257 Infos zu Sigrid Rausing
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Infos zu
- Verlegerin
- Trust
- Mayhem
- Desaster
- Granta Books
- Identity
- London
- Swedish
- Estonia
- Portobello Books
- Tochter
- Granta Magazine
- Grants
57 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Guardian: Sigrid Rausing: 'Addiction is a no man's land between ...The Guardian— Sigrid Rausing: 'Addiction is a no man's land between mental illness and bad behaviour'. This article is more than 6 years old. Five years ago ...
Guardian: Sigrid RausingThe GuardianSigrid Rausing is publisher of Granta and founder of the Sigrid Rausing Trust. She is also the author of History, Memory, and Identity: the end of a ...
Book review: Mayhem: A Memoir by Sigrid Rausing | Culture | The...Sigrid Rausing worries at one point in this family memoir: “Can a book about this story ever be framed by anything other than tabloid headlines?” Well, probably
Sigrid Rausing | Edición impresa | EL PAÍSSigrid Rausing
14 Bilder zu Sigrid Rausing

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Sigrid Rausing at Harvard Book Store - FacebookFacebook: Sigrid Rausing - Author | FacebookFacebook: Sigrid Rausing - FacebookLinkedIn: sigrid rausing | Professional Profile - LinkedInprofile. It's free! Your colleagues, classmates, and 500 million other professionals ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Snippet Detail - Konrad-Adenauer-StiftungJournalists, activists and other individuals and groups that are contributing to tackle censorship worldwide can be nominated for the Freedom of Expression...
Sigrid Rausing Photos et images de collection - Getty ImagesTrouvez les Sigrid Rausing images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Sigrid Rausing de la plus haute...
A death in the family - ‘I really grappled with the question of...What do you do if you feel your life story has been colonised by the media? Do you ignore the fact or reclaim the story? And if you choose to reclaim it, what...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Sigrid Rausing Trust | Global Philanthropy Projectglobalphilanthropyproject.org › gpp-membersThe Sigrid Rausing Trust (SRT) is a UK grant making foundation, founded in by Sigrid Rausing to support human rights globally. Since then, the Trust has ...
7 Persönliche Webseiten
Sigrid RausingThe Sigrid Rausing TrustSigrid Rausing FRSL is the Publisher of Granta Books, and the former Editor of Granta Magazine. She has a PhD in Social Anthropology from University College ... Sigrid Rausing FRSL is the Publisher of Granta Books, and the former Editor of Granta Magazine. She has a PhD in Social Anthropology from University College ...
The Sigrid Rausing TrustThe Sigrid Rausing TrustThe Sigrid Rausing Trust is a grant-making foundation established in The Trust's grant-making is organised into three main grant-making programmes: Human ... The Sigrid Rausing Trust is a grant-making foundation established in The Trust's grant-making is organised into three main grant-making programmes: Human ... Who we are · Our grant-making process · Who we support · Contact us
Who we are - The Sigrid Rausing TrustThe Sigrid Rausing Trust is a grant-giving foundation based in London
Types of Grant and Application Process - Welcome To SRTTypes of Sigrid Rausing Trust Grant and Application Process
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Desaster von Sigrid Rausing bei LovelyBooks (Biografie)Die erschütternde Geschichte einer Familie über Sucht, Selbstzerstörung und den verzweifelten Wunsch zu helfen. Die Verlegerin und Tetra-Pak-Erbin Sigrid Rausing ...
Sigrid Rausing: Lebenslauf, Bücher und Rezensionen bei LovelyBooksBeliebtestes Buch: Desaster. Lebenslauf, Rezensionen und alle Bücher von Sigrid Rausing bei LovelyBooks.
35 Bücher zum Namen
Sigrid Rausing - 1 Buch - PerlentaucherSigrid Rausing, geboren in Lund, ist die Verlegerin von Granta Books und Portobello Books, Herausgeberin des Granta Magazine und Tochter des Tetra-Pak-Gründers Hans Rausing Sr. Sie studierte Geschichte, ist promovierte Anthropologin und setzt sich mit ihrer eigenen Stiftung für Menschenrechte ein. Ihr "Sigrid Rausing Trust", gilt als eine der größten philanthropischen Stiftungen …
Sigrid Rausing: Desaster - PerlentaucherÜbersetzt von Adelheid Zöfel. Die Verlegerin und Tochter des Tetra-Pak-Gründers, Sigrid Rausing, erzählt in ihrem autobiografischen Buch
Review: Mayhem by Sigrid Rausing · Readings.com.auSigrid Rausing is the editor (and owner) of Granta. Her grandfather built the Tetrapak global packaging empire. An heir to the resulting fortune, ...
History, Memory, and Identity in Post-soviet Estonia:...History, Memory, and Identity in Post-Soviet Estonia: The End of a Collective Farm by Rausing, Sigrid and a great selection of related books, art and...
1 Songs & Musik
Desaster - Sigrid Rausing (Buch) – jpcDas Buch Sigrid Rausing: Desaster jetzt portofrei für 20,00 Euro kaufen. Mehr von Sigrid Rausing gibt es im Shop.
1 Dokumente
The Sigrid Rausing Trust - Charity Detailsbeta.charitycommission.gov.uk › charity-detailsThe Sigrid Rausing Trust. Overview; Financials; Documents; People; Operations. Income. £32.0M. Spending. £32.6M. Status. Up-to-date. Charity no
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: bol.com | Sigrid Rausing artikelen kopen? Alle artikelen onlineOp zoek naar artikelen van Sigrid Rausing? Artikelen van Sigrid Rausing koop je eenvoudig online bij bol.com ✓ Snel in huis ✓ Veelal gratis verzonden
Sigrid Rausing - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiSigrid Rausing. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.
12 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Sigrid RausingWikipediaSigrid Maria Elisabet Rausing (born 29 January 1962) is a Swedish philanthropist, anthropologist and publisher. She is the founder of the Sigrid Rausing ...
NPR Cookie Consent and ChoicesSigrid Rausing is heir to a packaging fortune and a global philanthropist, but her new memoir describes a painfully ordinary family tragedy: her ...
Sigrid Rausing – Bookish BeckPosts about Sigrid Rausing written by Rebecca Foster
ECCHR-Strafanzeige gegen US-amerikanische Folterverantwortliche ist...Sigrid Rausing, a granddaughter of Ruben Rausing, the founder of the Tetra Pak company, set up the charitable trust the Sea Foundation in
105 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Sigrid RausingGrantaSigrid Rausing. SIGRID RAUSING is the publisher of Granta magazine and Granta Books. She is the author of History, Memory and Identity in Post-Soviet Estonia ... Sigrid Rausing. SIGRID RAUSING is the publisher of Granta magazine and Granta Books. She is the author of History, Memory and Identity in Post-Soviet Estonia ...
Sigrid Rausing - Der Spiegel | Olivier Hess | Pulse | LinkedInWhen you first meet Sigrid Rausing, you are welcomed by a calm, elegant, tall person, who carries signs of an eventful life. She is the founder ...
Kapil Gupta – Programme Associate – Sigrid Rausing Trust | LinkedInSigrid Rausing Trust. Früher. Human Dignity Trust. Ausbildung. Göteborgs Universitet (Sweden); Universitetet i Tromsø (Norway); Roehampton University ...
Beth Fernandez - Director of Programmes - Sigrid Rausing Trust ...View Beth Fernandez's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Beth has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Laura Cools - Human Rights Associate - Sigrid Rausing Trust | LinkedInView Laura Cools' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community . Laura has 17 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
BBC's Across the Board: Sigrid Rausing | Chess NewsThe third episode of Across the Board brought in Sigrid Rausing, founder of the Sigrid Rausing Trust, one of the United Kingdom's largest philanthropic...
Sigrid Rausing - The Full WikiFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sigrid Rausing (born 1962) is a Swedish philanthropist, anthropologist and publisher. She is the founder of the Sigrid Rausing ...
Desaster - Sigrid Rausing - Buch kaufen | Ex Libriswww.exlibris.ch › ... › Romane & Erzählungen › DesasterDesaster von Sigrid Rausing - Buch aus der Kategorie Romane & Erzählungen günstig und portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.
Descent into hell | 7 September | The SpectatorThe frail millionairess who once dreamed of owning a sweetshop became a crazed crack addict who dabbled in witchcraft
Apt | Client | Sigrid Rausing TrustApt & Sigrid Rausing Trust. Sigrid Rausing Trust · Web design. Apt Studio Canalot Studios, 222 Kensal Road. London, W10 5BN UK.
Apt | Portfolio | Sigrid Rausing TrustThe Sigrid Rausing Trust is a philanthropic, grant-giving trust, founded in to promote international human rights. The Sigrid Rausing Trust works in the ...
Forfatter Sigrid Rausing. Bøker, lydbøker, biografi og bilder |...Kjøp bøker av Sigrid Rausing. Sigrid Rausing er redaktør av Granta Magazine, samt forlegger for Granta Books og Portobello Books. Hun har fra før...
Dr Sigrid Rausing | Chester JonesHe really was such fun to work with, he designed all the achitectural details and completely understood the airy, informal feeling I wanted in the house. Dr Sigrid Rausing. Interiors. Categories. Eaton Place · Furniture · Holland Park · Little Boltons · Maison des Amis · Modern · Old Grove House · Traditional. Tags. 'cracked' ...
Le fonds Sigrid Rausing - Genre en actionwww.genreenaction.net › Le-fonds-Sigrid-RausingLe fonds Sigrid Rausing a été fondé en par Sigrid Rausing pour soutenir le mouvement international des droits de l'homme, il est basé à Londres. (...)
The Omnivore » Everything is Wonderful: Memories of a Collective Farm...Book reviews and recommendations, Ebook reviews, App reviews, News and Gossip, Competitions
OxHRH Awarded Funding Grant from the Sigrid Rausing Trust | OHRHThe OxHRH has been awarded a competitive funding grant from The Sigrid Rausing Trust. Our guiding principle is that human rights are ...
Sigrid Rausing ExplainedWhat is Sigrid Rausing? Sigrid Rausing is the daughter of Swedish businessman Hans Rausing and his wife Märit Rausing.
SIGRID RAUSING by Stoopendaal & Sundfelt | Free Listening on...Stream SIGRID RAUSING by Stoopendaal & Sundfelt from desktop or your mobile device
Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka » Sigrid Rausing TrustSigrid Rausing Trust. 1. General Support for HFHR's Legal Programs – 1 March – 28 February – USD udostępnij ...
Rausing, Sigrid - alle Bücher Online✅ Rausing, Sigrid: ✅ : Hier finden Sie alle Bücher und Publikationen des Autors auf buch-findr.de
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Sigrid
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Sigrid; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); sigr = der Sieg; fridr = schön; alter skandinavischer zweigliedriger Name
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