245 Infos zu Silke Kiessling
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- University
- Functional Analysis
- Research
- Adrenal Circadian Clock
- Nicolas Cermakian
- Gregor Eichele
- Henrik Oster
34 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Gut bacteria improve type 2 diabetes risk prediction - TUMJul 6, · Knowing this can improve diagnosis and outlook of type 2 diabetes,” said Chronobiologist Dr. Silke Kiessling, another contributor to the study. These arrhythmic bacteria …
Enhanced Skater Profile | Silke Kießling | Women | Germany ...Nationality: Germany . GDR ( ) ( ) Gender: Women Current state: Retired (M50) Last competition:
« Remettre à l’heure » l’horloge cellulaire déréglée pour traiter le...L'horloge biologique de la cellule cancéreuse a un effet sur la croissance de la tumeur, montre une étude québécoise. Une connaissance qui pourrait améliorer...
European Crohn´s and Colitis Organisation - ECCO - ECCO Grant Study...ECCO Grant Study Synopsis: Silke Kiessling. Silke Kiessling, ECCO Grant Awardee. Induction of circadian microbial function in chronic ...
26 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
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The circadian rhythm of glucocorticoids is regulated by a ...Cellvon H Oster · · Zitiert von: 557 — Silke Kiessling. Silke Kiessling. Affiliations. Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany. Search for articles by this author.
Darmbakterien verbessern Prognose von Typ-2-DiabetesInformationsdienst Wissenschaft— Silke Kiessling, die ebenfalls an der Studie beteiligt ist. Diese Bakterien, die sich im Tagesverlauf nicht mehr verändern, also arrhythmisch ...
[PDF] trabajos fin de grado aceptados por la comisión de ordenación ...www.etsiaab.upm.es › sfs › ETSIAAB· De Araceli Díaz Perales/D. Silke Kiessling. BIOTECNOLOGÍA. Madrid, 25 de octubre de EL SUBDIRECTOR DE ORDENACIÓN ACADÉMICA.
1 Business-Profile
Silke KIESSLING | Dr. rer. nat. | University of Surrey, Guildfordwww.researchgate.net › University of SurreySilke KIESSLING, Lecturer | Cited by | of University of Surrey, Guildford | Read 31 publications | Contact Silke KIESSLING.
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Staff: Institute of Neurobiology - uni-luebeck.deSilke Kiessling (University of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA) Christiane Koch (n.a.) Isa Kolbe (Fraunhofer Research and Development Center for Marine and Cellular Biotechnology, …
CRC Microbiome Signatures: Kiessling, Silke, Dr. rer. nat.WebP03. Technical University of Munich ZIEL - Institute for Food & Health , Freising-Weihenstephan Tel.: + E-Mail: silke.kiessling[at]tum.de
Staff - Chair of Nutrition and Immunology - TUMWebDr. Silke Kiessling : silke.kiessling [at] tum.de: Dr. Amira Metwaly: : amira.metwaly [at] tum.de: Dr. Sören Ocvirk: : soeren.ocvirk [at] tum.de: …
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Silke Kießling Namen AnalyseDeuNamen.com - Silke Kießling Namen Analyse und statistische für Deutschland und Österreich
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Alumni - ZIEL - Institute for Food & HealthDr. Silke Kiessling Lecturer in Chronobiology School of Biosciences, University of Surrey, UK s.kiessling(at)surrey.ac.uk . Project @ ZIEL: Circadian control of microbial function in chronic …
Arrhythmic Gut Microbiome Signatures Predict Risk of Type 2 Diabeteskclpure.kcl.ac.uk › portal › publications· Sandra Reitmeier, Silke Kiessling, Thomas Clavel, Markus List, Eduardo L. Almeida, Tarini S. Ghosh, Klaus Neuhaus, Harald Grallert, ...
Lauren Reynolds' CVLauren Mackenzie ReynoldsLauren M Reynolds, Carolina S Makowski, Sandra V Yogendran, Silke Kiessling, Nicolas Cermakian, Cecilia Flores Neuropsychopharmacology Mar ...
24 Bücher zum Namen
Functional Analysis of the Adrenal Circadian Clock book by Silke ...www.betterworldbooks.com › product › detail › fun...Buy a copy of Functional Analysis of the Adrenal Circadian Clock book by Silke Kiessling.
Silke Kiessling - AbeBooksAbenteuer in Alaska by Berthold Baumann, Silke Bollhorst, Inge Cieslak, Joachim Kießling, Michael Romahn, Debbie Siebert and a great selection of related...
Silke Kiessling (Author of Functional Analysis of the Adrenal...Join Goodreads. to see if your friends have read any of Silke Kiessling's books. Sign Up Now · Sign in with Facebook. Silke Kiessling. Follow Author. 0 followers ...
Functional Analysis of the Adrenal Circadian ClockBarnes & Nobleby Silke Kiessling Silke Kiessling. View More. No rating value average rating value is 0.0 of 5. Read 0 Reviews Same page link. (0). Write a review.
5 Dokumente
Arrhythmic Gut Microbiome Signatures for Risk Profiling of ...Social Science Research Networkvon S Reitmeier · Zitiert von: 144 — ... (TUM) - ZIEL - Institute for Food & Health. Silke Kiessling. Technische Universität München (TUM) - ZIEL - Institute for Food & Health ...
SCHATTENBLICK - FORSCHUNG/2232: Wider den Jetlag (MPG)Silke Kiessling, Gregor Eichele, Henrik Oster A role for adrenal glucocorticoids in the circadian resynchronization during jet lag in mice
Agir sur l'horloge biologique pourrait ralentir la progression du cancerde tumeurs humaines. » Des souris et des hommes. Pour cette étude, Silke Kiessling, stagiaire postdoctorale dans l'équipe de Nicolas Cermakian, ont réussi.
Targeting the biological clock could slow the progression of ...www.ciusss-ouestmtl.gouv.qc.ca › Salle_de_presseFor this study, Silke Kiessling, a postdoctoral fellow on Nicolas Cermakian's team, successfully adjusted the gears of the internal clocks in two ...
15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Silke KiesslingWebDr. Silke Kiessling, Zentralinstitut für Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelforschung (ZIEL), Weihenstephaner Berg 1, Freising DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Silke Kiessling Go …
Journal Pre-proofScienceDirectvon B Altaha · — Dr. Silke Kiessling Chair of Nutrition and Immunology Technical University of Munich
Enhancing circadian clock function in cancer cells BMC Biologybmcbiol.biomedcentral.com › articles· Silke Kiessling, Kai-Florian Storch & Nicolas Cermakian. Center for Circadian Biology and Department of Psychiatry, University of California ...
Silke Kiessling - Science HRSilke Kiessling. Main current position is not set. Silke Kiessling. Profile views Sign in to send message or follow. Profile · Jobs · Articles ...
12 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: Functional Analysis of the Adrenal Circadian Clock | |...Functional Analysis of the Adrenal Circadian Clock (Paperback). The term Jet lag comprises a range of psycho- and physiopathological symptoms that arise...
Circadian Clocks and Immune Functions | SpringerLinkIn mammals, circadian rhythms modulate many physiological processes, including the immune system. This system is divided into two interconnected arms, the...
Gut bacteria improve type 2 diabetes risk predictionPresseportal— Silke Kiessling, another contributor to the study. These arrhythmic bacteria - those that are not changing between day and night - are a marker ... › ...
Silke Kiessling - Wikidataresearcher
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Toca boca♥️YouTube · Silke kiesslingvor 1 WocheAn app made just for kids. Open app · Silke kiessling Subscribe. 24 subscribers. 0. Share. Save. Report. 13:44. Go to channel ...
14 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: Schnell viel Geld Verdienen !!!!: Thomas Fahrner de rec tiere katzen Thorsten Bremer
Twitter-Nachrichten: bioRxiv on Twitter: "The Intestinal Clock Regulates Host Metabolism ...twitter.com › biorxivpreprint › statusSilke Kiessling · @Kiessling_Lab. ·. Apr 12. Glad to introduce our most recent work regarding the physiological relevance of the intestinal clock on ...
Wikipedia: Wikiproyecto:Mujeres/Artículos faltantes/Por institución...Marie-Helene Grosbras · investigador · Q · Carolina S Makowski · investigador · Q · Silke Kiessling, 2000s, investigador · Q
Better Remedy for Jet Lag? | Calder's UpdatesWordPress.com— Silke Kiessling explained: “If the mice were given metyrapone at the right time, they adapted faster to the disturbed circadian rhythm. While ...
95 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Silke Kiessling Heilpraktikerin für Osteopathie - CreditreformSilke Kiessling Heilpraktikerin für Osteopathie mit Sitz in Dresden ist in der Creditreform Firmendatenbank in dem Geschäftsfeld "Heilpraktikerpraxen" eingetragen. Das Unternehmen …
Kiessling, Silke, Dr. rer. nat. - SFB 1371P03. Technical University of Munich ZIEL - Institute for Food & Health , Freising-WeihenstephanTel.: + E-Mail: silke.kiessling[at]tum.de ⇒ …
Silke Kießling in Dresden Heilpraktiker für OsteopathieSilke Kießling in Dresden Heilpraktiker für Osteopathie Bewertungen, Leistungen, Telefonnummern, Öffnungszeiten, Online Wunsch-Termin Jetzt klicken!
Dr. Silke Kiessling's PostDr. Silke Kiessling's Post · The intestinal clock drives the microbiome to maintain gastrointestinal homeostasis - Nature Communications · Explore ...
Dr. Silke Kiessling on LinkedIn: Genetic and environmental ...www.linkedin.comAP · Silke Kiessling's Post. View profile for Dr. Silke Kiessling, graphic. Dr. Silke Kiessling. Chronobiologist at the University of Surrey. 1y.
Silke Kiessling - BMA - IVF Zentrum | LinkedInView Silke Kiessling's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Silke has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Silke Kiessling - Google Scholarscholar.google.ca › citationsavailable. not available. Based on funding mandates. Follow. Silke Kiessling. Dr. No verified email. Chronobiology. ArticlesCited byPublic access ...
Silke KiesslingGoogleSilke Kiessling. Dr. ไม่มีอีเมลที่ได้รับการยืนยัน. Chronobiology.
Dr. silke kiessling - General physician - Prescripson.comwww.prescripson.com › doctor › silke-kiesslingBook your doctor appointment for silke kiessling at your nearest clinic through prescripson.com. Get clinic list, nearest dates, appointment details and ...
Silke Kiessling - Berlin (Rückert-Oberschule)StayFriendsSilke Kiessling früher aus Berlin hat folgende Schule besucht: von bis Rückert-Oberschule zeitgleich mit Nina Petersen und weiteren Schülern.
SILKE KIESSLING (silke7209) – Profil | PinterestSieh dir an, was SILKE KIESSLING (silke7209) auf Pinterest entdeckt hat – die weltweit größte Ideensammlung.
Functional Analysis of the Adrenal Circa: Silke Kiessling - نيل وفراتwww.neelwafurat.com › itempageFunctional Analysis of the Adrenal Circadian Clock. لـ Silke Kiessling. (0) التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 387,633. Functional Analysis of the Adrenal Circadian ...
Silke Kiessling (kiessling0078) – Profil | PinterestSieh dir an, was Silke Kiessling (kiessling0078) auf Pinterest entdeckt hat – die weltweit größte Ideensammlung.
Buy Silke Kiessling Online in Ukraine at Best PricesShop online for Silke Kiessling at Ubuy Ukraine, a leading eCommerce store with great collection of Silke Kiessling at low prices. Great deals, cashbacks,...
Silke Kiessling - 热心肠研究院www.chinagut.cn › discovery › recommendSilke Kiessling. 文章数:3篇. 昼夜节律紊乱会改变肠菌及其产物,诱导代谢异常? [8.1] Molecular Metabolism. ① 中枢生物钟功能障碍(Bmal1SCNfl/-) ...
Chronobiologist Dr. Silke Kiessling Archives - Desang Diabetes...A large-scale study has found that the gut microbiome – the composition and function of bacteria in the intestine – changes as the day progresses,. Read More ».
Down with jet lag | Max-Planck-GesellschaftWebJun 25, · Silke Kiessling, Gregor Eichele, Henrik Oster A role for adrenal glucocorticoids in the circadian resynchronization during jet lag in mice. Journal of Clinical …
Kiessling - Translation into English - examples French | Reverso …WebTranslations in context of "Kiessling" in French-English from Reverso Context: Silke Kiessling a travaillé comme stagiaire postdoctorale dans l'équipe de Nicolas Cermakian.
Working Groups - ZIEL - Institute for Food & HealthWebDr. Silke Kiessling Freising Tel: + silke.kiessling[at]tum.de
Wider den Jetlag - Medizin AspekteSilke Kiessling, Gregor Eichele, Henrik Oster A role for adrenal glucocorticoids in the circadian resynchronization during jet lag in mice
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Silke
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Friesisch): Silke; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); caecus = blind; weibliche Form des altrömischen Familiennamens 'Caecilius'; vielleicht etruskischen Ursprungs; volksetymologisch gedeutet als zu 'caecus' 'blind' gehörig; bekannt durch die Verehrung der hl. Cäcilie (3. Jh.)
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Personensuche zu Silke Kiessling & mehr
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