41 Infos zu Shirley Beul-leusmann
Mehr erfahren über Shirley Beul-leusmann
Lebt in
- Aachen
Infos zu
- Martina Ziefle
- Kai Kasugai
- Eva-Maria
- Jakobs
- Barbara
- Zaunbrecher
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
UCDPHA : 4th International Workshop on User-Centered Design of...UCDPHA : 4th International Workshop on User-Centered Design of Pervasive Healthcare Applications 2014
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Beitrag von Shirley Beul-Leusmann - LinkedIn DeutschlandWieder einmal erstrahlte Köln in Magenta! Die Digital X stand unter dem Motto Be digital. Stay human und bot Besuchern auf sechs Bühnen spannende Einblicke in die große Bandbreite der Herausforderungen, die die Digitalisierung für uns bereit hält: Artificial Intelligence stand im Fokus einiger inspirierender Vorträge von Amy Webb, Frank Thelen und Hayete Gallot.
Twitter Profil: Shirley Beul (kuhkofferfisch)Shirley Beul | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Shirley Beul, with 2 highly influential citations and 4 scientific research papers.
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Shirley Beul-LeusmannSenior Incubation Champion / Aachen / Technikakzeptanz, Kommunikationswissenschaft, Technikkommunikation, Requirement Engineering / , RWTH Aachen, Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen, Human Technology Centre
Shirley BEUL-LEUSMANN | Research Assistant | Magister | RWTH...Shirley BEUL-LEUSMANN, Research Assistant | Cited by 296 | of RWTH Aachen University, Aachen | Read 27 publications | Contact Shirley BEUL-LEUSMANN
7 Bücher zum Namen
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theories, Methods, and Tools...The four-volume set LNCS 8517, 8518, and constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability,...
Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures: First International Summit,...The two-volume set LNICST 150 and 151 constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the First International Internet of Things Summit,...
Web Information Systems and Technologies: 10th International...315 Christian Samsel, Shirley Beul-Leusmann, Maximilian Wiederhold, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Martina Ziefle, and Eva-Maria Jakobs Measuring Energy ...
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare - Google BooksBased on recent research, this book discusses how to improve quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness in patient care through the application of human...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Shirley Beul-LeusmannList of computer science publications by Shirley Beul-Leusmann
27 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Shirley Beul-Leusmann - Google Scholari10-index Shirley Beul-Leusmann. HCI Center, RWTH Aachen University. Verified email at comm.rwth-aachen.de. Human-Computer Interaction Telemedicine Ageing Technology Acceptance Mobility. Title.
Shirley Leusmann in der Personensuche von Das TelefonbuchاÙÙÙبFinden Sie private und berufliche Informationen zu Shirley Leusmann: Interessen, Berufe, Biografien und Lebensläufe in der Personensuche von Das Telefonbuch
Integrating the âEâ in Public Transport | springerprofessional.deاÙÙÙبverfasst von : Martina Ziefle, Shirley Beul-Leusmann, Barbara S. Zaunbrecher, Kai Kasugai. Erschienen in: Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures Verlag: Springer International â¦
Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures | springerprofessional.deاÙÙÙبMartina Ziefle, Shirley Beul-Leusmann, Barbara S. Zaunbrecher, Kai Kasugai Application for a Personal Mobility Sharing System Using Two-Wheeled Self-balancing Vehicles To solve â¦
Public Perception and Acceptance of Electric Vehicles: Exploring â¦Ø§ÙÙÙبverfasst von : Martina Ziefle, Shirley Beul-Leusmann, Kai Kasugai, Maximilian Schwalm Erschienen in: Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for â¦
Simone Isabella Thyssen aus Bonn - Manager-ProfilاÙÙÙبSimone Isabella Thyssen Förderverein der Kindertagesstätte Wirbelwind Bonn-Holzlar e.V. Shirley Beul-Leusmann . Alle Netzwerkverbindungen (13) Umfeld. Förderverein der â¦
Between Innovation and Daily Practice in the Development of AAL â¦Ø§ÙÙÙبverfasst von : Shirley Beul, Lars Klack, Kai Kasugai, Christian Moellering, Carsten Roecker, Wiktoria Wilkowska, Martina Ziefle
Context Aware Intermodal Routing | Dina Barner | Softcover | EAN ...اÙÙÙبvon Dina Barner, Shirley Beul, Uta Christoph, Eva-Maria Jakobs, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Anne Kathrin Schaar, Otto Spaniol, Christoph Terwelp, Simone Wirtz und Martina Ziefle.
Detail | inITاÙÙÙبCarsten Röcker, Wiktoria Wilkowska , M. Ziefle , Kai Kasugai , Lars Klack , Christina Möllering and Shirley Beul, Jan Literature procurement: Proceedings of the 18th Biennial â¦
Itâs All about the Medium: Identifying Patientsâ Medial Preferences â¦Ø§ÙÙÙبverfasst von : Shirley Beul, Martina Ziefle, Eva-Maria Jakobs Erschienen in: Information Quality in e-Health Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Towards Adaptive Interfaces for Supporting Elderly Users in â¦Ø§ÙÙÙبChristian Möllering, Shirley Beul Human Technology Centre (HumTec), Communication Science RWTH Aachen University, Germany {roecker, wilkowska, ziefle, kasugai, klack, â¦
Christian Samsel - Google ScholarResearch Assistant, RWTH Aachen University - 301-mal zitiert - Intermodal Travel Information Systems - Ubiquitous Mobility Assistance - Recommender...
Martina Ziefle - Google ScholarRWTH Aachen University - mal zitiert - Human-Computer Interaction - Technology Acceptance - Social Media - Smart Environments - User...
SciTePress - Person ProfileDigital Library
CiteSeerX — groupBibTeX. @MISC{Zaunbrecher_group, author = {Barbara S. Zaunbrecher and Shirley Beul-leusmann and Martina Ziefle}, title = {group}, year = {} } ...
Design, User Experience and Usability | HCI International 2014Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2014
Laypeople’s Perspectives on Electromobility: A Focus Group Study |...Although many electric cars are readily available on the market and the charging infrastructure is expanded, the majority of people is still
Context Aware Intermodal Routing, Barner, Dina; Beul, Shirley;...Context Aware Intermodal Routing, Barner, Dina; Beul, Shirley; Christoph, Uta; Jakobs, Eva-Maria; Krempels, Karl-Heinz; Schaar, Anne Kathrin, Apprimus...
SciTePress - Publication DetailsDigital Library
Unterwegs im ÖV. Usability mobiler Fahrgastinformationssysteme - PDF...Usability mobiler Fahrgastinformationssysteme Shirley Beul-Leusmann 1, Anaïs Habermann 1, Martina Ziefle 1 & Eva-Maria Jakobs 2 RWTH Aachen, HCI ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Shirley
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Shirley; helle Lichtung; Altenglisch (Familienname als Vorname); scir = hell, leuchtend; leah = der Wald, die Wiese, die Lichtung; geht zurück auf einen Familiennamen, der wiederum zurückgeht auf eine häufige Ortsbezeichnung in England; erst 1849 durch den Roman 'Shirley' von Charlotte Brontë als weiblicher Vorname etabliert
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