT3825BA: a 384× µm ROIC for uncooled microbolometer FPAsSelim Eminoglu, M. Ali Gulden, Nusret Bayhan, O. Samet Incedere, S. Tuncer Soyer, Cem M. B. Ustundag, Murat Isikhan, Serhat Kocak, Ozge Turan, Cem Yalcin ...
Tuncay Eminoglu - Dato Capital LuxembourgSelim Eminoglu, United Kingdom. EMINOGLU UMIT YUCEL, United Kingdom Umit Yucel Eminoglu, United Kingdom. This information comes from public records and it's ... › Tunca...
Alumni US | Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi / Middle East Technical...Graduates of Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi / Middle East Technical University - the names, photos, skill, job, location. Information on the Orta Doğu Teknik...
BİLİŞİM & CITEX TBD 32. ULUSAL BİLİŞİM KURULTAYI VE BİLİŞİM...Firma Sunumu: Dr. Selim Eminoglu, MIKRO-TASARIM “Makina Tabanlı Görüntüleme Uygulamaları İçin Yeni Nesil Akıllı Entegre Görüntüleme ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Selim
Männlicher Vorname (Türkisch): Selim; Arabisch (Wortzusammensetzung); salim = sicher, unversehrt
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Eminoglu
"Emin" bedeutet Wort wörtlich übersetzt "sicher" und "oglu" hat die Bedeutung "von", also "von Emin". In der Zeit von Osmanischen Reichs wurde oglu sehr häufig verwendet. Dies kommt bei in Griechenland lebende türkische Minderheit in West Trazien am häufigsten vor, da Sie die die Namenskultur weiterhin behalten haben. Was der Unterschied zu heute ist, wurde damals der Sohn immer den Namen seines Vaters "immer" als Familienname übernommen. "Yalcin Eminoglu" = "Yalcin von Emin" = also Sohn von Emin.
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Michael Gorder
- Stefan Lauxtermann
- John Stevens
- Gary Hughes
- Serhat Kocak
- Murat Isikhan
- Volkan Emre Arpinar
- Suna Cinar
- Franz Fidler
Personensuche zu Selim Eminoglu & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Selim Eminoglu und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.