23 Infos zu Sigrid Hojak

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Sigrid Hojak - Patents

Sigrid Hojak patents. Recent bibliographic sampling of Sigrid Hojak patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application # ...

1 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Sigrid Hojak


2 Dokumente

Differentiation: Vol 75, No 4Wiley

Venkata Lokesh Battula, Petra M. Bareiss, Sabrina Treml, Sabine Conrad, Ingrid Albert, Sigrid Hojak, Harald Abele, Bernhard Schewe, Lothar Just, ...

εκφραση dazl, oct4 και υποδοχεα ωκυτοκινης σε καινοτομα ...uoa.gr

— Battula, Venkata Lokesh, Petra M. Bareiss, Sabrina Treml, Sabine Conrad, Ingrid Albert, Sigrid Hojak,. Harald Abele, et al

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Binds Receptor (e.g., Transferrin Receptor, Fc ...Justia

Assignee: Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen Universitaetsklinikum. Inventors: Hans-Joerg Buehring, Sigrid Hojak, Ingrid Albert ...

Human placenta and bone marrow derived MSC cultured ...ScienceDirect

von VL Battula · · Zitiert von: 379 — Sigrid Hojak 3 , Harald Abele 4 , Bernhard Schewe 5 , Lothar Just 2 , Thomas Skutella 2 , Hans-Jörg Bühring 1. Show more. Add to Mendeley. von VL Battula · · Zitiert von: 379 — Ingrid Albert Б Sigrid Hojak m-phasys GmbH, Tu¨bingen, Germany. Harald Abele. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. University Clinic of Tu¨bingen.

Human placenta and bone marrow derived MSC cultured in serum-free,...

Sigrid Hojak . Harald Abele . Bernhard Schewe . Lothar Just . Thomas Skutella . Hans-Jo¨rg Bu¨hring. Human placenta and bone marrow derived MSC cultured ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Minichromosomal DNA replication in the macronucleus of ...Springer

von IN Skovorodkin · · Zitiert von: 28 — Ilya N. Skovorodkin, Irina B. Zassoukhina, Sigrid Hojak, Dieter Ammermann & Arthur Günzl. Authors. Ilya N. Skovorodkin. View author publications.

Isolation and characterization of multipotent human keloid ...wizdom.ai - intelligence for everyone

Venkata Lokesh Battula, Petra M Bareiss, Sabrina Treml, Sabine Conrad, Ingrid Albert, Sigrid Hojak, Harald Abele, Bernhard Schewe, Lothar Just, ...

Minichromosomal DNA replication in the macronucleus of the...

The origins of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are typically defined by cis-acting sequences. However, in ciliates, evidence suggests that th

Minichromosomal DNA replication in the macronucleus of ...ResearchGate

Sigrid Hojak · Sigrid Hojak. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Dieter Ammermann · Dieter Ammermann. Ilya N Skovorodkin · Irina Raykhel · Sigrid Hojak; [...] Arthur Günzl. The origins of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are typically defined by ...

11 Webfunde aus dem Netz

EP A1 - Frizzled 9 als tumormarkerGoogle

Other languages: English: French; Inventor: Hermann Schluesener: Hans-Joerg Buehring: Sigrid Hojak: Ingrid Albert; Current Assignee.

EP A1 - Monoclonal antibody against frizzled receptors...

Inventors, Hans-Jörg BÜHRING, Sigrid Hojak, Ingrid Albert. Applicant, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Universitätsklinikum.

EP B1 - Monoclonal antibody against human frizzled-4 receptor...

... EP B1, EP-B , EP , EP B1, EP B1, EP Inventors, Hans-Jörg BÜHRING, Sigrid Hojak, Ingrid Albert.

Determinants for cap trimethylation of the U2 small nuclear ...Oxford University Press

von A Günzl · · Zitiert von: 29 — We thank Sigrid Hojak for excellent technical assistance. This study received support from National Institutes of Health Grant AI to ...

Human placenta and bone marrow derived MSC CiNii Research国立情報学研究所

Sigrid Hojak · Harald Abele · Bernhard Schewe · Lothar Just · Thomas Skutella · Hans-Jörg Bühring. 収録刊行物. Differentiation is independent of chromosome-internal sequences. DOI PDF Web Site Web Site 被引用文献1件. Ilya N. Skovorodkin · Irina B. Zassoukhina · Sigrid Hojak.

Human placenta and bone marrow derived MSC cultured ...Academia.edu

Sabrina Treml . Sabine Conrad . Ingrid Albert . Sigrid Hojak . Harald Abele . Bernhard Schewe . Lothar Just . Thomas Skutella . Hans-Jo¨rg Bu¨hring Human ...

EP A1 - Anticorps monoclonaux contre les recepteurs de la...

Inventors, Hans-Jörg BÜHRING, Sigrid Hojak, Ingrid Albert. Applicant, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Universitätsklinikum. Export Citation, BiBTeX ...

EP B1 - Monoklonaler antikörper gegen humanen...

... EP-B , EP , EP B1, EP B1, EP Inventors, Hans-Jörg BÜHRING, Sigrid Hojak, Ingrid Albert.

US A1 - Monoclonal antibody against frizzled receptors...

Original Assignee, Hans-Joerg Buehring, Sigrid Hojak, Ingrid Albert. Export Citation, BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan. Classifications (13), Legal ...

Human placenta and bone marrow derived MSC cultured ...National Institutes of Health (.gov)

von VL Battula · · Zitiert von: 379 — Venkata Lokesh Battula , Petra M Bareiss, Sabrina Treml, Sabine Conrad, Ingrid Albert, Sigrid Hojak, Harald Abele, Bernhard Schewe, Lothar Just, ...

Human placenta and bone marrow derived MSC cultured in serum-free,...

Sigrid Hojak. m-phasys Miki, T.& Lehmann, T.& Cai, H.& Stolz, D.B.& Strom, S.C., "Stem cell characteristics of amniotic epithelial cells ", Stem Cells , vol.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sigrid

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Sigrid; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); sigr = der Sieg; fridr = schön; alter skandinavischer zweigliedriger Name

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