186 Infos zu Serena Ivaldi

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Patrick Stalph | Universität Tübingen

8 leçons de leadership à tirer de...

A l'occasion de la sortie du top des femmes les plus puissantes aux USA, la journaliste Jenna Goudreau tire 8 leçons de leadership au travers du comportement...

Special Theme - ERCIM Newsercim-news.ercim.eu › special

by the guest editors Serena Ivaldi (Inria) and Maria Pateraki (ICS-FORTH). This special theme addresses the state of the art of human-robot interaction (HRI), ...

Kan een mens een robot vertrouwen? - New Scientist

Over de interactie tussen mens en robot is nog niet veel bekend. In een experiment werd gekeken of mensen adviezen van robots opvolgen.

1  Bilder zu Serena Ivaldi

Bild zu Serena Ivaldi

19 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Serena Ivaldi

Facebook: Serena Ivaldi | Facebook

LinkedIn: Serena Ivaldi - Deutschland | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Serena Ivaldi (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...

LinkedIn: Serena Ivaldi | LinkedIn

Voir le profil professionnel de Serena Ivaldi (France) sur LinkedIn. Grâce à LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel au monde, les professionnels comme ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Homme/robot. Le trouble au rendez-vous | L'Humanité

Aujourd’hui, les robots sont cantonnés à une ou deux tâches ménagères. Demain, ils seront capables d’interagir avec l’homme. Avec un peu de science, les...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Serena Ivaldi - CoDyCowww.codyco.eu › team › 7-serena-ivaldi

Search. You are here: Home · Team Serena Ivaldi. http://www.icub.org. YARP. http://wiki.icub.org/yarp Serena Ivaldi. Contact. Contact-image. Postdoc.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Special issue on whole-body control of contacts and dynamics for ...www.research.ed.ac.uk › publications › special-issue...

· Special issue on whole-body control of contacts and dynamics for humanoid robots. Serena Ivaldi, Jan Babic, Michael Mistry, Robin Murphy.

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

Workshop on Compliant & Versatile Robot Control

Persoanl Webpage

Serena Ivaldi - Alumni - Intelligent Autonomous Systems - TU...

Research on robotics, policy search and machine learning at TU Darmstadt by Jan Peters group.

Serena Ivaldi et les robots collaboratifs - Vosges Matinwww.vosgesmatin.fr › education › › ser...

· Serena Ivaldi et les robots collaboratifs. La chercheuse de l'Inria Nancy est au cœur du projet européen visant à améliorer la capacité des ...

17 Bücher zum Namen

Search Results for author: Serena Ivaldi - Papers With Codepaperswithcode.com › author › serena-ivaldi

no code implementations • 2 Jul • Luigi Penco, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Serena Ivaldi. Humanoid robots could be versatile and intuitive human avatars that ...

Serena Ivaldi | Marc Deisenrothdeisenroth.cc › authors › serena-ivaldi

Serena Ivaldi. Latest. Learning Inverse Dynamics Models with Contacts · Learning Torque Control in Presence of Contacts using Tactile Sensing from Robot ...

Computer Vision Systems: 7th International Conference on Computer...

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2009, held in Liege, Belgium, October...

Intrinsically Motivated Learning in Natural and Artificial Systems -...

It has become clear to researchers in robotics and adaptive behaviour that current approaches are yielding systems with limited autonomy and capacity for...

8 Dokumente

[ ] A Variational Time Series Feature Extractor for Action...

Authors:Maxime Chaveroche, Adrien Malaisé, Francis Colas, François Charpillet, Serena Ivaldi. (Submitted on 6 Jul (v1), last revised

Serena Ivaldi webpage

See the list in: Google Scholar, DBLP. INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS. [J12] Padois, V.; Ivaldi, S.; Babic, J,; Mistry, M.; Peters, J.; Nori, F. (2016) Whole-Body ...

Jean-Baptiste Mouret's articles on arXiv

Authors: Luigi Penco, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Serena Ivaldi. Comments: Video: this https URL. Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Machine Learning (cs.LG).

Serena Ivaldi webpage - Loriamembers.loria.fr › SIvaldi › files

I am also affiliated with the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab of TU Darmstadt (Germany), directed by Jan Peters. My research is at the intersection of ...

19 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Deep unsupervised network for multimodal perception, representation...

Serena Ivaldi is a researcher in INRIA. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Engineering, both with highest honors, at the University of Genoa ...

dblp: Serena Ivaldi

List of computer science publications by Serena Ivaldi

dblp: Serena Ivaldi

Serena Ivaldi, Sébastien Lefort, Jan Peters, Mohamed Chetouani, Joelle Provasi, Elisabetta Zibetti: Towards engagement models that consider individual factors in HRI: on the relation of extroversion and negative attitude towards robots to gaze and speech during a human-robot assembly task. CoRR abs (2015)

Whole-body multi-contact motion in humans and humanoids: Advances of...

Serena Ivaldi is a researcher in INRIA. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Engineering, both with highest honours, at the University of Genoa ...

9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Bibliography generated from...

Salvatore M. Anzalone, Serena Ivaldi, Olivier Sigaud, and Mohamed Chetouani. Multimodal people engagement with iCub. Biologically inspired cognitive ...

Automated Prediction of Extraversion During Human–Humanoid...

By Salvatore Maria Anzalone, Giovanna Varni, Serena Ivaldi and Mohamed Chetouani. Cite. BibTex; Full citation. No static citation data. No static citation data.

Force feedback exploiting tactile and proximal force/torque sensing |...

The paper addresses the problem of measuring whole-body dynamics for a multiple-branch kinematic chain in presence of unknown external wrenches. The main r

theses.fr – Serena Ivaldi

Serena Ivaldi

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Serena Ivaldi - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Probabilistic Movement Models Show that Postural Control Precedes and...


Ricercatrice di Robotica in Francia | La Fuga dei Talenti

... la mia posizione attuale è un sogno". Raccoglie così "Giovani Talenti" lo sfogo di Serena Ivaldi, 32enne ricercatrice presso l'Inria francese,…

DBWorld Message

Applicants are encouraged to contact Gerhard Neumann, Jan Peters, Guilherme Maeda, Elmar Rueckert, Tucker Hermans or Serena Ivaldi during the upcoming ...

Cycle "Intelligences" 1/4: et si on décryptait l'intelligence...

Serena Ivaldi, est chargée de recherche dans l'équipe Larsen d'Inria. Captivée par la robotique, elle en a fait sa spécialité et se passionne ...

90 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Serena Ivaldi | LinkedIn

View Serena Ivaldi's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Serena Ivaldi discover inside ...

Serena Ivaldi - Google Scholar -sitaatit

Serena Ivaldi. researcher at INRIA · robotics, humanoid robotics, human-robot interaction, robot learning. Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa inria.fr ...

‪Serena Ivaldi‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Research scientist, INRIA‬ - ‪‪ mal zitiert‬‬ - ‪robotics‬ - ‪humanoid robotics‬ - ‪human-robot interaction‬ - ‪robot learning‬

Serena Ivaldi - Citas de Google Académico

L Natale, F Nori, G Metta, M Fumagalli, S Ivaldi, U Pattacini, M Randazzo, *, Force feedback exploiting tactile and proximal force/torque sensing.

Episode I avec Serena Ivaldi - Naissance de la robotique ...soundcloud.com › contemporaliis

Serena Ivaldi est chargée de recherche dans l'équipe Larsen - INRIA Nancy Grand Est. Diffusée en juin sur Radio Campus Clermont, ...

Pardon Our Interruption

Serena Ivaldi & Roberto Ivaldi from registered at for their baby shower registry with a due date of . Browse their baby registries.

Serena Ivaldi - Expertes France

Serena Ivaldi est chercheuse en robotique à l'INRIA, dans l'équipe Larsen (Long-​term Autonomy and interaction skills for Robots in a Sensing ENvironment) de ...

Nouveau monde. iCub, le petit robot humanoïde européen

L’INRIA de Nancy travaille sur un projet de robot à forme humaine doté de fonctions évoluées baptisé iCub.

‪Bastien Berret‬ - ‪Google विद्वान‬

‪Professor, Université Paris-Saclay, Institut Universitaire de France‬ - ‪‪1,487 जगहों पर ज़िक्र हुआ‬‬ - ‪motor control‬ - ‪movement neuroscience‬ -...

Pauline Maurice

... Lab under the direction of Pr. Dagmar Sternad. From to 2019, I was a postdoctoral researcher at INRIA Nancy where I worked with Dr. Serena Ivaldi.

David Filliat - Google Scholar Citations

Jean-Arcady Meyer,; Stephane Doncieux,; Pierre-Yves Oudeyer,; Natalia Lyubova,; Stephane Bazeille,; Serena Ivaldi,; Agnès Guillot,; Olivier Sigaud, ...

Serena Ivaldi - a model from Italywww.modelmanagement.com › model › serena-ivaldi

Looking for a model? Check the model profile of Serena Ivaldi from Italy. See other portfolios and book models on modelmanagement.com.

Serena Ivaldi - Expertes Tunisie

Serena Ivaldi est chercheuse en robotique à l'INRIA, dans l'équipe Larsen (Long-term Autonomy and interaction skills for Robots in a Sensing ENvironment) de ...

Serena Ivaldi

iCub interacting with humans: software tools and best practices Serena Ivaldi ! INRIA Nancy Grand-Est & IAS, TU Darmstadt ! ! “My” iCub ...

Matteo Fumagalli - Citazioni di Google Scholar

Giulio Sandini,; Giorgio Metta,; Francesco Nori,; Lorenzo Natale,; Raffaella Carloni,; Stefano Stramigioli,; Serena Ivaldi,; Lorenzo Jamone,; Roberto Naldi, ...

Nguyen Sao Mai - Google Scholar Citations

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer,; Adrien Baranès,; Natalia Lyubova,; David Filliat,; Vincent Padois,; Alain DRONIOU,; Olivier Sigaud,; Serena Ivaldi,; Clément Moulin-Frier, ...

Olivier Sigaud - Citazioni di Google Scholar

Martin V. Butz,; Vincent Padois,; Serena Ivaldi,; Thomas Degris,; Gianluca Baldassarre,; Alain DRONIOU,; Giovanni Pezzulo,; Didier Marin,; Jan Peters,; Lionel ...

Serena Ivaldi - Les Expertes - Francophonie

Serena Ivaldi est chercheuse en robotique à l'INRIA, dans l'équipe Larsen (Long-term Autonomy and interaction skills for Robots in a Sensing ENvironment) de ...

Serena Ivaldi | Inriainria.fr › serena-ivaldi

Serena Ivaldi et le robot iCub. Titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Institut italien de technologie, elle rejoint l'équipe LARSEN en après deux postdoctorats en ...

Serena Ivaldi - Interstices.infointerstices.info › auteur › serena-ivaldi

· Nos auteurs · Contactez-nous. Profil. Serena Ivaldi. Chercheuse dans l'équipe Larsen au centre Inria Nancy Grand-Est. Photo © Emile Loreaux.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Serena

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch): Serena; die Heitere; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); serenus = heiter, hell, ruhig

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